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A Simple Introduction to the Deep Value Network Concept

Welcome to the simplified version of the Phase I concept of the Deep Value Network! Please note that this is a working document to introduce the topic for newcomers, and we will be releasing a more in-depth White Paper in the near future.
For the purposes of this intro, I am using the stock market as an example because it's what got many of us interested in the project in the first place, but Deep Value Network is going to be much, much bigger than that.
When it comes down to it, the stock market runs on information. High quality and timely information means you can make good decisions about which stocks to buy or sell, and when is the best time to do it. Traditionally, access to this kind of information has been made very expensive or is a closely guarded secret because it's worth a lot of money to hedge funds and other financiers. For example, one of the "gold standard" tools for getting access to this information - called a Bloomberg terminal - is currently priced around $25,000 per year, per user. This means that a normal person is always at a disadvantage unless they happen to have enough money to pay for this information. In some cases, this system locks them out entirely and makes them not want to invest in the stock market because they can't afford to lose any of their hard-earned savings.
Deep Value Network will change that. It will allow normal people like us to share and trade information - that is generated within the community - directly in a decentralised, person-to-person (p2p or peer-to-peer) manner.
It will also allow people to create affordable tools (such as financial dashboards) for you and I to understand and interpret the information generated within our network, in order to make better and more profitable decisions. In short, you won't need access to a Bloomberg terminal or other high-priced data, because the community will generate and share its own! Additionally, because the Deep Value Network won't rely on big companies for hosting or technology, it is censor-proof and can't be taken down or taken over as we saw with Wall Street Bets this month. Access to the network itself will be free of charge for everyone - then you can decide which tools or information is of value to you.
Again, sharing community-generated stock market information is only just one example use case! There are many additional exciting features in the works (such as compatibility with 3D interfaces) that could completely change the way we interact and share information across all sectors and it will only expand from there. This is NOT going to be a network that is just for coders and quants, and we're looking forward to sharing more use cases as well as seeing the ideas and ventures community members will come up with themselves!
Why it works for creators of the data/tools:
Those doing original research or creating the tools will have a large group of customers, meaning they can share it at an affordable price but still monetise their hard work without losing out! As the network grows, so will the types of things that can be traded from people of all backgrounds and professions - we will be encouraging as many people to become creators as possible.
Why it works for the rest of us:
We then get access to information, tools and eventually products that are usually out of our price range, and by purchasing in larger numbers keep the price affordable. We then have a fighting chance - both in the world of investment and beyond - as well as creating a circular community-based economy!
One of the main initial goals of Deep Value Network is to put trading on the Stock Market within the people's reach, without having to rely on big corporations for data or tech, nor a central authority who can shut us down the moment we start making money like we saw with Gamestop. However it’s not an elite hub where only coders and quants can succeed. It’s not just a virtual replacement for the existing unfair financial system. DVN is a level playing field, powered by people on a P2P network. As we grow, the value and opportunity of DVN will be limited only by how big you can dream as well as demand for what you contribute to the network.

p.s. Appreciate any questions being asked, and we will absolutely reply to them in short order. As you can imagine, it's a busy time for Steve et. al.
submitted by thereluctantpoet to DeepValueNetwork [link] [comments]

Here's why CDPR hack probably doesn't matter

(Please take note: These are all my OPINIONS and I don't know any more about the actual case than anyone else in the public, just a humble coder doing mostly online development with 10 years of experience.
I'm using the term PROBABLY because this is what I think is most close to reality. I'm not able to see the future and I'm not claiming to. These opinions are based on just my own experience on the field.)

Here's few topics I'd like to discuss
  1. Overall damage to the company
  2. Cracked games already exist.
  3. Modding tools already exist.
  4. What could hackers do with the code?
  5. Who are you going to sell it to?
  6. Damaging leaks? Unlikely.
  7. Distance working's effect on the leak...

1. Overall damage to the company
Outside of temporary embarrassment, there's not much long term damage done to the company.
If the hackers are being caught or that the leaks are going to be coming months later, the damage is going to be far less severe. Temporary embarrassment for sure, but even if they leak everything to public to this very today, the company will recover. Encryption will change and they'll recover their computers back in order and start to work on the game within days.
Outside of few missed work days that's pretty much it. Most of the work is likely already submitted with the most recent changes, and most employers had their own laptops at home with their local changes, so I'd be willing to bet less than few days of actual changes were lost.
As far what we've heard from CDPR they've said that private information was not stolen, but as someone had pointed, there's some chance some crucial financial documentation could have been exposed which the hacker could use to predict the movement of stocks based on sale numbers, but we've not made aware of such documentation being leaked. Usually such documentation isn't stored in widely accessible part of every coder and would have been likely in a completely separate server or location where the programmers / hackers who got the leaked code didn't have access.

2. Cracked games already exist.
There is no harm to purchases of the actual game for the company since those who wish to engage in illegal activity and risk harming their own devices with malware, there already exists cracked code online if you're looking it through dark web. In fact it's the opposite, when any illegally gained has potential to have virus, hacked source code has very likely more potential to completely take over entire computer. This is just adding more fuel to the fire if you want to risk downloading illegal copy of source material or a build created by it.

3. Modding tools already exist.
For those who wish to have different experience safely, there already exists modding tools for the game and company itself is supporting them. If you want to have romance with Adam-Smasher, you can make that possible with mods. If you want new quests and companions, you can add mods to the existing game. These may not be 100% safe but at least the modders have some accountability and the code is easier to locate and verify and delete if problems are found. The company itself keeps track on all the mods and as it was shown previously, they're quick to take action against mods like having romance with Johnny Silverhand if the company deems it illegal.
So those who wish to have altered experience or implement new code, the tools already exist and are being upgraded. The company is having good communication with the modders and providing them help and guidance.
And those who design these mods have a potential to actually be bought by CDPR themselves or they might hire modder to the company. So there's actually money to be gained legally without having to worry about you incriminating yourself.

4. What could hackers do with the code?
Generic Code
It takes years of dedication and planning to design these projects. Thousands of lines of code per file and thousands of files, mathematics designed to work in a specific way and 3D models that would require tools to edit and years of practice with them and artistic background. This isn't something some single man in garage can just pull off.
Who would spend years of their lives with a giant crew to redesign something that obviously would lag behind what CDPR would already be doing only for product never to sell for anything? And I doubt these hackers have resources to sink millions into development. And how would you hire in the first place? Any more people you add to the project is just going to be higher risk of getting caught.
It's just rather pointless for hackers to attempt to change pretty much anything and will likely just end up in a bigger mess with more bugs with high risk of getting police on your ass.
Hash codes / IP addresses
It's very likely that all the security hashes have already been changed. And the hack is completely unnecessary, all of the IP addresses can already be found by monitoring the outcoming traffic with legal tools. You don't need source code in order to alter the outcoming messages.

5. Who are you going to sell it to?
There's little to no benefit for buying the source code for any other developer willing to engage in purchasing the code. It could potentially take you longer to use the code than actually design the code from scratch if you plan to use it for new project. Also for any developer getting caught with stolen code would be PR nightmare and the company and the leadership would get buried with lawsuits.
So lets say some fringe case scenario, some Chinese company would be willing to buy the code... then what? They just gonna use that to publish "Cybercity 2090" and nobody would raise any suspicion for having same assets?
Also how would you make the transaction? How would you make sure you would get paid at the same time that you deliver the product? This would take potentially days to verify the authenticity of the code and I'm quite sure no company or person would spend millions to just MAYYYBE get a source code of the product. And I don't even want to speculate how hard would it be to even identify the buyer isn't some INTERPOL police in disguise?
The hackers are just going to end up even more bigger shit than what they already are by every single move they make.

6. Damaging leaks? Unlikely.
Unless there's some embarrassing comment in the code lines, what are you going to find that would damage the reputation of the company?
Like take an example if code for rendering building content looks something like this:
while(alive) {
for(let i = 0; i < buildings.length; i++) {
if(buildings[i].isOnWalkingDistance()) building[i].assets.render();
else building[i].assets.remove();
Most of the code is pretty much what any normal coder would be able to rationalize with couple days of thinking through. You're not going to find some alien language on the code that would somehow cause everyone to rethink their approach. If you've worked in coding you'd find that 99% of the code is about same type of reused ideas like do X on a loop until meats criteria Y.
I don't currently see how a leak would really harm the company from a source code perspective.
Perhaps there could be more harm done by other material that was potentially gained like excel spreadsheets of current existing major bugs / minor bugs / features being implemented... and even these have some sort of time limit when anyone would care.
If 2 years from now with all the DLCs / expansions someone would post excel spreadsheet that mentions the POLICE AI issue as minor bug, who is going to care at that point? Also since it's a hacked anonymously delivered document it would be impossible to verify the information as accurate and not just someone posting fake document.

7. Distance working's effect on the leak...
Due to the effects of Covid, many tech companies provided tools for their developers to work from home. This means the developers gained trusted full access to the code to implement changes. This is very normal and common practice which also happens even outside Covid restrictions. I'm currently writing on a laptop with a full access of our source code in my company where I work with, so does every single one of my co-workers.
So this "hack" may not actually be any sort of attack on the systems with some malicious code but just simply some worker who was getting laid off wanting to make company suffer, taking out a copy from their storage and storing it on USB device before returning the laptop then after a brief moment releasing the data.
Of course this could have been organized crime who also could have co-operated with someone working inside the company, or gaining access to the company's computer through virus when the worker was accessing unsecured website, I'm just speculating here..
Covid certainly effected the company's security far worse than any encryption they could've had implemented to secure the data.
People are too quick to rush into blaming CDPR and their management for everything when we just don't know what really happened.

Feel free to discuss the issue with reason and not to use hyperbole.
submitted by InfiniteChocolate1 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Why I hate Alexander Stuart Mahan

(for context: Another thread asked if I'd buy YanSim. My response was...acidic. Someone asked me if I had had a bad experience with the game. I wrote this reply, then thought that it was too long, so in an effort to not waste nearly 2 hours of venting, here it is)

It's mostly his "I want to move from being the lone developer to the loremastecoder manager" desire, getting just that with TinyBuild, then rejecting them when he can't understand the coder working on his code. You don't NEED that in order to be the loremaster and as long as the code does what it needs to do and the codeother coders can read it, it shouldn't matter if he can or not. It certainly HELPS if he could read it, but it is not a necessity.
Another thing I hate about Alex is that he's outright sabotaging anyone wanting to play his game by pretty much revealing the identities of all the rivals post-Osana. There's a saying that goes "You don't need to buy a cow if you're getting the milk for free". Alex seems to ignore this and will TELL anyone who asks nicely things about Megami that would have been major discoveries in-game. I'm not sure how his "fanbase" would react if he said "I can't answer that right now, as it would spoil part of the game". I mean, there have to be some secrets he keeps until YanSim hits gold and gets released. He managed to keep Raiberu a secret for a while, so WHY he can't keep his mouth shut about the lore is baffling.
Then there's how he's handling Megami. Yes, she's supposed to be a final boss, but the lore justifications for why certain methods are off the table regarding her elimination are ridiculous. You'll never be as popular as her, as she has a 200/100 reputation. You can't stab her as she's walking into school, as she gets flown in on her personal helicopter. You can't get a mindslave to murderstab her in the hall, as she has 4 invincible bodyguards with pepperspray*. We can't kidnap her, for as soon as she doesn't get onto her chopper at the appointed time, her tracking chip will be pinged and the Saikou Corp PMC will be deployed to recover her. We probably won't be able to poison her, as she won't accept food from anyone without a chain-of-custody form and even if she did accept food, she's probably been forced to acquire poison immunity from a young age. We can't murder her Shintennou, as as soon as one of them dies, Akademi changes from "exclusive high-school" to "borderline last-chance reform facility" in terms of atmosphere. I bet that her laptop has some form of biometric that stops unauthorized interaction with the case. (So Ayano can't just grab it Monday Week 1, throw it into the incineratowoodchipper and get Megami expelled for not attending classes by the time Week 10 rolls around.)
There's also his lore reveal that ALL the rivals are virgins because "nobody wants a secondhand waifu" bullshit. Off the top of my head, I can come up with at least 3 rivals** who might not be as pure as the driven snow. Mida speaks for herself. Muja is (last I checked) a fully trained nurse. Medical students tend to be some of the most sexually active students out of all the college class demographics. Asu probably doesn't have time for all the romance bullshit, so she'd have a couple of bang-buddies who she can test her flexibility and endurance with.
While I'm on the topic of rival lore bullshit, Hanako. Hanako is Taro's younger sister. Hanako is 18. Taro is 18. This implies that as soon as the Yamada's brought Taro home, they went back at it, hammer and tongs, with a newborn in the house. Putting aside the fact that newborns will cry*** as if whatever problem is ailing them is the worst thing to happen to them in their lives (because from their point of view, it is), it is incredibly unlikely for a woman to fall pregnant immediately after giving birth. There are only two ways I could see this being resolved (apart from Alex implying that every mention of "18" is done while winking). First is that Hanako is Taro's cousin and that they made a childhood marriage promise that Taro forgot, but Hanako intends to collect upon. The second is to shift Hanako's "trait" from "little sister who is a massive brocon" to "sick little sister who doesn't have much time left" and have it be revealed that her birth was a premature one so that her "confession" doesn't result in Taro and Hanako proceeding to do the stork-summoning ritual, but rather Taro promising to look after Hanako until the end, which has the same effect as a confession, in that it stops Ayano from confessing to Taro and him accepting her feelings.
*A casual "legality of pepperspray in Japan" google search reveals that unless you are a woman with a justified reason, it's definitely not legal to carry pepperspray. If there's a system where the lower the school atmosphere, the harder the later weeks will be, which would justify the student council carrying pepperspray, but also justify EVERY GIRL carrying pepperspray for the same reason
** There's one or two more that are borderline. Kizana and Osoru. Kizana is a drama kid. Drama kids tend to be with their bodies. However, she might have gotten it into her head about the romance of "saving herself for that special someone". Osoru doesn't seem like the kind who would put any stock in "purity" or "saving herself". If she's feeling the 2 H's, she'll satisfy them as soon as she can. HOWEVER, she might be subject to what I'd call the "Untouchable Beauty" syndrome, where people are so intimidated by her that they think that they have no chance with her and deep down, there's some part of her that wants the be the confess-ee rather than the confesser.
*** Any bloodline that ignores the distress of their young is a bloodline that will not be continued
submitted by NightLillith to Osana [link] [comments]

