Live Blackjack Online - Top Live Dealer Blackjack 21 Sites

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top online casino live blackjack - win

I live in a small mining town in the mountains of Colorado. Someone is building a massive casino nearby, Pictures Included

I grew up in a small mountain town named Eureka. It was founded in the late 1800s during the gold rush, but after the mines dried up the town began its slow descent into decay. Half the houses are empty or abandoned now.
You can see a picture of the kind of houses here in Eureka:
First house
Second house
When a massive construction project began nearby, it was the talk of the town for weeks. Why would they build something in a sleepy dying town like Eureka? It wasn’t until my sister Selene talked to a few construction workers that we discovered they were building a casino.
A casino up in the mountains, over two hours away from Denver. None of us could understand why they’d chosen here of all places. After a few months of work, the casino was done.
I took a picture of the town with the completed casino in the background to the right. The ten-story-structure sticks out like a sore thumb off in the distance.
After the casino opened, they hired a few dozen members of the town, offering high paying jobs to work as dealers or cleaning staff. I was already employed as a firefighter, but my sister Selene got a job as a blackjack dealer. She’s a widow with two young kids, so the paycheck was a real lifesaver.
Still, something about the situation seemed too good to be true. The jobs over there paid far too well, and the management was far too accommodating. The fire station where I work is located high on a hill overlooking the town, so I began watching the casino from a distance each day.
I had initially thought that the casino was located in a terrible location, but I was apparently wrong. True, Eureka was hours from any major city, but despite that, a bus full of people arrived every morning and left every evening.
One night I was over at my parent’s house and had dinner with Selene and her kids. I asked her about her experience as a dealer.
“It’s Ok,” she said. “Just a little boring I guess.”
“Boring?” I asked. “I’m surprised you don’t have your hands full.”
“Why’s that?” she asked. “It’s like you said, Eureka’s too small. I never have people playing cards. The casino is almost always completely empty.”
I wasn’t sure what to make of that. If the place was always empty, what happened to the people who I’d seen arriving on buses? “I’ve been keeping an eye on the building,” I said. “A bus full of people typically arrives around 9 AM every day.”
“Really?” she asked, looking confused. “If that’s true, I’ve never seen them.
“I can see it from the fire station,” I said. “If you head out for a smoke break at 9 AM, you’ll probably see them arriving.”
“Interesting,” she said. “I’ll do that. If they’re being processed for their organs or something, I’ll let you know.” She laughed.
“Har har,” I said sarcastically.
The next night she sent me a text calling me over. When I arrived, she was nearly breathless with excitement.
“Orin, You were right,” she said. “A big group of people did arrive, but they didn’t walk into my part of the casino. Instead, they all walked into an elevator at the back of the building. I’m not sure where that goes.” She looked thoughtful. “It was weird. They looked… How can I say it? Desperate? Something about the whole situation was very off. I’m gonna check out the elevator tomorrow.”
I told her to be careful, though, to be honest, I was excited to hear about what she discovered. When I visited my parent’s house the next night, I found her two kids there alone. They told me that Selene had never returned from work.
I called all her friends, then all our neighbors, but no one had seen her since she left for work that morning. Our conversations regarding the casino flooded my mind, then a plan began to form.
Early the next morning I walked across town in my nicest pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. I pushed through the door to the casino and saw that Selene wasn’t lying. The place was all but deserted. Three dozen slot machines crowded the walls surrounding a few tables interspersed throughout the floor of the casino. The only players in the whole building were Bob and Donald, two locals.
I walked up to a nearby table where Bridget, a girl I’d gone to high school with, was shuffling cards. She broke into a grin when she saw me. “Hey Orin, you here for a few rounds of blackjack?”
“I wish,” I said. “No, I’m here to ask about Selene. She never made it home last night.”
Bridget’s expression darkened. “Really? Have you asked around?”
“I already called around. Have you seen her?”
She shook her head. “No, our schedules rarely line up. I’ll be sure to let you know if I--” Her eyes focused on something behind me, and she cut herself off.
I turned around to see the casino’s pit boss watching us both. He was a tall thin man in an impeccably clean black suit. When I turned back towards Bridget, she was looking down at the table and shuffling cards absent-mindedly.
“Well, if you hear anything, let me know,” I said.
She nodded, so I turned around and headed for the pit boss. I stuck out my hand. The temperature of his hand was so hot that I had to pull my hand away after a few seconds.
“Have… have you seen my sister Selene?” I asked. “She hasn’t been seen since her shift here yesterday.”
He smiled. “Sir, this floor is for players. You’re more than welcome to head to the tellers for chips, but barring that I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
I stared at him for a long second before stalking towards the door. When I looked back, he was talking with Bridget.
I checked my watch. 8:55 AM, just as I’d planned. I walked around the back of the building and waited as the morning bus pulled around the building. I waited for the telltale hiss of the opening doors and the sound of people descending before I rounded the corner and joined the crowd. None of them paid any particular attention to me as I walked with them into the casino.
The crowd walked through a side door down a hallway to an elevator. Small groups of people entered the elevator as the rest of us waited for our turn. I shot a glance at the casino patrons, surprised at their diversity. There seemed to be people from all different countries and ethnicities. I heard one speaking Japanese and another speaking what sounded like an African language.
My turn came along with a few other patrons in the elevator. A sickly woman hobbled into the elevator beside me carrying an IV that was still connected to one of her veins. We piled in and rode up to the top.
The elevator rose for a few long seconds. I wasn’t sure what I would find, but I steeled myself for something horrible. The elevator’s speaker let out a TING, then the doors opened.
We all walked out onto what looked like a standard casino. Another few dozen slot machines ringed the walls, but on this floor, they were almost all occupied by customers. I took in the scene, confused at why they’d have a ground floor that was almost completely empty when this place was almost--
Selene was dealing cards at a nearby table.
I jogged over and sat down at an open seat. None of the players around me paid me much attention.
“Selene!” I said. “Are you OK? Did you spend the night here last night?”
Her eyes were glassy and confused. She looked up at me with a dumb expression and didn’t respond to my question.
“Selene?” I asked.
“What’s your bet?” she asked me. “This table is for blackjack players only.”
“I…” I trailed off, looking at the players around me. None of them were betting with chips of any kind. “What’s the minimum bet?” I asked.
“Three years,” she responded.
“Three years then,” I said, not knowing what that referred to.
Selene nodded, then began dealing cards. I shot a look down at my hand. King and a 9. Selene dealt out cards for herself, showing a 9. I stood, then leaned forward again. “Should I call the police? Are you--”
“Congratulations,” she said tonelessly.
An almost impossibly warm hand grabbed my shoulder. I spun to see the pit boss I’d spoken to earlier. He gave an impressed smile. “Orin, was it? I’m impressed, truly. Would you mind if I had a word with you?”
I shot a look back at Selene who was dealing the next round of cards. Then I got to my feet, balling my hands into fists. “What did you do to her?”
The pit boss clasped his hands behind his back. “Nothing more, and nothing less than what I’m going to do to you. That is, offer you the chance to play.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
The pit boss nodded his head towards a nearby slot machine. A woman in a wheelchair pulled a lever and watched the flashing numbers spin. They exploded in a cacophony of sirens and flashing lights. “WINNER WINNER WINNER!” The machine screeched.
The woman in the wheelchair put her feet on the ground and stood up on a pair of wobbly legs that had clearly never been used before.
“As in any other casino,” the pit boss said, “you must wager for the chance to win.”
“She... won the use of her legs?” I asked, feeling light-headed. “Wait,” I said. “I played blackjack just now. ‘Three years,’ Selene told me. What does ‘three years’ mean?” I asked.
“Three years of life, of course. Did you win?”
My mouth felt dry. “I-- Yes, I won.”
He smiled warmly. “Congratulations. I hope you enjoy them. I can tell you from personal experience that watching the decades pass is a bore. Give it some time and you’ll be back to spend them.”
I watched the pit boss’s face. He couldn’t have been more than a few years older than me, and I was in my early thirties. I looked around at the casino. No one was playing with chips of any kind. “So what?” I asked. “I won years of life. That woman won the use of her legs. What else can a person win here?”
“Oh, almost anything. They can win almost anything you can imagine.”
A cold feeling settled in my stomach. “And what do they wager?”
His eyes flashed with greed. “Almost anything. They can wager almost anything you can possibly imagine. Anything equal in value to the item they want in return.” He nodded towards a nearby roulette table.
A man stood by the table, cradling his hands. “Another finger,” he called out. He only had three fingers remaining on his left hand. As I watched, the ball came to a stop, and another finger disappeared from his left hand.
The pit boss extended his hands. “Feel free to try any of our games. Bet and win whatever you’d like.” He reached out and snatched my hand. A feeling of intense warmth passed up my arm to my chest. “There,” he said. “I’ve even given you some house money to get you started. An extra decade of life, on me.”
I ripped my hand away, staring at him in horror. Then I looked back at Selene. Something clicked in my mind. “You offered her the chance to play. What did she want?” I asked.
“Her husband,” the pit boss said. “Quite the sad story. He died two years ago. She wanted him brought back to her.”
“What did she wager?” I asked.
“She wanted the chance to win a soul, the most valuable object in existence. I’m sure you can imagine what she needed to wager for the chance to win it. What she wagered is unimportant. The important question is: What do you want, Orin?”
I stared at Selene with a flat expression. “I’m sure you can imagine.”
His eyes flashed with greed again. “How wonderful. The casino could always make use of another dealer. Feel free to make your wager at any one of our games; I’ll be eagerly awaiting the results of your night. Oh, and do take advantage of our waitresses. We always supply food and drink for ‘high rollers’.” He walked away.
I spent the next few hours trying to decide which game to play. I was going to be wagering my soul, so I wanted the highest chance possible. Slots and roulette were out. I’d done some reading online about counting cards, so I figured that blackjack gave me the best odds.
I walked up to Selene’s table and sat down. “Bet?” she asked with that same toneless voice. “Three years,” I said.
I spent the next hour or so doing my best to remember how to count cards. I knew that low cards added one to my count and high cards decreased it by one, but the casino used three decks. I had read something about how that was supposed to change my calculation, but I couldn’t quite remember how.
Every time I won a hand, I cursed myself for not putting everything on the line. Every time I lost, I breathed a prayer of thanks that I’d waited. And all the while, I kept track of the count.
I had lost fifteen years of life when the count finally reached +5.
“Bet?” Selene asked.
“I wager my soul so you can be free,” I said.
The table around me fell silent. Selene’s eyes flickered, but she showed no other emotion as she dealt the cards. I watched my first card, punching the air in excitement when I saw a Jack. My excitement turned to ash when my second card was a four. Fourteen.
I looked at her hand. One card was facedown, but the faceup card was a King. I swore loudly, staring down at my hands.
“Hit?” she asked. The entire table was silently watching me.
“Hit,” I said, not looking down. The table erupted in cheers. I looked down to see a 7 atop my two other cards. 21. Blackjack.
I looked at Selene who flipped over her facedown card to reveal a 9. 19. I won.
The glassy look left her eyes immediately. She looked around in surprise, then her eyes locked on mine. “Orin?” she asked, then almost immediately began to cry. The entire casino broke out in cheers.
I grabbed her hand and headed for the elevator. The doors had begun to close when the pit boss reached out with a hand to stop them.
“Congratulations,” he said, beaming. He seemed to be honestly excited.
“Shouldn’t you be upset?” I asked.
“Not at all. Casinos love it when we have big winners. It inspires the other players to make larger bets. I imagine I’ll gain two or three dealers before the night is through from your performance.”
“Great,” I said flatly. “Now let us go.”
“Not yet,” he said. “You didn’t just win, Orin. You got a blackjack. And blackjack pays out 1.5 times your bet. You won your sister’s soul and more.”
I stared, not sure what to say. “What are you saying? I won half a soul extra?”
The pit boss grinned wildly. “Just remember what I said. You’ll find living for decades and decades to be a boring experience. After a few centuries, you’ll be back to gamble that half a soul away. Congratulations!”
He removed his hand, and the elevator doors slammed shut.
I helped Selene back to her house. Her children were relieved. I watched them cry, then moved into the kitchen to start making dinner.
It’s been a few days since that experience. The casino is still out there, and buses full of people still arrive. I… I cut my hand pretty bad a few days later. When I checked it an hour later, it had already healed, no scar or anything. I’m not sure exactly what I won at that casino, but there’s no way I’m ever going back.
submitted by Worchester_St to nosleep [link] [comments]

