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[3.13 Edition] Things I Wish I Knew Sooner

Link to FGA wiki page

If anyone missed last league's edition, we've made this into an official (well, subreddit official) wiki page called 'Frequently Given Answers', link above. Formatting's a bit better there (you can link to individual sections!) but keeping in line with what we did with the infothread we know there's plenty of people who prefer a post due to local format setups (RES/CSS/darktheme/etc), so here you go! I'll also be using a linked comment as a changelog for anyone that's curious what's changed, if anything.
NOTE: These answers are mostly collected from the questions threads and suggestions by the community so, inevitably, some will be opinions or advice. There are exceptions for everything, especially in PoE!

Things that will make your life easier

  1. Best stash tabs to buy first are Currency and/or at least one Premium tab. Former for solo play, latter for the ability to sell items publicly easily. Both is even better.
  2. There is customarily a Stash Tab Sale every third weekend. If on a launch weekend it will be delayed by a week.
  3. Don't be afraid to look into an item filter asap. It will save you a lot of headaches.
  4. You can buy skill gems from Nessa and similar vendors on page 2 of their shop (you may need to do a quest before that page shows up). So don’t fret about the gem choice from the quest reward!
  5. Doing a Trial of Ascendency is league-wide. Meaning doing it once in a league means all other characters in that league don't need to do it again.
  6. When highlighting a support gem you'll notice a popup with all of your current active skill gems. This details what skills the selected support works with.
  7. If you're still unsure if a support is working with an active skill gem, the skill's icon on the toolbar will have small boxes denoting what supports are currently active on the skill.
  8. The medicine chest quest gives you some specific gems (i.e. ancestral call) as well as a choice of flasks (most notably a quicksilver flask).
  9. Completing the quest in The Library (connected to the gardens) in Act 3 will give you access to an early NPC that sells every skill gem available up to that point regardless of class. Completing the quest 'Fallen from Grace' in Act 6 will give you a vendor for every buyable skill gem.
  10. You can move the minimap with the arrow keys
  11. Skill gems in your alternate set of weapons will also gain exp. That's up to 6 (usually) more skill gems you can level!
  12. If you are too far above or below the area's monster level you will have an experience penalty. Rule of thumb: try to stay within 6 levels of the area.
  13. Any maps dropped in the campaign will be tier 1. Anything higher can only be received via Zana, inside maps, or inside map-like areas like the Temple of Atzoatl or the Eternal Labyrinth (specifically the chests).
  1. Use common currency on maps when you have some extra. (e.g. An orb of scouring can get a map back to white for easy 20% quality!)
  2. To use a divine vessel place it into the map device along with the appropriate map (there will be text on the atlas for it) and kill the boss. The filled divine vessel will then be inside the map device still. Don’t forget to pick it up and take it to Sin (Epilogue zone)!
  3. Using a single sacrifice fragment instead of a map will generate a vaal side area from the map device. Using a sacrifice fragment with a map in the device will increase the map's quantity by 5% per piece, up to 20% for four unique pieces. (You can’t double up the same fragment)
  4. Sacrifice of Midnight (top-right one) is the most rare of the four. Don’t burn those willy nilly.
  5. A complete set of sacrifice fragments in the map device (arranged appropriately) will give you access to the Apex of Sacrifice. This same strategy is also used for Shaper, the Pale Council, Uber-Atziri, etc. (four different fragments of the same set into the map device)
  6. Sextants are used on watchstones to apply the effect to the entire area the watchstone is slotted into! Unlike Map Mods many sextant mods are beneficial.
  7. Watchstones can be ‘banked’ in the sidebar on the left of the atlas. They won’t do anything there but it saves you valuable inventory space.

Things that will help you craft

  1. Beasts can be used in beastcrafting only after fully completing your first Einhar mission. A particularly useful beastcraft is adding a removal (bleed/freeze/curse/etc) affix to a magic flask.
  2. Quality items (whetstone, scrap, bauble) will give 5% to a white item, 2% to magic and 1% to rare/unique items up to 20%. (GCP's always give 1% to gems) This applies to maps as well!
  3. Item affixes are reliant on item level, a lower item level means less possible affixes. You cannot improve an item’s iLvl, so stop alteration spamming that iLvl 4 quicksilver flask you got from Act 1!
  4. Dexterity (Evasion) pieces favor green sockets, Strength (Armor) pieces favor red and Intelligence (Energy Shield) pieces favor blue. Hybrid pieces follow this logic.
  5. You can craft affixes on gear from the crafting bench in your hideout. This is very important for keeping your resistances capped.
  6. A corrupted item (using a Vaal Orb) is not alterable. With the sole exception of their sockets. Those can be altered (re-colored/fused/etc) via the crafting bench, but any craft will cost an additional equal amount of vaal orbs.
  7. A Divine Orb does not re-roll the numbers completely, they stay within the affix range that was already given. So a 6% Cold Res roll on some boots will re-roll between 6-11% and no higher. Be careful! (NOTE: most legacy gear will also be changed to the current non-legacy version if a Divine Orb is used)
  8. High quality items have a sliiiiightly higher chance to 6-socket and 6-link. Every little bit helps!
  9. Incubators in your weapon swap will not gain kills towards their completion.
  1. If you corrupt a map and end up making it unidentified it has the same affixes as before. So make sure to actually read the affixes of a rare red map before corrupting it just in case!

Things that will help you plan

  1. Just because it's unique does not mean it's good. Well-rolled rares can be and often are better options than uniques. Read the text.
  2. 'More/Less' are not the same as 'Increased/Reduced'. It's very important to know that. More specific info here
  3. You will earn either 22 or 24 Passive Skill points through quests in all 10 Acts, depending on Bandit choices.
  4. PoE is a game of extremes. Support a few (usually just one) skills as much as possible instead of supporting a lot of skills a little.
  5. Life/ES > Damage when planning a tree. Rule of Thumb: 150% or more increased max life from tree if going a life build. 200% or more increased ES from tree if going ES.
  6. You can only have 1 spell totem up at a time barring specific effects like Searing Bond or Multiple Totems Support. Up to 3 by default for Ballista totems
  7. Mana reservation does not decrease max mana. This is relevant to effects like base mana regen or Arcane Surge.
  8. You can change your bandit reward later
  9. If you kill all 3 bandits you get +2 passive skill points from Eramir (old dude sitting in Forest Encampment) as opposed to the specific effects from the bandits.
  10. Large items (Chests, 2H weapons) cannot roll with 5 sockets until iLvl 35, and cant get 6 sockets until iLvl 50. Even with jeweler's orbs! You can 'force' 6 sockets with the crafting bench but it's usually not worth it.
  11. You can only have 1 curse at a time on enemies barring specific effects. Note: You can still only have one mark at a time no matter what, additional curse limit simply allows you to slap a hex on top.
  12. You can respec ascendancy nodes but they cost more refund points per node (5). If you want to change ascendancy completely you’ll need to unspec out of all ascendancy nodes and hit the ascendancy shrine in any version of the labyrinth (hint: Unspec the ascendency nodes in the treasure room, no need to do the entire lab run unascended).
  13. Read 'Trigger' support gems carefully. Cast on Critical, for example, only works with an attack triggering a spell.
  14. Trigger gems and effects can trigger multiple skills, but will do so (unless otherwise stated) one at a time and sequentially. More info here
  15. Aqueducts and its later incarnation Blood Aqueducts in Act 9 contain the divination card 'Humility' which can give you a Tabula Rasa.
  16. 'Low Life' is defined as 35% max health or lower. Chaos Inoculation is not low life since it reduces your max health to 1 and you can’t be at 0.35 hp. This does, however, make CI eligible for full life effects like Damage at Full Life support.
  17. Lily Roth will sell every buyable gem (similar to but more than Siosa) but all at level 1 after completing her quest. Vendors elsewhere in the campaign will sell gems at a higher level.
  18. Make sure to look for corrupted 6-link chests (either via trade or vaal side areas) when you want to ditch your 4-link or Tabula. They're much cheaper than a normal 6-link and actually have rolls on them! Just make sure to search for the specific colors you need since you can't change them easily!
  19. You can buy Glassblower Baubles from the weapons vendor on the last page in exchange for 8x whetstones
  20. Leech has a cap! There are ways to increase it but by default you cannot gain more than 20% max life per sec or 10% max ES per sec from leech alone. There are lot more calulations involved in that though.
  1. Running a map unidentified will give an additional 30% quantity bonus. This does not apply to Unique Maps since their affixes are for the most part fixed.

Things that can get you killed

  1. Support gems increase the mana cost of an ability, more linked supports = more mana spent
  2. You don’t have to do the Labyrinth right away. You can come back when you’re overleveled. Many people do this.
  3. Hexes always have Less effect on Bosses (e.g. Dominus, Piety)
  4. You can use Scrolls of Wisdom and other currency like Orb of Chance on Strongboxes. Identify them first!
  5. Read a skill’s green text! For example: Withering Step shares a cooldown with Blink skills. So if you trigger Wither Step with CwDT you won’t be able to use Dash for a short period!
  6. Barring specific effects, Life/Mana Flask effects will end once you hit full life/mana respectively. This includes effects from affixes like freeze immunity. By extension, utility flasks (like a quicksilver flask) have affix effects last for their full duration. Aka put your anti-freeze on a utility flask!
  7. Cast when Damage Taken (CwDT) requires a linked skill’s required level to be under a certain level in order to trigger it. CwDT also requires more damage taken to trigger with higher levels. Many players leave CwDT at lvl 1 for this reason. So be careful leveling your skill gems!
  8. Make sure you have + X to maximum life rolls on some of your gear by Act 5 (Alternatively, ES focused builds should always shoot for ‘% increased ES’ anytime they can). PoE’s per level scaling is negligible at best, the vast majority of your health/ES comes from gear! Rule of Thumb: you should have ~300 Life/400 ES total per Act you've completed.
  9. Elemental resistance has a cap of 75% barring specific effects (e.g. Purity of [X] aura). The game is tuned to expect you to be at this cap past Act 4. Chaos resistance, on the other hand, doesn't need to be anywhere near 75%, most get 0% and can function fine (although more is never bad of course).
  10. Multiple vaal skills will divide the soul count amongst themselves and as such each skill will charge slower per additional vaal skill equipped. Note: Once a vaal skill is fully charged it will stop taking in souls.
  11. After progressing through each end-boss fight (Act5/Act10) your resistances will go down by 30% for a total of -60% to all resistances past Act 10, gear accordingly
  12. Incoming chills, freeze duration and stun chance on you are based on your maximum life barring specific effects. In short, the less max life you have means longer you’ll be frozen / higher chance of being stunned.
  13. Critical hits guarantee elemental ailments (shock, ignite, freeze) assuming you did enough of that element’s damage to reach the monster’s Ailment Threshold, as shown with Shock here.
  14. Barring specific effects, Chaos Damage ignores Energy Shield and goes straight for your health.
  15. Mind over Matter (MoM) and similar effects will only apply to damage hitting your health, so your Energy Shield will still take full damage (but your mana won't drain either).
  16. Dying after Act 5 will make you lose experience (5% total to next level), but will not decrease your level or put you into a negative value. Higher penalty (10% total to next level) after Act 10
  17. By Act 6 you should have an "of Staunching" (anti-bleed) and "of Heat" (anti-freeze) flask. They help avoid many of the more common 'one-shot' moments you may run into.
  18. Flasks don't level up with you! Check in on your flask level every now and then while leveling, or else you might be short a few hundred life.
  1. All mods on maps will make them more challenging, certain mods will be betteworse for certain builds.
  2. Reflect damage is one of the deadliest map mods in the game, and has claimed the lives of many new and experienced players alike.