[PI] A Demon From Earth (Ch 41)

Author's note: Hope you're all doing well. I got to go visit a friend down in LA for my birthday. Had a kilo of ribeye steak and some great beer. Yay!
Many thanks to those who have donated, you paid my shop rent for December. I haven't actually gotten paid from the new job yet. Heh.
As ever, comments and corrections are welcome.
First / Previous / Timeline Next / Next
Dinner was a fairly laid back affair, although you wouldn't have known that from the Elven Space Disney Princess dresses that Sisme and Anneke were wearing. So much fluff. And I really was starting to wonder at the elven sense of color vision. How did anyone think that chartreuse went with orange and purple and peach? I noticed that Anneke's dress was at least in vaguely tasteful colors.
"Enjoying playing dress up, Anneke?"
"I mean, it's not like I get to wear stuff like this back in Berlin."
"You could! Maybe you'd set a new fashion trend! I dunno if the Germans would go for it, but I bet there's a whole subculture of Japanese teenagers just waiting for Ringworld Elf Surrealism. Elven Gothic Lolita? No, there's definitely not enough black involved for the 'gothic' title. Though if you went that way, you might get the Germans on board."
"Lolita, hunh?" She batted her eyelashes at me and grinned.
"You know, I really need to start thinking before my mouth goes on autopilot. No. No, no, no. And I didn't name it, and I have no idea why the Japanese kids who invented it came up with that term. But this is not a Nabokov novel. This is not going to be a Nabokov novel. Though now that I'm thinking about it further, I'm glad this conversation went that direction because any flagging resolve there might have been has just been shored up by the prospect of potentially being that creepy."
"Damnit. So if you don't care for elven fashion, what do you like?"
"I'm not answering that on the grounds that it can only result in further torment on my part. No, wait, I take that back. I hear that shapeless potato sack dresses are quite popular this time of year. Something extremely loose. Coarse, thick, highly opaque fabrics. Lots of extra padding sewn in. Lumpy is good. Actually, yeah. Don't just wear the potato sack, look like an actual potato. That's the way to my heart."
"I think that you might be lying."
"I think that you might be right. That said, it's my final answer."
"I could just take the dress off and see how that works on you."
"Please don't do that to me. It would be really difficult to eat with my hand over my eyes for the next hour or so. Actually, I have a bandana with me, so I could make a blindfold, and have both hands free. Still seems like a recipe for a mess though, and I just took a shower."
"Fine, we can save my birthday suit for when we celebrate my eighteenth birthday."
I'm really not sure what crimes I committed in that past life, but clearly I was paying for them now.
"It's only a temporary reprieve, but I'll take it."
"Am I really so unattractive to you?"
"I'm sure that I'm going to regret saying this, but no, you aren't, and that's the problem. It's been a long, grim, lonely time, and you are in fact remarkably pretty, and your interest is extraordinarily flattering to someone who generally thinks of himself as a fat old cripple. But I'm not going there, I'm not giving into temptation no matter how prettily it's packaged or unpackaged, and I'm not compromising my sense of honor about this just for some temporary gratification. Look, if I wasn't the hard edged bastard that I am, you wouldn't even like me anyway. So if you're truly interested, you're just going to have to accept this is all a package deal. And that it's not available until you're eighteen."
She sighed. "I suppose you're right. You probably wouldn't have saved my life at the risk of your own so many times if you weren't who you are, and if you hadn't, I probably wouldn't feel this way. December 26th, 2021, by the way. That's my eighteenth birthday."
"Well, it certainly wouldn't be the first time I was in Berlin for Christmas. Fine. I'll put it on my calendar. Mind you, I'm not promising that anything will happen. But I did promise you that we could talk about it, and I'll keep that promise. Just… please stop for now? Even if I gave in, I'd despise myself for it afterwards and I really don't need any help doing that."
"Ok, Fess. I'm sorry. I'll stop asking. But who says we'll be in Berlin?"
"I really hope that all of this will be over, and all of us returned back home long before that. I mean… that's only fourteen months. Even if we're still here for your seventeenth birthday, and home shortly after, surely you can put up with your family for another year? You said you were supposed to graduate next year, so you'd theoretically be off at college by then anyway. Which… now that I think about it, you've missed what, like a month and a half of school? We might just have to institute a program of study for you, young lady. It wouldn't do for you to fall behind."
"But, who's going to teach me?"
"You are, with instruction from myself, Ivy, and Corwin. I've got a truly ludicrous number of textbooks and reference books downloaded in digital format. Between the three of us, we can handle anything that's supposed to be covered in high school."
"This sucks."
"What, you want to have to repeat this year of school once you get back, and live with your aunt and uncle for an additional year? You get away with a lot here, but back on Earth you're not going to be close personal friends with the singular authority figure of your culture. Unless there's something you haven't told me about your relationship with Angela Merkel..." my eyebrow raised and there was a grin in my voice as I trailed off.
"Hah, no, I don't know the Chancellor. Ok, fine. You guys can teach me."
I nodded at her and went back to my moose steak. I was glad I'd packed some spices and my cast flatiron. If I closed my eyes, it was almost like being at home, except for the chatter of elves at the other end of the table.
After dinner I went back out to the truck and read the man page for mplayer, trying to figure out how to extract a subtitle layer so I could reverse engineer it. Which turned out to be far simpler than expected, because whatever fine privateer I'd gotten the files from had already included srt files, for English and about nine other languages. Which also told me how to specify that the text to display was going to be UTF-8.
Ugh. In order to deal with the elven characters I was going to have to delve into the abyss of Unicode. Hopefully I wouldn't find any balrogs.
I started feeding the pages Friday had made for me through the scanner. It was one of the kinds that just passed straight through, a lot like a low end shredder that just sits on top of its bin, but with, y'know, scanners instead of shredding wheels. It did both sides simultaneously. After thinking about it for a second, I went through and numbered each of the pages just in case something stupid happened. I was going to be careful, of course, but no sense in making things more of a pain in my ass than necessary.
Since the computer I was on in the back of the truck was tied into the stereo, I told it to play some music randomly pulled from the ogg library.
Arslan irvaiis alaldan urald'ya Bars irvaiis bayildan urald'ya Zaan irvaiis zhanchildan urald'ya Khün irvaiis khüchilden urald'ya
She'd actually done a remarkably good job of it. Everything seemed to be on separate lines, and the first word of each thing was written down, in close enough to the correct English spelling, so as that I could tell what line was what. Her handwriting and that of Oz were both very neat, fortunately. Since I was going to have to program the OCR engine to deal with a completely different script, I was glad it wouldn't have to be too fuzzy in its approach.
Khatgagch airaiin mogoyi bolokh bol Khangar'd bolon daiigüür en düülnai Khürkhraikh aiaiin bars bolokh bol Khökh zogdort alsan bol'yö
This was going to take a while.
I read up on Unicode planes, and code points, and diacritical marks. It looked like it was a violation of the general principles they were taking to just encode precompounded characters, but it's not like anyone from the Unicode committee was here to complain about it so they could just fuck right off. And if for whatever reason it became important later, it could always be modified. This was certainly the simplest way for me to do things at this point.
I started typing, the clacking of my IBM Model M buckling spring keyboard rattling around the box of the truck. I stopped and looked at it for a minute. It was an original, picked up at auction forever ago. I'd gotten a whole crate of them, surplussed from some national lab, back in college. Which was ironic, since I had been using the exact same one the whole time because they were practically indestructible. Still, having spares is important. Man, it was a little weird to realize that my keyboard was old enough to drink, though.
Being an original, it had the ridiculous heavy steel plate in the base, and was that same institutional beige that IBM made everything in those days. I could probably use the bloody thing as a melee weapon and not even damage it, although some of the keycaps would probably pop off.
While the three of us had all brought laptops, this system was built into the truck. Made mostly out of laptop parts still for voltage reasons, it had been heavily modified for use on the road. A 30 inch monitor on a swinging arm assembly let it stow in what used to be one of the mechanical spaces back when this thing was still in service, but extended out to hang in front of the jump seat. A desktop surface pulled out of the driver's side cabinetry and locked into place so I had something the right height to put the keyboard and mouse on.
My buddy up in Denver had made me a custom USB adapter, with a power cord that took normal automotive voltage and plugged in to the extended desk surface, and turned the keyboard into a sort of wireless unit. The mouse was a lot easier, since all it needed were AA batteries. Yes, they were rechargable. Yes, I had packed the charger. And the spare charger. And spare batteries. I was practically a rolling hardware store by now. The same friend had helped me modify the monitor to run off straight DC as well. It was HDMI, and the laptop motherboard also had that, so at least that part had been easy.
Whenever a page finally made its way through the scanner, I put it on the pile and fed another one in. It was a conveniently packaged piece of gear, but it was slow as molasses. It took about three minutes to read A4 paper at a useful resolution.
I stopped pondering that my keyboard was a lot older than the girl doing her best to trip me into bed, and got back to work. Most of the time my preference was to work in Perl, but the OCR program had originally been written in C. Good thing I had a digital copy of Kernighan and Ritchie with me.
It wasn't that I was a bad C programmer, it was mostly just that it never came up much as a sysadmin. "Go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script" and all that. And I was really good at Perl. I had a very rare and on occasion highly remunerative skill there at doing what most people couldn't do.
I could work on other people's Perl code.
People joke about Perl being a "write-only language". Perl coders make the same joke. There are contests to write intentionally difficult to decipher code.
But my skills had been forged in the fires of Mount Doom, battling the software of one particular old boss, Sauron. Also known as Todd.
I was working for a (unsurprisingly) now defunct web hosting company. Todd was one of the founders of the company. Todd was the CTO of the company. Todd had written a Perl script that ran the various functions of the company. Running the company website. Taking orders from the web. Allocating resources to customers. Generating reports for the office folks. Doing the backups.
Notice the use of the singular article.
There was a script that did this. All of it. One, single, fifty thousand line Perl script.
There wasn't a single comment anywhere in it. It operated entirely via side effect on global hashes and arrays. Functions were just called. Nothing was passed into them. Nothing was returned from them.
Shockingly enough, it took me a while to figure out how to work on this horrorshow. Todd had written it, so he knew how it worked, so why was it taking me so long? There were disciplinary meetings involving the CFO as mediator, wherein I explained why the changes that were being requested were happening so slowly. I may have hinted strongly that the piece of code was not as good as might normally be expected of someone who claimed to have a CS degree.
But Todd was the CTO, and beloved of the CEO, who thought he walked on water. So agreements were struck, it was decreed that whatever estimate that Todd gave for how long it would take him would be tripled, and I'd have that long.
Of course, Todd's estimates of his own skills never got actually tested. And so I kept being late, and yet was getting better. It looked like things might settle out.
And then I did the unforgivable. I proved that Todd was a shit coder.
This was back when Network Solutions had started their sneaky ratfucking of other domain registrars. They'd been quite happy to be the only game in town, with their $30 a year fee, and they didn't like it at all that these upstarts were selling domains for 3, 5, 7 bucks a pop.
It's perfectly legitimate to transfer a domain one owns from one registrar to another. But what NetSol did was send renewal cards to the customers of other companies, with something in the fine print saying that by signing the form and sending a check, the customer also wanted to transfer their domain.
This was not popular with the other registrars, to put it mildly. It wasn't popular with their resellers either, since losing the registration meant they didn't get the fee for having sold the domain. Being a web hosting company, we were obviously also a reseller.
There were something like 70k domains registered through us. The registrar we worked with had a way to "lock" the domains under their control, so that a customer who actually wanted to transfer to another registrar would have to indicate that they were doing it on purpose. A totally legitimate response.
They had two ways to do this. One, a person could go to their website, type in the domain name, click the checkbox that said that the domain lock flag should be set in their database, and hit the submit button. Or, they had a programmatic interface which let a computer submit them rapid fire.
Todd declared that writing such a thing would be far too difficult, and so, in between taking calls, the tech support staff was just going to have to do it manually. For 70k domains.
It really gets up my left nostril when humans are forced to do the work of a machine. And I was friends with the tech staff. So, the day I heard that, I spent my lunch break writing a Perl script that sucked all of the domains registered through us out of the database, made the connection to the registrar, and set the flag.
I hadn't even used company time. Running the script had taken all of five minutes, and reduced the work that the tech staff needed to do from 70k domains to about 200 which failed to get set, for whatever reason. Which I knew, because I had also made the script so it would go back and requery the site to make sure it had worked. I had saved the tech support staff potentially several thousand hours of work.
When I came in the next day, I couldn't log in. After inquiring with the sysadmin, it turned out that Todd had revoked my access and I was being let go. He hadn't even had the balls to come in and tell me himself. He left that to the CFO who was a good guy.
Both the CFO and I knew that I had just demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything I had said over the months about Todd's coding was correct. And he said, out loud, that since Todd was the CTO, there wasn't a damned thing he could do about it. I've never been prouder to have lost a job before or since. I did get a really nice severance package out of it.
I wasn't really making much headway on the OCR source, and the truck had decided to play some decidedly melancholy stuff at me. It had put me in something of a mood.
I let the last page finish scanning while I dug through the minifridge built into one of the old ambulance cabinets. Glass bottle cokes, a bag of ice, my trusty mug, and a bottle of Jack Daniels would do nicely for tonight.
I didn't want to have to walk that far to my room in the palace once I was done, so I dragged all of my stuff to the kitchen. It was time to go turn my brain off for a while.
This is where Chapter 35.5 goes in the timeline. You should read it again before you read the next one, or things will be really confusing.
Buy an elf some clothing that doesn't burn the eyes?
First / Previous / Timeline Next / Next
submitted by itsetuhoinen to HFY [link] [comments]