3 AM in Montreal

3 AM in Montreal, Quebec. Felt nice reading these posts knowing I am not alone. 10 years ago when I turned 18 (legal age here to gamble) my friends brought me to the casino in Montreal just for fun. Even though I was iffy about it and had a bad feeling about this place, I went to check it out and played $5 for the heck of it. Second time, went back with some close friends and hit that $125 "jackpot" at War and that was it. It turned the switch in my head. So many wins and losses mostly losses. Changed to blackjack one day when my brother taught me the game and lucky me had won about $1500. Followed by more losses. Some big wins (7-8k) then lost it all. Fast forward 10 years with so often on and offs, digging holes, getting back up and so on. My ex at that time left me and I don't blame her. Got myself a second pizza delivery job to pay some of it off. 2017 got a new gf, told her about some of my problems and promised to not do it again very supportive and helped me pay it off when i got a new job at the bank. 2019 when things were going, I gambled again and maxed all my credit after having it cleared after years that really fd me up, so I turned to making quick money to fix this. 2019 ending, got fired from my job. Mentally fd me up even more so I turned to gambling. Luckilly found a decent job in finance and decided to never gamble again. Everything once again going well with maybe only 15k in the deep from gambling (very fixable). Started trading stocks in March through August. Little did I know my gambling nature would impact my trading decision started taking big risks and thought of big WINS. During that time while losing in stock, friend showed me bet 365, was just betting small amounts for the fun of it. September 2020, I had ordered a ring for that same gf who supported me soo much and looking at my finances, stocks not soo good. So this one day in September I played a round of online blackjack after being free from card gambling for almost 10 months. I made 7k which would cover my gfs ring and told myself im going to take time off and not go back. September to October 26th while I kept telling myself I wont go back I was on my hottest winning streak of net $50k. I had lost my head, my whole life was uphill, I was living the life. I had enough to pay all my debts, my car , my motorcycle and still have a little left. Heck Come Ocober 27th, overnight I lost it all. Then it had hit me, I needed change, self excluded myself right away on bet 365. Started applying to new jobs and stayed busy with the interview process. December 24th, got an offer for a job but I was still unhappy about having lost all that money which could have given me a different life. Told my fiancée it was through stock trading and I would not do it again. During the holidays I saw an ad on, couldn't resist the thought of having that same streak on bet365 and fixing all my problems. Made 8k wow was feeling great. Nope, 2 days later all gone and another 15k on cc maxed out on top. Went through depression for the 10000th time. Told myself new job pays well and ill get a second part time job which to my luck oncd again a local mikes needed a driver and schedule works good. On last Thursday got an email, after self excluding from stupid, from casino tropez. I am so fked financially about 40k deep and supposed to get married in June, told myself IF ONLY I can make it back. These fkrs took another 2K of money I needed and have had to borrow. 20 and 20 I have, machine gets 21 with 4 cards and followed with 3 blackjacks in a row. Just some examples. Anyway I self excluded from all these online sh1t sites and hoping to work hard and pay off this mess and live peacefully with my partner who deserves much more. I'm tired of being depressed, sad, anxious and stressed. I wish gambling were illegal. Anyway I don't think anybody will read this because it's long but felt good to share this here and for everyone going through this, there will be better days.
submitted by Hopingfortheb3st to problemgambling [link] [comments]

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Bovada Sportsbook:

Bovada is an online sportsbook and casino established in 2011. The platform offers betting on most major US sports leagues and horse racing. It has slots, table games, blackjack, and a variety of other casino games. Plus, Bovada offers live online poker tournaments with players from around the world.
What you will need to do is sign up through my referral link. Make a deposit, and pm me with the deposit amount, and bet through your deposit one time and I'll receive 200% of your deposit up to $100. (You can easily hedge your $100 bet on another Sportsbook to churn through your 1× bet through. Feel free to ask me questions if you have any.) I will receive 200% of your deposit up to $100. Example, if you deposit $50, I'll receive $100 and send you $25 back. Minimum deposit is $20 and max payout from me is $25. Note that you can't withdraw your funds right away or I will lose my referral bonus. After 24 hours, to ensure you don't just withdraw and I lose my bonus, I'll send the money. STEPS: *Comment $bid
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SportsBetting is a one-stop-shop for nearly every popular type of gambling – legal sports betting, casino gaming, horse racing betting, and poker. Headquartered in Panama, the site initially launched in 1999 but was acquired by BetOnline in 2012. Since the acquisition, SportsBetting has become one of the top legal betting sites for players from the United States. It is one of the few legal betting sites that remained in the US market after Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act (UIGEA) of 2006. The federal law has no impact on the legality of online sports betting, but is essentially a banking restriction on unregulated payment processors. SportsBetting is well aware of this law and they have created ways to make sure that bettors can still safely and efficiently receive their winnings. SportsBetting has remained committed to U.S. players and is today one of the best betting sites that accept residents of all 50 states.
SportsBetting offers the complete package for every type of player in the US, and you will find that the site truly outshines the competition in certain areas. Huge bonuses and promotions, the latest betting odds, quick registration, and reliable banking are just some of the strong points of this particular betting site. The overall variety, whether it be the selection of sports or the catalog of casino games, is quite impressive at the online gambling site. In our legal SportsBetting review for US players, we will go into detail on these topics and more.
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[OFFER] #Sign up with my referral link from Bovada or Make deposit and receive 50% match of your deposit from me via PayPal, Venmo, Cashspp or Chime#

Bovada Sportsbook:

Bovada is an online sportsbook and casino established in 2011. The platform offers betting on most major US sports leagues and horse racing. It has slots, table games, blackjack, and a variety of other casino games. Plus, Bovada offers live online poker tournaments with players from around the world.
What you will need to do is sign up through my referral link. Make a deposit, and pm me with the deposit amount, and bet through your deposit one time and I'll receive 200% of your deposit up to $100. (You can easily hedge your $100 bet on another Sportsbook to churn through your 1× bet through. Feel free to ask me questions if you have any.) I will receive 200% of your deposit up to $100. Example, if you deposit $50, I'll receive $100 and send you $25 back. Minimum deposit is $20 and max payout from me is $25. Note that you can't withdraw your funds right away or I will lose my referral bonus. After 24 hours, to ensure you don't just withdraw and I lose my bonus, I'll send the money. STEPS: *Comment $bid
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*Sign up and deposit $20 or more to receive your payment back from me.

Link:# # Sportsbook:

SportsBetting is a one-stop-shop for nearly every popular type of gambling – legal sports betting, casino gaming, horse racing betting, and poker. Headquartered in Panama, the site initially launched in 1999 but was acquired by BetOnline in 2012. Since the acquisition, SportsBetting has become one of the top legal betting sites for players from the United States. It is one of the few legal betting sites that remained in the US market after Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act (UIGEA) of 2006. The federal law has no impact on the legality of online sports betting, but is essentially a banking restriction on unregulated payment processors. SportsBetting is well aware of this law and they have created ways to make sure that bettors can still safely and efficiently receive their winnings. SportsBetting has remained committed to U.S. players and is today one of the best betting sites that accept residents of all 50 states.
SportsBetting offers the complete package for every type of player in the US, and you will find that the site truly outshines the competition in certain areas. Huge bonuses and promotions, the latest betting odds, quick registration, and reliable banking are just some of the strong points of this particular betting site. The overall variety, whether it be the selection of sports or the catalog of casino games, is quite impressive at the online gambling site. In our legal SportsBetting review for US players, we will go into detail on these topics and more.
What you will need to do is sign up through my referral link. Make a deposit, and pm me with the deposit amount. Bet through your deposit one time and I'll receive 200% of your deposit up to $200. (You can easily hedge your $100 bet on another Sportsbook to churn through your 1× bet through. Feel free to ask me questions if you have any.) Example, if you deposit $100, I'll receive $200 and send you $50 back. Minimum deposit is $25 and max payout from me is $50. Note that you can't withdraw your funds right away or I will lose my referral bonus. After 24 hours, to ensure you don't just withdraw and I lose my bonus, I'll send the money.
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*I'll send you link to my referral to sign up or you can use the link below.
*Sign up and deposit $25 or more and bet through your deposit once to receive your payment back from me.
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[OFFER] #Sign up with my referral link from Bovada or Make deposit and receive 50% match of your deposit from me via PayPal, Venmo, Cashspp or Chime#

Bovada is an online sportsbook and casino established in 2011. The platform offers betting on most major US sports leagues and horse racing. It has slots, table games, blackjack, and a variety of other casino games. Plus, Bovada offers live online poker tournaments with players from around the world.
What you will need to do is sign up through my referral link. Make a deposit, and pm me with the deposit amount, and bet through your deposit one time and I'll receive 200% of your deposit up to $100. (You can easily hedge your $100 bet on another Sportsbook to churn through your 1× bet through. Feel free to ask me questions if you have any.) I will receive 200% of your deposit up to $100. Example, if you deposit $50, I'll receive $100 and send you $25 back. Minimum deposit is $20 and max payout from me is $25. Note that you can't withdraw your funds right away or I will lose my referral bonus. After 24 hours, to ensure you don't just withdraw and I lose my bonus, I'll send the money. STEPS: *Comment $bid
*I'll send you link to my referral to sign up or you can use the link below.
*Sign up and deposit $20 or more to receive your payment back from me.

Link:# #
SportsBetting is a one-stop-shop for nearly every popular type of gambling – legal sports betting, casino gaming, horse racing betting, and poker. Headquartered in Panama, the site initially launched in 1999 but was acquired by BetOnline in 2012. Since the acquisition, SportsBetting has become one of the top legal betting sites for players from the United States. It is one of the few legal betting sites that remained in the US market after Congress passed the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act (UIGEA) of 2006. The federal law has no impact on the legality of online sports betting, but is essentially a banking restriction on unregulated payment processors. SportsBetting is well aware of this law and they have created ways to make sure that bettors can still safely and efficiently receive their winnings. SportsBetting has remained committed to U.S. players and is today one of the best betting sites that accept residents of all 50 states.
SportsBetting offers the complete package for every type of player in the US, and you will find that the site truly outshines the competition in certain areas. Huge bonuses and promotions, the latest betting odds, quick registration, and reliable banking are just some of the strong points of this particular betting site. The overall variety, whether it be the selection of sports or the catalog of casino games, is quite impressive at the online gambling site. In our legal SportsBetting review for US players, we will go into detail on these topics and more.
What you will need to do is sign up through my referral link. Make a deposit, and pm me with the deposit amount. Bet through your deposit one time and I'll receive 200% of your deposit up to $200. (You can easily hedge your $100 bet on another Sportsbook to churn through your 1× bet through. Feel free to ask me questions if you have any.) Example, if you deposit $100, I'll receive $200 and send you $50 back. Minimum deposit is $25 and max payout from me is $50. Note that you can't withdraw your funds right away or I will lose my referral bonus. After 24 hours, to ensure you don't just withdraw and I lose my bonus, I'll send the money.
*Comment $bid
*I'll send you link to my referral to sign up or you can use the link below.
*Sign up and deposit $25 or more and bet through your deposit once to receive your payment back from me.
I have been playing at SportsBetting. Join today and get a 75% bonus to bet on sports...
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The casino operator is known for offering a generous bonus and special promotions to all the newly registered players as well as the existing customers. If you are a new player, you can avail a Welcome Bonus of 400% up to €1000 on your first deposit. It means that if you have deposited €100 in your casino account, you can play with €500. On your 2nd and 3rd deposit, you can avail a bonus of 100% and 200% respectively.
All the bonuses are limited to one person, one computer and one banking detail. There is no exclusive bonus available and to claim the bonus, you must have a minimum deposit of €20 in your casino account. You will automatically receive the bonus amount in the welcome package on the first three deposits. You must use the registration code BBC avail all these bonus offers.
On the whole, the bonus terms and conditions are fair and reasonable. The welcome bonus is subject to 45 times wagering requirement before you can request a withdrawal. You must know that different games contribute a different percentage for the bonus wagering requirement ranging from 90-100 percent.
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Other Promotions

Not only does Superlines Casino offer a great welcome bonus, but there are also some weekly promotions you can take advantage. Like for instance, you can enjoy 100% bonus money on all deposits every Friday between 02.00 and 08.00 GMT. It is known as Happy Hour which is available once a week.
There is another nice promotion available called Payment Method Bonus where you can collect 15% extra money on your Welcome Bonus on selected payment methods. If you are a high roller, you can take advantage of the High Roller Welcome Bonus. You need to contact the customer care staff for more information.

VIP Program

Superlines Casinos offer VIP Program where you can reap more benefits as a loyal member. The more you play, better your rewards will be. As a player, you will start with the Bronze tier where you will get features like Welcome Package, Loyalty Promotions and Cash Points for every €10,000 you wager.
After that, you go into Silver, Gold and Platinum Tier where you will be eligible for more cash points and higher benefits like a dedicated account manager and monthly cashbacks. As a Platinum Member, you will be eligible for a Monthly Prize Draw. You don’t have to wager on the cashpoints.
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Casino Superlines Game Offer

At Superlines Casino, the assortment of table games is quite diverse. If you enjoy playing Roulette, you can check out some of the popular variants like Micro Roulette, Premium Roulette and Zero Spin Roulette.
If you are a fan of Blackjack, don’t forget to check out variants like Blackjack Switch and Blackjack Surrender. The casino operator also features video poker games like Magic Poker, Poker Dice, Poker Three, Casino Hold’em and Caribbean Poker.
As a player, you can enjoy a plethora of online slots powered by several software vendors in the iGaming industry. Some of the widely played game titles are Guns N’ Roses Slot, Wild Torso Slot, Viking Fire Slot and Gonzo’s Quest Slot.
At the moment, around 100 games are featured on the casino website. Since it is a new operator, you can expect the numbers to double shortly. All the slot games are known for its stunning graphics and fantastic sound quality. You can change the language of the slot games at any point in time.
All the casino games features at the Superlines Casino incorporates RNG or Random Number Generator. Hence fairness and randomness for the casino games are completely guaranteed. The casino operator is known for the most unpredictable RNG online due to extensive audits by game testing agencies.