  1. Hideouts will persist through leagues so feel free to put a decent amount of time getting your abode perfect. It’s not going anywhere.
  2. The basic hideout locations are listed in the hideout selection when talking to Helena.
  3. There are a lot of hideouts not listed in Helena’s default selection, most of these rare tilesets are in maps and will not appear everytime. Usually they require a large number of runs to find. (I still don’t have a Tower Hideout…..)
  4. Hideout instances last much longer (30 min) than normal instances, so don’t worry about a normal disconnect, your map portals will still be there.

Lord's Labyrinth (Lab)

  1. If you die you get tossed back to the beginning (Aspirant’s Plaza), unless you’re in a hardcore league, then you are still very very dead.
  2. Look at the bronze tablet by every door, it will show you a map and reveal where the nearby door goes.
  3. Izaro has different mechanics in his first two arenas. (Specific Info). The third arena will be a combo of the previous two (with traps included in uber lab).
  4. Look for hidden rooms on the minimap! They can hold Darkshrines which can give permanent (for the lab run) buffs, a guaranteed unique, less trap damage and more. Hit tab and read the text at the top-right to see exactly what it did.
  5. Uber (Eternal) Lab has trials that will only spawn in maps, randomly. If you need to get those last few go to Global chat 820 and watch for the trial you need and/or use ‘The Dream Trial’ Prophecy.
  6. Map layouts and Izaro's mechanics will change day to day.
  7. Decorative Chests (marked on the map nodes with a hollow circle) give an item to make the next Izaro fight easier (usually instantly destroying/removing one of the mechanics.)

Text Commands/Buttons

  1. Typing “/passives” will let you see any passive points you have from quests. And after you finish the campaign it will tell you any you are missing.
  2. [ctrl]+[enter] will let your type out to the person who most recently whispered you.
  3. [ctrl]+[right-click] or [ctrl]+[left-click] on the doodoorway/gate/ into an area to give a list of all instances for that area as well, more importantly, giving the option to generate a new instance. Newer players: This means you can enter a new ‘copy’ of the area with everything reset. |PS4 Players: Highlight an instance and hit Triangle.| |Xbox Players: Highlight and hit Y|
  4. Right click the level up icon on a skill gem level up notification to hide it without leveling the gem. If you would like to level it up afterwards the gem icon at the bottom of your inventory page. |Xbox Players: after socketing, hit Y to lock gem level|
  5. To find the tiers and ranges of rolls you must first turn on advanced mod descriptions on options->interface->”Advanced Mod Descriptions”. You then must hit your advanced mod button while hovering over an item to get the pertinent info (default is left alt) |Xbox Players: Hit LS after activating the setting|
  6. [shift]+[click] on a stack of items to have the option to take only a certain number of that item onto your cursor. This applies both to in your inventory and when removing from your stash. |Xbox players: Highlight item and hit B, hit Y to pick up that amount, X to send that amount to stash if it is open|
  7. Open chat and hit [ctrl]+[alt]+[left-click] on an item in your inventory to link said item to chat. After hitting enter the person you’re talking to will be able to hover the link and see your exact item.
  8. [ctrl]+[left-click] on a master to open their relevant window. (i.e. Do that on Niko to open the delve menu)
  9. Click on a skill in your toolbar and look at the top of the popout. The button labeled “always attack without moving” is a great thing to use on movement skills and some specific primary skills. What it does is if you target a skill out of it’s range it will simply use the skill in the direction of the click as opposed to moving in range and then using it.
  10. [shift]+[ctrl]+[left-click] a currency in a vendor to buy a whole stack at a time. Save your fingers some torment.
  11. Holding shift while using a currency will keep the item on your cursor and allow you to spam the entire stack. If you're accessing your stash at the time you can spam your entire stock of said currency. |Xbox players: With currency picked up, hover an item and hit X|
  12. Holding ctrl and using the mousewheel will quickly cycle through stash tabs
  13. Teleport between areas with commands like "/hideout" or "/menagerie" or "/delve"
  14. Entering "/reset_xp" will reset your xp/hour metric (mouseover your exp bar at the bottom). Very useful for comparing experience rates between maps/mechanics.
  15. Hitting (by default) ‘v’ will open the relevant menu in each area. i.e. beastcrafting menu in menagerie, azurite upgrades menu in Delve, etc etc.
  16. "/remaining" will give you a text prompt of how many monsters are left in the instance.
  17. Entering "/dnd [message], /afk [message], /autoreply [message]" will give a notification of [message] to anyone whispering you until you shut it off. /dnd is just hitting /dnd again, /afk turns off if you move. Note that only /dnd will actually block messages.
  18. ctrl+click on the passive tree will skip the confirmation step and save you a click.
  19. F1 will give a stat breakdown of your computer, including connection metrics. If you're lagging or frameskipping this is how you check. Hit F1 again to cycle through different layouts.
  20. Using '~' before a trade search in poe/trade will give an approximate search. In other words it will search for similar text not exact, like "~multi" will return affixes of "Global Critical Strike Multiplier, Critical Strike Multiplier, Melee Critical Strike Multiplier" etc etc

Vendor Recipes

Arranged by the Act they’re most often used, they can be used at any time at any vendor you can sell to
Act 1
Act 2
Act 3
Act 4
Act 5+

Helpful Links

Look at the sidenav of this sub for more!
NOTE Real money trading (RMT) is NOT supported or accepted by GGG you will get banned when you use IRL money to buy anything in poe that isn't from their own site/in-game store.
submitted by ArmaMalum to pathofexile [link] [comments]

My Year In Gaming: Pandemic Edition (34 Mini Reviews & Stats Because I'm A Nerd)

Over the course of 2020 I played 33 games. Not bad for a 27-year old who's married, with a house and 4 pets and is pursuing writing on the side. And I think we can all agree gaming provided a much-needed escape from the craziness of this year.
If I picked it up once and never came back it didn't make the list because it didn't leave an impression on me.
This will be LONG, as I'll talk at the end about my favorites and my disappointments. Also some stats because I'm an excel nerd.
These are listed in the order they were played. Unless noted I finished/beat the game.
Let's GO!