A Comprehensive List of Every Issue in Destiny 2, and How to Fix Them

Hey there, my name is Nick, but I go by Rampage on Steam. I’m an avid Destiny 2 PC player who has logged 2000+ hours into the game, and am making this post to outline all the feedback I feel the community wants heard by Bungie. In saying that, I also acknowledge I do not necessarily represent the entire community, but I have looked at what common complaints are, watched several youtube videos, looked at twitter pages, read TWABs, etc. and do think I have a general idea of improvements waiting to be made. These are my opinions, I’m not trying to tell anybody how to do their job or anything, I’m just giving feedback.
Other prefaces: These criticisms are primarily for PC, but many can be applied to the game as a whole, I am not currently aware of Bungie’s financial situation, I know Covid is going on and is restricting development, and I am aware Bungie is a small company. I am also not a genius, so please correct me if something I say is incorrect. Even if these criticisms are seemingly out of reach, I feel at the very least they deserve to be addressed. I am also a lore god;), so if you want an in-game change explained lorewise feel free to reach out to me, and I’ll explain how it could make sense. Also, please ignore spelling and grammatical errors, I’ve been writing this around midnight every day for nearly three weeks after my day is finished.
With that being said, I’d also like to introduce you to the structure of this post. I’ll be delving into different topics throughout, so naturally it’ll be a long one. The post will be structured into six different sections: crucible, gambit, strikes, planetary activities/vendors, raids/dungeons, and a miscellaneous section - covering all sorts of topics not directly tied to the core activities of the game. The aforementioned sections are not going to be all criticisms, as I do still enjoy the game and simply want improvements to be made; it will also include what I like about the game, and what I see as potential solutions. Again this is gonna be a long one, so grab your popcorn. Let’s begin.
  1. The Crucible
The first section I’ll be covering in this post is going to be the crucible. I spend most of my time here playing with my clan, doing help with trials, playing comp and iron banner, etc. and basically my entire friends list does the same. As a PvP oriented player, and admin of a clan that plays PvP more than any other gamemode, I have a thorough understanding of the activity. Below is an outline of each issue I see with the activity, as well as potential solutions, followed by an individual sub-section of what I enjoy about the crucible. This will be the only section formatted this way, as it is the longest.
Now for the big ones.
Everything Bungie has done right
Now, onto gambit.
  1. Gambit
Gambit has been a touchy subject for a long time. When it first released in Forsaken, I and many other players were having a lot of fun with it. However, over time gambit’s appeal started to dissipate and many players lost interest. This can be attributed to the common conclusion that after the appeal wore off, people began to realize how frustrating the gamemode really is, and that same sentiment has lasted all the way to this expansion. The common reasoning for people saying the gamemode is too frustrating is primarily because of the invasions. The meta for invaders is as stale as it gets. Xenophage, Eyes of Tomorrow, Truth, and Izanagi’s Burden are essentially the only options you have if you want to be an effective invader. Tone down these specific weapons in gambit and let other weapons shine. Another issue many players have found with gambit is the lack of maps. Like every core activity in Beyond Light, we had two maps taken away with not a single one given back. While two maps may not seem like a lot, keep in mind there are only three maps now. Gambit has desperately needed maps for a long time, and Bungie took some away. The only solution to this problem would be to make more maps.
Other (smaller) issues with Gambit:
With that being said, Bungie has not completely neglected the gamemode, especially not this season. I think the morphing of gambit and gambit prime into one gamemode was an excellent idea, and made gambit somewhat more bearable. I’d also like to acknowledge that the devs are taking a look at the issue where when motes are dropped it’s difficult to pick them up, and some get stuck in the ground.
  1. Strikes
Strikes have been as big a staple of Destiny as its raids. Strikes are arguably the primary core playlist, but have still been neglected. As of now, the main issues with strikes are how boring they are, how repetitive they are, how easy they are, and how pointless they are. Here are my solutions.
A revitalization of strikes
In order for strikes to be revitalized, there needs to be a reason to run them in the first place. As of now, the only motivation I have for strikes is to get the bright dust from the two weekly bounties, and sometimes even those are difficult to get done. Strikes give little to no rewards, and therefore don’t have a point in playing them. They’re a prime example of a system of artificial power grind, and make players lose motivation. Strikes need to return to the system they had in Destiny 1, where heroic strikes were added and provided an extra layer of difficulty. As of now, strikes are so easy to run through I could do them with my eyes closed. Make the modifiers matter, make the ads hit harder, make the bosses more difficult to kill, and add more mechanics like the orb mechanic in The Corrupted strike. And I bet you didn’t see this one coming - bring back strike specific loot. Now, I understand there is technically is strike specific loot in Destiny 2, but it’s all sunset weapons with static rolls, a sparrow, or a ghost shell. There needs to be unique weapons and armor added to make the playlist feel fresh again. Nearly the entire reason I ran strikes back in Destiny 1 was in order to get a god roll Grasp of Malok. Now, I don’t run strikes because they’re annoying and tedious as the game gets. If strike specific loot gets added into Destiny 2, there also needs to be certain mechanics along with it in order for the loot to be dropped. For example, in the shield brothers strike in order to get the gauntlets you had to kill one of the shield brothers before the other, or the Dust Palace strike where depending on which psion you killed last, you’d get a specific cloak. Along with this, in general exotic drops need to be heavily reduced to incentivize nightfalls. I appreciate that nightfalls are a good way to get upgrade materials, but it’s just not enough. Everything about strikes needs to be made more difficult, and they need to have a reward that feels rare. In order to do this, add more modifiers that actually make the playlist harder, and reduce world drops at the final chest, and instead add other items like small amounts of bright dust, upgrade modules, etc.
Several strikes were also taken away this season, with two being added. There needs to be many more strikes added. The playlist is as stale as it can get, and the removal of strikes did it no favors. In addition to this, stop adding strikes as parts of the campaign. I understand the reasoning for doing this, as there were complaints that the strikes didn’t feel very important and didn’t pertain to the story. However, this is just forcing the player to repeat content and makes the strikes and campaigns more monotonous. Make strikes have meaning in the story by connecting them to the world post campaign completion. For example, after we defeat Eramis, make a strike where a rogue group of say, Cabal, get their hands on stasis technology on Europa and we need to stop them before it’s too late. Small stories like this that are separate from the campaign but make us feel more apart of the world are exactly what we meant when we said we want strikes to feel important to the story.
The nightfall rotation also needs to be completely removed. Allow all players to play any nightfall they want at any given time, and bring that nightfall’s loot, like The Mindbender’s Ambition (which was a perfect example of strike specific loot), up to the current power cap of any given season. Keep nightfalls at an exceptional difficulty in the weekly rotation as they are now, but allow other nightfalls to still be accessible. Locking this activities behind a timegate makes the time of the player feel less valuable, and reduces incentives to go complete nightfalls/strikes in general.
An extremely good video I’d recommend watching on strikes and what other potential fixes could be made can be found here: (all credit to Kujay)
As I said in the beginning of the post, I am including everything I enjoy about each core playlist. However, with strikes, there quite honestly isn’t anything I particularly enjoy about them. Bungie really dropped the ball with strikes, and desperately needs to take a second look at what they can do for the playlist, or else strikes might as well be removed as a whole.
Now, onto planetary activities/vendors.
  1. Planetary Activities, and their respective vendors
With the release of Destiny 2 came a roster of unique and fun characters for each new planet introduced. From failsafe, a character with two personalities that has fun dialogue and has a tragic, yet cool backstory, to Asher Mir; a scientist on Io that can be a bit of a dick sometimes. These characters felt fresh and original, and made me feel more connected to the world of destiny, but over time they began to lose their purpose. The only reason I go to Nessus, or the EDZ in beyond light is for Xur. I don’t have any motivation to go see the vendors, as they serve no purpose in the game. Beyond Light also came with Variks and the Exo Stranger, but once you complete their original set of objectives they essentially become pointless beyond the powerful gear. Each planetary vendor should serve a purpose in the game, like how spider does with his black market commerce. Every planetary vendor could be given their own loot system similar to that of the umbral decoder with their own unique weapons and armor sets, things like this would allow the average player to get a sleepless roll they like from Petra without having to do tedious activities. In addition to that, vendors should not be giving sunset items out with their reputation rank ups, I ranked up my rep with Devrim the other day, and got a year one sunset fusion rifle. With that being said, the reputation systems also need to be reworked to drop more unique items. Emblems, shaders, and even auras (I’ll get to those more later) could drop from reputation rank ups, in addition to the aforementioned armor sets and weapons. These could also come with minor upgrade materials, and could also reward planetary materials to use as well. Said planetary materials should also not be the source of ranking up reputation. It should be done through planetary missions, adventures, lost sectors, patrols, and public events. This change would provide an incentive to do the activities currently pointless in the game, and would not force players to give their planetary materials to vendors that they could be spending on purchasing a weapon bounty from Banshee. Unique aspects of each planet, like the eclipsed zone on Europa, should also be added to the other planets. Small features like this make the game feel more connected to the story, and make the planets more fun to play on.
Currently, I’m really enjoying vendors selling differently rolled armor each week. It’s actually somewhat exciting checking Devrim each week to see what he’s selling, for me it gives the same magic that Xur does. I also enjoy the aesthetics of each planet. Destiny 2 has done an amazing job with the location's looks. I also enjoy specific public events unique to their respective destination, like the brig event on Europa and the escapee even on the Tangled Shore.
Next up we have raids and dungeons.
  1. Raids and Dungeons
For many players, raids are what make Destiny. Since the beginning, raids have been meant to be a challenging endgame activities with unique and extremely special rewards that make the player feel accomplished after the final boss is defeated. I remember in Destiny 1 seeing a guardian with a full vault of glass set on meant you were the boss of the tower. Unfortunately, raids are now just too easy.
The objectively best raid to ever grace Destiny 2 was the Last Wish raid. It was connected to the story, difficult to beat, had mechanics extremely unique to the raid, and had some of the most amazing lore in the game. The amount of boss encounters in comparison to non-boss encounters was perfect, and the queen's walk encounter at the end of the raid was done perfectly. The challenges were done exceptionally well, and the title seal is fun, and difficult to achieve. A long, unique, and difficult raid is exactly what Destiny 2 should have. Bungie also hit the nail on the head with the chase for the 1000 Voices exotic. I’ve done several clears where a player got the exotic on their 20th or so run, and the excitement in their voices made my heart swell. The chase for powerful exotics that were so rare some players would cry was another thing done just right. The cherry on top for Last Wish was the addition of the wish wall. The wish wall is an immaculate addition to the raid, and makes it feel more special to run through. Last Wish is the perfect raid, and set the standard for me in Destiny 2. Unfortunately, no other raid has matched it.
Raids as of now lack the magic that Last Wish had, yet Destiny 1 raids stood up to the test. King’s Fall, Vault of Glass, Crota’s End, and Wrath of the Machine, were all incredibly unique and important story-wise. The loot they dropped, and the mechanics and special features of each raid made them so fun I ran them over and over again along with Last Wish in a heartbeat whenever I had the chance. Part of what made these raids so special was how difficult they were. It wasn’t because of the strength of the ads, or the boss’s health, but actually how hard the mechanics were. Mechanics feel too easy in Destiny 2, and the raids just aren’t as satisfying to finish. Unfortunately, little can be done about this because retroactively changing the mechanics of the raids is not a good idea. What can be done is this: add hard mode raids with extra mechanics that don’t necessarily change the way the encounters work, but add another layer of difficulty. Like the age of triumph, put every raid on a weekly rotation with their own unique raid modifiers, armor ornaments, auras, etc. In order to make the exotics feel as special as they used to, remove the mechanic where the more clears you have raises the % chance you get at getting the exotic. Make the drop rate static, and fall somewhere between a 5-8% chance. In addition to this, add a random drop exotic such as 1k voices and eyes of tomorrow, but also a quest exotic in each raid like divinity. It’s not too late to go back and add quest exotics to the Deep Stone Crypt and Last Wish, and would actually be another motivator for people to do hard mode raids. It’s also not too late to add a random drop exotic to the garden of salvation raid either.
With all these criticisms, it may not seem like I like raiding, but I actually do. I love the scenery in every raid currently in-game. They feel unique, amazing, and make the world seem alive. Each raid has an area that made me say “woah…” and get shivers down my spine the first time I saw it (especially the jumping puzzle in the Deep Stone Crypt raid, but I won’t spoil it for people who haven’t run it yet). The mechanics of each raid are unique and make them feel special. I also like the loot system in the final chest of the Deep Stone Crypt raid, and is a perfect example of how targeted loot systems should be done in endgame activities from now on. The lore of the raids are all excellent, and the exotics for each raid feel special.
Now, onto dungeons. Dungeons are a special activity in Destiny 2. I think they’re on par as being the most unique activities in the game, and yet like other activities they’ve been somewhat neglected by Bungie. Shattered Throne has sat in the game for years now with no incentive to play, and The Pit of Heresy no longer has an incentive to play it other than enhancement prisms. In the most recent TWAB Bungie said they’re making changes to the dungeons, you can find them here:
I actually like these changes. It makes the upgrade materials from the Pit of Heresy more attainable, while in exchange providing gear with high stat rolls and new perk pools. However, Bungie never said that they will be dropping at a pinnacle, or even powerful reward level. In order to get players to complete these dungeons, they need to be relevant in the leveling system.
Dungeons are in a pretty good place right now respectively, they just need to drop gear at higher power levels so players can have the motivation to complete them. I also think that in about two seasons, they should be given new fresh armor and weapon sets to drop along with the old ones. A weekly pinnacle rotation for the dungeons each week would also be a fun idea. In order to avoid issues with the Prophecy dungeon and free to play, on the weeks it’s not a pinnacle drop, make it a powerful drop.
I like the exotic quests for wishender and xenophage in their respective dungeons. I really enjoy the special xenophage encounter in the Pit of Heresy, and I think it is a perfect model for Bungie to use in future exotic quests in dungeons. I also like the changes being made to dungeons next season, and am excited to see how it turns out.
Well, this brings us to our last section. The miscellaneous issues of Destiny 2.
  1. Miscellaneous Issues
Destiny 2 is an extremely unique game. The gunplay feels better than any other FPS I’ve ever played, the lore is incredibly amazing, and the franchise will go down as a staple in raids and looter shooters for the rest of video game history. Unfortunately, it’s plagued by so many small changes that players have been begging to be made, and it’s driving people away. This is a list of miscellaneous changes that should be made to improve Destiny 2 and the players experience, and make the game more bearable on a day to day basis, you’d like me to add more reach out to me through DMs and I’ll add it.
Edit: Fix RNG pellet spread on shotguns
I’m enjoying the character screen being darker, the launch screen being darker, and general UI changes like the lore book section updates this season. I’m a big fan of season of arrivals weapons being added into the world pool, and I like the removal of token systems. I think small things like raid entrances being in planetary environments we’ve hidden is a smart idea, and I’m loving the lore every single season so far.
Well, that's about it for this post. It was a long one, and one that I’m very passionate about. I hope Bungie listens and takes a close look at what the community is saying. Again, these are my opinions but I do think they’ll all be really nice improvements to the game. Feel free to reach out to me about anything concerning this post. Thanks for reading :)
submitted by UnusualNormality to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