Live Casino

Superlines Casino is also home to some of the best live games in the iGaming industry. If you are a Roulette aficionado, you can master the wheel with variants like European Roulette, GIB Roulette and Sizzling Hot Roulette. Also, if you love Blackjack and Baccarat, you can find several game variants suited to you taste while playing against the live dealers.
Superlines Casino is licensed and regulated by the Government of Curacao which means that you get access to the highest level of features in the iGaming industry. All the casino games are powered by reputed software giants like NetEnt, Elk Studio, NextGen Gaming, 1×2 Gaming among others.
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The website of Superlines Casinos is clutter free with everything clear and within the view. The appealing colour palette with a sophisticated and stylized design creates an immediate impact on all customers. Here, you can find a plethora of games where you can either download it on your mobile via app or play it directly on the web browser. The casino tested by independent game testing agencies like TST and eCOGRA where all the games are free from malware.
The games can be downloaded on all popular smartphone models of iOS and Android. At the same time, the games are compatible with all the modern browsers like Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox. You can play the games on your smartphones or mobile devices even when you are travelling from any place in the world. You need to download the app on your device and get immediate access to a wide range of games offered by Superlines Casino.
When it comes to fairness, transparency and trust, you can entirely rely on Superlines Casino as the operator is fully committed to providing a fair gaming standard. The game software is meticulously maintained and tested by the gaming agencies from time to time with the highest industry standards.

Payment and Withdrawals at Superlines Casino

When it comes to banking options, you can rest assured that your valuable money and user credentials are safe with the casino operator. For making deposits, you can opt for various payment methods like payment cards, Zimpler, Trustly, GiroPay, Poli, Visa, Visa Electron, Paysafecard, MasterCard, Maestro and EcoPayz.
When it comes to withdrawals, the options are a little bit limited as you have to opt for services from Skrill, Wire Transfer, Visa, Visa Electron, Neteller, MasterCard and Maestro. All the payment method comes with fees and charges for processing the transaction. You must choose a payment method that does not charge a lot of money and settles your online transaction in the minimum possible time.
All the winning payouts are processed by the casino operator immediately, and you can expect the money to arrive in your bank account without any delay. Before processing the withdrawal request, you must submit a photo ID and utility bill.
The photo ID can be a valid National ID Card, Driving License or Passport. The utility bill can be either phone or electricity bill with your name and address mentioned. The bill should not be more than six months old.
If the documents are not received within five working days, the withdrawal request is declined, and the money is returned to the casino account. Superlines Casino verifies all the requested documents within 1-2 business days. For fast winning payouts, you are recommended to send an email to the customer support team with scanned copies of the documents mentioned above.
The minimum withdrawal amount is €100 per withdrawal with a maximum of €5000 in a given month. Any requests above these limits are automatically declined, and the funds are automatically returned to your casino balance.
All withdrawal requests are processed in 1-3 days after document verification. Once it is processed, you will receive the money based on different banking methods like:
  • Payment Card: 1 business day
  • Neteller: 1 business day
  • Skrill: 1 business day
  • Qiwi: 1 business day
  • EcoPayz: 1 business day
  • Wire Transfer: 5 business day
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Casino Superlines Customer Support

Although the casino has been in existence for around a year and a half, it is surprising to note that Superlines Casino offers 24/7 customer service to all its clients. Staff members can be contacted through various channels like email, live chat and telephone where all queries are resolved in 24-48 hours.
If you don’t want to wait for their reply and you are in a hurry, then you should check out the detailed FAQ section on the official website of the casino operator which we linked to in our online casino review. The dedicated section can help you get answers to some of the commonly asked questions related to casino games and online banking transactions.

Restricted Countries

Due to some legal and gambling restrictions, players residing in Afghanistan, Algeria, Albania, Angola, Cambodia, Guyana, Ecuador, Hong Kong, Iran, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Myanmar, Lao, North Korea, Nicaragua, Namibia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Panama, Pakistan, Spain, Syria, Singapore, Sudan, South Korea, Taiwan, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Zimbabwe and Yemen are prohibited to register and play at Superlines Casino.
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Reliability and Security

The Superliners Casino implements 128 bit SSL or Secure Socket Layer technology to keep the transaction details of all the players safe and secure. At the same time, this sophisticated encryption technology eliminates all risks associated with online banking. The online gaming system is managed to highly professional standards to deliver secure service for all players.
Superlines Casino maintains full confidentiality over all information of players, and it is not shared outside the organisation. Upon registration, you are given a personal account holder and choose a proper username and password. It is your responsibility for keeping the information safe from any unauthorised access.
Complete privacy is provided to players while making online banking transactions for deposits and withdrawals. Authentic checks are carried out from time to time so that your personal and confidential details like bank account number, email address and contact number are not compromised.
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If you are searching for an ultimate online casino experience, it does not get anything better than Superlines Casino. It maintains an incredible real casino environment with staff members working round the clock to offer an immersive gaming experience to players. The casino uses some of the best gaming providers in the market for top quality games like online slots, table games, video poker etc.
All the casino games are available for free play where you get to understand the game before you start playing for real money. At the same time, the casino is licensed and regulated by Curacao which means that all games are fair and random.
Superlines Casino receives a big THUMBS UP from our team members at Top10-CasinoSites.Net, and we recommend this operator for all the newbie as well as experienced gamblers. We highly recommend checking out the list of restricted countries from the list above before playing. If you are eligible, you must register and start playing your favourite games either free or as a real money player.
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

Joka Room Vip - Gambling Online

Australian Casino Players Have A Vast Choice Of Different Sites To Gable. With So Many Different Options, Some Platforms Stand Out With A Unique Approach, Huge Bonus Opportunities, A Range Of Popular Gaming Titles, And A Secure Gaming Experience. Joka Room Vip Is A Newly Established Online Casino That Differs From Typical Gambling Service Providers. It Delivers A Variety Of Banking Solutions, Promotions For New And Returning Players, Superior Support, And Hundreds Of Gaming Opportunities To Meet The Needs Of The Most Demanding Gambling Gourmets.
Established A Few Years Ago, It Has Quickly Grown Into A Major Destination For Australian Players. Today, It Offers The VIP Format For Those Who Want To Enter A Community Of Gamblers With Extensive Skills And Gaming Techniques. Although It Does Not Accept New Players In A Traditional Way, You May Still Claim VIP Access And Become A Member Of The Exclusive Gambling Pool Of Players.
Many Award-Winning Features Make This Casino Different From Other Popular Websites. First Of All, All Games Are Delivered By Top-Notch Developers And Software Providers, It Ensures A Safe And Engaging Gaming Process With Lots Of Extra Features To Benefit From. What’s More, Visitors Will Appreciate An Essential Collection Of Financial And Banking Benefits. From Initial Registration To Cash Withdrawal, You Will Appreciate Transparent And Secure Gambling.

Best Games and Slot Titles

Joka Room Vip Reveals Some Of The Top-Rated Slot Machines, Table Games, And Video Pokies Players May Access With A Click. Each Game Was Produced By Some Of The Top Software Vendors Around The Globe. Players May Choose From A Vast Variety Of Themes With Special Features And Functions.
The List Of Games Is Constantly Updated. Today, Australian Gamblers May Choose From Over A Thousand Slot Machines And Traditional Casino Games. They Are All Divided Into Categories Making It Simpler For Users To Search The Required Slot Using Specific Filters For Fast And Easy Navigation. Here Are Some Major Casino Game Categories Available At Joka Room Vip:
- Pokies & Slots – The Category Is Very Popular With Gamblers Of Any Level And Background. Here You Will Find Slot Games That Will Fit Not Only Professional Players With Years Of Experience But Also Newbies Who Try Their Luck For The First Time. Users Will Appreciate Hundreds Of Modern Slots In Addition To Such Legendary Titles As Starburst, Wins Of Fortune, Second Strike, And Many Others.
- Table Games – The Category Includes Traditional Casino Games. You Will Have A Chance To Play Different Variations Of Roulette, Baccarat, Poker, Or Blackjack. Keep In Mind That These Games Require More Skills And Tactics, As They Are Not As Easy As They Seem At First Sight.
- Games With Live Dealers – A Great Way To Feel Yourself Inside A Real Casino Without Leaving Your Home. The Selection Of Games In This Category Involves Pokies With Multipliers As Well As Some More Engaging And Interactive Options Like Hold’em Poker, French Roulette, 3 Card Brag, And Many Others. The Main Benefit Is That Live Dealer Games Can Be Accessed From A Computer, Laptop, Or Smartphone.
submitted by olivermozer to u/olivermozer [link] [comments]

I live in a small mining town in the mountains of Colorado. Someone is building a massive casino nearby, Pictures Included