Bioshock: Remastered (PS4)
An enjoyable if dated shooter that drips atmosphere and prioritizes story and characters over gameplay. A very enjoyable experience even if the gameplay starts to wear thin towards the end and the final boss is a bit of the letdown.
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic (PC)
Dated combat mechanics hold this one back from being considered a great in 2020. Both Mass Effect and Dragon Age are better. That being said, Bioware's always had incredible writing and characters, and KOTOR is no different. The combat ranges from infuriating to fun depending on where you fall in the story. Anything beyond Dantooine is typically enjoyable. Play for the story and choices, not the combat.
Kingdom Under Fire II (PC)
Note: This was played over a Steam free weekend, and as such, I didn't finish it.
A nice little mix of RTS, MMO, and action. Was fun over a free Steam weekend - may pick it up when it becomes cheaper. The epic scale ties everything together, even the small bit of story I got from the two days was entirely forgetful.
No Score
Unreal Tournament III (PC)
This is like Doom 2016 before Doom 2016. Fast-paced, frantic fun. Just stay away from the single player. I'm glad I was able to find a few guys still playing online, this is a hell of a lot of fun, but just like the Doom multiplayer, it didn't snag me for more than an hour or two.
Undertale (PC)
Note: I did not finish this game.
No, just no. I didn't like the gameplay (to be fair, I haven't played many bullet hell games and that's almost entirely the combat) and the story, while quirky, didn't grip me. I just couldn't get attached to the characters. Fun music though.
Hitman (2016) (PC)
A return to form for Hitman. The levels are massive, and while this lends to the openness of the game, it can also get overwhelming at times. I'd have preferred the gigantic maps being broken up by smaller ones throughout the course of the six levels, and the one in Japan kinda-sorta achieves this. Still, this is Hitman at its best, and stands right alongside Blood Money for top contender. Welcome back, 47.
Risk Of Rain 2 (PC)
Note: This was played over a free Steam weekend.
Enjoyed it! Addicting little game. Will certainly purchase despite never playing Risk Of Rain 1. Just needs a price drop. $14.99 or so? I'm in. Fast-paced fun.
No Score
Sea Of Thieves (PC)
Played this one with the wife. It's not bad, it just doesn't hold my attention. Sure, sailing the high seas as a pirate is neat. But there's virtually no depth and nothing to hold your attention.
Democracy 3 (PC)
I'd been in the mood for a political sim with everything going on in the news, and Democracy 3 isn't a bad game - but I remember it being better than it was. It just didn't hold my attention long. I like how in-depth the different focus groups can be and it looks like there's a healthy mod scene, but it quickly got repetitive and bored me.
Doki Doki LIterature Club (PC)
A game that isn't anything close to how it appears. I'm not one for most anime-styled games, nor am I a visual novel fan. But the psychological horror elements contrast so well against what the game presents itself to be and when the shit hits the fan it doesn't let up. This game does things I've never seen a game do, and it excels at them.
Alan Wake (PC)
Revisiting this one. First played it around release. Engaging, with solid if unremarkable third-person shooting (the flashlight mechanic is neat.) The episodic format really works well. This was my first time through the DLC - The Signal DLC is super fun - I really enjoyed the twist on the world and how it played on the concept of shining your light on words to make items appear. I almost wish at certain points it made you choose between items. This DLC also seemed a bit more difficult. Short, sweet, and too the point though. The Writer was fun as well, the hamster wheel/ferris wheel was fantastic, and it continued a great story, but I feel The Signal was just stronger overall.
270: Two-Seventy US Election (PC)
A fun little waste of a few hours but once you understand the mechanics and start winning it loses a lot of its appeal.
God Of War (PS4)
The best game I've played of the year so far. A fantastic story, great combat (the Leviathan Axe is amazing), and plenty to keep you coming back. The real challenge, though, is the valkyrie boss battles you can complete. Did I do them all? Yes, I did. But Sigrun alone took me a week. I became a man when I played God Of War.
Civilization V (PC)
My second pass at this game. It's fun at the start, but never manages to hold my attention. I had a similar issue with another 4X game a few years ago (Endless Space 2) and I've come to the realization I just don't think these games are for me.
The Last Of Us: Remastered (PS4)
A replay of a masterpiece. It's always nice to revisit The Last Of Us. The characters and story are fantastic, but I also really love the gameplay. It's gritty, realistic, and there's a lot to think about when you play through on hard like I did.
Call Of Duty: WW2 (PS4)
Note: I only played the multiplayer.
The multiplayer was alright for a Call Of Duty game. As with most Call Of Duty games, I played it for a bit then moved on. I don't feel a strong desire to check out the campaign, and the zombies mode was shut down minutes after firing it up for me. It feels like WW2 held my attention far less than other Call Of Duty games, but it is a nice break from the jetpacks and wallrunning that seemed to define the series this gen.
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017) (PS4)
Fun multiplayer. That being said, even with all the amazing progress that's been made, it feels unlikely Battlefront 2 will ever step out of the shadow of its launch state no matter how much free content EA poured into it. That being said, this feels like Star Wars - the battles, the sound effects, I love it.
Detroit: Become Human (PS4)
Detroit: Become Human might just be the best Quantic Dream game. It has a lot going for it, I really enjoyed the many different paths the story can take. I was a little split on the flow chart at the end: on one hand, it kind of removes the mystery. But it also shows you, often times at mind-boggling length, just how far different paths can take you and how you can get locked out of entire sections.
The Last Of Us: Part 2 (PS4)
A game that has an incredible first half, and a repetitious and uninteresting 2nd half. Though I think this game might just have my favorite combat of any game, the bland and overly-long sections where you're forced to play as Abby just didn't do it for me, and have killed any desire I have to replay the game. Ironically, I really wish now the game had shipped with multiplayer as I could dive into that amazing gameplay without feeling the slog of the back half of the game. Ellie's story, and parts of Abby's, are great. But the game should have been shorter.
Darkwood (Switch)
Note: I did not beat this game. I only got an hour or two in.
Interesting mechanics and imagery but couldn't hold my attention. Doubt I will return to it. Was hoping it would be more engrossing than it was.
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered (PS4)
It had an enjoyable campaign, with a few key moments. The missions that most hype up, ie "All Ghillied Up" didn't really do it for me. I vastly preferred the other missions. That being said, the gameplay doesn't hold up fantastically today. It's competent, but with a basic story. Nothing incredible.
Far Cry 3: Classic Edition (PS4)
The open world is neat, the island definitely has personality. However the best part of the game is Vaas. With his death occurring just a little over 2/3 of the way through, it leaves the rest of the game with a considerable void. One I probably should've given up on sooner. Mechanics are good, but it feels dated and repetitive the more you play.
Pillars Of Eternity: Complete Edition (PS4)
A good game that should've been great. Were it not for the bloated second act and lack of consequence, this game could've been a 5/5. Reminded me of Dragon Age: Origins in key points. Great worldbuilding and decent-to-good characters and companions. Lots of dialogue options, but they don't end up mattering much.
Doom (2016) (PS4)
One of the best FPS games ever made. A return to the arena FPS games of yesteryear, Doom seamlessly blends fast-paced gunplay and tight mechanics with some serviceable leveling and a decent story. Make no mistake: the focus here is the gunplay, and it holds up incredibly well throughout the campaign.
Super Mario 64 (Switch)
Note: I did not beat this game.
A classic to be sure. But one I didn't end up sticking with past a few hours. This one does feel best left in my childhood. Playing it now, it doesn't grab my attention as much. The music is timeless though.
Resident Evil 2 (PS4)
A wonderful return to survival horror, and my personal preferred Resident Evil game from this decade. 2 does so much right that it's so easy to look past its few shortcomings. Every encounter is tense, and the pace is kicked into overdrive once Mr. X shows up. Every enemy is a threat, the game drips atmosphere, and will leave you shook more than once.
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) (PS4)
Note: I only played the multiplayer.
Got pretty addicted to the multiplayer for a bit. I had fun with the added realism, the weapons sound phenomenal and handle great. But, as with all Call Of Duty games, I got to level 30 or 40 and hung it up. One of the best Call Of Duty games in a long while.
Ratchet & Clank (PS4)
A fun little platformer that retains the series' signature wonky (and amazingly fun) weapons. There's nothing quite like using your Groovitron to send hordes of enemies into a dance mid-battle. Aside from the weapons however, this is a pretty standard platformer and the story feels incredibly safe. The humor works most of the time with how self-aware it is.
Spider-Man (PS4)
The best Spider-Man game ever? It's certainly up there. With an open world full of collectibles, tons of side-quests, a fun take on the Spider-Man lore, and great gameplay, Spider-Man is everything one could want in a Spider-Man game. Yes, the combat can feel a little too Arkham-style at times, but the game doesn't overstay its welcome and it works incredibly well.
Borderlands: Game Of The Year Edition (PS4)
Note: I did not finish this game and I played it solo.
I'm hot and cold on this one. On one hand, I literally could not care less about the story and that's good for pick-up-and-play sessions. But I don't feel compelled to return to it. This one will probably remain unfinished indefinitely. An okay looter-shooter.
Magicka 2 (PS4)
Note: I did not finish this game and I played it solo.
A fun little top-down action game, but I wish the levels allowed for the level of spell creativity that I thought it would. I ended up spamming familiar attacks instead of experimenting with new ones because I was playing solo. Definitely intended for co-op. However, the music and humor was pretty great and the game, while repetitious, didn't drag.
Halo 3 (Xbox One)
Note: I only played the multiplayer.
I always sucked at Halo multiplayer, but 3 takes me back to a more carefree time. I didn't stick with it, but the few hours I spent with it were fun. Remembering all of the old levels and times I used to play it was more fun than playing it now. The announcer's voice is still epic, though.
Gears Of War 4 (Xbox One)
Note: I only played the multiplayer.
The Gears Of War multiplayer is something you have to adapt to. As a Call Of Duty player, I tend to rush and you have to wallhug and be in cover 90% of the time to survive in this game. But there's a nice element of strategy to it and I love the executions and the lancer.


It's been a long, crazy, quarantine-filled year! But only one game can stand out amid all the others. And it is . . .
God of War There's no argument. This game surpassed my high expectations and is now one of my top 5 games of all time. Let's go Ragnarok!
Runner Up: Resident Evil 2 I honestly didn't know if I'd like Resident Evil 2. But after finishing it, I immediately played through the B scenario, and that is incredibly unusual behavior for me. Addicting and very well paced!


Sometimes a game hits you a way you didn't expect. This game got its hooks in me in a way I didn't think, or I wasn't expecting it to.
Doki Doki Literature Club I will say no more on this other than you need to download and play it. It's free, it'll run on a potato, and it'll hook you hard.
Runner Up: Pillars Of Eternity Look, I've played CRPG games before. But I've never finished one. I put over 90 hours into this game. That's the 3rd or 4th most played game ever for me, and it was one playthrough. This game did something right.


And lastly, sometimes games you're amped/hyped for don't swing for you. And thus we have the most disappointing category.
Undertale I literally sorted my Steam library by highest user rating. That's how I ended up playing this. I don't like anything about it besides the music. The humor didn't click for me, the characters felt off, it just wasn't for me and that left me with this "What am I missing?" feeling.
Runner Up: Darkwood Man, this should've been right up my alley. An abstract horror game with graphic imagery and tense survival. But it wasn't. And you know what? I'm okay with that. I gave it fair spin. I might try it again in the future, but I doubt it.


For nerds like me who are interested in the numbers.
I played 33 games this year. My average score was around 3.6 (which as an average is a little disappointing as I wanted to spend this year playing games I really loved but ended up being just "good".)
My most played genre was FPS at 30.3%, followed by Action at 21.2%.
Third-Person made up the majority of games' perspective I played at 41.4% (almost half!) followed by First Person at 31%. Not terribly surprising here - I enjoy both equally.
I played most games this year on my PS4 at 48.5%, followed by PC at 36.4%. Overall, I favorited any type of Console at 63.6%. I was actually expecting this to be higher. I tend to bounce back and forth - I think it's because the bulk of the PC games were played in the first half of the year.
I Beat 51.5% of the games I played this year. That might seem bad, but it's worth noting that 15.2% were games I only Played Multiplayer of, and and 6.1% were games that Had No End. Of games with an actual campaign, I Quit 15.2%, and I put 9.1% On Hold.


Whew, that was a write-up! If you made it this far, thanks!
I think I'll keep my excel sheet going into next year. I tracked a ton of stuff I didn't even mention like secondary genre of games, the year it came out (to try and average what generation I was playing the most in), whether I have a desire to return to a certain game, etc.
It's been a hell of a year. I've no doubt thanks to the virus I've played more games than usual. But I've had some really fun times this year, and I've been more active on this sub which makes it even more enjoyable.
Thanks for reading!
submitted by dc_athena_op to patientgamers [link] [comments]

A long story from a new player.