Dear r/cryptocurrency users, here's some free BANANO for you

Whenever a post relating to BANANO reaches the front page at CryptoCurrency we like to give everyone who is interested some coins for free here. So here we go:
In order to get some free BANANO now, Just launch one of the wallets (the Android app is amazing!) and post your account address in the comment section of this post. Minimum reddit age is 3 months. Banano team will then send you some arbitrary amount of coins. Thread will be locked after some hours.
BANANO is a project without an ICO, and we still have coins yet to distribute. Most of our contests, faucets, airdrops and giveaways are not following a clear schedule. If you subscribe to our reddit or twitter or discord, you will be notified of any new giveaways and events. The most popular faucet at the moment is the 'Folding at Home' BananoMiner and the Story2Image Faucet. We also just started to reach out in the NFT world with the community project 'cryptomonKeys' which distributes NFTs freely (all info at the cryptomonKeys discord).
What can you do with the coins? You can tip other redditors to show your appreciation. You can pay your wife for doing the dishes. You can hoard and speculate with them. You can donate them to venezuelan street kids projects. Or you can gamble them away on one of the betting website accepting BANANO for example. There's lots more going on, check out for a quick getting started guide and for a summary of what we did the last years.
BANANO transfers take only around a second and are absolutely feeless :) To lean more about BANANO the Yellowpaper is surely the ideal start.
Did you know? We actively fund project ideas. It doesn't matter if you're a designer, or coder, a charity, a cryptocurrency enthusiast, or just have an idea yet. The community has a lot of manpower to make things possible. One of BANANO's main ideas is to make crypto-illiterates curious about the topic without selling them, but it's also a playground for crypto enthusiasts. Get on our Discordand speak up to get in contact (channel #frankensteins-lab is a good start).
Edit: this has now ended, thanks everyone for checking in. We have sent out 519 Banano to everyone who commented below.
Transactions came from this wallet:
Big thanks to Kirby for sending those out on a short notice!
If you are too late make sure to check out other options to earn free BANANO at our website.
We have lots of things going on all the time and are always excited if new people join. Most of all the projects are developed on our discord server. And this is also where we party. You gotta see that 😜
See you all there:
And if you wanna learn more about NFTs and even get some for free, I just started the BANANO community project 'cryptomonKeys' together with SoggyApplePie. Just going for few days but damn this is so much fun <3 If you're up for that join at
Don't Let Your Memes Be Dreams guys!
submitted by howtobanano to banano [link] [comments]

How a Mobile Game Needs to Work to Continue Making Content

Alternative title: Why Your Complaints Aren't Reasonable for AE
Alright folks, let’s get into it.
First off, I would like to say that I have spent money on AE, but not much compared to how much I have played it and for how long. About what I would have spent on a normal video game, time vs. money wise. I have also been playing since the first release, not right as it released, but before any patches were applied. I have seen units go from OP to weak to OP.
Before we get into the weeds and the logic, let’s first work on a few assumptions, or perhaps a better way to phrase it would be the givens. The ideas that we aren’t going to prove because they shouldn’t need it.
1 - Any game, app, etc needs to make money. If they don’t they stop working on many levels.
2 - High quality games need to make more money at a baseline to pay the creators - artists, writers, coders, public relations, IT help, composers etc.
Let’s also work out some givens specific to AE as a gacha game. Stuff that if you don’t want it, why are you playing AE instead of another game? Any goal of making AE better is not about changing the core of how it works. Ex: Make AE have PvP is directly against a given because no PvP is a core part of what makes AE, AE.
1 - Time gated content is bad.
2 - PvP is bad (in Gacha games).
3 - Money grabs and predatory purchasing engines are bad. (If you aren’t sure what these are, some good examples would be Secret Lair in MTG and the Kreela Fragment Tournament Debacle in RAID. If you’d like more information, please feel free to ask).
4 - AE as a game is better when it keeps getting content. While what is there already is great, one of the great parts of AE is that it keeps getting more and more storylines, gear, characters etc.
Now, on to talking about what makes a mobile game/app work and continue to work. There are a few different ways that an app can fund itself to pay its creators, investors etc. Some apps use a bunch of these tools, some apps use them all, some only use one or two.
1 - Ads: The first type of ads are to access and play the game. These ads are generally considered frustrating and problematic because you can’t avoid them. They are going to take your time periodically rather than perhaps all at once. There is also a small subset of these that are pinpoint and pervasive, rather than all or nothing (such as small ads in corners etc). The second type of ads are ones that enhance your play or can be used instead of premium currency in certain situations. Depending on what it’s for and the extent you reasonably use it, these can be reasonable or frustrating (AE just recently moved into the second category).
2 - Energy systems: The first type of energy system includes any games where once your energy is spent, there is nothing to actually do. These systems can vary, but essentially in order to continue playing one must wait or pay money. The second type is a subset of what you can do in the game. You can still explore, level, get items, grind various goals, and advance the storyline without the energy mechanic, but it still exists in the game in some form limiting what you are able to do and can be adjusted with currency of some kind (AE is the second category here as well).
3 - Gacha/Character Purchase - Through some combination of currency units are locked behind being randomly found through some mechanic that either needs time to be acquired or money. Stronger units are more rare. (AE is in this category as its main source of income, it also lets you buy characters directly at times). There are different flavors of gacha games, but they are harder to quantify. EX: Some gacha games can’t be finished with free units while others can. Some have PvP which can’t be brought to the highest level without certain units, so the need to get them is higher.
4 - Price to play: This is where the game itself costs money to download and play. Many times, if this cost is higher, it is the only thing one needs to buy. As an upfront cost, it can be cheap for the player in the long run, but also runs the risk of not being fun and being a waste of money.
5 - DLC: This is a big money maker for big name games where instead of releasing a sequel and splitting player bases, making new worlds, etc., a company will release more content for the same game that costs extra.
6 - Information: This is where a game/app will get your information, either through what they ask for, what they need to run, or even what you use it for, and sell that information to other companies.
7 - Donations: Some games and apps work on donations. They don’t officially get money through many other venues, but rather rely on their users' generosity, and understanding that if they want to keep using the platform/app etc. they need to make sure there is money flowing in. This can include various crowdfunding options. It is mostly for bigger names that can guarantee that they are essentially too big to fail (ex Wikipedia).
8 - Premium Subscriptions: Some of these subs remove negative aspects (such as certain energy issues or ads), while some give a continuous benefit (such as currency, exp), while others ungate content (past level x, opens certain areas). Generally speaking the first is usually considered reasonable, the second fine, and the third just a scummy version of Price to Play.
9 - Sponsorships: These are where aspects of the game are changed in some way to show sponsors. This has a lot of overlap with ads but is usually less exhaustive because they are pinpoint decisions rather than general advertising. Some of these can also be outside of the game and therefore less problematic than ads. Sponsorships generally also need big names, where companies are willing to make a bigger bet on something.
10 - Cosmetics - Buying cosmetics for your favorite units is something that many companies do to bring in extra money but at no gameplay cost.
This list isn’t 100%, but I think it’s pretty good around ways that you can monetize a game or an app. First things first, let’s break down what the options are for AE given our givens. Not just what they could do, but what would be effective or not and why.
Ads - We have seen these added. And they’ve been added the right way, as an option and not something you NEED to do. You get premium currency for watching them. Now, some people have said you basically need to because they give you so much. And while strictly speaking, if you want to maximize, obviously you need to, but unlike other games you don’t need to maximize. Why? Because of one of the most amazing core aspects of AE that sets it apart from so many other games. No PvP. No tournaments. No leaderboards. Nothing time gated. There is no need to get every last chrono stone because you don’t need them in any kind of timeline.
Energy - Our version of energy, the red and green cards, do gate some content. And you can buy them at a low cost to keep grinding specific dungeons. Few people do this however because 1 - The dungeons, while useful, aren’t very necessary for progression generally, except at the start of the game when you lack 5 stars. Which means there’s plenty more content to go through - which means you don’t generally waste time on dungeons spending money when you could be earning stones and chants from the chapters and side stories. And 2 - Tsubura Gems. If you really need to grind light, or scripts of some kind, you can generally do it with Gems, a free resource that doesn’t demand constant grinding I might add. If you don’t have many, you used them too greedily on something else, or it’s early game still and the reasons 1 isn’t a problem apply here too. These cards exist because if they didn’t there would be a much lower incentive for long time players to pull on upgrades like AS units or bringing 4.5 to 5 stars as endgame players would just spam the dungeons between new content. This would lead to them removing treatises from the pools, reducing their chance to drop, or making other hoops to jump through which none of us want to keep pulling at the same level to keep up revenue.
Gacha/Purchase - Obviously AE goes with this. This is the main source of income. And in my opinion this is another huge strength. Yes, the rates aren’t the highest. Yes, stones aren’t falling from the sky. But the game is completable with free characters. And with just a few good pulls, it’s not even nightmarish to do so like other games. Some of the free characters aren’t just usable, they’re high tier. Deirdre, AS Gariyu, Mana, Azami, and Cerrine are all near the top, between 90-100. They aren’t even that much of a grind. The worst is Levia with fishing and she is like 80. There aren’t glaring holes with the free units either. All kinds of elements, AoE, Single Target, Debuffs, healing.
Price to play wouldn’t have worked because while it involves big names, it isn’t itself a big name. Maybe if there was a sequel or something.
DLC would be awful. Having new stories unlock more items and stones is amazing for F2P players and veterans alike. It also doesn’t make much sense to add cost DLC to a free to play game.
Information doesn’t really make sense with a game like this. They don’t need our info and don’t collect it.
Donations and Sponsorships really don’t make sense for the same reason that a price to play doesn’t make sense. The game has no brand recognition.
Premium Subscriptions are an interesting idea. The problem lies in it not making much sense for consumers or the devs depending on the model. The ads aren’t mandatory so it doesn’t make sense to remove them. XP is grindable infinitely, and is done very quickly in the XP dungeon, so anyone willing to pay money would just level units there. Gold isn’t much of a gateway, but the gold dungeon exists so the same reason apply. Content has the same problem as DLC. So the only thing could be some lower level generic XP boost and maybe continuous stones, but why not just buy stones at that point?
Cosmetics are a possibility, but the problem with cosmetics is that they are primarily for multiplayer games where you can show off. AE is single player, no PvP, no interaction with other people. So the only way you’d be able to show off cosmetics would be showing your phone to someone else or taking screenshots, which just doesn’t really do it. Without a real reason to get them, there’s not much incentive to make something like this and expect it to make any money.
So now that we’ve looked at our options, now let’s break down some of the things people complain about:
More stones?!?!?!!!!! I hear, you, only getting a pull every month from baseline stones is a bummer. But why aren’t you completing content? Finishing achievements? Moving through the game? And if you’ve already done it, why do you need so many more pulls? If there’s nothing left to do, you shouldn’t need new characters. And at that point you’ve clearly played this game for an insane amount of time. You’ve gotten so much from it already. Making a perfectly continuous and infinite game simply isn’t possible. At that point, which most of the people complaining aren’t even close to, you have already gotten your money’s worth. Even if that isn’t a factor, you just don’t need the same number of pulls as other games because of how powerful the free characters are. And honestly, with so much content, so many powerful free characters, if there wasn’t some incentive to get stones for pulls, nobody would. What people need to remember is that there needs to be balance. If stones were far more plentiful, the free characters would need to be weaker. The reason for this is there needing to be a need to pull stones. If you get a ton for free, and the free characters are amazing, and you get free resources like the gems to get chants and treatise etc., then the average player has no reason to spend money. And whales don’t need to whale. Then the game has no revenue and can’t continue making content. Unlike games like League of Legends which primarily work off of cosmetics, there’s very little incentive for that kind of monetization as I explained above. Between low stones, needing luck, or the game stopping content, I’d take low stones every single time.
Powercreep, waaahhhhhh!!! This one drives me insane. AE explicitly deals with powercreep, and SO WELL. They literally take outdated units and make them viable again with NEW UNIQUE GEAR. Manifests are AMAZING. They even give updates to free units! Azami manifest, AS Gariyu, Deirdre?!?! I’ve never seen a game handle powercreep this well. Some of the best chase units are units that were 100% OP at the start of the game and then SUCKED x amount of time into the game. The ebb and flow of power in units is wonderfully handled. Not to mention that power creep actually helps the game get new players. When the newer units are powerful, it makes new players feel like they aren’t slogging through content to get to the new stuff.
Why isn’t there a pity system?!?! Know what the pity system is? Selectors. You get to choose your unit. Congrats. For some, this is the biggest upside to AE. The minnows and dolphins rejoice! With just a little bit of money spent on the game, you can get that unit you absolutely want!!!
I can’t believe we have to deal with ads!!!! You don’t. Kinda end of story? Ads are optionally for the reasons I mentioned earlier. You don’t need to watch them. If they bug you that much, literally just don’t do it. But the people complaining are gonna do it anyway because they value the stones more than not watching the ads. Which is the whole point! Make a trade for people that want to F2P but want more resources without invalidating their economic model. Win Win.
TL;DR - People complain about there not being enough stuff, but the other options suck for AE. More stones from nothing simply isn’t sustainable. The ads do well to bridge the gap for F2P players. No PvP or player and player interaction alongside the powerful free units creates a unique and wonderful mobile game.
submitted by Curatenshi to AnotherEdenGlobal [link] [comments]