I grew up in a small mountain town named Eureka. It was founded in the late 1800s during the gold rush, but after the mines dried up the town began its slow descent into decay. Half the houses are empty or abandoned now.
You can see a picture of the kind of houses here in Eureka:
Abandoned House
Non-abandoned House
When a massive construction project began nearby, it was the talk of the town for weeks. Why would they build something in a sleepy dying town like Eureka? It wasn’t until my sister Selene talked to a few construction workers that we discovered they were building a casino.
A casino up in the mountains, over two hours away from Denver. None of us could understand why they’d chosen here of all places. After a few months of work, the casino was done.
I took a picture of the town with the completed casino in the background to the right. The ten-story-structure sticks out like a sore thumb off in the distance.
After the casino opened, they hired a few dozen members of the town, offering high paying jobs to work as dealers or cleaning staff. I was already employed as a firefighter, but my sister Selene got a job as a blackjack dealer. She’s a widow with two young kids, so the paycheck was a real lifesaver.
Still, something about the situation seemed too good to be true. The jobs over there paid far too well, and the management was far too accommodating. The fire station where I work is located high on a hill overlooking the town, so I began watching the casino from a distance each day.
I had initially thought that the casino was located in a terrible location, but I was apparently wrong. True, Eureka was hours from any major city, but despite that, a bus full of people arrived every morning and left every evening.
One night I was over at my parent’s house and had dinner with Selene and her kids. I asked her about her experience as a dealer.
“It’s Ok,” she said. “Just a little boring I guess.”
“Boring?” I asked. “I’m surprised you don’t have your hands full.”
“Why’s that?” she asked. “It’s like you said, Eureka’s too small. I never have people playing cards. The casino is almost always completely empty.”
I wasn’t sure what to make of that. If the place was always empty, what happened to the people who I’d seen arriving on buses? “I’ve been keeping an eye on the building,” I said. “A bus full of people typically arrives around 9 AM every day.”
“Really?” she asked, looking confused. “If that’s true, I’ve never seen them.
“I can see it from the fire station,” I said. “If you head out for a smoke break at 9 AM, you’ll probably see them arriving.”
“Interesting,” she said. “I’ll do that. If they’re being processed for their organs or something, I’ll let you know.” She laughed.
“Har har,” I said sarcastically.
The next night she sent me a text calling me over. When I arrived, she was nearly breathless with excitement.
“Orin, You were right,” she said. “A big group of people did arrive, but they didn’t walk into my part of the casino. Instead, they all walked into an elevator at the back of the building. I’m not sure where that goes.” She looked thoughtful. “It was weird. They looked… How can I say it? Desperate? Something about the whole situation was very off. I’m gonna check out the elevator tomorrow.”
I told her to be careful, though, to be honest, I was excited to hear about what she discovered. When I visited my parent’s house the next night, I found her two kids there alone. They told me that Selene had never returned from work.
I called all her friends, then all our neighbors, but no one had seen her since she left for work that morning. Our conversations regarding the casino flooded my mind, then a plan began to form.
Early the next morning I walked across town in my nicest pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. I pushed through the door to the casino and saw that Selene wasn’t lying. The place was all but deserted. Three dozen slot machines crowded the walls surrounding a few tables interspersed throughout the floor of the casino. The only players in the whole building were Bob and Donald, two locals.
I walked up to a nearby table where Bridget, a girl I’d gone to high school with, was shuffling cards. She broke into a grin when she saw me. “Hey Orin, you here for a few rounds of blackjack?”
“I wish,” I said. “No, I’m here to ask about Selene. She never made it home last night.”
Bridget’s expression darkened. “Really? Have you asked around?”
“I already called around. Have you seen her?”
She shook her head. “No, our schedules rarely line up. I’ll be sure to let you know if I--” Her eyes focused on something behind me, and she cut herself off.
I turned around to see the casino’s pit boss watching us both. He was a tall thin man in an impeccably clean black suit. When I turned back towards Bridget, she was looking down at the table and shuffling cards absent-mindedly.
“Well, if you hear anything, let me know,” I said.
She nodded, so I turned around and headed for the pit boss. I stuck out my hand. The temperature of his hand was so hot that I had to pull my hand away after a few seconds.
“Have… have you seen my sister Selene?” I asked. “She hasn’t been seen since her shift here yesterday.”
He smiled. “Sir, this floor is for players. You’re more than welcome to head to the tellers for chips, but barring that I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
I stared at him for a long second before stalking towards the door. When I looked back, he was talking with Bridget.
I checked my watch. 8:55 AM, just as I’d planned. I walked around the back of the building and waited as the morning bus pulled around the building. I waited for the telltale hiss of the opening doors and the sound of people descending before I rounded the corner and joined the crowd. None of them paid any particular attention to me as I walked with them into the casino.
The crowd walked through a side door down a hallway to an elevator. Small groups of people entered the elevator as the rest of us waited for our turn. I shot a glance at the casino patrons, surprised at their diversity. There seemed to be people from all different countries and ethnicities. I heard one speaking Japanese and another speaking what sounded like an African language.
My turn came along with a few other patrons in the elevator. A sickly woman hobbled into the elevator beside me carrying an IV that was still connected to one of her veins. We piled in and rode up to the top.
The elevator rose for a few long seconds. I wasn’t sure what I would find, but I steeled myself for something horrible. The elevator’s speaker let out a TING, then the doors opened.
We all walked out onto what looked like a standard casino. Another few dozen slot machines ringed the walls, but on this floor, they were almost all occupied by customers. I took in the scene, confused at why they’d have a ground floor that was almost completely empty when this place was almost--
Selene was dealing cards at a nearby table.
I jogged over and sat down at an open seat. None of the players around me paid me much attention.
“Selene!” I said. “Are you OK? Did you spend the night here last night?”
Her eyes were glassy and confused. She looked up at me with a dumb expression and didn’t respond to my question.
“Selene?” I asked.
“What’s your bet?” she asked me. “This table is for blackjack players only.”
“I…” I trailed off, looking at the players around me. None of them were betting with chips of any kind. “What’s the minimum bet?” I asked.
“Three years,” she responded.
“Three years then,” I said, not knowing what that referred to.
Selene nodded, then began dealing cards. I shot a look down at my hand. King and a 9. Selene dealt out cards for herself, showing a 9. I stood, then leaned forward again. “Should I call the police? Are you--”
“Congratulations,” she said tonelessly.
An almost impossibly warm hand grabbed my shoulder. I spun to see the pit boss I’d spoken to earlier. He gave an impressed smile. “Orin, was it? I’m impressed, truly. Would you mind if I had a word with you?”
I shot a look back at Selene who was dealing the next round of cards. Then I got to my feet, balling my hands into fists. “What did you do to her?”
The pit boss clasped his hands behind his back. “Nothing more, and nothing less than what I’m going to do to you. That is, offer you the chance to play.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
The pit boss nodded his head towards a nearby slot machine. A woman in a wheelchair pulled a lever and watched the flashing numbers spin. They exploded in a cacophony of sirens and flashing lights. “WINNER WINNER WINNER!” The machine screeched.
The woman in the wheelchair put her feet on the ground and stood up on a pair of wobbly legs that had clearly never been used before.
“As in any other casino,” the pit boss said, “you must wager for the chance to win.”
“She... won the use of her legs?” I asked, feeling light-headed. “Wait,” I said. “I played blackjack just now. ‘Three years,’ Selene told me. What does ‘three years’ mean?” I asked.
“Three years of life, of course. Did you win?”
My mouth felt dry. “I-- Yes, I won.”
He smiled warmly. “Congratulations. I hope you enjoy them. I can tell you from personal experience that watching the decades pass is a bore. Give it some time and you’ll be back to spend them.”
I watched the pit boss’s face. He couldn’t have been more than a few years older than me, and I was in my early thirties. I looked around at the casino. No one was playing with chips of any kind. “So what?” I asked. “I won years of life. That woman won the use of her legs. What else can a person win here?”
“Oh, almost anything. They can win almost anything you can imagine.”
A cold feeling settled in my stomach. “And what do they wager?”
His eyes flashed with greed. “Almost anything. They can wager almost anything you can possibly imagine. Anything equal in value to the item they want in return.” He nodded towards a nearby roulette table.
A man stood by the table, cradling his hands. “Another finger,” he called out. He only had three fingers remaining on his left hand. As I watched, the ball came to a stop, and another finger disappeared from his left hand.
The pit boss extended his hands. “Feel free to try any of our games. Bet and win whatever you’d like.” He reached out and snatched my hand. A feeling of intense warmth passed up my arm to my chest. “There,” he said. “I’ve even given you some house money to get you started. An extra decade of life, on me.”
I ripped my hand away, staring at him in horror. Then I looked back at Selene. Something clicked in my mind. “You offered her the chance to play. What did she want?” I asked.
“Her husband,” the pit boss said. “Quite the sad story. He died two years ago. She wanted him brought back to her.”
“What did she wager?” I asked.
“She wanted the chance to win a soul, the most valuable object in existence. I’m sure you can imagine what she needed to wager for the chance to win it. What she wagered is unimportant. The important question is: What do you want, Orin?”
I stared at Selene with a flat expression. “I’m sure you can imagine.”
His eyes flashed with greed again. “How wonderful. The casino could always make use of another dealer. Feel free to make your wager at any one of our games; I’ll be eagerly awaiting the results of your night. Oh, and do take advantage of our waitresses. We always supply food and drink for ‘high rollers’.” He walked away.
I spent the next few hours trying to decide which game to play. I was going to be wagering my soul, so I wanted the highest chance possible. Slots and roulette were out. I’d done some reading online about counting cards, so I figured that blackjack gave me the best odds.
I walked up to Selene’s table and sat down. “Bet?” she asked with that same toneless voice. “Three years,” I said.
I spent the next hour or so doing my best to remember how to count cards. I knew that low cards added one to my count and high cards decreased it by one, but the casino used three decks. I had read something about how that was supposed to change my calculation, but I couldn’t quite remember how.
Every time I won a hand, I cursed myself for not putting everything on the line. Every time I lost, I breathed a prayer of thanks that I’d waited. And all the while, I kept track of the count.
I had lost fifteen years of life when the count finally reached +5.
“Bet?” Selene asked.
“I wager my soul so you can be free,” I said.
The table around me fell silent. Selene’s eyes flickered, but she showed no other emotion as she dealt the cards. I watched my first card, punching the air in excitement when I saw a Jack. My excitement turned to ash when my second card was a four. Fourteen.
I looked at her hand. One card was facedown, but the faceup card was a King. I swore loudly, staring down at my hands.
“Hit?” she asked. The entire table was silently watching me.
“Hit,” I said, not looking down. The table erupted in cheers. I looked down to see a 7 atop my two other cards. 21. Blackjack.
I looked at Selene who flipped over her facedown card to reveal a 9. 19. I won.
The glassy look left her eyes immediately. She looked around in surprise, then her eyes locked on mine. “Orin?” she asked, then almost immediately began to cry. The entire casino broke out in cheers.
I grabbed her hand and headed for the elevator. The doors had begun to close when the pit boss reached out with a hand to stop them.
“Congratulations,” he said, beaming. He seemed to be honestly excited.
“Shouldn’t you be upset?” I asked.
“Not at all. Casinos love it when we have big winners. It inspires the other players to make larger bets. I imagine I’ll gain two or three dealers before the night is through from your performance.”
“Great,” I said flatly. “Now let us go.”
“Not yet,” he said. “You didn’t just win, Orin. You got a blackjack. And blackjack pays out 1.5 times your bet. You won your sister’s soul and more.”
I stared, not sure what to say. “What are you saying? I won half a soul extra?”
The pit boss grinned wildly. “Just remember what I said. You’ll find living for decades and decades to be a boring experience. After a few centuries, you’ll be back to gamble that half a soul away. Congratulations!”
He removed his hand, and the elevator doors slammed shut.
I helped Selene back to her house. Her children were relieved. I watched them cry, then moved into the kitchen to start making dinner.
It’s been a few days since that experience. The casino is still out there, and buses full of people still arrive. I… I cut my hand pretty bad a few days later. When I checked it an hour later, it had already healed, no scar or anything. I’m not sure exactly what I won at that casino, but there’s no way I’m ever going back.
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If you are new to online casino then I suggest that you should go for iOffer I Dough, otherwise known as IDNPoker. The website is very user-friendly, has an interface that is pleasant to use, and has a great jackpot which updates in real time. Eight deposit choices include US dollars. Is iOffer I Do the real deal and why is it the second largest online poker website in the world? This article will try to answer these questions and more. Read on for more information.iOffer is a top poker website which is famous all over the world because of the poker tournaments which it hosts regularly. The poker rooms on the website are mainly based in Europe (where most of the international players come from), but some rooms also have players from Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia and China. Players from Asia seem to be quite happy with iOffer, as they receive great tips from successful players about their moves. Most importantly, they are able to win real cash/ prize money and thus can earn enough to live on for a while (or at least make enough to cover living expenses).Another unique feature of iOffer I Dough is that it allows its players to participate in live chat with other members of the website. Players can chat about everything from tips to strategies, tournaments and everything in between - something which most online poker sites do not allow. The live chat also gives those players who join iOffer a chance to meet other poker players from different parts of the globe and thus build better contacts and relationships.The most important thing about idNPoker and one of the reasons why it is considered to be the best option by many players is the progressive jackpots it offers. If you want to play online poker in Asia, then you should definitely try out the progressive jackpots offered by iOffer. Here is a brief rundown of what these promotions entail:- If you are a beginner or if you want to improve your gaming skills, then iOffer can surely help you. This poker network offers a variety of games and prizes especially designed for new players and for players who do not yet have the experience with online poker. All the games supported by iOffer are completely free to play. - The website also offers a variety of free games that are suitable for players from all over Asia.- If you are on the lookout for a real deal and not just some hype about the progressive jackpots, then you should definitely check out the Daily Double option. Daily Double is a multi-table tournament that offers players the opportunity to win real cash. This is a lower end option compared to the other options of iOffer like the VIP and Single options. You can earn up to $10 weekly just by playing some of the most popular Rng games like iOffer Blackjack and Ultimate Bet.
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What's the Deal With iOffer?

If you are new to online casino then I suggest that you should go for iOffer I Dough, otherwise known as IDNPoker. The website is very user-friendly, has an interface that is pleasant to use, and has a great jackpot which updates in real time. Eight deposit choices include US dollars. Is iOffer I Do the real deal and why is it the second largest online poker website in the world? This article will try to answer these questions and more. Read on for more information.iOffer is a top poker website which is famous all over the world because of the poker tournaments which it hosts regularly. The poker rooms on the website are mainly based in Europe (where most of the international players come from), but some rooms also have players from Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia and China. Players from Asia seem to be quite happy with iOffer, as they receive great tips from successful players about their moves. Most importantly, they are able to win real cash/ prize money and thus can earn enough to live on for a while (or at least make enough to cover living expenses).Another unique feature of iOffer I Dough is that it allows its players to participate in live chat with other members of the website. Players can chat about everything from tips to strategies, tournaments and everything in between - something which most online poker sites do not allow. The live chat also gives those players who join iOffer a chance to meet other poker players from different parts of the globe and thus build better contacts and relationships.The most important thing about idNPoker and one of the reasons why it is considered to be the best option by many players is the progressive jackpots it offers. If you want to play online poker in Asia, then you should definitely try out the progressive jackpots offered by iOffer. Here is a brief rundown of what these promotions entail:- If you are a beginner or if you want to improve your gaming skills, then iOffer can surely help you. This poker network offers a variety of games and prizes especially designed for new players and for players who do not yet have the experience with online poker. All the games supported by iOffer are completely free to play. - The website also offers a variety of free games that are suitable for players from all over Asia.- If you are on the lookout for a real deal and not just some hype about the progressive jackpots, then you should definitely check out the Daily Double option. Daily Double is a multi-table tournament that offers players the opportunity to win real cash. This is a lower end option compared to the other options of iOffer like the VIP and Single options. You can earn up to $10 weekly just by playing some of the most popular Rng games like iOffer Blackjack and Ultimate Bet.
submitted by giyitax to IDNNNPoker777 [link] [comments]

Fruits4Real Casino 60 free spins bonus no deposit required

Fruits4Real Casino 60 free spins bonus no deposit required

Fruits4Real Casino Free Bonuses
Play 60 free spins without deposit at Fruits4Real Casino! This only a begining of good news that awaiting you here! Next, get a 125% bonus and loads of free spins on fruit machines!
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Fruits4Real Casino Review

If you like to squeeze as much as you can out of any new casino experience, our expert reviewers think you’ll love Fruits4Real casino, which embraces its designer’s passion for classic slot machines.
You’ll also appreciate the mantra at the very basis of the Fruits4Real operation. It states that the best online gaming sites include at least one weekly free spins or bonus offer, loads of the best games, a 100% responsible and fair experience, and fast and safe deposits and withdrawals. Fruits4Real has it all.
You’ll be able to claim a generous bonus and some free spins when you make your first deposit, and this is just part of an appealing welcome package. You can also take advantage of regular weekly and monthly promotions and offers.
Bonuses are mainly designed with slots lovers in mind, and you’ll be able to use them to spin hundreds of online slots from top software providers like Pragmatic Play, Endorphina, and Amatic. There’s also a table games section where you can enjoy European and American roulette, as well as many cards games such as blackjack, poker, and three-card rummy.
You’ll have the choice of playing slots and games on your desktop, tablet, or mobile. You can also use live chat and email support on all platforms. You’ll even be able to access helpful tips on responsible gambling.
Any withdrawal requests you make will be paid after a 24-hour pending period. You’ll also feel safe at Fruit4Real online casino, as our reviewers found that all financial transactions are processed using the same level of security as recognized banking institutions. These measures have earned this Dialinvest International N.V.-owned and operated casino a Curacao e-gaming license.
Keep reading our Fruits4Real casino review for in-depth information about bonuses, top slots, how to play on mobile, support, and banking.
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Get Fruity With Your Welcome Bonus

When you sign up at Fruits4Real casino, you can claim an impressive welcome package comprising multiple welcome bonuses and free spins offers, provided you’re aged 18+.
You’ll find these bonuses are ideal for spinning a range of super slots, and you may also use bonus funds to play some table games. Naturally, before withdrawing any winnings from bonuses, you will need to complete the standard playthrough requirements.
Looking to enjoy all the latest welcome offers at Fruits4Real casino? Our review team suggests you stay updated by checking out the promotions page, where you can find information on new promos and their terms and conditions.