Hello, Reddit,
Im a new player to destiny and id like to share my story of my 2 raid completions and how i sort of came there, those raids happened yesterday and today (7 and 8 February 2021). Im going to tell you in this long story, about how i got into this game, how i found my best friends in this, my Destiny Family, if you will, and how i finally, got my first 2 raid clears, 2 days in a row, and finally, after 3 months, got my dream weapon: Divinity.
(please dont bully me for my English mistakes, im Dutch so English is my second language, also this is gonna be a long one, but please read, this took me about an hour to type and it made me happy sharing this.)
I started playing Destiny 2 on the 26th of november 2020, i started playing this game because of a youtuber you mightve heard of, IHE/IHateEverything, he is a critic type youtuber that makes reviews (mostly negative) on video games and movies, i really enjoy watching him and i loved watching his videos on Destiny, Destiny 2 and its expansions, he bashed the main campaign, Forsaken and Shadowkeep, at the same time i was watching these videos i was very burnt out on my current video games and was really needing something new. (trust me when i say GTA online is a nightmare to play in the long run). Even though IHE was bashing the game for its flaws, to me it looked pretty interesting, and it even went free to play!, so a few days later i downloaded Destiny 2, started making my first character (a warlock) breezed through the new light quests and found it to be.... quite entertaining! i wanted to play more and more because holy hell playing the few strikes i could was super fun, slowly i came closer to light level 1200 and it was also around the time i discovered what expansions were and that one, Beyond Light, just released before i started. So i waited until christmas discounts on the PSN store and to my luck, Beyond Light was on 25% discount! (instead of 40 euros i had to pay 30), i immediately took my chance and bought it. i was instantly hooked! i loved playing through the campaign with my trusty riskrunner by my side, after 2 days i finished it and it was so fun! i wanted to play more campaigns and heard that new light players get 3 campaigns for free! so i started looking through the game and couldnt find the quests or anything regarding red war, curse of osiris or warmind (i think thats what theyre called?). So i hopped on google and went searching for answers, after really going through everything and digging deep (maybe i was looking for the wrong stuff). And came to the conclusion that i couldnt play those anymore because they got vaulted. removed from the game to maybe return one day. That was pretty depressing but y'know i still got my lament quest, so i can set my teeth into that one, i kept completing the lament quest steps until i came to the step, complete an exo challenge, i didnt know what it was but i found it on the map so i went there, "Recommended Power Level 1230+" s***. i was only 1210, so i went looking for people to help me on Discord LFG groups and someone quite quickly answered, (lets just call him V1) V1 was his name, he was like power level 1260 so i really looked up to him, he helped me easily complete my exo challenge and i was insanely thankful, we talked over on discord for some more and he invited me into his clan (im still in it and i dont plan on leaving :D) i made friends with all the people in it and they learned me about sunsetting, powerful drops, power levels and more questions i had. I finally felt, something i havent felt in a long time, happiness, being liked in a group (im getting tears in my eyes just by writing this because of how happy i was, and still am because of this). I completed my Lament quest and got my 3rd exotic.
After completing Beyond Light i bought Shadowkeep, why? because i had absolutely nothing to do and it sounded promising, especially the name "Garden Of Salvation" (this will come up later). i breezed through the campaign with ease and it was quite entertaining, but dissatisfied, why? well, beyond light gave me 3 exotics eventually, Salvations Grip, The Lament and Cloudstrike. then why did i only get 1, Deathbringer (and one armor piece for completion at the end if you count that). so i went googling and it was due to most exotics being in the golden wall thing i saw at the Tower, or because of seasons and quests being limited time. But then i found the golden youtube video, telling me about the Divinity (VERY IMPORTANT) and Xenophage, both of these were quest related and the video said, *very easy quests*
Now, i wanna talk about this important gun, the Divinity. To you, this might just be another exotic trace rifle, now to me back then (and now) the idea of a death ray lazer gun sounded AWESOME! i wanted this gun so badly like i cant explain it in words to you how badly i wanted this rifle, it looked awesome, someone on youtube promised me "it was quite easy" and it is literally a death beam, and apperantly it was a very handy gun too for boss battles because of its exotic perk that makes it create a huge crit spot on the boss's body. So i set my eyes on 1 thing and 1 thing only, acquiring the Divinity.
I spent a lot of times watching a lot of different videos on Garden Of Salvation and the Divinity quest. After i knew absolutely everything about GOS and the Div puzzles, i asked my clan if we could please run it, i explained to them how badly i wanted that gun and that it was my mission to obtain it. Well, it wasnt as easy as i thought, not enough people in the clan (the clan is quite small, its like a little cozy family c:) owned shadowkeep, and getting a group willing to run it is quite hard because of the new raid, DSC being super popular in LFG groups and such, i ended up trying one time with an LFG group, it took us almost 4 hours to get to the 2nd encounter, Spire defense, so i (very sadly) had to put the dream of owning Divinity on the shelf for now.
Then me, V1 and another clanmate who is super friendly (ill call him XK) XK, helped me get xenophage, (a bloody explosive LMG that was apperantly super good). After this i went full D2 grind mode, collecting exotics, grinding levels for my battle pass, grinding for good rolls on my SOTH weapons, grinding prophecy and harbinger, bought and completed forsaken, etc.
after all this i still didnt have my Divinity, even though i had the knowledge, just no proper team to run it with. Now im gonna talk about the most luck ive ever really had, my friend, V1, knew some people in another, bigger clan, they are absolute experts at this game and are like destiny veterans. they let me into their clan discord and made friends with the big members, Femme and Wingy, and some other people in the clan, i really love the people there and really felt home just like in my main clan, they told me they do Divinity runs every Sunday and i could be part of it soon too! Now at that point, i was SUPER HAPPY, finally! a team thats super good, and has the time and knowledge to help me get that first raid experience properly and obtain the long sought after Divinity. I finally had hope again, i WILL finally get it.
A few weeks later and it was time, that golden moment, my very first proper raid run for my favourite raid and that sweet sweet Divinity. We did the first 3 encounters with ease, it was almost funny, all the div puzzles were a joke and we breezed through. Also, can i just say, GARDEN OF SALVATION IS A GORGEOUS RAID!!!!! i cannot say this enough and for the lack of a better term, this raid is absolutely beautiful, holy s*** it is gorgeous, i love the skyboxes and background art, especially the view you get of the Black Garden near the final boss. Okay next,
Sanctified Mind, Sol Inherent. Oh you beautiful bastard with your gorgeous racing game 8-bit-ish music, yeah i see you in the sight of my Xenophage, im coming for ya, we wiped about 5 or 6 times before getting it down, finally! i was actually crying a little when i saw his health reach 0 and his body slowly falling apart, the black piramid in the back opened and i rushed as fast as i possibly could towards it, i needed to make sure i was there first. I dropped down, walked up to the beautiful ending room, presented my divine fragment and collected it, at last, the Divinity was in my inventory. I, no We did it. Without the help of my team, i couldve never done it. I was insanely happy, happy beyond words.
Now, skip forward to the next day, (today) it was about 1 pm/13:00 and i was bored as hell, but i really wanted to use my Divinity on something interesting other than strikes, so i went on the D2 app, no one running dungeons other than 2 groups, which were both shattered throne which i still want to run but they were french and german only so, pass. then i found one “DSC teaching run, anyone can join”, i looked on my watch, 13:07, f*** it, lets see what the hype is all about aye?
I joined, got a friend request and joined their PSN party, they were all really nice and the sherpa knew exactly what to do, great! He talked us a bit through and i sort of knew what to do in the first part, but after that, close to no idea honestly. We made it to the Crypt, disabled the security with ease, and then, WENT TO BLOODY SPACE!!!, i was really stressed what the heck i was supposed to do because i didnt watch many videos compared to my research on GOS beforehand. So the 2nd encounter, magic space station, it went really good, they said they usually 3 phase it but we did it with ease in only 2 (all 6 of us had lament so we melted the s*** out of the boss. got my DSC shotgun with good rolls, i was happy! next one, now this one i gotta be honest, i didnt know SHEET. i was super confused what the heck to do (something with picking up bombs and putting them away?) now i was totally useless and got carried in this part because all i did was stand near a bomb deposal thing near the ceiling watching the the windows and looking into space, seeing the blast shields activate and fall off, and seeing that we are crashing the space station back to Europa, apperantly they completed the entire encounter without my help because i was just daydreaming while watching the view from the windows. Now we had to run like hell to a safe room. the screen went white and suddenly we were in the wreckage of the station back on the entrance of the Crypt where we started, they asked around what weapons we had and the sherpa asked, who here has Divinity? i was waiting for someone to say “i do/me” but to my surprise, no one had it, so i, the boy with his brand new Divinity said, “yep i do.”. now i thought all i had to do was beam the boss when damage phase started but he said i was assigned to Operator role, now i was stressing out because i didnt pay attention to what the operator did in the other 3 parts and i didnt know much about the final encounter. Well, i asked and uhm, literally all i had to do is shoot the large white spots on the purple ball on a player to free them from their cage while theyre delivering the bombs. Phew, not much, so we wiped about 3 times at this part, either because some of us died during the damage phase because of the spinning garbage around his electric dome, accidentally bumping against eachother running from the so called “purple rain” or because of me, because my operator buff stopped working and i didnt know what to do now because i couldnt shoot the white spots on the purple ball now, after those 3 or 4 tries, we bloody did it, we got that monster of a boss down and holy crap did it feel good, got my loot (apperantly we did the challenge of depositing bombs all at the same time so we got more loot, i got two LMG’s with good drops so i was happy. and i did it, my 2nd raid ever within 24 hours away from my 1st raid ever, and that with an LFG group while i didnt know anything! i was so happy, i love DSC! the vibe, the bosses, and the MUSIC, aaa! its all so perfect!
and now im here, writing this 23965832 page book about this 3 month experience of playing a video game, fascinating how so much can happen in only such a short time period And finally, i got my first two raid clears on GOS and DSC. I got my dream weapon: Divinity, and the awesome experiences. Thank you. Thank you Bungie, V1, Femme and WIngy, and you, the reader, for reading all this, my amazing experience with this game so far, ive enjoyed it and still do a ton, it brought me friends, happiness and a group i can be a part of and feel loved in. Thank you, Thank you friends, for making me get this far.
The End.
submitted by xXx_guccisniper420 to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

Beat Fallout 1 recently

I enjoyed the game a fair amount, even if I did find it to have a fair amount of flaws personally. One thing I loved was the open-ended nature of it! All the game tells you is what you have to do, the rest is up to you. So you pretty much just go everywhere you can, asking anyone you can about the water chip. Seeing as you are under-leveled and broke, you look for any job you would prove capable to do. The mystery and vastness of the Wasteland was something that kept me hooked, and I never found the game to be too cryptic for me to understand what I had to do. My only issiue was that it may have lead to the Master's character having less of an impact, as there is not enough setup for his character IMO. This is small, however.
Speaking of, the story is what is often praised about this game, yet I have a few gripes I wish to share. The plot itself I love! The eugenic themes present in the super mutant narrative made the story feel believable. In spite of what I previously said, I love the overall character of the Master. In fact, I have my own theory on his origin based on a tape I found somewhere. That being said, he is just about the only character with depth in the game. Tandi is someone who had potential, but you never see more than that. Jacoren was good enough, the ending gave him the depth I was looking for. Besides that, all you meet are one-dimensional figures who serve a purpose, yet you never get to see who these people really are, how they feel. It's especially disappointing with companions in my opinion, as the only one who stands out is Ian, for no other reason than him constantly SHOOTING YOU IN THE BACK! Well, and Dogmeat. He is, after all, iconic.
What instead sets Fallout apart is the outstanding worldbuilding. I don't think it's a stretch to say Fallout is one of the most unique and well-crafted worlds created in recent times. From the concept of the Great War, to the Wasteland itself and its various communities, to how humanity regressed and rebuilt under the cover of anarchy. The atmosphere is unpleasant, yet captivating. It doesn't let itself paint a completely desolate picture of a post-apocalyptic world, instead focusing on how socities would function in it. From the idealistic Followers of the Apocalypse, to peaceful communities like Shady Sands, to trading hubs like, well, the Hub. The worldbuilding is what the game manages best, and it deserves all the credit it's due.
The gameplay was perhaps my biggest issue. I understand this is quite subjective, but I honestly find Fallout's TT style of role-playing gameplay not fun. I get it, I understand its logic, but it is simply not fun, and that is what irks me. I love how you and enemies stand on even ground more or less. You will not be facing crowds of people unless you are well-prepared or ready to get your ass kicked. This would be great were it not for the absurd level of RNG the game has at times. You might critically miss even if your shot is 95%. Your companion could murder you just as you are about to win a tough battle. Or simply said, it's luck-based. Yes, a proper build will carry you, but this is another one of my issues. The game insists that you min-max the shit out of it to stand a proper chance in the battles ahead. I built my character to be diplomatic and stealthy, now that is my issue, correct? I should have played the game that way, and truth be told, I did. By the end, I understood that my levelling was practically screwed, so it was best I focused on talking and sneaking.
The freedom of Fallout is outstanding, I concur. I was completely lost, searching for some quest that I could possibly do and level up a bit. There was no way that I could reach the Mutant base otherwise. Lo and behold, I go back to Necropolis and find this ol' Super Mutant buddy of mine I forgot about. I see I could ask him to take me to his leader, and there I went. Let me see how this goes... Now I'm in a cell. I thought I couldn't escape, but after spamming lockpicking, I'm out. I sneak about with a stealth boy and some robes, and with some tinkering, I destroyed the base and completed one of two main game objectives. Just like that. As for the other objective, you can simply convince the final boss that his ways are wrong. And not in a clichéd "You can do better" type of way, you literally show him the facts. That was great, except for the sheer specificity of the steps required. In fact, in order to do that, I had to kill Dogmeat because I couldn't tell him to wait. For a game as free as this, it can be far too punishing if you do not play by its rules. I thought I'd invest in Small Guns, but mid-way through I learned they are practically obsolete by the mid-game and I should invest in Energy Weapons. Too bad I had no more quests left to do, not when I could hardly do anything in battle.
Lastly, the cut content is genuinely annoying here. The worst offenders were the Iguana Bob and the Followers Spy quest. Not only did they waste my time until I had too look up online why there was nothing I could about them, but they have a huge effect on two of the game's endings, preventing you from getting a positive outcome. While I understand the constraints there, it severely impacted my experience. The mod Fixt is often recommended for issues like this, but I couldn't transfer my save files properly. My game also began crashing on some save files and I had to rush the ending.
All in all, Fallout is a good game and I liked it. I was just a little disappointed with the sheer reverance I hear of it, though I understand why some love. I'd recommend it to people willing to invest time and patience in it, because it can be worthwhile. If anybody is going to get into it, though, I genuinely recommend looking things up if you are completely stuck. You might just find out the quest is incompletable. That, or download Fixt and play with it. Currently, I'm playing Fallout 2 and I'm enjoying it a lot more, even if I still have issues with the combat.
submitted by FrickingPitches to Fallout [link] [comments]