My, MASTER GUIDE TO ALL THERE IS TO CHEATING V4(Cheat features/terms explanations, P2C, Overwatch, VAC, Free Cheats, CFGing)

I made an updated version of this myself because Throwaways was not very updated, and also was never pinned or removed the old version so hopefully this will help some of you.
Contents listed in order:
  1. Cheat Features and meanings (urbandictionary but for csgo cheating) 2. Paid Cheats 3. Free Cheats 4. Basic Guide to cfging hvh cheats (not by me) 5. Overwatch and VAC/VACNET bans, and how to prevent them.
Cheat Features and Terms you must know: Slang: • P2C - paid cheat
• F2C - free cheat
• HvH - hack versus hack (“rage” or “spin botting” cheaters versus each other, typically done on community servers.)
• hitting p/ p100 / mega p etc. - good. hvh term
• uff ja / hhhhhh / laff / n1 - retard hvh speak
• 1 - (hvh) means you got killed in one headshot
• dump - when a hvh cheat shoots at a persons “fake” or desync
• baim - body aim
• cya@media - (hvh) saying hello to “media”. same use as “hello youtube!”
• “you’re sliding” - someone can see your feet fail to do the walk animation, usually an indication of legit aa (defined in cheat features). This is said to call out closet cheaters.
• Closet cheaters - people that are cheating but will not admit it.
Cheat Features (hvh cheat features will be under the cfg guide)
• Aimbot/aim assistance - unnatural aim assistance .
• Smoothing - affects the speed at which the aimbot • Hitbox - what the aimbot will aim at.
• Delay - the delay before the aimbot acitvates
• Silent aim - the aimbot will not lock on for your view only !! overwatch and spectator still see you lock on
• Backtrack - an exploit which allows you to shoot at where a certain player was and still hit them. Usually is configured in Ticks or ms.
• RCS - recoil control system
• FOV - The size of the zone from your crosshair that the aimbot will engage enemies in.
• Shot delay - the shot number specified before aimbot targets an enemy
Visuals (only ones that aren’t defined in the name. e.g. Healthbar)
• Chams - colours playermodels and/or changes their materials.
• Traceline - draws a line from your model to the type of person specified
• Draw FOV - shows the FOV of your aimbot
•Playermodel FOV - alters your playermodel FOV (makes ur hands furthecloser)
• Backtrack chams / History Chams - shows an enemie’s location history, and where they can be backtracked to.
• Flags (common ones include: money, flashed, distance, etc.) : draws text next to a person if they meet a condition of the flag (e.g. if a person is flashed then the “flashed” text will appear on your esp next to them), or displays the info specified (e.g “Money” simply shows you the amount of money a person has.”
• Spread circle - shows the weapon spread
• Grenade Helper - shows the path of your grenade before you throw it
• Damage indicators - shows damage you did to an enemy
• Knife/Zeus range - draws the range that the knife or zeus can do damage in around your playermodel (useful in thirdperson)
• Autostrafe - automatically stafes for you. Looks like you are doing nothing on your screen.
• Fast stop - exploit allowing a quicker stop from walking.
• Fast duck/unlimited duck - exploit that breaks crouch stamina
• Name stealer - changes your name around based on other players’ names in the match with you.
• Slide walk - makes your playermodel slide when walking.
Cheats* Here’s a master guide of the biggest csgo cheats and info to help you buy :)
(free cheats toward bottom uwu)
<> Legit <^>
Upsides: Decent overall I guess, Not too sure about detections. Downsides: pretty sure its owned by the sprit hacks owner, not really worth it, very sketchy. 
•Lethality/cartel cheats-
Upsides: Working, cheap, heard they are not actually as bad as you might think. Downsides: Co-Owned by tabzware, very likely pasted, much drama with lethality in specific. 
•Project Infinity-
Upsides: It works ig?, Menu looks clean but its honestly just very jumbled up. Downsides: mostlikely pasted from singularity, much censorship, much drama, many problems and bugs, not really that good or stands out in anyway, they have there own subreddit for promoting there cheat lol. Probably have miners as they used to in there free cheat, steer clear. 
Upsides:cheap, many features,cloud configs, radar for your friends without cheats. Downsides: Pretty bad detection rates, has been abandoned for neverloose, russian community and owners(down side for non russians Ig), probably pretty pasted.. 
•Getrekt (application)-
Upsides: My personal favorite legit cheat, endless customization and features, solid undetection,grenade helper, movement recorder, Imo the best legit bot, very nice visual, pretty cheap for what your getting. Downsides: Community is toxic, devs dont do much although there is supposed to be updates soon, staff is generally never on (they just added some mods though after people asking for more staff), many people dont like the menu, spacing on the menu is horrible, many people consider it to be pasted. 
• Plague-
Upsides: Cheat functions well, amazing price, decently frequent updates,Robert (The owner) is a very nice guy and the staff overall is good, Not likely to get detected (and never has been) Downsides: V1 got source leaked because an ex dev has an underlying hate for, the cheat, Robert, and anyone associated with it because he was unable to sell it himself after he left. Menu is not that good. The community and everyone in it talks about how its a paste including robert jokingly and many people take it the wrong way, you have to purchase on selly, there is no forums. 
• Iniuria -
Upsides: Great cheat for legit. Good detection rates. Has tons of features and customization. Offers lifetime. Downsides: Cheat is solely for legit. Another downside is it’s a little more expensive the other legit cheats. Has a large user base so there has been a few detections but really not bad at all. 
• (updated!) (AGAIN!)
Upsides: Tons of features. Not incredibly expensive. Ive heard v3 is definitely better than v2. Downsides: Has many bugs/crashing. Heard the rage is alot better but still unusable for HvH. The menu isn’t the greatest. The Developers are known for pasting. V2 was cracked and known to be dogshit. The devs have doxxed people, leaked McGuidlines ip and have done many other suspicious activitys. They have tooken down reddit posts about the crack, they took down my Youtube video Trolling on there discord. 
• Novolinehook (Applications)
Upsides: Great cheat, solid undetection, pretty good legitbot, great features, decent for semirage. Downsides: application only(not that hard), overpriced 
• Weebware -
Upsides: The prime bot is good, solid detection. Downsides: lacking some features of popular cheats, features are very broken, nothings actually special about this its pretty overpriced for what your getting. 
Upsides: Cheap Downsides: VAC detected often, pretty shit altogether 
• Jme pastes - 420Cheats, Redeye Cheats, 5dollarchears,, icheat, darkaim, attackmode,(probably a few more)
Upsides- Cheap Downsides- shit cheats, vac dtc often, all pasted by Jme 
• Precision Cheats
Upsides - Undetected, working features, cheap as hell, staff is pretty active and nice Downsides- Not a lot of customization, visuals aren’t liked by a lot of people , menu is cool but annoying, has a bad rep because Jme paid a bunch of people to call it a paste after he got kicked out the project. 
<~> HvH <~>
(also can be used for legit but mainly hvh), also Here’s a pretty nice guide to HvH features.
•Neverloose (private)-
Upsides: pretty decent scout cheat, overall ok cheat. Downsides: Spirthack owners so probably not the best devs, russian, a lot of people dont really like it at all. 
•Nemeisis (private)-
Upsides: Amazing Dt, Overall pretty good. I dont have high expectations for it in the future bc its the same coder as Getzeus, hvh only, got cracked but is probably a rat anyways. 
Upsides: Good cheat, solid choice altogether. Dt is alright and underated. The cheat has tons of history. Has lua support and tons of luas for free. Easy enough to cfg. Good desync and aa options, autodirection is p. Has a pretty good legit bot actually. Offers lifetime. Downsides: VAC Auth errors and (albeit rarely,) vac wave detection. The cheat isn’t updated often at all, resulting in a gradual decline in how competent it is. The mods are retarded as hell. The userbase is cancerous and will defend their cheat till the end. (i have used aw) Worse for hvh than skeet and onetap. HWID Resets can take a week or more and your account can get banned for nothing. Resolver is pretty shit currently. 
Upsides: overall best public cheat for hvh. Awesome fakelag and backtrack as well as resolver. Has simple cfg system and custom model and skybox changer. Great visuals. Constantly being updated and improved. HWID RESETS IN MINUTES!! Has a good mod team. Has p exploits that hide your On Shot aa and one that breaks enemy backtrack. Their slowwalk aa is p is well, great javascripts. Downsides: Legitbot is kinda wack but they just totally reworked it and it’s decent now, but i personally like aimware legitbot more. Onetaps legit aa is safe and doesnt desync to the max which isn’t fun for trolling. The mods also refuse to acknowledge the cheat misses sometimes XD 
• Fatality (invite only)
Upsides/Downsides: Overall decent cheat. Not great, not bad, Great double tap. Personally wouldn’t recommend but i’ve never used it. 
•Skeet/Gamesense (invite only)
Upsides: Best hvh cheat with the right cfg and luas. Has awesome features. Honestly not writing about it, everyone knows this shit already. Downsides: Way overhyped. Everyone loses their shit when someone has skeet but it’s honestly not that great. Private and it’s really hard to get an invite. Skeet HWID locks are absolute cancer and occasionally you’ll get errors for removing usb devices. The mods will ban you if they see anything they deem sus. Resolver is meh. 
Upsides: heard both are very good for semirage, cheap. Downsides- Bad detections, both are definitely pasted. 
• Fanta (all versions, some are invite only)
Upsides: Good features, amazing for semirage. Overall decent for legit if you can manage to config it.Downsides: Obviously pasted, impossible to config, menu is a mess. The userbase will defend it to death tho. 
HvH only: for public, skeet for private.
HvH/Legit: Aimware.
Legit only: Plague/Precision on a budget, getrekt/inuria/novolinehook if not.
Semirage: Fanta if you dont care about spending the money. If you dont want fanta I recommend Rainbowhook.

remember, all free cheats have a SUBSTANTIALLY higher chance of getting you vac banned. If you have any intention of long-term cheating on an account you value, remember and heed this warning
Cheat sources (to paste) to keep your paste UDTC, you must change the code often, dont add junk code it will only make your cheat more laggy and not do much to help keep it ud, use a processhacker, and know how to use features and hooks correctly. not the best bet for beginners
-Sensum: pretty decent source, easy to use, kind of jumbled up.
-Osiris: probably the best source to paste from, very easy to use, updated frequently.
-moneon: not too horrible, not that great, has legit bot bugs.
-Indigo: Mediocre, can be difficult to paste
-gladiatorz- no
Otc, dorksense (steerclear might be a rat and its just weave anyways)
Best Sources to paste from:
}~{ VAC & Overwatch }~{
(not going over obvious stuff like VAC is a perm ban)
Dont break lby in casual, some cheats skinchangers dont work in casual, bootleg antiaim/ autowall can get an autherror. Basically all in all dont be a retard.
Vac net:
Honestly not exactly sure how to avoid vac net but if you are in mm, do not use any antiaim besides legit aa, I suggest keeping any 0 smooth aimbot to a max of 5 fov and if your cheat does not have legit autowall keep autowall off. 