Keep Your Eye on the Calendar

If you're planning to stick around after using your welcome bonus, you'll be pleased to know that our review of Fruits4Real online casino revealed that you can claim a fun free spins bonus on the first day of each new month.
You should also check out the news section on a regular basis, as this is where you’ll find out about all the weekly bonuses and free spins offers. You’ll even be able to read reviews of great new games that Fruits4Real casino has recently added to its slots section.
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Spin a Few Fruit-Themed Slots

Our review team discovered a dedicated fruit slots section at Fruits4Real casino, offering you the chance to play over 90 games that use a variety of the world’s most popular fruit prize symbols. You can also spin over 300 video slots and participate in 30+ progressive jackpots. You’ll find a good choice of software providers too, including the exciting slots maker Stakelogic.
You could try to win a progressive jackpot in the Scrooge slot by Leander Games, which is based on the classic tale A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Watch Candle wilds randomly light up completely wild columns in the base game and on every free spin you trigger.
You can then tuck into the Festive Feast feature, in which you can win up to 45x your total bet by picking Christmas-themed prizes out of turkeys. You could even be celebrating in style if you bag the Celebration Jackpot.
If you love three-reel slots, spin the Fruit Mania Deluxe classic slot into action. This game features melons, plums, oranges, and diamonds among its fruity icons. The diamond and lotto symbols on these reels will offer you even juicier prizes.
Three diamond symbols trigger up to nine bonus games, while three lotto symbols launch a pick-me feature in which you can choose one of the three lotto tickets to reveal a cash prize. There’s a 50/50 gamble feature included, where you can side with one of two Las Vegas showgirls and double your money if you choose correctly.
If you believe Bigfoot exists, you’ll definitely want to try a few spins of the Yak, Yeti and Roll slot by Betsoft. Every win activates the Yak, Yeti and Roll Bonus Trail, and this where your snowmobile will set you off on a journey to collect rewards such as free spins, multipliers, and cash prizes.
This slot also features Yeti wilds and high-paying Eskimo scatter symbols. If a win isn’t big as big as you’d like it to be, there’s a gamble feature in which you can stake either all or half of any win to try and double your money.
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Play at Fruits4Real on Mobile

Our review experts reckon the Fruits4Real mobile casino is the ideal way to enjoy gaming on the go. You'll find the site is optimized for all the latest Android smartphones and iPhones, as well as tablets and iPads. That means you won’t have to download an app or any additional software to play here.
You can sign up to Fruits4Real casino on your mobile. If you’ve already created an account on your desktop or laptop, you’ll be able log in using the same username and password. The casino’s mobile platform will give you access to lots of thrilling games, including the chance to spin sensational mobile slots from Betsoft Gaming into action.
You’ll find you can access all the welcome bonuses, free spins, and regular promotions from your mobile phone too. You also have the facility to make deposits and withdrawals, as well as use the live chat and email support features offered at Fruits4Real.

Access Quick and Easy Support

If you find anything that’s stopping you getting the maximum enjoyment out of Fruits4Real casino, don’t hesitate to get in touch with their customer support team. There’s the live chat or email option via your desktop, tablet, or mobile. You can also look them up and contact them on Facebook and Twitter.
Help is available seven days a week from 07.00 to 03.00 (CET), and our review team found the Fruits4Real casino support agents to be friendly and knowledgeable. All our questions were dealt with quickly and professionally, and we were pleased with the answers they provided.
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How to Fund Your Fruits4Real Account

You’ll find that you can deposit funds at Fruits4Real casino using a variety of payments methods, some of which are only available in certain countries. You can make your deposits and withdrawals using the e-wallet Skrill, popular credit cards, prepaid cards, and Bitcoin.
The maximum amount you can deposit is €1,000, while the maximum withdrawal limit is set at €5,000 per 24 hours and €25,000 per month. Our reviewers are pleased to report that Fruits4Real casino will not charge any transaction fees if you live in one of the SEPA countries.
When you request a withdrawal, your winnings will remain pending for 24 hours. During this period, you will have the right to reverse your payment and continue playing with your funds. After the pending period has lapsed, payments to EU accounts will be completed in 1-2 days, with non-EU accounts being credited within 3-5 days.
Once you have requested a withdrawal, Fruits4Real will immediately ask you to complete its mandatory identity verification checks. You can prove your identity by sending photocopies of a valid form of photo ID, a recent utility bill, and evidence of ownership of your chosen payment method.

Time to Get Real

The team behind this review were impressed by Fruits4Real casino and are confident that you’ll relish the chance to experience everything it has to offer.
You can claim a welcome package as well as weekly promotions and offers, and you can use these bonuses and free spins to play lots of great slots. Secure and fast banking and advice about responsible gambling also means you can have a good time knowing you’re in a safe and fair online environment.
So, if you want to enjoy an excellent all-round online casino experience, it’s time to sign up to Fruits4Real and squeeze as much as you can out of your welcome bonuses and free spins.
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Top game đánh bài online nổi bật nhất 2021

Top game đánh bài online nổi bật nhất 2021
Đánh bài online là loại hình cực kỳ được yêu thích tại các sòng bài. Những trò chơi nào đang được yêu thích nhất hiện nay? Hãy cùng tìm hiểu về các trò chơi đánh bài online tại live casino nổi bật nhất 2021 nhé.
Live casino là nơi cung cấp cho người chơi nhiều loại hình cá cược khác nhau. Các loại hình có thể dễ dàng kể đến như: baccarat, poker, blackjack, roulette,… Các trò chơi cực kỳ hấp dẫn và thu hút được nhiều người chơi. Các trò chơi này đều đã xuất hiện từ lâu nhưng sức hút chưa bao giờ giảm nhiệt. Một số kinh nghiệm cho bạn khi tham gia live casino như là chia gói nhỏ để cá cược thay vì cá cược 1 lần lớn để đảm bảo. Thay vì sa đà vào những cuộc cược dài mãi không đến hồi kết, bạn hãy tham gia vào hình thức cược ngắn. Như thế bạn cũng sẽ nhanh có lãi hơn. Bạn cũng nên tìm hiểu kỹ luật chơi rồi hãy cá cược nhé.
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Rush Casino €900 ($1600) welcome bonus and free spins

Rush Casino €900 ($1600) welcome bonus and free spins

Rush Casino Review & Free Bonus
Open your account with Rush Casino and claim €900 or $1600 free bonus! On top of that, get exclusive free spins on video slots and free bets! Just click on the promo link to qualify. Good luck!
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Rush Casino Review

Launched in 2021, Rush Casino is a new gambling destination where you can enjoy 1,500+ casino games, including live dealer tables. It hit the online gaming market equipped with a licence issued by a trustworthy gaming authority, which is a guarantee for a safe and fair gaming experience.
We love when operators keep things neat and clean, and that’s the first thing you will notice once you enter Rush Casino. Offering a generous welcome package and rewarding loyalty programme, the operator makes sure to cover both new and existing customers. Let’s let’s learn more about all the possibilities you can make use of.
Rush Casino is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority. If you are familiar with the online gaming market, you probably know that this is one of a few regulatory bodies that keep standards high. That’s why you can rest assured that your sensitive data and fund will be adequately taken care of.
The gambling site accepts only 18+ players and makes sure that all customers are treated fairly. However, there is a long list of restricted countries and territories, so you may not be able to access it all. However, if you come from Germany, Norway, Netherlands, Finland, Canada or some other countries, you can enjoy more than 1,500+ games and make use of lucrative casino deals.
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Rush Casino Live

The Live Casino section at Rush Casino is powered by Evolution Gaming. This means only one thing: a great variety of tables hosted by professional and friendly live dealers who will keep you entertained and well-informed.
Live Casino makes up a standalone section with all the available games listed here. The operator’s no-nonsense approach is something we highly appreciate. While the selection of live dealer tables is not as extensive as on some other gambling sites, it will please casino classics lovers Rush Casino obviously focuses on.

Live Dealer Games

If you are into Roulette, Blackjack, Poker or Baccarat, Rush Casino has got you covered. Players can choose from a total of 11 Live Roulette tables, including Lightning Roulette, Speed Roulette, Immersive Roulette and Double Ball Roulette. The standard versions of the game are available as well, so players can try their luck at European or American Roulette at tables operated by live dealers. If you are willing to invest more money, join VIP Roulette or Auto Roulette VIP.
Blackjack enthusiasts will be delighted at the selection of tables where they can beat the dealer with a hand totalling 21. It includes standard and VIP Live Blackjack tables as well as Free Bet Blackjack, a game variant offering Free Double Down and Split Bets.
Rush Live Casino also features 8 Live Baccarat tables, with Speed Baccarat, No Commission Baccarat and Lighting Baccarat being the most exciting titles. Players who like Poker can use their skills at Caribbean Stud Poker and Casino Hold’em. Another card game available at Rush is Live Football Studio. This game is quite similar to Live Dragon Tiger, yet themed on the most important unimportant thing in the world.
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Bonuses & Promotions

What bonus package you will be offered on sign up depends on the country you are coming from. The basic package includes up to €900 in bonuses plus 100 free spins on the Book of Dead slot. It will be distributed over the initial five deposits starting with a 100% bonus up to €500!
The minimum amount that will qualify you for this bonus is €10. The maximum bet you can place while wagering free cash is limited to €5 and deposits made via Neteller, Skrill and Paysafecard are excluded. The maximum winnings from free spins are capped at €100. Keep in mind that wagers made on live casino games do not contribute to wagering requirements at all.
Besides the bonus created to attract new customers, Rush Casino also offers a unique loyalty scheme designed for existing customers. Every Monday, you can claim 10% of your weekly net losses up to €1,500. To qualify for the offer, your minimum net loss must be €200 per week. The minimum cashback amount is €20 while the maximum amount you can get is limited to €1,500. The best part about this deal is that all money you receive as a cashback will be added to your real money balance, meaning no wagering requirements to meet!

Banking Options

Deposits are processed immediately, with the only exception being payments made through Bank Transfer as they may take between 2 and 5 business days.
The minimum allowed deposit is €10 per transaction while you cannot cash out less than €20 from your account. Keep in mind that your chosen withdrawal method must match the deposit payment method you use. The operator processes withdrawals within 72 hours. After the pending period is over, you may receive your funds instantly if you use an e-wallet. When a cashout is requested through a credit card or Bank Transfer, you may wait for your funds up to 3 to 7 working days .
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While the live casino game Rush Casino offers may not make up the most extensive library, they will definitely please those players who prefer this form of entertainment. If you are looking for the best of live casino solutions, look no further as that’s what Evolution Gaming offers. While the welcome bonus terms and conditions may not be favourable to live casino fans, a weekly cashback may be a deal to rely on when Lady Luck turns her back to them.
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GreenSpin Casino 300 free spins and €5000 gratis bonus

GreenSpin Casino 300 free spins and €5000 gratis bonus

GreenSpin Casino Review & Exclusive Promotion
As soon as you open your account with GreenSpin Casino you will qualify for a Highroller Welcome Bonus. Get 300 free spins and €5000 free money on your first deposit! And, there's 20 No Deposit Free Spins after registration. Just click on the promo link below and fill the form. Good Luck!
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GreenSpin Casino Review

GreenSpin Casino debuted in 2020, but don’t let that fool you. The casino is operated by Direx N.V., one of the most established casino operators on the net. A Curacao licensed casino, GreenSpin excels at offering games in a variety of languages, and with multiple software providers all dished out titles to players at the casino. The casino is also mobile-friendly and is notable for its big-money giveaways and surplus of free spin-based promotions.
Live dealer casino gaming is also made possible at GreenSpin Casino. The internet betting site offers around the clock support and assistance and is powered by SoftSwiss. Moreover, they accept a variety of payment methods, ensuring that many players – wherever they happen to reside – have access to the fledgeling but impressive online casino.
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GreenSpin Casino Bonuses and Promotions

All new players at GreenSpin are invited to claim a cash plus spins-based welcome bonus when they sign up and register at GreenSpin Casino. A special high roller welcome bonus is available for those players who wish to compete in the big leagues at the site. However, this online casino has a few other promos and bonuses which could tickle your fancy. As its name suggests, there are free spins in abundance to be claimed when you play with GreenSpin Casino.
This is an online casino which is notable for offering free spins aplenty. One of the ways in which the casino does this is via a lottery-style promo. Every day, fifty players are drawn at random to receive a share of 3,000 free spins. Those slot spins are valid on a variety of games at the online casino.
Slot Battles are popular promotions at GreenSpin Casino. All players are eligible to vote for their Game of the Week, and then pocket 10 no deposit free spins on that game every Thursday. On top of that, there is Green Monday, which offers up to $300 in bonus cash, Green Friday deals which promise 100% matches and 100 free spins on deposits, and there is a loyalty club. The latter can see players accumulate points when betting, which they can exchange for real money. There is also a higher VIP status for players in this club, and that offers even bigger and better perks.