Gaming Year in Review 2020

So I finally got around to finish my reviews of my accomplished games of yesteryear and I know its a bit late for posting but nothings ever too late for this sub so here goes my somehow short reviews of the 29 games I finished in 2020 (2 games not included since automod is harrassing me despite being in line with the rules)
The Darkness II, PC
Fast paced gory goodness. An action packed title that reaches the full potential of its concept through its crazy fast paced gameplay and mechanics. Combat is exhilarating as you are imbued with the power of the darkness which makes you a walking mutilation machine to anything unfortunate enough to come across your path. The game makes the most use of your powers through quad wielding as if two weapons werent enough making you a force to be reckoned with. With the many ways you can annihilate your opponents, my favorites will always be with the classic tendrils that can perform a variety of executions. There is an odd satisfaction for me whenever Im playing gory games and this one definitely scratches the itch. The levels are designed a little bit too compact for such a chaotic game but nonetheless it suffice. Storywise, it's nice I thought the mobster settings was pretty cool and the exploration of the darkness' history was good especially with the flashback stage. The characters are likeable as well. This game also employs a cel-shaded artstyle which, of course, makes it unique, I cant discern much if it was used effectively though but in my experience I didnt had too much issue with it. To sum it up, the darkness 2 is a decent game with its intense gameplay, good story and unique artstyle.
Hitman: Absolution, PC
A good game but perhaps it was great to some. I played this game with a wrong mindset even though stealth games is one of my favorite genres, I approached this game like how I would approach CoD which is mindless shooting. I didnt really have the patience that time to play through the whole game the way it was meant to be played thus not having experienced the whole hitman experience and I believe its a shame but nonetheless I had fun in my unorthodox guns blazing approach. The point shooting mechanic is highly addictive even though it was supposed to be used strategically I spammed the hell out of it even going so far to download a trainer. The gunplay in combination with the slow mo mechanic is really good that it completely erased the word stealth in my vocabulary. But I didnt play the whole game like that of course, I always try to do a stealth approach first but the number of times I need to restart became tedious hence leading me to just shoot everybody I see towards the rest of the level. Doing a perfect no detection run is still the most satisfying imo. There are other great gameplay mechanics in place especially with the environment interaction which is widely varied, you can kill someone via a loose object hanging overhead of your target, you can add poison into your target's coffee, you can sabotage a piano, and a whole lot more. It was fun exploring them but I barely utilized them since I just opted to use my guns as a simple solution. I know it had the potential to be a great game objectively but I was just too braindead at the moment to find it. Still had fun tho.
Binary Domain, PC
The narrative is a strong suit, an age where AI has evolved to a point where they are essentially the same as humans, but better. They look, behave, react and get this, even reproduce the same. Flesh and metal bound to an indistinguishable level. I wanted this concept to be explored more in game, delving deeper to the ethical, moral and psychological aspects at the societal level, yet the story focused more on the grander scale of things, keeping you in a scenario where there is action instead of slow segments where you immerse yourself with the world in which I wouldve appreciated more. This is understandable considering its an action shooter game anyway. The narrative's potential is strong yet has been set aside after telling the campaign's story as there hasnt been any extended universe outside this game. I felt like the plot could make sense in a -recently released cdpr title- type of game scenario. Now discussing gameplay, combat is fun and engaging, the enemy bots feel realistic especially with their armor and limbs chipping away when hit. You are able to choose different persons from your squad prior to engagement, allies feel helpful at least. I love the close mounted camera perspective for third person games the most and I completely adore the one used here, it adds a bit more to the immersion. There's a trust level system mechanic but its very basic, you just need to choose the good sounding options as opposed to the obvious bad which is a no brainer, granted there's a bit of a challenge in raising it whilst in combat scenarios. In conclusion, good game, engaging combat, nice camera pov, realistic feeling AI and a strong narrative. Though I can not remember as well now, I believe there were some cringey parts in game that I would just like to add since I only praised the game in my review. That's all.
Outlast, PC
I dont play horror games since I'm a wuss and I dislike jumpscares but I appreciate a horror setting and its elements. This led me to play the game with god mode enabled and infinite batteries since I just wanted it to cross it off my backlog and it was just a breeze as expected. This was a major detach from the horror experience and wasnt how the game was supposed to be played but I digress, its a game that I own anyway. Even though I failed to see how glorious of a horror title it was, I appreciate the ideas that went behind this that made it such a compelling experience. My only critique is that the story at the end is kind of wack, they ruined an already immersive experience with some supernatural bs, I only wished they stayed more grounded to reality which was what made it effective in the first place. I don't look forward to playing the sequels.
Shadow Warrior (2013), PC
Ahh yes asian doom. I believe this was my first ever steam game having gotten it from a giveaway which was a nice welcome in my first days of steam. Fast paced, gory and chaotic, the combat is very satisfying especially with the variety of abilities you have in your arsenal. The story is actually pretty good, I liked the backstory behind your demon friend. Its a game that doesn't take itself seriously and I love it, its wacky and humorous. Overall, a really good game. I love this game, such a shame with the path they took with its sequel, instead of embracing doom they became borderlands. But at least the third sequel is going back to its roots.
The Stanley Parable, PC
Short and charming. Definitely a memorable indie title. I adore this game very much. It doesn't take itself seriously, its wacky, unique, and funny especially narrator man is hilarious. I vibe with the guy. It was fun trying to get all the different endings. This game's quirkiness really shows how sometimes videogames are also a platform to create art. I wish I can say more about this game but I currently cant recall much having played this game in the 1st quarter of yesteryear. Needless to say, indie games truly are a space for less formulaic more creative concepts and Stanley Parable is an exemplar of that.
A Short Hike, PC
A short and sweet adventure. Such a charming little game. The game's goal is fairly simplistic, you play as this bird whose main objective is to reach the summit of a mountain to get better phone signal. While it might seem straightforward, the world will captivate you enough to stray away from your goal for quite a while. The world is pretty interesting and cute, you have a small map to explore with various npcs that have their own little activities to them where at first you cant do much but as you progress you are now able to fulfill their demands it just gets more satisfying after finishing each task. There are various activities to do like racing, gliding, and some platforming segments that require you to backtrack and as you do, you explore and unlock more of the world. There's even an addictive beach volleyball(?) minigame that I really took the time to beat. The traversal is really fun complemented by the fun movement mechanics as you are able to spread your wings and glide around then there are these collectible feathers that allow you to increase your max altitude and duration. I like the way they implemented your character's movement mechanics so that you can't just fly your way up, it requires a bit of a challenge to maneuver and traverse the environment, some requiring you to backtrack and or hunt for more of those collectible golden feathers. The story is pretty sweet, thats all I can say to it. I finished the game, finished all the optional objectives and collected all the collectibles. Its a worthwhile experience, short but it's cute, chill, charming, and fun.
Abzu, PC
There is little much that I can say about Abzu granted that I didn't really fully realize my experience back then as I was on a spree to finish as much games as possible which definitely impacts the overall potential of a game's experience hence the case with Abzu. I know the good qualities that make Abzu great, of course I played it so I should be aware but that is the problem, I only know but failed to understand. Playing this game, I didnt just speedrun it, my approach was slow paced and to explore every bit of the levels, I believe I took the time to savor the calm moments it had while observing the spectacular aquatic scenery, yet it wasnt still as memorable as some reviews would have pointed out to be. I understand that some games are just not for some people but if a game this great just flew over my head after experiencing it, I cant help to ponder if I just did the game such a disservice with the way I played. Recalling this game of memories past might also have impacted this review of mine since I'm reviewing games a year later but then I really struggle to remember memorable moments with the game which further grounds my review. Anyway, in summary, I sing the same praises the game has already received from its calm inducing atmosphere, gorgeous scenery, relaxing vibe and chill soundtrack, objectively a great game but subjectively not much of a memorable title for me.
A Story About My Uncle, PC
An alright platforming game where its strongest asset is in its movements. The only bliss I got from a game's movement mechanics is from Titanfall, this is the second time I got to experience the same feeling. Concept is good especially considering they were first conceptualized by students before being developed into a full game. The world is kinda weird but cute in a way that fits its narrative. I didnt knew at the time that this was an indie game so it kind of impacted my view on the game a bit as I was expecting a bit more but now I unable to readjust my views since since I fail to recall the game's context anymore, I wish I took notes back then. This leads me to not understanding why it has very high ratings on steam as I believed it wasnt that much phenomenal to deserve such ratings but I wish I understood more of the context as to what made it great.
Inside, PC
A great platformer with an interesting story and unique concept. Playdead really hits the spot with how they craft platformers in a grim setting. Having played Limbo, it doesn't stray much away from the formula with the controls controlling the way its been and the endings always leave you perplexed. It's just such a charming game with the way it just controls and feels, with the narrative executed the way it is without dialogue and context yet steadily painting a picture of the whole scenario while you try to piece out what's happening as you progress. Overall, a solid title that's more than just a puzzling platformer.
An Old Man's Journey, PC
Unique short puzzler platformer. Its a point and click adventure with an emphasis on moving layers of the level to traverse, it is a unique concept that is primarily what you spend most of your time solving, besides that there's really not much that you can do but it didn't need to anyway considering its just a very short campaign. The scenery is calm and beautiful to look at, the artstyle is good that just incites calmness while the animation makes it look cute. But despite its calm and endearing feel, the end of your journey is quite saddening, you really feel for the old man : ( . All in all, a nice and sweet experience.
Portal, PC
Fun unique short charming puzzler. Portal is a household name in gaming but I just finished it last year. What I thought was simply going to be a straightforward puzzle game had plenty of surprises which is easy to see why it garnered such praise and became such a classic mainstay in gaming history. Though at the time I was playing I wasn't much in awe but viewing this from a decade old standpoint I can see how this is such a groundbreaking title at the time, especially in the context back then that I read once in this sub. Now in gameplay, this game literally got you thinking in portals. The unique concept is complemented by good puzzle designs and it just conveys itself very well regardless of age. I'm proud that I was clever enough to finish the game without using any walkthrough. The humor is also on point too especially with the narrator GladOS which reminds me a lot of the Stanley Parable. Graphics still manage to hold up well in the current decade granted you run it on max which is a simple task for modern machines. Overall, Portal is a lovable game full of flair and oozing with personality that offers plenty of surprises with an excellent execution of its concepts and mechanics. I'm looking forward to what Portal 2 has to offer.
Batman: Arkham Origins, PC
The series that just keeps on getting better. An upgrade from the previous game, if I thought Arkham City couldnt get any better I thought wrong. At first I was kind of wary since not a lot of people were too keen on this game but after quite some time I couldnt see any reason to hate it, in fact it didnt do anything wrong, every aspect was an upgrade. Satisfying combat as always with new mechanics, combos and weapons. Story is pretty nice, Im not much of a critic as long as I get to play as the Bat I'm sold. Boss fights a plenty, perhaps the most number of bosses in the series yet iirc. Side content is pretty great, nice amount of variety that it was actual not much of a bore to do. To sum it up, a great game, I dont have much negative to say that I can remember only praises. Can't wait to play Arkham Knight!
Doom (2016), PC