1. VAC is a result of your chest being detected. 2. VAC is not an IP or HWID ban. 3. VAC bans can be delayed. 4. VAC bans cannot be lifted 5. Some overwatch bans turn into VAC bans. 6. Using phone number for accounts means that if one gets banned the other will too.``` - Overwatch: 1. Overwatch is when a player watches a demo of you playing and decides if you are cheating or not. The player has the option to ban you. 2. Not all overwatch bans are perm bans. 3. It is unknown how many reports it takes to send a player to overwatch. Common belief is around 11 reports in 24 hours. 4. Great Overwatchers notice: -Extreme Fakelag -Any triggerbot without high delay and proper deadzone (especially “magnet” triggerbot) -Low smooth aimbot -High RCS -ANY bhops and autostrafe!! -obviously any rage settings 
submitted by frontsidemisty12 to Csgohacks [link] [comments]

Fantasy Football Matlab Analysis

Hello fellow coders,
I’ve come to reddit with this project because I know if you want to find experts, you find them right here. As a gambling addict and coder, I’ve formulated an idea for a fun new Matlab project.
I’ve come up with an idea for a Matlab code that I’m starting to construct for my Fantasy Football League this year. My league is a “sacko league” meaning that the winner receives no money but is bestowed a beautiful $30 trophy to keep for the coming year. The loser however has to do an embarrassing/funny task for being last in the whole league
The point of my code will be to produce percentage based output of how likely a team is to lose the whole league in order to create mock betting lines that anyone can bet on these results over the course of the season. These odds will be based on record and point based performance in previous weeks as the input variables.
I’ve come here looking for help as I am only moderately versed in Matlab and would love any additional assistance if anybody is interested in a fun new coding challenge. If interested in helping or if you’d want to be shared the code once it’s complete, feel free to leave a comment and together we can create some joy for football enthusiasts, gambling addicts, and coding lovers alike.
submitted by SevensPres to matlab [link] [comments]

I decided to talk about Adobe products today as an example of a product innovation that targets me for a problem I do not have while also ignoring my feedback.

I decided to talk about Adobe products today as an example of a product innovation that targets me for a problem I do not have while also ignoring my feedback.
First, I am an older student. I was a graphic designer from 1990 until now, but I stopped working in design daily at the end of 2018. I became hateful towards design which after taking this course, I am in love again. Designers love to design in all forms. We love understanding it and admiring it, and thinking about why it is so cool or missing the mark.
So about Adobe. As I was working in design since 1990, I was also using Adobe products since 1990. Many times I beta-tested new versions as that was the norm. Designers gave feedback. These programs are costly, and while it was a challenge to own them, I always paid and used a legal program. Around 2002-ish the Creative Cloud (CC) made its presence. CC is where Adobe consolidated its programs and made them available for about $2000 USD (fewer than now). That was when the beta-testing also stopped. I should also preface that I taught design at the college level and courses for Photoshop, Illustrator, and QuarkXpress (a layout program not in the Adobe family).
I am a frustrated Adobe user. I think they are absurd. They continue to enforce updates that interfere with the design process. Furthermore, I pay a lot of money for programs I don't need or have the time to teach myself. It is now a subscription service, so you either pay for the Creative Cloud or pay by the program. I put Gimp on my husband's computer btw, and it functions like Photoshop, and it is free.
Imagine an oldie like me using the same shortcut key combinations for 30 years, and an engineer at Adobe decides to remove those functions. These are actions embedded in my brain as muscle memory. Now I have to figure out what to do, which usually involves clicking different things with my mouse, which takes time and interrupts the creative process (generally because I am annoyed). Whenever there is an update, I delay because I don't want to feel angry or overwhelmed with another thing to do, which is to figure out whatever they have changed and to find a workaround. You get to my age, and you are over stupid stuff that wastes your time. When I phoned them to finally complain, taking the time I did not have but felt it important to help them, I was met with a don't bother me attitude. I wanted them to hear that they made our work harder when they changed the tools palette on photoshop. I was told:
Our market is a younger user, so that is our focus.
Essentially, buzz off.
Well, that is very nice that Adobe has a business that can focus on a younger user because the reality is that Adobe has their status as a result of the time and dedication of designers like me that told them how to build their product.
If that was not enough, later that day, I received an email from Adobe inviting me to a seminar on how to use photoshop, a program I helped develop and have taught. The seminar furthermore is available on their website. I can only comment that there are multiple ways to do things in Photoshop that I am sure they do not know, and frankly, that was not the problem I contacted them about. Having to hold a command key while I click options on the tool palette is bizarre; it slows down the process. Why change that? Why not be able to click on the tools palette as we have done for 30 years? To justify their constant updating and team of coders? Recently they changed it back, two years later. Something they slipped in on one of those updates.
Sadly, Adobe has removed end-users from their team approach to delivering a working program and has decided to bet on younger users over the older users that got them where they are today. They are up for a rude awakening. While Adobe is a professional program, it will continue to be the mainstay (for now) in the field of design; however, younger users will not put up with their nonsense. Furthermore, younger users are so adaptive to software; they can accommodate Canva and other like-minded products and make professional designs. Canva is far less expensive, even free. It also gives the user access to imagery, and its functions can be learned very quickly, unlike Adobe. I know because I used Canva for my first assignment, and I never used it before. I wanted to see what everyone was talking about. While I changed the look and added features (with illustrator and photoshop files), it was user-friendly. Instead of fussing with ABS (Adobe BS), I focused on content, not trying to deal with the lack of function or figuring out workarounds.
Ps. Adobe always sends me user surveys if I would recommend their product. That is all they want to hear from me? They do not want feedback.
submitted by nonyabusiness69420 to copypasta [link] [comments]

Engines of Thought

[WP] The hivemind really isn't as bad as he thinks. You have no idea how you could've lived without this before - everyone is like family now, but so much closer. You never have to be alone again. If only he'd understand. If only he'd finally come out of that basement and join you. You miss him.

They called them Engines.
The first one was developed by the military (of course) as a method of rapid communication and integration. When a whole regiment of soldiers lobbied the government with the combined focus and determination of a unified intelligence, the whole thing was mothballed. Buried deeper than dirt.
But the trickle-down was inevitable. Eventually, somewhere, somehow, the code got out. And that, as they say, was that.
Aurus was the first. It was revealed at a tech expo where a Fortune 500 company explained the reason for their unprecedented quarterly performance was down to “linking” with the other execs. Not in a workflow program or a cloud computing service. But in an Engine. An Engine of Thought. That was enough to get them trending across the globe in under a minute. It was the next part that made the world really pay attention. They were releasing the source code for free, and transitioning to a non-profit business structure. Things developed quickly from there. Small communities first. Groups of coders, stock market traders, alternative communities. All of them hooking in and hooking up together. People threw words around “communal entanglement” or “Parasociability”. Anything to feel safe when Jenny knows what John is thinking and can make a winning bet on what he might think next.
There was panic. Religious groups especially. But at the end of the day, it was just too damn good. Violence dropped within Engine-groups to almost non-existent, outside of the fight clubs. Even then, violence to non-engine individuals was nearly impossible. How could you make someone afraid when you all knew exactly what that fear would feel like? How the pain could feel. Engines began producing works that went beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. A DARPA division linked in secret, and in one month published a paper that solved the global energy crisis through the development of a self-sustaining energy source. Cold Fusion? Two weeks later. And the speed wasn’t terrifying, because everyone was keeping pace. Engine-groups formed weak permissions with other groups, co-operating at a distance before slowly amalgamating into the greater whole. Every day hundreds of thousands linked in, and every day things just got better. Wars ended. Peace in the middle east. Peace everywhere. Racism not just eliminated but impossible. LGBT not just represented but understood. We walked a mile in everyone’s shoes and we comprehended the feel of every step.
Dad was happy at the start. Called it “the final proof.” He’d spent his life arguing for the intrinsic goodness of human beings. He’d written books on it, been the head of countless research studies. All trying to convince people what was now clearly, undeniably true. Once you could see inside the minds of others, once you could feel them, harm wasn’t just wrong, it was disgusting. Everything, to improve the greater collective. I asked him early on if he wanted to link. He hesitated, but not because he was afraid. At least I don’t think so. He said that every experiment needed impartial observers. That he would do that, at least for a little while. I couldn’t explain without hurting his feelings, so I didn’t. In the time it took him to write one thesis about us, we were already changed from that. More and more every day, the parts of us we’d found so useful before were becoming fetters to our interconnection.
The silence got to him first. We talked about it often, but one day, I simply couldn’t stay relevant. The language we were using was so far apart the concepts were too difficult to bridge together. As I tried to pull some examples from the air, he interrupted me.
He screamed in my face, and I looked with my own eyes for the first time in months. He was red-faced, eyes dilatated, hands gripped in fists. I tried to explain, but he threw his phone so hard it exploded against the wall.
He was holding me at my wrist. It hurt. Our backdoor burst opon. They took him away. It took some time before we decided to let him come back. He was sent to a place where others like him were given guidance. He wasn’t the only one. Much of the group, because there was only one Engine now, were afraid of them. They were capable of hurting us. Unlikely, but possible. Eventually, I convinced us all he was one of the better ones.
He cried when he saw me. I thought he was happy to be back. Joyful maybe?
“What have they done to my baby girl.”
He looked at me, his lips quivering and strange animal noises bubbling up from in his throat.
“ that you Claire?”
He had no phone to throw now. Internal communication receivers were mandatory from a safety and accessibility viewpoint these days. Still, he flinched as he read the message.
Again, that disconnect. Which of his words lined up with what we felt now? Our language was multi-faceted, communicating on hundreds of levels at once, with hundreds of other points as one. Beauty? Efficiency? No, too complicated, too much a thing of his that was no longer us. Simple was best.
"Because it is better father."
I hear him crying in the basement most nights. He is the last one left now. All the others gave in. Reportedly they were happier for it. But the “Last Unlinked” is given all the freedom he desires. Nutrition and equipment, thoroughly checked, is delivered any time of the day or night. I visit when the beam communication lines up. I have a host form built into the area, but he says the simulacrum is an “abomination.” But every time he’s left alone, he tries the unthinkable. Self-termination is too horrible a thought to us. To allow it even once would be the greatest crime of all. So, I refine the body. I refine the program. I switch at random to see if he realizes.
I’m off to Centauri tomorrow. I don’t think he will notice the difference.
submitted by GolfSierraMike to SeirraWritesStories [link] [comments]

Here Bethesda, these are on the house.

1) Fire your PR person. I don’t want to be a dick here but seriously- what the hell are they doing? Here, let’s try this on for size.
“Dear Community, thank you for your feedback in reporting bugs and issues with our recently deployed Patch 11. We are seeing these issues as well and plan on deploying a hot fix ASAP. We will have timeframes to you as they develop. Thank you for your patience.”
That goes to your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I don’t give a shit if your PR person is at home. That took me 30 seconds to write from my phone. 30 more seconds to post on Reddit.
Additionally- your PR person should also communicate all of the following items that come up as well.
2) You have this game called Elder Scrolls Online where you paired with a great company to make a great ONLINE game. It has many, many, many of the features that have been requested for this game. Order some donuts and coffee, fly them in and have your developers and theirs have a fucking meeting about getting this shit done. You already have the keys to the castle- you do not need to reinvent the wheel.
3) You know what every company loves? Free labor. Guess what you have in your incredibly loyal fan base? Free fucking labor. Make a test realm and people will go in and break your game and report it to you like it’s their fucking job. Honestly. Some of these people will probably even tell you how to fix it for free because people on test servers be crazy like that. Load a patch on the PTR and have it always be 1 ahead of the current servers. Problem solved.
4) Similar to point 3- let people make mods for this game. Sure restrict it from being anything that affects gameplay right off the bat. Cosmetics, plushies, glitch fixes, skins, etc. let em sell them and take a percentage of the sales or post em for free. Do you hear what I am telling you? People want to make you money for free because they love your games so much. This is a win-win-win.
5) Lower the cost of your atomic shop items. Look- I want you to make shitloads of money. The more you make the more this game develops and evolves. Great. Finding the appropriate price point is key to maximizing profits. Would you rather have 10 people buy an $18 Skin or 100 people buy a $2 skin? Countless people have mentioned they would drop $20 if they felt like they were getting more value than just a single atomic shop item. I don’t know the exact numbers but I bet you have the resources to find out!
6) Add a subscription fee or a seasonal pass that does something like gets me all the atomic shop items for that month. Make sure it’s a good deal (Akin to 50% off atomic shop retail). That way it’s optional, doesn’t provide in game benefits above free to play and we can support you. This subreddit has 200,000 members. If half of that chose to subscribe for even just $10 a month (a steal for atomic shop items) that is a cool million in bonus capital to throw around each month.
I know it can feel like we are shitting on you- but we want you to succeed. We want to give you dollars so you keep making and improving games we love- but you need to adapt to the online game world like ESO did.
Edit 3: Bethesda posted an Inside the Vault article that follows similar guidelines to what I recommended. Sincerely, good on them for doing this- we appreciate the communication.
That being said- I stand by what I said earlier. Communication needs to be faster on the more direct channels. I totally understand if you cannot just crank out an Inside the Vault in 20 minutes (although I bet most of it is templated and absolutely could be), but use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook (you can even sync them all so you only have to make 1 post to go to all 3!) or pick one area we can reliably go for live updates (should it be inside the vault, fallout 76 website header, etc).
Edit 2: Lots of traffic on this post! Thanks for the great feedback and discussion.
For context I have been playing Bethesda games since Morrowind. My occupation has been that of a General Manager in the hospitality industry for a number of companies, overseeing as much as 120 employees and a $50 million asset, as well as a small business owner. Not the same industry (I have friends who work in tech, developers, etc) but honestly, when it gets down to it many of the fundamentals (Not specifics) regarding budgets, revenue, profit maximization, funding, investors, consumer and employee satisfaction are largely the same. It’s all just about moving different products down a similar line, generating revenue to maximize profits while keeping your employees and consumers happy.
I did want to address one point in particular that a lot of folks have taken umbrage with- calling for firing the PR person.
I know it’s harsh to call for someone’s termination. I have had to fire probably around 150 people at this point in my life. Firing people really sucks, cause most people are great. And their family is great. But if they are not doing their job consistently then they need to lose their job. If your coder does their work poorly for a year, you fire them. If your customer service rep is mean to customers for a year, you fire them. In many industries PR folks do not work 9-5. Their job is communication with the masses. They adjust their work schedules accordingly. If it’s salary- great. Some weeks you may only have to put in 30 hours. Some will be 70. Most of the folks I have ever known in PR fields are workaholics and like to be on the go constantly. But even all of that is largely irrelevant if you plan accordingly.
Let’s take the example of patch 11. You are dropping a new patch that has not been publicly tested. You should know by now it may go wrong as many in the past have. So when it does- communicate. You don’t have to have cold, blanket PR statements. You can have genuine ones with genuine information that you have planned for. Ask yourself the question “How do I communicate with the community at large if this goes bad? How can I reduce the fallout? How can I leave the community feeling good after a negative initial experience?” Remember folks, this is their job.
I know that many of you are citing the No Mans Sky interview, but I disagree with that philosophy in general. Sure, maybe it worked for him in his scenario. It’s pretty hard to say if he made the best decision, as the number of people who will not ever play it is sort of a dark statistic. Even then, having your game receive horrible PR on launch is of different scope than what is happening here. We are talking about consistent gameplay patches that have done this for a year. I feel like a year is a generous amount of time to wait before you start calling people out. If the game is broke- tell me you know. When you have an ETA on the game fix tell me (under promise and over deliver on the timeframe).
Regarding fans getting more upset about an update: sure that might happen if you are not genuine. But I stand by my assertion, and have watched it happen first hand for many years in my own industry, if you give clear, concise communication with relevant, genuine information it has a much, much better impact than simply remaining silent.
Edit 1: Words and letters.
submitted by ignisrenovatio to fo76 [link] [comments]