GreenSpin Casino Games

Ten very different software providers have come together to kit out GreenSpin Casino with games. These include NetEnt, Amatic Industries, BGaming, Booming Games, Booongo, Endorphina, Evolution Gaming, iSoftBet, Playson and Yggdrasil Gaming. Together they form a library of well over 500 games for you to try your hand at.
From the gaming library, you can rapidly navigate between slots, table games, live dealer casino games, jackpot games, and other titles. Drops and Wins games are also supported, as are cryptocurrency-friendly slot machines. You can also opt to navigate GreenSpin Casino’s gaming portfolio by searching for titles from specific providers, by looking at the latest releases, and other filters.
Despite its name, GreenSpin Casino does offer more than just online slots. The online casino’s table game collection includes a variety of Baccarat, Blackjack, Caribbean Poker, Hold’em Poker, Hi-Lo, Let It Ride, Oasis Poker, Trey Poker and Roulette games. Video poker games are also found in this genre. Players are also at liberty to play many of these games in live dealer format, with NetEnt and Evolution Gaming providing the lion’s share of these games. They can include exciting variants such as Immersive Roulette and Lightning Baccarat, amongst others.
Online slots represent the most numerous of the game collections at GreenSpin Casino. A few of the titles you may wish to have a look at include Phantom of the Opera, The Invisible Man, and Dracula, Valley of the Gods, Vikings Go Berzerk, and Roo Riches. Majestic: MegaWays is another slot which might tweak your interest.
If winning big money jackpots is something which appeals to you, GreenSpin Casino has you covered. The online casino provides top progressive games such as Rango Jackpot, Fortune Diamond, Hobushi, Jackpot Raiders, Holmes and the Stolen Stones, and Basic Instinct, as well as Platoon: Wild Progressive, and Dr Fortuno for you to get to grips with.
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GreenSpin Casino offers no shortage of currencies and banking options for players. US dollars, euros, Australian, New Zealand and Canadian dollars, Russian roubles, Polish zloty, Japanese yen and Norwegian kroner represent the FIAT currencies. GreenSpin also permits deposit and withdrawals using cryptocurrencies which include Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Tether (USDT).
VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, Skrill and Neteller represent the most popular payment methods at the casino. However, Paysafecard, EcoPayz, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Qiwi, Rapid Transfer, iDebit and a handful of other options are also available. Deposits are instantaneous and must be worth at least €5. Deposit caps are typically set to €6,000.
When withdrawing from GreenSpin Casino, you will be faced with minimum and maximum limits of €10 and €1,000 per transaction, respectively. That might sound harsh, but the monthly withdrawal limits are capped at €30,000 per month, which is a lot more reasonable. Most payment methods offer instant withdrawal times, although delays of 3 to 5 days are common with bank, credit and debit card cashouts.
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Customer Support

The Customer Care page will offer you access to an FAQ (frequently asked questions) guide which covers more than just the basics of gameplay at GreenSpin Casino. Should you not find what you are looking for in that help guide, you can always opt to use the contact page to obtain further, in-depth assistance. This is provided by e-form, e-mail ([email protected]) and live chat (although not around the clock).


GreenSpin Casino is a relatively new site, but we would hardly claim that it is inexperienced. It has a renowned operator, promotes responsible gaming, is licensed and features software from some of the biggest names in the business today. Ultimately, GreenSpin Casino is hoping to make its mark on the online casino world, and with its service being what it is, they are likely to do just that.
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Fruits 4 Real Casino 100 gratis spins and €375 free bonus code

Fruits 4 Real Casino 100 gratis spins and €375 free bonus code

Fruits 4 Real Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonus
Here comes Fruits 4 Real Casino with a no deposit bonus! Register now and collect 100 gratis spins on classic slot machines! Next, claim a €375 welcome bonus, with a first deposit offer of 125% up to €125. No download required! Mobile play is OK. Fast pay and play, 24/7!
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Fruits 4 Real Casino Overview

Fruits 4 Real Casino came into existence in the year 2013 and ever since it's inception, this online casino has been rendering players with a real fruity gaming adventure which includes the following four ingredients – 1) More casino games 2) 100% Fair and Responsible Gaming 3) At least 1 Bonus and/or Free Spins Offer every week 4) Easy, secure and fast deposits & withdrawals. Yep, you guessed it right! The reason behind '4' in the name of the brand is these 4 juicy ingredients only.
The pacing competition in the industry keeps online casinos on their toes and to sustain this fiery competition, Fruits4Real Casino offers games not just from one, two or three software technologies, but around 10 software developers render their entertaining content to form a gaming library that is invincible. Featuring a diverse collection of Slot games, this online casino is the best site for all the Slot enthusiasts out there without a doubt! To further boost your gaming experience, this casino offers at least one new lucrative bonus and/or free spins offer every week. For starters, every new player gets to enjoy Free Spins and Match Bonuses.
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Safety, Security and Fair Gaming

In ordinance with the Government of Curacao, Fruits4Real Casino guarantees a 100% safe and fair gaming environment. When it comes to the fairness of gaming, all the outcomes of the games are derived on the latest RNG (Random Number Generator) technology which guarantees that none of the outcomes are rigged.
In addition, Fruits 4 Real Casino is encrypted with cutting-edge SSL technology, which ensures that all the data exchanges happening over the site are in safe hands. No unauthorized personnel gets access to any of your private details. Thus, safety and security which is one of the most significant concerns of online players is taken care of quite well by Fruits4Real Casino.

Fruits 4 Real Casino Mobile Casino

Fruits 4 Real Casino makes sure that all the players of this casino site are able to enjoy a hassle-free gaming experience. Thus it has made its casino site available on all devices. This means you can enjoy you can playing at this casino anywhere and whenever you want as it is compatible with all the Android, iOS devices, and iPhones. Further, to be able to here, you don't have to go through any hassles of downloading and installing any app or software. To enjoy playing at Fruits 4 Real Casino, all that you have to do is visit this casino site using any browser like Google Chrome, internet explorer or safari and you will be all set to enjoy playing your favorite games at this online casino.
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Fruits 4 Real Live Casino

Fruits 4 Real Casino doesn't offer the services of live dealers as of now but the pace with which this online casino is flourishing, you can soon expect an exclusive live casino wherein you can unfold the thrill of real gaming from the comfort of your home. With the launch of Fruits4Real Live Casino, you can expect all your favourite games like Live Roulette, Live Blackjack, Live Baccarat and Live Poker.

Fruits 4 Real Casino Software

Fruits 4 Real Casino is powered by some of the top-notch software brands of the online gaming world. Thanks to these, this casino provides a holistic gaming experience to the players which include high-quality games, audio-visual effects and a user-friendly interface. Further, it also has more than 400 games in its gaming library which are going to add loads of fun to the gaming experience of the players who sign up here. The software brands that have worked together to make the gaming experience at this casino flawless are:
  • Amatic
  • Betsoft gaming
  • Endorphina
  • Gamomat
  • Imagina
  • Leander
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Stakelogic
  • Wazdan
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Fruits 4 Real Casino Games

The gaming library of Fruits 4 Real casino presents a terrific collection of games from some of the leading software brands like Amatic gaming, Endorphina, Betsoft Gaming and others. These brands together have adorned the gaming section of this casino with more than 400 games with top-notch quality. To make it easier for you to find the game that you are looking for, the games that it provides have been divided into different categories. Read below to find out more about these.

Fruits 4 Real Casino Slots Games

All the players who love playing slot games are definitely going to fall in love with this casino site as it provides around 300 slot games for them. Thus you can rest assured you are never going to get bored once you start playing at this casino. Furthermore, the slot games have been divided into two categories viz Video Slots and Fruits Slots. The Video slots include 300 online slot games like Gladiators, Slots Angels, King of the jungle and others. While the fruit slots that are available include 84 games like Fruit Zen, Bars and 7's, Fruit Mania and Hot Shots.
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Jackpot Games at Fruits 4 Real Casino

The list of games that are available at this casino site are not just limited to these, you can also enjoy some jackpot games to try out your luck at this casino. You can choose among 40 jackpots games all of which have the potential to generate life-changing wins. So, if you are looking for some thrilling jackpot games, you are at the right casino. Log in to your account and navigate to the “jackpots” section to find the jackpot game that you would like to play. Some of these games include Mr. Vegas, Trick or Treat, Diamonds, Aztar Fortune, Pharaoh Riches golden nights, and others.

Table Games at Fruits 4 Real Casino

If you are the one who likes the magic of cards and would love to play card games, don't worry, Fruits4Real casino has enough games in its bucket for you too. This casino has a large number of card games which include both poker and table games making its gaming collection truly diverse. The poker games that you play here include Poker 3, Rid'em Poker, Pontoon and other while the table games include Black Jack, Roulette, Baccarat and Red Dog. This casino site also has some of the electrifying variants of these games which are definitely going to add to the fun that you have while playing at this casino site.
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Fruits 4 Real Casino Bonuses and Promotions

Fruits 4 Real Casino Welcome Bonus

All the new players of Fruits 4 Real Casino get to enjoy an exhaustive welcome bonus when they sign up for an account. Register at this casino site and you will be showered with a generous match deposit bonus and Free Spins not just on your first deposit but all the first three deposits that you make. If you want to know more about the winnings that you can scoop out with this amazing bonus, check out the table given below to find out what this casino has for you to offer.

Fruits 4 Real Casino Casino New Player Bonus & Free Spins

  • First Deposit Bonus 125% match deposit bonus up to €125 + 60 Free Spins
  • Second Deposit Bonus 50% bonus up to €125 + 20 Free Spins
  • Third Deposit Bonus 50% match bonus up to €125 + 20 Free Spins

Monthly Reload Bonus at Fruits 4 Real Casino

Every month is going, to begin with a bombastic start for the players of this online casino as it is going to bring an astonishing bonus for you. The players will get 50 Spins on their first deposit of the month. And, the best part is that you just need to make a minimum deposit of €50 to unlock this humongous bonus. No promo code required, just sign in every month to enjoy your share of free spins. Indeed, a good way to start the month. Isn't it?

Free Spins & Match Deposit Bonuses at Fruits 4 Real Casino

Keep playing online for real money at this casino and you are never going to run out of chances to win. Are you wondering how is that possible? Fruits 4 Real Casino not only offers an amazing collection of casino games so that players can enjoy their favorite games but it also gives a number of bonuses to the players. These bonuses are given either in the form of Free Spins, match deposit bonuses, or as cashback offers. All you have to do is keep a check on the promotions section in your account to make sure you don't miss out on these impressive offers.

Fruits 4 Real Casino No Deposit Bonus

Along with the terrific bonus that can only be unlocked on making a deposit, this casino site also offers a number of no deposit bonuses to the players. These no deposit promo codes and bonuses are given occasionally to the players and can be checked in the promotions section in your account. So if you want to make sure you don't end up missing these amazing offers, just go to the promotions section in your account and let the fun begin.
>> Get Free Spins Bonus <<
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Explosino Casino 20 no deposit free spins exclusive promotion

Explosino Casino 20 no deposit free spins exclusive promotion

Explosino Casino Review & Free Spins
Open your account at Explosino Casino and receive 20 Free Spins No Deposit Required! Plus, get 200% up to 1,000 EUR Welcome Bonus with 150 Extra Free Spins! Play online slots, table games, progressive jackpots, live dealer, and even bet on sports!
>> Get No Deposit Free Spins <<

Explosino Casino Review

If you’re looking for an online casino that its members think is ‘the bomb’, it’s time to check out Explosino casino. A top choice of welcome packages, existing player promotions, and loyalty rewards will blow your mind.
You’ll also be blown away by a selection of over 2,000 slots, live casino games, and table games from many top software providers. Live chat and email support are available, too. Simply make a deposit using a choice of payment methods to claim your preferred new player offer.

Explosino Casino Bonuses and Promotions

If you’re looking for an explosive start to a new casino experience, it’s time to claim one of the welcome packages at Explosino casino. Each one is a combination of a bonus and free spins, which you can use to play a great variety of slots. These offers can also be adapted to suit a range of budgets, which is why our Explosino casino review experts are more than happy to recommend them to you.
Existing players can also take advantage of lots of promotions at Explosino casino. These include regular bonuses, free spin offers, and weekly cashback. We think these are all fantastic reasons to sign up and start enjoying everything this top gaming site has to offer.
When you play any of the big selection of slots at Explosino casino, you’ll also earn comp points that you can exchange for bonuses. The more points you earn, the quicker you will upgrade your VIP status to levels such as Pyroman and Exploman. The higher you climb up the loyalty ladder, the quicker you’ll be able to redeem your points. Our Explosino reviewers think this is another big reason to play here.
>> Get No Deposit Free Spins <<

Software and Other Games

Our review of Explosino casino revealed you can play over 2,000 slots and games from a great selection of software providers. You can play the best slots for real money from Play’n GO, as well as many other top game makers such as Yggdrasil, ELK Studios, and Thunderkick. If you’re not sure which slots to play, try them in demo mode first.
The Explosino live casino is another feature that will blow you away, as it’s powered by Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Play, and Ezugi. That means you can play an amazing choice of live roulette, blackjack, and baccarat. Many other popular games such as Super Sic Bo, Dragon Tiger, and Casino Hold’em can also be played here.
Random-number-generated versions of many of these popular pastimes are available in the table games section. Video poker varieties such as Deuces Wild and Jacks or Better are also enjoyed frequently by many members. Our Explosino casino reviewers think this impressive collection of slots, games, and software providers is another reason why many people think this top gaming site is ‘the bomb’.

Explosino Casino Banking

Payments at Explosino casino can be made using a variety of methods such as credit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies. For example, you can fund your casino account using Yandex Money. If you’re not sure what your best banking options are, our Explosino online casino review team recommends you check with the cashier.
The maximum amount of money you can withdraw each month is €9,000, and processing times will depend on the payment provider you use. But we’re pleased to report that all personal data and financial transactions are processed using SSL encryption. This means Explosino is a safe online casino that complies with the gambling regulations of its license in Curacao.
>> Get No Deposit Free Spins <<

Explosino Casino Support

If you ever need help at Explosino casino, there are three ways to get it. The first is an FAQ section where you can browse a variety of answers to frequently asked questions. There are also email addresses for finance, complaints, and general support.
Our Explosino casino review team prefers the third option, which is live chat support. If you want to start a conversation with one of the live agents, simply click on the ‘live chat’ icon in the bottom right-hand corner of any page. We tested this feature several times on iOS, Android, and desktop and we were pleased with the quick response times and the professionalism of the service.