Ahh Doom, what can be further said from all the praise this game has garnered. I haven't been born in the early age of gaming hence this was my first doom title and I'm just in time for the modern remake. The extremely satisfying, tense, gory, fast paced and chaotic combat is easily doom 2016's best aspect, the level design, weapon progression, collectibles, secrets, and tiny bits of lore are all just icing on top that complements the already magnificent gameplay. I find it funny how I used to be scared of the zombies at the beginning when they were just one-hittable fodder later on. One minor gripe I only had was there were far too few bosses for a game that's this satisfying. Solid title, I'm looking forward to rip and tear Eternally.
Kingdom Rush, Mobile
A classic tower defense title. I tried to complete every stars for each level and I think I only missed 2 levels since I was too lazy to complete it. A fun and challenging game, I loved the variety of troops that you are able to use especially the way you can upgrade them. Even the hardest challenges aren't too difficult to finish but the completionist within me always restarts a level when even 1 enemy slips through since I wanted to have a perfect run to nab those stars, tedious and annoying at times but I'm glad I tried the harder difficulties since it made me strategize better which in turn should make me a better gamer. I always force myself to play on hard difficulty to change my behavior to play better otherwise I would just resort to lazy and mindless approaches. Continuing, the game is neat and I'm interested in playing other future titles in the series.
Battleborn, PS4
I love the hero shooter genre and this was a no brainer to try especially that it has a campaign. I love each of the popular hero shooter games line up during the peak of the genre, namely Paladins, Overwatch and Battleborn. I'm a simple guy that can appreciate anything in everything so I really do not understand the hate towards the non-overwatch games even when they are absolutely decent titles, more so with battleborn being a complete experience and having more content than overwatch. It's been said many times before I'll just reiterate, it's a shame that battleborn was released the same time as overwatch, it was one, if not the leading reason that led it to be dismissed and ignored which eventually led to its downfall, and after 4 years of living off its life support it is finally being laid to rest this month of January 2021. A true shame for it had a lot of personality, a lot of soul and love that went into making its universe, the naysayers are the ones to be shamed for they fail to see how much of a great game this is compared to the competition. With Gearbox being the developers, the game is as wacky and humorous as their other well known title Borderlands and that's what I love about their games. There are a lot of unique characters and mechanics in game, an in-depth system is in place which adds a ton of variety with your playstyle, the same way why I adore Paladins as well. The only thing I hate about it is how they made this an online only title, live service is the bane of my existence.
Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville, PS4
A game I was disappointed at first but grew on me the more I go. Coming from the previous title Garden Warfare 2, I came with plenty of the same expectations in tow; local coop gameplay modes, hero variants, a big home battlefield map with the same amounts of hidden secrets and whatnot, and then some. I instinctively searched for these features upon booting up the game but what I got was a small home battleground with no layers of exploration and secrets, no hero variants, and at the very least not even local coop gameplay modes. I thought 'wow I was scammed' for purchasing a game with very lackluster features. But as it turns out this was an entire new game thus entailing new features and approaches. It wasn't that the game was lacking in content, I just didn't knew where to look and every gripe I had was quickly resolved as I came to discover more of the game. Brimming with content as much as its predecessor with quests, side activities, game modes as well as a brand new class progression, they stand toe to toe with each other that its difficult to see which one is superior. I loved the hell out of Garden Warfare 2 but I also appreciate this new one, a worthy successor to GW2. Its just sad the last update hit for the game that was just 2 yrs of age, sucks to be an online only game.
Suicide Squad Special Ops, Mobile
I counted this as finished despite there not really being a story since I figured I unlocked all of that there is to the map anyway and that was the main objective I set to accomplish. Its an alright endless wave shooter mobile game yet of course severely lacking but I can not really judge this the same way as a full game. Anyhow for what its worth, the gameplay is basically fun which is what matters, the core gameplay is very meager you just run in circles killing bad guys while your weapon auto shoots and then every 5 wave or so an upgrade box drops and you can incrementally upgrade your stats, very basic but its decent enough for a mobile game. You are able to swap to any squad member and each have their own thing to them, I kinda wish they programmed more characters and more gameplay but you can't really hope much for these types of movie tie-in games. Graphics are nice, just goes to show how much potential there is to create a console like experience on mobile but sadly there isn't much interest. The whole experience was just alright, nothing was great and considering the type of game it was and the platform, theres really nothing too bad to say, it sufficed to say the very least,
Scribblenauts Remix, Mobile
A game where the limit is your imagination (or your vocabulary). The first game in the series, the concept is unique and the art style is both charming and cute. It is a puzzle game first and a sandbox game second. Puzzles are quite easy, only getting challenging when you attempt to do multiple playthroughs to get a red crown from a level which is an optional task. It was fun solving them since there's a myriad of ways you can approach each problem, especially when you let your creative juices flow like riding a pterodactyl or using a jetpack in lieu of using a car to cross a bridge normally. Sometimes I hit a roadblock despite a rather simple objective since sometimes there are specific items that I do not know of. Overall, a neat and fun cute puzzle game. I'm interested in playing the sequels.
Dead Cells, Mobile
Surprise hit of the year. I cant really recall what led me to play this game in the first place since I wasnt too keen on playing indie games but I'm really glad I did. This game changed my perspective on indie games, it doesn't need to be 3D or have good graphics to be a great experience. I wasnt a fan of pixel graphics and merely dismissed every pixel looking game that I have come across, but now I'm actively looking for pixel games haha. This was also my first roguelite, a genre Im also not entirely keen on since the concept of restarting all over again was something absurd but after experiencing it in this game, it wasnt all too bad. Gameplay is challenging, especially on harder difficulties in which I'm still trying to break away from the first boss cell. This game got me really addicted, even if it was somehow repetitive the gameplay always had me coming back for more. Experimenting with builds, hunting for blueprints, grinding, speed running, and or just general fucking around, theres a lot of ways to have fun in this game. My only regret was not playing in the superior PC version since I played this on mobile which is behind in updates which leads me now in a quite a dilemma, to wait for an update that may never come on mobile or to finally begin anew in PC.
My Friend Pedro, PC
Short, wacky and satisfying unique side scrolling platformer shooter with an interesting narrative. Gunplay is satisfying and awesome, its one of key selling points in this game as seen on the trailer and I remember the hype surrounding it back then. Game mechanics has several unique innovations such as the ricochet mechanic and skating which is really fun. There are two ways to approach this game, you can either go guns blazing as I believe the game is supposed to be fast paced anyway but the existence of the slow mo mechanic also allows for calculated plays but I find going pew pew is the most entertaining and satisfying. There's a degree of skill needed to master the gunplay but I didnt spend enough time to master it unfortunately. There are some platforming segments which I find is the weakest part of the game since it takes you out of the action and what is my friend pedro if you're not max payne bullet time 360 spinning dual wielding your pistols shooting 2 bad guys at the same time as you swap to your sniper then roll and kick a knife into a bad guy as you take his weapon then ricochet the bullet onto another bad guy all done in the span of 10 secs? Story wise, the revelation in the end was pretty nice. The banana character is pretty lmao with deadpool-like wackiness. Some of the soundtrack is pretty cool making you feel like John Wick at times. To wrap it up, My Friend Pedro is an extremely fun game and an even enjoyable combat with an interesting story, it innovated on many areas which makes the game more entertaining and unique making it a memorable indie title. A worthwhile purchase.
Left 4 Dead 2, PC
Best zombie shooter game of all time. The OG. We have all played this game one way or another. Extremely satisfying, tense and chaotic zombie shooting. I love the variable paths and rng looting valve has implemented with the AI director, it makes the next couple of playthroughs feel less static. The AI director also controls zombie behavior and it does a very good job at it. This game's zombie AI is top tier, they flank you, surround you, special infected hide when spotted and wait for a better opportunity to attack, and they even strafe while running towards you to make them harder to shoot. After finishing the campaign, I wanted more challenge and played on realism and I'm glad I did. It went from mindless zombie shooter to tactical zombie shooter. There is a big emphasis on teamwork, resource management and strategy in this mode or harder difficulties, its a mode for the big boys. It beats your ass a lot of times but once you reach that safe house, its a better feeling than sex, and you cant change my mind.
The Walking Dead S1, PC
Classic. Finished this for the third time but this time on PC since my previous playthroughs were done on android. Played this again since I had the walking dead collection installed and I been meaning to play S2 for so long now. Still the compelling narrative I know and love, as intense and heartbreaking as my first playthrough. It hit harder when youre older though. I loved the dialogue the most in this game, it let me learn a bunch of new phrases and I appreciate every opportunity that I get to improve my english skills. While you don't really play this for the gameplay but it suffice for the type of interactive narrative they were going for which, love it or hate it, is the telltale formula. Now onto the next installment.
The Walking Dead S2, PC
Finally the moment to answer all my unresolved thoughts has come. It was kinda pathetic how they just threw the OG group away in favor of the new cast, which I don't really vibe with, there were only a few selects I liked. OG group still the best group, perhaps I haven't spent more time with these new ones but I'm open to change my mind in future replays if I'm in the mood. I'm glad atleast one of the original members and my main man in the previous game Kenny came back. I was extremely hyped af the first time seeing him, but seeing him gradually change for the worst to his inevitable downfall as I didn't choose to side with him in the end was really heartbreaking. And that Lee flashback had me feeling like clem, i just want my father figure to come back and protect me from this cruel world. The narrative in this one wasn't as strong to the S1 but this was interesting and a rather nice experience despite some flaws. There was less interactivity here which results in even lesser dialogue in comparison to the first and that bummed me out as I liked exploring every clickable object and exhausting every dialogue opportunity before moving on to the next. Good game but not as great. I'm not as excited to play the next one since I'm not sure if my little bb clem is going to be the star since she's the only one I only care for now.
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, PC
Played on a whim since I wanted to play all the decent spidey games available on PC being a spider-man fan and I'm glad I really played this one. One word that I can say about the entirety of this game is that its AMBITIOUS and they nailed it absolutely right. They nailed every ambitious concept they have, from the playable spider-men, unique level design, amount of bosses to the gameplay mechanics. Really an amazing experience despite the clunkiness of old gen.
World War Z, PC
GOTY. Can't believe they just give away this AAA for free. I used to be a skeptic since I heard it has a lot in common with Left 4 Dead and I never really bothered to check more into it but after the Epic giveaway I figured why not and I'm glad I did. Phenomenal level design, gorgeous graphics, quality production and most importantly, solid gameplay. The addition of classes and weapon progression brings a lot of replayability after finishing the main game. The swarm engine that they use is very fascinating, it's baffling how they managed to cram 1k zekes in a single instance without my system not even breaking a sweat! Mad props to Saber Interactive on this one.
Halo Reach, PC
My last game of the year. Decided to download the Master Chief Collection and finally start my journey in the world of Halo. Only reason I played reach first is because it is the first in chronological events and the first title in the MCC menu so I thought why not this will serve as a primer for the main games, but that was not the case. As far as I'm concerned, gameplay and storyline is solid. Though, gunplay felt weak for me, feedback on the enemy getting shot is poor i cant tell if they were even getting hit or not while on the other hand ammo runs out rather quickly for these bullet sponges. Graphics are great looking in its high definition glory. This is my first foray into the world of Halo and I should've played the earlier games first before this so at least I was initiated as to what the hell is going on, nonetheless I still enjoyed it albeit not the full experience I couldve gotten. It doesnt help that there isnt any subtitles in game so I was pretty clueless as to what the hell is going on currently. Playing on Heroic was a mistake since I was in it for the story with the gameplay coming second, despite being extremely frustrated with the annoying AI and one hit explosives I managed to finish it anyway. Due for replay soon once I managed to finish the main games. Also, this is basically star wars rogue one.
submitted by megalodous to patientgamers [link] [comments]