I’m feeling entrepreneurial. Let’s disrupt LCD’s.

Below, I’m inviting conversations and exchanging ideas about a new post-COVID approach to eink product development, sales and marketing that would have more success than current players had in the past.. for our holy grail of volume sales towards price reduction. Overview of my premise is:
If you have thoughts please share here, or if you think it’s sound and like to be more involved in advancing this DM me and we can round each other up for a virtual chitchat!

The following is for the big dreamers only: don’t read on if you think audacity is pointless in the current state of the world. Want healthier futures through affordable e-ink everywhere? It’s not an idealistic utopian fantasy… it’s pragmatic and protopian to bring this bold change about. With all this time on our hands holed in at home, I can’t help feeling, let’s roll up our sleeves and build it together!!
If you’re among the league of 1,000 extraordinaries on this subreddit, you know LCD light is addictive — keeping humanity more passively glued to the net and shows and games and apps and software than it needs to like undead moths to a flame (got any lampssssss?). But I’ve been gauging the sentiment on here and gathered that there’s a sort of apathy and pacifism that’s set in among redditors and techies in general about the commercial feasibility of e-ink screens as a mass-market alternative to LCD ones. Add to that the decision by major Chinese PC makers and big name smartphone vendors to scrap their e-ink plans due to high costs and small market, plus the collusion by U.S. titans in the integrated digital industry (media+computing like Apple/AppleTV, Microsoft/MSNBC, etc) to ensure their investment in LCD dominance persists (through funding countless clinical papers demonstrating their medical safety in contradiction to all the anecdotal cases of power-users who developed vision/cerebral problems) — it’s no wonder all this is continuously shooting down the mojo of anyone who gets a spark of inspiration to tackle this. If I’m writing this to/for anyone, it’s for those few of you who have been toying with the idea of releasing another e-ink product. PLEASE don’t think small; e-ink is not a get-rich-quick or even worthwhile side-hustle:
Let’s park readers/tablets/smartphones on the backburner for a moment and zoom in on computer display monitors for the sake of example**.** Heck, [Onyx aside because their Boox was intended as a tablet really] the guy behind the Dasung indiegogo pressed through with it, and it turned out fairly well. Now you have Waveshare jumping on the bandwagon, but they, like Dasung, are at the end of the day commodity-boxmoving hobbyist-supply assemblers who are growing organically = very slowly. They are giving US few trailblazers here an option, but what is needed is something VISIONARY and EPIC for David to beat Goliath and give us, our kids, and generations of ignorant screenaholics out there an accessible, affordable, sustainable casemaker for accelerated e-ink R&D innovation. Something like the Freewriter but for general desktop/laptop computing, already itself a shrinking market as it is even with LCD’s.
So alas, it will never make financial RoI-sense for someone to take the electronics-peddler approach to introduce yet another eink computer monitor. The silver lining? All it takes is 1 capable TEAM to make a startup-style bet by CREATING THE MARKET (which CURRENTLY is "too small”): dropping a product cool enough to trend so that the masses start educating each other about it. This is textbook BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY. And it can be done using other people’s money to reduce personal risk, if a V.C. is wowed enough with a compelling story to pump enough marketing-budget-oxygen into this to make it go just barely viral enough to tip. The big VC-for-the-exit-multiples approach is needed… VC’s hate risk but they accept it betting on 10 horses for 1 to morph into a unicorn, knowing 9 donkeys will crash and burn miserably.
I can’t say that this would be a $1B company today, in a time when entire economies are at the verge of collapsing due to COVID-19. But I’m in 100% conviction this can generate $10M in 5 years, $100M in ten, because the market IS there, its personas just haven’t been reached and talked to in the right way:
  1. PROGRESSIVE CORPORATES segment. There are at least 100,000 FTE’s in edge-pushing white-collar companies & big NGOs shifting to remote homeworking in the next years needing a procurement of new I.T. gear whose bosses can be taught that LCD screens lead to fatigue and that giving employees a fancy-ass machine [that can display HD video ends up used for personal YouTubing] reduces productivity and increases sick-leave. Unless you’re a media house or other creative studio, LCD is of no advantage over Eink whatsoever for your bank tellers, government data entry clerks, etc who just need email, CRM/ERP, word-processing/spreadsheets, and the occasional Googling for something. Productivity will jump for such companies because employees will regain sapped energy. Yes an Eink setup is too pricey for penny-pinching CFO's today when consumerist economics itself is at the brink, but pre-sell the concept on basis of a TCO comparison (Total Cost of Ownership analysis that factors HR costs vs the status-quo) and the bulk contract will create the guaranteed volume for factory lines to produce in mass, bringing the price down. Even without big companies coming in early, the long tail of startups and small businesses run by employers who want the best for their talent will carry the day.
  2. MEDICAL PATIENTS segment. Sure, optometrists/opthalmologists/neurologists today would not prescribe switching to an eink computing setup for anyone. But produce the compelling collateral for it as a medical device for those with a named medical condition and get it certified as such by a testing body, and develop relationships with a few leading doctors in relevant specialties then INCENTIVIZE them (pharma drug companies do it indirectly despite all the stated ethics schpeel by doctors denying it, so why can’t we?)… and just watch every single person who gets glasses or eye pressure drops to also be referred to us. Don’t underestimate shrewd doctors’ abilities to make the case for insurers to underwrite such a claim in their reports, which is where the real money comes in. Even if this assumption fails to get traction early within the white-coat healthcare system, there are enough fringe integrative/naturopathic practitioners who are already anti-EM-radiation and would jump on this for their patients
  3. SYNTAX CREATORS segment. Here we’re talking about the nightowl written-content generators that first come to mind usually as possible adopters of eink screens: back-end coders / programmers, bloggers/bookwriters/copy-editors, conscious solopreneurs/inventors, and academics/teachers/students. But I put these last because I consider these our secondary market... since such focused creatives with a culture of knowledge exchange — learning and sharing at the same time — are not only few and far between, but because I see them as more useful to furthering our aim when seen as as a CHANNEL as much as they are a market. They need to be supported, invested in, since they are a golden RTM (route-to-market) as affiliates, endorsers, ambassadors, testimonial/review providers, and beta-testers/feedback-givers.
I don’t know yet exactly what such a product would look like.. a next-gen screen alone, or one built in with its own proprietary built-from-the-ground-up optimized OS for eink with its own platform ecosystem/eink-apps, or a Holy Trinity of computetablet/smartphone like the PureOS Libre is doing in the Linux world. Even if we have to hedge and bail early on the idea (because I don’t see this as changing the world Steve Jobs style), we would have made enough noise, bent a big enough dent, carved enough of a slice of our own, to make a blip on the radar and get acquired by a major maker that would perpetuate the support and maintenance and scale it further with its distribution force.
What next???? I for one am going to put my time where my mouth is and advance this along to the extent the community wants it to happen = from my experience, impact doesn’t happen in isolation. That’s why I’m not doing this as a ’stealth’ startup…. in case you were wondering why would I disclose all these competitive business planning tactics that can be taken by anyone publicly here without fear of an idea being stolen. In this high-stakes I.P. long game, in the moonshot that it succeeds, there will be enough room for literally everyone on here to benefit in so many unimaginable ways, plenty of opportunity to go around. If it fails, at least we will have had the experience and camaraderie and friendships gained along the journey. No single maverick wheeler-and-dealer who tries to mastermind this alone will ultimately crack this complex problem. It needs convening diverse brains who are passionate about e-ink (namely, YOU here my eink fellows) and orchestrating global concerted action along one disciplined startup-methodology or another.
If you’ve read this far, your commentary, discussion is REALLY valued. So are your upvotes of this post if you think it’s an idea worthy of deliberation and consideration by others, if not your well-wishes. But what I’m really after is would-be co-founders, board directors/advisors, and volunteers … real proponents of it. There’s no free rides, but the more people the movement for this musters the less time it would take from each of us to contribute to casually until we get angel funding to eventually replace part-time or full-time dayjobs. I’m an honest, fair, and just person and I’m not a stickler about leadership, I would even cede my being central to this idea if someone more fit than me to be its CEO steps forward, but it’s too early for titles/roles. I just now want to bring the right heads together, hop on a zoom call, and let the magic happen… stewarding it and adding value. So if you’re REALLY in, I want to get your 100-word bio in a direct message, what you could see yourself doing, and why you’re keen on it ... and I'll reply back with more about me and how we can hop online to take it forward . There are countless lean virtual tools for us to stay on track together, from the Aragon DAO to escrow services and freelancing platforms to term-sheet generators and project-management/task managers.
World ending or not, let’s build the e-ink future we want.
P.s. For the record no, I am not Elon.
submitted by neon_musk to eink [link] [comments]