Brace yourself, because you’re about to be blown away by Explosino casino. There are dynamite welcome packages, as well as explosive existing player promotions and loyalty rewards. You’re also sure to be blown away by a choice of over 2,000 slots and games from many top software providers.
Add in a great choice of banking and support options and it’s easy to see why our Explosino casino review experts think this impressive gaming site is – the bomb.
Sign up to Explosino casino now to claim your choice of explosive-themed welcome packages.
>> Get No Deposit Free Spins <<
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GreenSpin Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotions

GreenSpin Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotions

GreenSpin Casino Gratis Spins & Free Bonuses
GreenSpin Casino is now offering 20 exclusive free spins to all new players! In order to claim this promotion you have to open your account via the promo link below. After that, you will have a chance for a $5000 massive welcome bonus and 300 gratis spins on top! You can't get better than this offer! Note, this casino offers super fast payments and accepts all crypto-currencies! Mobile Play OK!
>> Register Here and Get Free Spins <<

Greenspin Casino Review

If you’re looking to win some green at a top gaming site, check out Greenspin casino. You can claim an awesome choice of welcome packages and you’ll also be able to enjoy regular reloads, free spins, and VIP rewards.
Sign up and play a great choice of slots and games from top software providers and take part in prize tournaments. Other plus points include a top choice of banking options and 24/7 support. Simply make your first deposit today and choose a welcome bonus that suits your budget.

Greenspin Casino Bonuses and Promotions

A choice of three excellent welcome packages can be yours when you sign up to Greenspin casino. All three offers contain first deposit bonuses you can use to play hundreds of slots, which also come with free spins to play specified slots. With small, medium, and high-roller bonuses available, it’s easy to see why our Greenspin casino review experts recommend these packages to all players.
You’ll also be able to claim more generous bonuses when you make each of your second and third deposits. These are designed to suit players that like to claim a variety of different sized bonuses. Regular players can also take advantage of free spins and bonus combos, as well as weekly reloads. You could even be the lucky winner of a daily cash drop.
Loyal players will also be able to unlock five levels of VIP at Greenspin casino. You’ll earn comp points as you play, and these will help you upgrade your status from athlete all the way to champion. A personal account manager, faster withdrawals, and cashback are just some of the perks. You’ll also receive offers of personalized bonuses and invites to events.
The chance to take part in slot tournaments is another great reason to be a member of Greenspin casino. Enter the race to finish on top of the leaderboard and you’ll win lots of tasty prizes if you’re one of the best players. This great choice of promotions is designed to suit all tastes, which is one of the main reasons our Greenspin casino review team recommends you sign up and start playing.
>> Register Here and Get Free Spins <<

Software and Other Games

Our review of Greenspin casino revealed hundreds of slots and games from lots of the world’s best software providers. Spin the most popular slots from NetEnt, Microgaming, and Play’n GO.
If you’re looking to win a massive prize at Greenspin casino, head over to the jackpot section where you can play big-money progressive games such as Mega Moolah: Absolootly Mad.
Over 190 tables also make the Greenspin live casino one of the best around and it’s powered by Evolution Gaming and other popular software providers. Rapid Auto Roulette, Blitz Blackjack, and Speed Baccarat are a great source of thrills. Football Studio, Dragon Tiger, and Super Sic Bo are other interesting games you can play.
Casino Hold’em, craps, and Caribbean poker are among the many random-number-generated table games. Video poker games such as Deuces Wild and Aces & Faces Level-Up are also available. Our Greenspin casino reviewers think this top choice of slots, games, and software providers is another massive reason to sign up and play at this awesome online gaming site.

Banking and Cashouts

An impressive choice of banking options is available at Greenspin casino including credit cards, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies. For example, you can fund your casino account with Visa, Neteller, and Bitcoin. If you’re not sure what your best banking options are, our Greenspin online casino reviewers recommend you check with the cashier.
Low minimum deposits and withdrawals are other popular features, while you can withdraw up to 48,000 CAD/AUD every month or currency equivalent. We’re also pleased to report that all payments and personal data are processed using SSL encryption. This complies with the gambling regulations of Curacao and means Greenspin can be classified as a safe online casino.
>> Register Here and Get Free Spins <<

Support at Greenspin Casino

There are three ways to get help at Greenspin casino. First up, the FAQ. This is a great place to browse to get information about important topics such as bonuses, privacy and security, and responsible gaming. Click on the ‘support’ tab and you’ll also be able to contact the customer service team using an email contact form.
Our Greenspin casino review team also tested the live chat support feature several times and were delighted with the response times and the professionalism of the live agents. This service is also available 24/7 on Android, iOS, and desktop.

Our Verdict

There’s no better place to win yourself some green than at Greenspin casino. This top gaming site offers a fantastic choice of small, medium, and high-roller welcome packages. All players can also take advantage of regular reloads, free spins, and tournaments. There are even five levels of VIP rewards to unlock.
All this promotional fun is perfectly complemented by great slots and games from many top software providers. Add in an excellent banking policy and 24/7 support, and it’s easy to see why our Greenspin review experts are thrilled to be able to recommend this top online casino to you.
Sign up to Greenspin casino now to claim your choice of welcome packages.
>> Register Here and Get Free Spins <<
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GoodWin Casino 20 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required!

GoodWin Casino 20 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required!

GoodWin Casino Register & Login Now
Join GoodWin Casino and verify your mobile number to get 20 No Deposit Free Spins! Exclusive Promotion! Plus, get either a 100%, 150% or 200% Welcome Bonus on your first deposit. In addition, enjoy up to 200 extra free spins on popular video slot games.
>> Collect 20 FS No Deposit Bonus <<

GoodWin Casino Full Review

Relatively new to the scene, GoodWin Casino has gained a loyal and wide following. Having launched in 2018, this online casino is the love child of Nero Media LP, and offers a great and easily-navigable service. Expect fast deposits and withdrawals, publicly audited RTP and a wide range of provably fair games.
GoodWin Casino works off a levels basis, where players are ranked according to how much they play. The higher up the ranks you move, the more you are entitled to. Expect more frequent weekly cashbacks, more loyalty points, new bonuses, promotions and special programs. You’ll find more on this throughout the GoodWin Casino review.

GoodWin Games

GoodWin Casino will entertain you til the cows come home with over 1785 casino games. These range from slots, to table games, to live casinos, all brought to you by the best of the best game providers. Expect excellent graphics, soundtracks and features.
This crypto casino’s slots will cater to every player’s needs. With themes ranging from Greek mythology to Ancient Egypt right through to the wild Far West, as well as fruit themes, futuristic locations, even including classic cops vs robbers inspiration. You will struggle to find a game you don’t want to play. Look out for these popular options: Dead or Alive, Bird of Thunder, Wonders of the Ancient World, Sherlock of London.
Slot games range from 3 reels, 5 reels and megaways, and progressive jackpots.
Table games are another popular option at Goodwin Casino, with all the usual classics. You can choose from Roulette, Blackjack, Queen of the Casinos, Baccarat, Poker, and many more.
Another celebrated aspect to this online casino is their live casino. Play in live-mode with a real dealer stacking the decks. Here you can find games powered by the best in the biz NetEnt and Evolution, such as Hold’em, Baccarat, Blackjack and Roulette.
Full list of game providers: Microgaming, NetEnt, Evolution Gaming, Betsoft, Quickspin, Playson, Amatic Industries, Endorphina, GameArt, Pragmatic Play, Mr. Slotty, Tom Horn Gaming.
>> Collect 20 FS No Deposit Bonus <<

Currencies Accepted

This online casino has a strong variety of options for you to pay, including both fiat and cryptocurrency. Currencies accepted are Euros, Russian rubles, US dollars, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash.

Payment methods at GoodWin Casino

Much like the games, the payment options won’t disappoint. It is worth noting though that deposits and withdrawals can only happen through one payment method (i.e. you cannot deposit with Visa and withdraw in cryptocurrency).
Their deposit methods differ slightly from their withdrawal options, deposit are as follows: MasterCard, Neteller, Visa, QIWI, Skrill, WebMoney, Yandex Money, Megafone, mobile payment, Tele2, iWallet, CryptoCurrency, Beeline, MTC.
While their withdrawal options are: MasterCard, Neteller, Visa, Bullion, QIWI, Skrill, WebMoney, Yandex Money, Megafon, Tele2, Mobile Payments, iWallet, CryptoCurrency, Beeline.
Right, let’s talk about limits. Minimum deposits sit at 500 rubles / 10 € / $. They have also included a function where you can set a limit on your deposits. Thumbs up in this GoodWin Casino review.
As mentioned previously GoodWin Casino works off a level system that influences your withdrawal limits. These range from 500 € / $ per day, 5 000 € / USD per week, 10 000 € / $ per month for the entry-level players, to € 2,500 per day, € 7,500 / $ per week, € 20,000 / $ per month for the top-tiered players. There are 8 levels and each varies slightly as you move up the ranks.
Withdrawal times vary from 0 – 24 hours for eWallets and credit/debit cards, and 0 – 72 hours for bank transfers.
>> Collect 20 FS No Deposit Bonus <<

GoodWin Casino Loyalty Points

You can earn loyalty points on the online casino’s games through simply betting. The more you play, the higher your ranking, the faster you can earn them. I.e. for every €100 bet, you receive between 100 – 1000 GW (their loyalty points) based on your current ranking. With these GW you can purchase bonuses (see the Bonuses and Promotions section on the website), participate in tournaments and more.

Casino Licences

You can be rest assured, GoodWin Casino is fully licensed, through the jurisdiction of Curacao.

Desktop and Mobile

This online casino offers both desktop and mobile options, with the addition of a mobile app. The app does not include all the games that the mobile option does, but it does offer a more user-friendly and intuitive version. Great speed on all options.

Restricted Countries

A con in this Goodwin Casino review is the number of restricted countries. Unfortunately, this online casino is not available to the United States, Canada, France, Italy, Metropolitan France, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

GoodWin Promotions and Bonuses

One thing we can all agree on is their extensive bonuses. Deposit bonuses are quite fruitful, but make sure you select “activate” when finishing the process. Aside from 20 free spins on registration, you can also grab one of the following:
  • Woodman’s Heart, which gets you 150% up to 200€/£/$ with 50 free spins and 35x (b+d) WD. Minimum deposit of €30
  • Scarecrow’s Brains which gets you 200% up to 65€/£/$ with and 50 free spins and 35x (b+d) WD. Minimum deposit of €15
  • Lion’s Courage which gets you 100% up to 1,500€/£/$ with 200 Free spins and 30x (b+d) WD. Minimum deposit of €125
As well as:
  • Bistin Whistle: 50% bonus on your 2nd to 5th deposit
  • Emerald Potion: with this special potion, you can get a 15% bonus on your top deposit, plus 15 free spins on the Fairytale Legends: Mirror Mirror slot.
>> Collect 20 FS No Deposit Bonus <<


GoodWin Casino offers 24/7 live chat support.


English, Russian, German, Finnish, Danish, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Swedish
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Omni Slots Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Omni Slots Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Omni Slots Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register at Omni Slots Casino and receive 100 free spins and a €500 welcome bonus! On your first deposit, you get 80 free spins and 100% up to €300! No bonus code required!
>> Click Here and Get Free Spins <<

Omni Slots Casino Review

Omni Slots casino rewards its members with a stunning choice of welcome offers and existing player promotions, which is why it’s so popular in Canada and in many other countries.
There are over 2,000 slots and games from several top software providers and loyal players get the chance to become an Omni Slots VIP. Many support options are also available, including live chat and email. Check out everything we think you’ll love about Omni Slots below, including how to claim your welcome package.

Omni Slots Casino Bonuses and Promotions

One of the biggest reasons to join Omni Slots is the chance to take advantage of a generous welcome package. You can claim bonuses when making your first two deposits and use your bonus funds to play many types of slots and table games.
Free spins are also part of this new player offer and these can be played on popular specified slots. Our Omni Slots casino review experts can’t see this great offer lasting forever, so they recommend you claim it now before it’s gone.
Once you’ve enjoyed your welcome package, check out the monthly promotions calendar at Omni Slots casino which is full of existing player offers such as free spins and bonuses. This is also the place to find special events and instructions on how to take part in slot tournaments.
If you’re the kind of player who is looking to be a VIP, email the Omni Slots customer service team to find out how you could start earning loyalty rewards such as higher bonuses, special VIP promotions, and some cool extras. Our Omni Slots reviewers think these existing player offers and VIP promotions are awesome reasons to play here regularly.
>> Click Here and Get Free Spins <<

Omni Slots Casino Software and Other Games

Our review of Omni Slots casino revealed over 1,000 slots and games from a good selection of popular software providers. You can spin new slots from Wazdan and Relax Gaming or play the latest and greatest 5-reel slots from NetEnt and Microgaming.
We recommend you also check out the jackpot section, where you can win the Red Hot Firepot Jackpot or the Golden Knights Bonus by playing slots from Gamomat. There are also many chances to squeeze out a big win in the fruit slots section, where top titles include Beauty Fruity and Back to the Fruits: Respins of Amunore.
Live roulette and blackjack are available at the Pragmatic Play-powered live Omni Slots casino. Other popular casino games such as red dog, craps, and video poker can be played in the table games section. Our Omni Slots casino review team believes this excellent choice of slots and games will keep players entertained and satisfied.