Massive List of Yuri Media (2000+ Titles)

Since my first list got a lot of positive feedback, I've decided to release an EVEN BIGGER list because you deserve better.
I had to upload some of the lists to google sheets because of Reddit's character limit. I will post the links to them in their respective category.
NOTE: Some (Not all) of the Japanese Titles have not been scanlated yet and can be read on sites such as comic walker.
Now, the list...


I had to upload this one to google sheets. You can check the list out here.

Manga List

This was the main list I wanted to post here, but there were just too many titles, so I had to shorten it a little. You can view the whole thing here.
I Love You! Get It Across! 1 x ½ 15Y+ 1st Bite 20-Year-Old Girl x 30-Year-Old Maiden 2D Comic Magazine NTR Les Kanojo ga Kanojo o Netottara Vol. 1 2D Comic Magazine Shokushu Les Vol. 1 2D Nonsense After School! 2DK, G-pen, Alarm clock A Certain Marriage A Cute Bird Comes To An Office Lady Who is Tired and Healed by Birdwatching A Divine Love Alone A Doujin Where Shikinami Became the Secretary Ship A Girl Falls In Love With a Boy A Girl Like A Pilgrim A Girl Whose Breasts are a Little Big and is Kinda Pretty A HaruChiha Manga A Hundred Scenes of Girls Love A Kiss And A White Lily A Knife Edge Girl A Lapis-Lazuli Blue Dream A Lesbian Elf and a Cursed Princess A Lifeform in Puberty - Vega A Love Letter for the Marching Puppy A Manga About a Hero who Pulled Out the Holy Sword and Became a Girl A Monster Wants to Eat Me A Plain High School Girl Is ○○'d by Pretty Girls A Room For Two A Secret Just Between You and Me A Story About Doing XX to Girls From Different Species A Story of Eirin and Keine A Story of Two Online Friends Meeting IRL A Straight Girl Wanders Into a Lesbian Mixer A Succubus Yuri Story A Timid Woman Longing For Her Delivery Girl A Workplace Where You Can't Help But Smile A World Without Freedom A Yuri Manga Between a Delinquent and a Quiet Girl That Starts From a Misunderstanding About a College Girl Who Gets Picked Up at a Mixer by an Older Girl About YuuSaya Accept My Fist of Love! Adachi and Shimamura Adachi and Shimamura (Moke ver.) Adachi and Shimamura (Novel) Adachi and Shimamura Official Comic Anthology Adolescent Love After Hours After School Afterglow Afterglow Noise Age 15 Age Gap Sisters Who Have Reached That Age Akuma no Riddle Al-Hazard Alcohol Yuri Anthology - Strong! Alice Phantasm Alice Quartet Alice Sherlock: The Rubious Nebula All Hail Empress Her Majesty All of Humanity is Yuri Except For Me All You Amai Nisemono An Absurd Relationship An Absurd Relationship (Collection) An Aside Told to You An Easy Introduction to Love Triangles (To Pass the Exam!) Anata Dake Hoseki And Kaede Blooms Gorgeously And Then, To You Andou Oshida Index Angel x Demon Angel's Records Angelic Girl Anko-san of the Deep-Sea Fish Ano Koro no Aoi Hoshi Another Kiss Aoishiro - Aoi Shiro no Enbukyoku Apocalypse Aqua Blue Cinema Aqua Blue Ether Arcadia ~Flowers of Paradise~ As Yet I Have No Name Ashita, Kimi ni Aetara Assistant Denki Keika Asumi-chan Is Interested In Lesbian Brothels! Aya Yuri Vol 1 Aya Yuri Vol 11 Aya Yuri Vol 6 Aya Yuri Vol 7 Aya Yuri Vol 8 Ayame 14 Ayame and Amane B.G.M.R.S.P. Baba-yaga Bakuretsu Tenshi Bamboo Flower, Sleeping Princess Banana no Nana Battle Athletes Daiundoukai Beast Emotion Being by your side, I can’t help falling for you Beloved L Beloved Paintings Between Philia and Eros Beyond Those Thoughts Black & White Black Lily and White Lily Black Yaggy and Medicine Sweet Bloom Into You Bloom Into You Comic Anthology Blue Drop Blue Drop ~Maiorita Tenshi~ Blue Drop ~Tenshi no Itazura~ Blue Friend Blue Friend 2nd Season Blueprints for a Girl Bombshells Boyish Girl x Gyaru Boyish Girlfriend Bright and Cheery Amnesia Bunny's Road Butterfly Kiss Blade Butterfly69 Cage Caged Lovers Call My Name Can't Defy the Lonely Girl Candy Candy Boy Candy Boy: Young Girls Fall in Love Candy Moon Carbonard Crown Cassiopeia Dolce Cat Maid and Mistress Cat's Eye Hall Cat-Eared Girl Catastrophe Catcher in the Rhyme Cattleya Heights Chatting at the Amber Teahouse Chichi Yuri Girls Choir Chouchou Nannan Cider and Crybaby Cinnamon: Jingai x Ningen Yuri Anthology Circle in the Sand Cirno and Reimu's One-Two-Three Cirque Arachne Citrus Citrus + Citrus Anthology Citrus Anthology: Lovely Party Class Rep Ozu's Scandalous Daily Life Clover Club Cocytus Collective Box Collectors Come Rain or Shine Comprehensive Tovarisch Concerto Corruption’s Finale Cotton Cotton Candy Couleur de bijoux d'amour Creo the Crimson Crises Crescent Moon and Doughnuts Crescent Sweet Honey Cross Heart Crystal Sugar and Machine Gun Cute Little Iron Maiden Cutie Beast Dame Ningen Jan Dandelion Among Lilies Daring Little Red Riding Hood and Herbivorous Wolf-chan Dark Asterisk Dark Cherry to Shoujo A Dark Forest, White Road Dark Widow Dark, Marsh, Nightwood Darling Darling Dear My Girl Dear My Teacher Dear NOMAN Delinquent Girl and Class Rep Do Your Best (;_;) Kogasa-chan! ~Sudden Attack! The SDM next door!~ Don't Make Me So Turned On. Double Bind Double House Dream-Colored Replica E-G-Town Earth Girls Ebisu-san and Hotei-san Éclair Éclair blanche Éclair bleue Éclair rouge Eden no Otome Edible Flowers Eli's Birthday Emo Star Epitaph Eve's Medicine Even If It Was Just Once, I Regret It Even If We're Not Friends Even Though We're Adults Everyone Under the Same Sky Fall in Love Family Planning Fell in love with a girl 8 years younger Fidanzato no Tameiki First Love First Love Sisters Fleetgirls Flower Bouquet and Prism Flower Flower Fluffy White Paper Fluttering Feelings Forever With You - Nanoha & Fate wedding anthology Fragaria Fragments of Love Fragtime Free Soul Fujiwara Mokou x Mystia Lorelei Compilation Furumapura Futakaku Kankei Futari Futari Monologue Fuwa Fuwa No Kimochi Fuwafuwa Futashika Yume Mitai Fuwari Fuzoroi no Renri Gakkou no Sensei Galette Vol 4 Game Game (Collection) Gamma GGWP. ~Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games~ Girl Friends Girl X Girl Collection Vol 2 Girl X Girl Collection Vol 3 Girl x Girl x Boy Girl's Ride Girl's Sanctuary Girl's Syndrome Girlfriends For 3 Seconds Girlish Sweet GIRLS LOVE LIFE: 2007–2011 Girls Love Vol 1 Girls Monochrome Girls und Panzer - Motto Love Love Sakusen desu! Girls Und Panzer: Ribbon Warrior Girls x Sexual Harassment Life Girls' Aesthetics Girls' Union Girl♡Girls Give My Heart To You. Gokujo Gokujou Drops Good Morning, Miss Green Greenhouse Witch Gretel Gunbured x Sisters Gunjo Hakodate Youjin Buraichou Himegami Hakurei Shrine's Sky-Color Dandelion Hana and Hina After School Hana Ni Arashi Hana no Iro Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl Hanjuku Joshi Happy Cherry Happy End Happy Jets Happy Picture Diary Happy Sugar Life Harmonized Finale Haru and Midori Hatsukoi, Tokimeki Usuihon Hayate X Blade Hayate x Blade Shorts Heart Gifts Heart of the Girl Heart-Pounding Excitement at Mononoke Girls' Academy Heavenly Garden Where The Maidens Bloom Hello, Melancholic! Henai Girl Henceforward Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind. Her Elder Sister Has a Crush on Her, But She Doesn't Mind. (Webcomic) Her Kiss - Infectious Lust Her Trip to the Dentist Her World Hero-san and Former General-san Hiiragi's English-Japanese Dictionary Himitsu no Kakera Himitsu, Hitotsu Hino-san no Baka Hitogoto Desukara! Ho-kago Comes Again Holy Girl Paradigm Honey & Honey Honey & Mustard Honey Crush Honey Quartet Honkai Impact 3 - Violet Sea Story Honto no Kokoro Hoshi and Yozora Hoshikawa Ginza District 4 Houkago Canon Houkago Tea Time Husky and Medley I am not a Succubus! I Beg of You I decided to fake a marriage