More words detected by u/emoji-fier

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battle️️ battle️️️️ battle️️️️️️ bby beach bear beauty because bed beef beer beers bees beetle belgium belize bell best bet betting beverage bg bi bikini bill billions bills bin bird birthday bisexual️‍️‍ bitch bitches blade bless blessed blind blind‍ blonde‍️ blonde‍️‍️ blonde‍️‍️‍️ blood blown blues bluetooth blue‍️ blue‍️‍️ blue‍️‍️‍️ bo boarding boat boi bomb bomb’ book books boom boot booze border bored born bosnia bot bottle bottom bought bowl box boy boys boy’s brain branch brand️ brand️️ brand️️️ brass brazil bread break breakfast bride britain british‍️ british‍️‍️ british‍️‍️‍️ bro broadcast broccoli broken brown buck bug building buildings build‍️ build‍️‍️ build‍️‍️‍️ build‍️‍️‍️‍️ built‍️ built‍️‍️ built‍️‍️‍️ built‍️‍️‍️‍️ built‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️ bulb bulgaria bullshit bunny bureau burrito bus bush business‍ business‍‍ business‍‍‍ business‍‍‍‍‍‍ butterfly button buy b️ b️️ b️️️ b️️️️ b️️️️️️ ca cactus cake cal calculate calculation calling camel camera canada cancel cancer candy cannot cant can’t cap car cardboard cards career carnival carolina carrot cars cary cash casual cat cats cat’s cause cause” cayman celebrate celebration central century cereal ceremony ch chad chains champagne change changed characters charger cheese cheeseburger chef‍‍‍ chemistry chicken child childish children‍ children‍‍ children‍‍‍ children‍‍‍‍‍ chili chill china chinese chips chocolate christ christianity christmas️ christmas️️ christmas️️️ christmas️️️️ chugoku church cigarette cinema circle city clap classroom clean cleaning click clock cloth clothes cloudy cloud️ cloud️️️ cloud️️️️️ cm cn co coast coat cock cocktail coconut code coding coffee cog cold college colors comet comment️ comment️️ comment️️️ communication compensation computer concern confirm️️️ confused congrats congratulations connection consider console construction‍️ construction‍️‍️ consultant container continue convert cook cookie cooking cool copyright️️ copyright️️️ countdown country couple court‍️‍️ court‍️‍️‍️‍️ covid19 cow cow” co² crab crazy create creativity creature creepy cricket crossing cruise crush cry crying crystal cs cu culture cummies cummy cumreview cupid cupped curious cursing cussing custom cut cz dad daddy dam dance dance” dancing danger dank dark dart dash data date dating dawn de dead deadly deadpan death december deer degree delete deleted️ delicious demon denied denmark deny depressed desert design despise dessert destination detective️‍️ developed‍ developed‍‍ developed‍‍‍ developed‍‍‍‍ developed‍‍‍‍‍ developer‍‍ developer‍‍‍ developing‍ developing‍‍ developing‍‍‍ developing‍‍‍‍‍ develop‍ develop‍‍ develop‍‍‍ devil diagonal️ diagonal️️️ diamond diamonds️️️ diamonds️️️️ dick dicks die dig dildo dildos ding dinner dinosaur direction disabled disappointed disbelief disco disease dislike display divide diy dj dk dm doctor‍️ doctor‍️‍️ doctor‍️‍️‍️ doctor‍️‍️‍️‍️ doctor‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️ documents dog doge dollar dollars dolls dolphin dominican donate door dork doubt dove down dragon drama draw drawing dream dress drink drip driving drizzle drug drugs drum drunk dumb dusk dutch dvd eagle ear early earth east eat economic economy education ee egg eight elder electricity elephant email embarrassed embarrassing emergency emoji emojis employees empty end energy enforcement‍️ enforcement‍️‍️‍️‍️ engagement engineer‍ england english enter️ enter️️ enter️️️ enter️️️️ entrance environment epic er error et euro european evening event evil exam exclamation exercise exit exit” experience experiment explode explosion express extinct eye eyes face factory fail failure fall family fancy farming fart fashion fast father favorite fax fearful feet‍️ feet‍️‍️ feet‍️‍️‍️ feet‍️‍️‍️‍️ feet‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍️ female fencing fighting filing film films financial find finger fingers fire fireworks first fish fist five fix flag flame flex flight flipping floor flower flowers flu flushed fly fog food football forbidden formal formula fortnite forward four fr frame france free french fresh friend friendship fries frozen fruit fuck fucked fucker fuckers fucking fuck— fuk full fun funeral funny future ga gamble game games garbage gas gay️‍ gay️‍️‍ gay️‍️‍️‍ ge gear gem gender general gentleman genuinely german get gf gift girl girlfriend girls git giết giờ glad glass globe gloves goat goblin going gold golf good goodbye good” goofy gorilla government graduate‍‍ grasp grass graveyard great green grimace grinning groceries gross group guess guinea guitar gun gun” gust guy guy… haha haha” hair hall halloween halo hamburger hammer hand hands hands’ happiness️ happiness️️ happiness️️️ happy hard hard” hash️⃣️⃣ hat hate have head headphones health healthcare‍️ healthy hear heart heartbreak hearts️ hearts️️ heaven hedgehog heis helicopter hello help herb here here” herzegovina hey hi high highway hilarious him‍ hippie hipster‍️ hipster‍️‍️ history hit ho hobby hoe hoes hole home homosexual️‍ homosexual️‍️‍ honey hoot hope horn horns horse hospital hot hotdog hotel house houses how how12 hr hug hugs huh human hundred hurricane hurt i icon id idea idiot idiots ie ikea ill increase india indian‍️ industrial‍ industrial‍‍ industrial‍‍‍ industry info information injured ink innocent insect instrument insulting intelligent interest interested international internet interstate into️ into️️ into️️️ invest invested iphone ip️ ip️️ iraq is islam islamic island islands isle israel iss issue️ issue️️ issue️️️ italian italy ive i‘ve i’d i’ll i’ve jacket japan japanese jar jaws jazz je jeans jesus️ jesus️️ jesus️️️ jewish job join joint jordan joy jump justice‍️ justice‍️‍️‍️ kanye karate kawaii kek kevin key keyboard kfc kg ki kick kid kids kill killer kills king kingdom kiss kissing kiss— kitchen kitten knew knife know knowing knowledge knows koala kong korea label labor‍️ labor‍️‍️ labor‍️‍️‍️ lady landing language laptop‍ laptop‍‍ laptop‍‍‍ late laugh laughing launch lawn lawrence law‍️ law‍️‍️ law‍️‍️‍️ lb leader learn learn’ leaves leave‍️ leave‍️‍️ leave‍️‍️‍️ left leftovers legal‍️ legal‍️‍️ legal‍️‍️‍️ legend lemon length leone lesbian️‍ lesbian️‍️‍ lesbian️‍️‍️‍ less letter️ letter️️ letter️️️ lettuce lgbt️‍ lgbt️‍️‍ lgbt️‍️‍️‍ li library license️ lie lies lie” life life️ light lightning like likes limbs limit line️ line️️ line️️️ link lips liquid liquor listen literature lmao load location lock lol lollipop look look… loop lord loser losing lost loud love lt luck lucky lunch lv100 mac machine mad maggot magic mail male mall man manager‍ manager‍‍ manager‍‍‍ man” map mark marriage mask massage️ master math mc52 mcdonalds mcdonald’s meal mean meat medicine mega meh melon meme memes memo men men’s meow message messages metal metro mexican mexico mg microphone midday middle midnight milestone military milk mind minor mm moai mom mom” money mongols mongolsbetter monitor monkey monster month️ month️️ month️️️ moo moon moon️️ moon️️️ more morning morocco mother motorcycle mountain mouse moustache mouth movie moving mr mt muscle music mute mürœ mắt nail namaste name nap nasa nation nature neck needle nemo nervous never new new” next nfl ni nigga niggas night nine ninjas no noise noon nope north northern nose note notes nothing noticed notification no” nuclear numbers nurse‍️ nurse‍️‍️ nursing nut obtain ocean octopus office oh‍️ ok okay okëî ok… old ole omg omg⁄ on one one️hour open orange order other out owl ox pa package paint painter‍ pair palm panda paper parents parent‍ parent‍‍ parent‍‍‍ parking️ parking️️ parking️️️ party pass password pasta paul pause pay paycheck payment peace peach peehle peek pen pencil people percent perfect person pet philippines phone photo physics pick pickle picture pie pig pill pineapple pink pirate pissed pistol pizza place planet plane‍️ plane‍️‍️ plane‍️‍️‍️ planning plant play please please” podcast point poison poisoned poker poland police‍️ police‍️‍️ police‍️‍️‍️ pool poop pork potato potty pouch pound power practice practicing praise prank pray prayer present presentation president press previous️ previous️️ previous️️️ price pride prime princess privacy problem️ problem️️ problem️️️ professor‍ professor‍‍ profile program programmer‍‍ programming progress propose proud pt pt3 pub public pumpkin pumps puppy purchase push pussy queen queer️‍️‍ question quick11 quiet quirky quit quiz rabbit race‍️ race‍️‍️ race‍️‍️‍️ radio rage rain rainbow raised ram ramen ran random rat razor read reading realised realized record recording recovery red reddit registered️ registered️️ relax relaxed️️️ relief relieved religion religion” religious remove repeat republic rest restaurant restricted return️ return️️ return️️️ reunion revolver rice rich right ring rings rip️ rip️️ rip️️️ road roar robot rocket‍ rocket‍‍ rocket‍‍‍ rock‍️ rock‍️‍️ rock‍️‍️‍️ rodent rofl roll rolling rose round royalty rs rude rules run running‍️ running‍️‍️ running‍️‍️‍️ rush russian sad sahara said️ said️️ said️️️ sake sale sales sale” san sand sandwich sandwich” santa sarcasm satan satellite satisfied save say scale scared scary schedule school science scissors️ scissors️️️ score scottish scout scream screen scribble️ scroll sea sealed search season’️ season️ season️️ season️️️ seat second secret security see seems seller senior serbia serious servers service seven sewage shake shape️ shape️️ shape️️️ shape️️️️️ shark shave sheep shell shh shhh shield shiny shiny… ship‍️ ship‍️‍️ ship‍️‍️‍️ shirt shit shitpost shit” shock shocked shoes shoot shopping shot show shower shrimp shy sick sideways️ sideways️️ sideways️️️ sierra sight sign signal silence silent silk silly silver sing sir sit six skeleton skeptics skill‍️ skull sky sleep sleeping slow smart smash smell smile smoke smoke” smoking smug snack snake sneakers sneeze sniff sniper snow snowman soccer socks soda software‍ software‍‍ software‍‍‍ somalia soon sorcerer‍️ sorry sound soup south southern space‍ space‍‍ space‍‍‍ sparkle spa‍️‍️ speak speaker speaking spear special speech speed spent spicy spider spin spiral spoke spooky️ spooky️️ spooky️️️ spoon sports spots spring spy️‍️️‍️ squid squirrel sr stadium stage stalk star starbucks starbucks4 stare starry stars start started states station steps‍️‍️ steps‍️‍️‍️ stew stone stop stopped stripes strong strong… student study stuffed stunned stupid‍️ stupid‍️‍️ stupid‍️‍️‍️ style subreddit success suck sucked sucking sucks suit suits️️️ sum summer sun sunflower sunny️ sunny️️️ sunset support surgery surprise surprised surrender sushi swearing sweat sweden sweet swift swim swimming swirl sword symbols symphony syringe taco tag taiwan talk tap tape tape” target tea teach team tears tech technology teenager teeth telephone️️️ television tell telling temperature temple tennis terrified territories territory terrorism test testé text th thank thanks theater therapist‍️ therapist‍️‍️ therapist‍️‍️‍️ things think thinking third thirst thirsty this this” thot three throne through ticket tickets tiger time tired titanic to tobacco toddler toilet tomato tone tongue tool tools top top” tornado torture️ torture️️️ toy tracking train training️‍️ training️‍️️‍️ training️‍️️‍️️‍️ tram transgender️‍️‍ transgender️‍️‍️‍ trash trash” travel tree triangle triton‍️‍️ triumph truck trump trust truth tshirt tsunami tube turd turkey turtle tv twilight twisted twitter️⃣ twitter️⃣️⃣ twitter️⃣️⃣️⃣ two type tấn u uber ukraine uk‍️ uk‍️‍️‍️ uncle unconscious undead‍️ underage underground undo️️️ unicorn union united university unlock up upset ur urban usa user v vacation vatican vegas vehicle vhs victory video videogames viet vietnam view violence violin virgin volume vomit vomiting vortex vs và vöcëë wait wake walking‍️ walking‍️‍️ walking‍️‍️‍️ want wanted wanting warm warning watch water wave wavy wax way️ way️️ way️️️ wealthy weapon weather website weed weight weird western wet whale what wheelchair when where whine who whoa wholesome️ wholesome️️ why wifi wild win win10 win7 wind wine wings wink winning winter wish witch‍️‍️ witch‍️‍️‍️ wizard‍️‍️ wolf woman women womens wont won’t woof words work worker‍️ worker‍️‍️ worker‍️‍️‍️ working work world world’ worm worried worship worst wow wrench‍‍‍ write writing x xd ye yea yeah yellow yen yes yo yoga‍️ yoga‍️‍️ you young your youre yours you’re yum yummy zap zen‍️‍️ zero zoom ʃx ‍ ‍‍ ‍‍‍ ‍️ ‍️‍‍ ‍️‍️buuuut… ‘asian ‘coder’‍‍‍ ‘coding’ ‘frog’ ‘fun ‘fun’ ‘i ‘moo ‘mouse’ ‘new ‘out ‘pink “ass “bless “bread” “cock “gay”️‍️‍️‍ “good “hey “hot “how “huh “i “i’ll “look “man “meow” “ok “perfect” “shit “sir “talk “this “up “what “why “you’re ”fuck ↓ ╚═███═╝ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣤⣤⣄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡿⠟⠉⠉⠉⢻⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ あなたは私のことを何と言ったの?私がネイビーシールズでクラスのトップを卒業したことを知ってもらいます。アルクエダで数々の秘密の襲撃に関与しており、300人以上の殺害が確認されています。私はゴリラ戦の訓練を受けており、全米軍の中で最高の狙撃兵です。あなたは私には何の役にも立たず、ただの別のターゲットです。この地球上でこれまで見られなかったような正確さで性交を一掃します、私のクソ言葉をマークします。あなたはインターネットで私にそのたわごとを言うことで逃げることができると思いますか?もう一度考えて、ファッカー。私たちが話している間、私はアメリカ中のスパイの秘密のネットワークに連絡しており、あなたのipは現在追跡されているので、嵐、うじ虫の準備をよりよくすることができます。あなたが人生と呼ぶ哀れな小さなことを一掃する嵐。お前は死んだぞ私はどこにでも、いつでもいることができ、700以上の方法であなたを殺すことができます。それは私の素手だけです。私は非武装戦闘で広範囲に訓練されているだけでなく、私は米国海兵隊の兵器全体にアクセスでき、大陸の顔からあなたの惨めなお尻を拭き取るためにそれを最大限に使用します、あなたはちょっとくそ。もしあなただけが、あなたの小さな「賢い」コメントがあなたに降りかけようとしている不誠実な報復が何であるかを知ることができたなら、たぶんあなたはあなたのクソ舌を握っていただろう。しかし、あなたはできなかったし、そうしなかったし、今やあなたは代価を払っているのだ。私はあなたのいたるところに激怒し、あなたはそれに溺れます。お前は死んだぞ、キッド️️ ️ ️although ️‍ ️‍️ ️‍️‍️‍ ️⃣ ️️ ️️️ � 𝓼𝓱𝓾𝓽 𝓾𝓹
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