Omni Slots Casino Banking and Cashouts

Deposits of between $10 and $1,000 can be made instantly at Omni Slots casino using credit cards, instant banking, and pre-paid cards. You can also fund your casino account using Neteller or Skrill, and these e-wallets can be used to make withdrawals. Payment options may vary in different countries, so our Omni Slots online reviewers advise you to always check with the cashier for your best payment options.
Cashout limits start at just $20 and you can withdraw up to $25,000 a month. All financial transactions and personal data are protected by SSL encryption, which complies with the casino industry’s regulations regarding safety and security.
>> Click Here and Get Free Spins <<

Omni Slots Casino Support

There are lots of ways to get support at Omni Slots casino, starting with a helpful FAQ section where you’ll find all sorts of answers to popular questions. Omni Slots also aims to reply to any emails within 24 hours. If you’re a social media lover, there’s also the chance to connect via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
We found the quickest method to be a live chat, which is available 06.00 – 03.00 (CET) seven days a week on Android, iPhone, iPad, and desktop. Our Omni Slots review team used this service to find out several important pieces of information and were delighted with the quickness of the response times and the professionalism of the live agents.

Our Verdict

An awesome welcome package and amazing existing member promotions are why players are rushing to join Omni Slots casino. Bonuses and free spins can be used to play hundreds of the best slots and games, so you’ll always have a great time on site.
Other plus points include a choice of eight languages, the opportunity to play games on any device you’d like, and a variety of excellent support options. That’s why our Omni Slots casino review experts recommend you take advantage of everything this top gaming site has to offer.
Sign up to Omni Slots now to claim your welcome package and discover a world of thrills and excitement.
>> Click Here and Get Free Spins <<
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Omni Slots Casino Review gratis spins and free bonus money!

Omni Slots Casino Review gratis spins and free bonus money!

Omni Slots Casino No Deposit Bonus
Here at Omni Slots Casino, you get 50 gratis spins after sign-up! Yes, it's a no deposit bonus upon successful registration. Besides, you get a hefty welcome bonus pack with 500 EUR and 100 free spins!
>> Claim Free Spins Bonus <<

About Omni Slots Online Casino

Keep On Spinning is Omni Slots slogan printed on the brand logo. And this slogan is well justified. Just imagine seeing over 500 pokies in the lobby and they are all yours! Hosting games from 10+ vendors, the reviewed gambling destination is a real paradise for Australian users who love pokies. Besides purely game content, Omni Slots has an omnidirectional bonus kit that comprises many types of bonuses, from reload deals to generous cashback, all neatly packed into a catchy monthly bonus calendar. Curious players who are set to improve their gambling skills and deepen their knowledge of gambling are encouraged to jump to the casino blog where over a hundred of relevant articles are posted. Signup process is nothing exceptional – it is safe, goes smoothly and requires the minimum personal details from a player. Once signed up, the player interacts with the casino straight in a browser, no app downloads needed. Findings reveal that Omni Slots have many positive ratings on professional forums, that is why the online casino cannot but be recommended to everyone.

Depositing and withdrawing funds

AUD and other currencies (bitcoins are not in the whitelist) can be deposited using any of the six safe and trusted methods including Visa, MasterCard, Neosurf vouchers, Skrill, Neteller and paysafecard. Min/max transaction limits at depositing are $10/$1000. The max deposit does not restrict the number of daily transfers.
Quite predictably, withdrawals are less comfortable than deposits because their choices are narrower with only Skrill, Neteller and bank transfer used. Anyway, Australians seem to have gotten used to tight cashout options and shrug off this inconvenience. The minimum amount that the player has the right to withdraw is $20. The max amount that the casino is able to process per day (per user) is $5000, but a monthly limit is $25,000. The pending period is 24 hours during which a player can revoke the cashout.
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Omni Slots mobile casino for Australians

When at home or out and away, Omni Slots is always at hand thanks to the well-designed mobile casino that fits almost every mobile device. Thanks to a wide variety of game providers present in Omni Slots, players have lots of HTML5 mobile-optimized pokie choices to suit everyone’s taste.

Video pokies

The casino has integrated some 500 pokies (and counting) from an array of famous providers such as Amatic, Betsoft, Gamomat, Leander, StakeLogic and Wazdan. Three-reel pokies are located in the Fruit Slots section, while 5-reelers are found in the Video Slots tab. First off, a noticeable downside to the game list arrangement is the lack of filters. There is one that helps readjust the list by provider yet it is hidden under the Looking Glass icon for some reason. Some gamblers may not guess to click on that icon because it looks like a Game Search widget.
Pokies from Betsoft are most numerous in the casino collection. Every game from this provider carries the mix of exciting gameplay and visual perfection more typical of modern animated cartoons. Being one of unmatched leaders in the field, Betsoft provides Omni Slots players with a big inventory of fabulous pokies which are full of fantastic bonus features. It is hard to pick the best pokie from many titles; apparently, most of them show excellence in many aspects. Anyway, some of the most tried and true titles are Gladiator, Good Girl Bad Girl, The Slotfather, Mega Gems and The Tipsy Tourist.
Pokies from Gamomat, a German company, are poorly promoted in Australia and they are almost unknown to the general public. Yet their portfolio deserves attention for a few reasons. First, Omni Slots offers Gamomat pokies of the Fire Pot series, among others. These games are known to have six progressive jackpots each: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and others. Second, there is a Golden Nights series that provides for a side bet that unlocks a unique bonus feature with huge prizes. Examples include Royal Seven, Book of Moorhuhn and Fruit Mania.
Leander’s pokies give other vendors some competition thanks to high-quality graphics and interactive bonus features. Some of the most sought-after solutions are Megadeth, Trick Or Treat and Little Pigs. Many of their games have 20 paylines but there are also pokies with 25, 30 and 40 variable lines. Wild symbols in Leander’s pokies usually bring high prizes, for example, in Jean Wealth, five wilds win x5000 times ($50,000 at max).
StakeLogic with their branded Megaways technology are a young and ambitious company offering a variety of highly animated pokies to Omni Slots users. Spectacular graphics and animations are combined with some interesting bonus solutions such as side-by-side games with double reels, double symbols and reel modifiers. Their pokies are on a par with the industry giants and even exceed them in some respect. The most enticing and incredible pokies from StakeLogic are Wild Genie, Space Stallion and Mystical Santa Megaways.
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Table games and live casino

The game of 21 comes in multiple variations including Super Fun 21, Pontoon, Vegas Strip, 21 Burn, Pirate 21 and others. Most games in the catalogue have side bets that pay out hefty wins. Concerning roulette, European, American and French tables are the centerpiece of the Table Games section, yet the casino also features some minor variations of this game such as Multi Wheel roulette and Common Draw roulette.
Live tables in the reviewed online casino are served by Pragmatic Play that offers the most popular table games with realistic and thrilling gameplay. Players get access to quick bets and full betting history, while enjoying the true atmosphere of land-based casinos. Their offer currently includes Live Roulette, Live Blackjack, Live Speed Roulette and Live Baccarat. Combining fun with impeccable state-of-the-art technologies, Pragmatic Play delivers highly immersive games to all AU users who have signed up with Omni Slots.

Omni Slots Casino Bonuses for new users

On depositing the qualifying sum, an Australian player will get a 100% first deposit bonus up to $300 plus 50 free spins. FS’s are not accrued automatically – to receive them, a player needs to send a message to the Support and let them know what kind of platform is used for playing (desktop or mobile). The WR for the welcome bonus is x35 (d+b), whilst FS winnings are subject to a WR of x50. Note that that the bonus is sticky. In addition, all new players who have placed $30 (or greater) to the casino balance are eligible for a 50% second deposit bonus up to $200 (plus 20 free spins) – this has the same WR as above.
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Bonuses and promotions for regular bettors

Players who deposited $20 in the previous week, may claim 10 free spins on Monday, and these bonus spins will be used on the pokie of the week handpicked by the casino. WR for free spins winnings are x50 and winnings are capped at $250.
Every first day of a month, the casino releases a Promotions Calendar that features reload bonuses, free spins, special bonus events, Pokie of the Week promotions, tournaments and other unique perks for each day of the month. The calendar is refreshed at the beginning of every month.

The bottom line on Omni Slots Casino

This is a legal and licensed online casino that invites Australian users to join in, claim two welcome bonuses and play over 500 pokies from a bunch of top-ranked providers. Banking methods are Australia-specific (bitcoins are noy accepted). Being a reliable place with fast and easy payouts, the online casino is recommended for visiting and playing at.
>> Claim Free Spins Bonus <<
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GoodWin Casino 20 free spins + 100% cahsback + 200% welcome bonus

GoodWin Casino Gratis Spins & Free Bonus
GoodWin Casino offers 20 Free Spins on registration! Just click on the link below, fill in the sign-up form and verify your mobile. That's it! Additionally, you will get access to a fantastic welcome bonus pack with 100% Cashback and a 200% Match Bonus. No Bonus Code Needed!
>> Register For Free Spins <<

GoodWin Casino Review

If you’re a fan of the Wizard of Oz, or just like great online gaming sites, you won’t want to miss our GoodWin Casino review.
At GoodWin Casino you can follow the yellow brick road on an adventure that’s full of exciting experiences and rewards. Your journey starts with a choice of themed welcome packages, which you can use to spin hundreds of great slots.
Playing these games will earn you GW points. You can use these to buy bonuses from the GoodWin shop and the more points you collect, the further you’ll progress through the casino’s eight VIP levels.
Bright and colorful desktop and mobile sites compliment this exciting journey, and you’ll have access to 24/7 support on any device. Start your adventure today by signing-up and funding your account via a variety of popular payment methods.
Continue reading our review of GoodWin Casino to find out how to claim one of three new player welcome packages, recommended slots to play, and lots of other exciting information.
>> Register For Free Spins <<

Enjoy a Warm Welcome to Oz

GoodWin Casino offers new players a choice of three Wizard of Oz-themed welcome bonuses. The Woodman, Lion, and Scarecrow packages each offer a combination of a first deposit bonus and a number of free spins, depending on your budget size.
Our GoodWin Casino review team found that these bonuses cater to all different types of players, and give you a great reason to start your journey down the yellow brick road.

Earn GoodWin Points

GW points are awarded when you reach a qualifying number of bets. You can save your points up and exchange them for a variety of Wizard of Oz-themed rewards in the GoodWin shop, such as bonus cash, deposit bonuses, and free spins.
Your loyalty points will also help you upgrade to eight different levels of VIP rewards. You’ll accrue GW points quicker at each new level and earn increasing amounts of cashback. This is just one of the many perks of being a regular player at GoodWin Casino. Our review experts also recommend you check out a great range of tournaments, which can be entered daily, weekly and monthly.
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Spin Over 2,000 Slots at GoodWin Casino

Our review of GoodWin Casino revealed that the casino boasts a massive selection of over 2,000 slots, all provided by top software providers. The ‘Popular’ section is a great place to start, as here you’ll find well-loved slots such as Spinfinity Man by Betsoft and The Smashing Biscuit by Microgaming. You’ll find Arcane Reel Chaos by NetEnt here too, an action-packed slot with re-spins, overlay wilds, and multipliers.
GoodWin Casino also boasts modern classics such as Starburst, alongside unsung gems like Zeus the Thunderer II by MrSlotty. It’s the perfect place to play both chartbuster and indie games.
If you prefer cards to slots, you’ll be more than impressed with GoodWin Casino. During our review, we discovered that you can enjoy over 100 video tables games and 25 live casino titles, including live dealer roulette, blackjack, and baccarat.

Experience the Magic on Mobile

You don’t have to be on the yellow brick road to play your favorite slots at this online gaming site. GoodWin Casino has a mobile platform that comes optimized for Android and iOS, allowing you to take advantage of the casino’s great promotions and rewards wherever you are. You can also access live chat support and make deposits and withdrawals on-the-go. All of this left our GoodWin Casino review experts feeling sure that this is a great site for mobile gamers.
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Support is Always on Hand at GoodWin Casino

Dorothy wouldn’t have got into any trouble in the land of Oz if she’d had the GoodWin Casino customer support team to assist her. Available 24/7, you can contact the casino via live chat, email, or phone. Our GoodWin Casino review team tested the live chat function and we’re happy to report that they received a warm and quick response.

How to Fund Your GoodWin Casino Account

At GoodWin Casino, you can deposit via a selection of popular payment methods, including credit and debit cards, and various e-wallet services. Depending on your location, you may also be to fund your account instantly with Beeline, Megafon, or other local services.
Our GoodWin Casino review revealed that the site has no minimum withdrawal limit and you can withdraw up to a maximum of $20,000 a month, or currency equivalent. All cash-out requests are processed within 24 hours.
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Discover a Fantasy World Full of Great Games

Our GoodWin Casino review team has already set off to see the wizard and they’re convinced you’ll want to join them. From the welcome package you can claim as a new player, to loyalty perks and tournaments, you’ll always feel valued and rewarded at this casino site.
Funding your GoodWin Casino account is also straightforward, and the site’s 24/7 customer support means that help is always at hand should you need it.
Sign up to GoodWin Casino today to enter a world full of hundreds of great games and fantastic loyalty rewards.
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