with my junior (♀️) to shut my parents up I Favor the Villainess I Fell in Love For the First Time I Girl I Hate Things Like Love I Love You! I Suspect My Childhood Friend to be a Lesbian I Want to be Honest I Want You to Say You Love Me I Wanted To Draw Mei-Saku I Was Popular, But I Guess I Have No Choice But to Save the World! I Wouldn't Mind Being Loved I'll Bring You Mille-Feuille! I'll Cheer On My Yuri Onee-chan I'll Send Her Home on the Last Train I'm an Elite Angel, But I'm Troubled By an Impregnable High School Girl I'm Not Popular, But The Future Starts Today Ichinichi Sanshoku Lisa Gohan If I Can Encounter Koshiba Aoi Today If This Wish Comes True If You Could See Love Iinari!! Kyuuketsuki Ikenai Otona In the Closet In Your Paws Incomplete Girl Indigo Blue Indigo Mermaids Innocent Noise Inoshikacho ga Sorowanai Inugami-san and Nekoyama-san Iono the Fanatics Iromeki Girls Is My Hobby Weird? Is This What A God-Tier Game Means? Isn't The Moon Beautiful Isuzu's Counter It Would Be Great if You Didn't Exist It's a Detached Relationship. It's Like a Spring Storm It's Painful That I Have No Idea What High School Girls Are Thinking Of These Days Itazura Privacy Itoshi Koishi Itoshi wo Tome JK-chan and Her Male Classmate's Mom Joou-Sama no Eshi Joshi Kouishitsu Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita Just A Little! Just You and I K-ON-Hon!? Kadan -Helichrysum- Kaijuu Iro no Shima Kami eshi JK to OL fujoshi Kanaete! Yuri Yousei Kanamemo Kano x Kano Kaprekar Karura Kase-san Kasumi and Acchan Kawai sa Amatte Suki sa 100-bai!! kenhou 4-koma KiLa KiLa Killing Me! Kimi Koi Limit Kimi no Tame nara Shineru Kimi to Kimi wa Shoujo Kimiiro-Shoujo Kimochi no Katachi Kindred Spirits on the Roof SIDE A: Another Yuritopia Kira Kira no Natsu Kiss Me! Vampire Girls Kiss Shite Sawatte Motto Shite Kissing Mars Kitanai Kimi ga ichiban kawaii Kobayashi-san chi no Maid Dragon Kokono-chan Drinks Tears! Kona Kaga Kona Kaga After Story KonaKaga Webcomic Konohana Kitan Konohana Link Konohanatei Kitan Kuchibiru ni Suketa Orange Kurogane Pukapuka Tai Kuroyome Kusanagi-Sensei is Being Tested Kyou Kara Mirai Kyou Kara Yonshimai L -Ladies & Girls Love Vol 1 L-Size Little Sister Lady x Lady Lady x Lady -Casa Blanca- Lady x Lady bulbiferum Ladykiller Nagato Makes Mutsu's Heart Throb Laika, Pavlov, Pochihachikou Last Dance in Summer Lavender Legally Married Yuri Couple Book Lemonade Les Chuu Life Lesbian Bonnie and Clyde Lesbian Vol 2 LESFES CO CHERRY BLOSSEUM Lesfes-Co Less Than Friends Let's Meet Again Tomorrow Let's Reconcile With Lily Maria Liberta Liberty Like a Dignified and Noble Flower Like a Snowfall in Spring Like a Star Lilium Terrarium Lily Love Lily Marble Lily Party Dream Garden Lily Triangle Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep Look at Me Looking Up to Magical Girls Love Allergy Syndrome LOVE CUBIC Love DNA XX Love Flag Girls!! Love Flicker Love is a Battlefield Love Pheromone No.5 Love Potion Love Runs From the Nose Love Slave Love Stories Log Love Vibes LOVE/DEATH Lovey-dovey Panzer Low Angle Lucky Point Luminous=Blue MA+P Mabataki Dekinai Macaron Idol Yuri Anthology Madder Kisses on the Rooftop Madoka and Mei's Secret Workshop Magan&Danai Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid Life MAGICAL NIPPLE KISS Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Innocent Majyo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane MakiRinPana's Lessons on Living Together?! Mamakko Circle Manatsu Labyrinth Manga no Tsukurikata Mare Maria-sama ga Miteru MariAli Marriage Black Master and Me Mayonaka Yonaka No Accept Me and my Right Arm Mebae Vol.3 – Vivid Girls Love Anthology Mebae Vol.4 – Vivid Girls Love Anthology Mekimeki Omnibus 1 Mekimeki Omnibus 2 Melody of Sorrow Mercy Mermaid Line Mermaid Lovers Met My Sister on a Dating Site Michiwarikusa Monogatari – Vampire After the Doomsday Mikarun X Mikazuki no Carte Milky Succubus Chiiche Milky Succubus Lilly Mimi Mix! Minori & 100 Ladies Minus Literacy Mirage Mirai no Fuufu Desu Kedo? Mismatch Girls Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Anthology Miss Sunflower Mistress and Maid Model-chan and Plain Manager Mofu Kano Pot-pourri MokoMote Moment; Momo, Botan, and Lily Blossoms Mondlicht -tsuki no tsubasa- Moon, World, and Stars Moonlight Flowers Motto Hanjuku Joshi Mousou Honey Mugen no Minamo ni Mugi to Azu Murcielago Music Box of Memories Muttsuri Girl to Koisuru Bitch Mutually Unrequited Twin Sisters My Beloved My Cute Little Kitten My Ignorance of a World Yet Unknown My Master & Furry-eared Girl Mel My Most Special Her My Unrequited Love My Wish is to Fall In Love Until You Die Nadeshiko Hiyori NagiHono -Reprint- Nameless Fruit Nana Yuri Nanami and Misuzu Nanashi no Asterism Nanoha A's Nano Negev x Kar98k Neko Netorare Yuri Anthology Netsuzou Trap NicoMaki - Dating Life NicoMaki Challenge! Nighty Night, Scheherazade Nijipuri No Dignity for the Captain No,1 Nobara no Mori ni Otometachi Non and Su Noroi no Aoi-chan Notes From The Garden Of Lilies Now Loading…! Nutmeg Oblivious Nishikino-san Manga Octave Oddman 11 Office Romance: Women's Division Ohana Holoholo Ojou-sama wa Love Come no Shujinkou ni Naritai! OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Falling In Love With A Classmate OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Forbidden Sisters OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Girls Love H OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Girls Love Paradise OKS COMIX Yuri Series: Story of Club Activities Okujou Pikapika Romance ON YOUR MAKE Onee Loli Succubus Onee-chan Nanon? Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga arimasu Oniisama E Ooi and Kashima Living Together Opapagoto Orange & Yellow Oshikko Sensei Oshikko Sensei Zero Othello Otome Senshi Lovely 5 Otome x Chigiri Otome x Ranbu Ouji-sama Nante Iranai Our First Time Our Handshake Our Journey to Lesbian Motherhood Out of the Blue! Pages in Search of a Bookmark Pancakes for Breakfast Pantser Princess Paradise of Nightmare (Series) Paradise, And After... Paraiso Parfait: Onee-loli Yuri Anthology Passionate Electric Wave Pastel Days Perfume of Love Persona Karen Philosophia Pieta Pink Rush Pinky Plastic Song Please My God, Please Plica Pocha Climb! Point at Infinity Poor College Student Turns to Lesbian Sex Work Poor Poor Lips Pops PreAla One Draw President and Vice-President Princess of the Princess Princess Princess Princesses in the Student Council Prism Private Tsunderation Promise of Gymnasium Puku Yuri Pulse Punyu Punyu Pure Marionation Pure Water Adolescence Pure Water Luminescence Pure White Disciple Shimako-San Qualia the Purple Ragnarock City Rainbow Secret Rainbow Sensibility Rainy Song Rasen Raubritter Re: fan Relation Valley 1 Release the Spyce - Secret Mission Renai Manga Resounding Echo Restart from Zero Restless Kiss Reverie in a Deserted Bus Riko & Haru & Irukawa Hot Springs Rock it, GIRL!! Romance Girls File Roommates Rosa Gigantea Party Rosehip Diary - Whispers of Roses and Lilles Rouge Rui-Rui Run Away With Me, Girl Ryuzaki-san and Torao-san Sailor Girlfriend Sakana no Miru Yume Sakuhimanga Sakura 1 Sakura Coloured Love Triangle Sakura Trick Sakura Trick Anthology Sakura's Boundaries Salad Bowl Salomelic SANTA SANGRE Sasameki Koto Sayonara Folklore Sayuri’s Little Sister Is An Angel Scape-God Scarlet Schizanthus School Idol Days School Idol Days S School Police School Zone Seagull Villa days Seasons Secret Flowers Secret Garden Secret Love Secret of the Princess Seifuku no Vampiress Lord Sekai de Ichiban Oppai ga Suki! Semelparous Senpai Doesn't Want To Fall For Her Kouhai Sensual Trigger Sentimental Dust Servant x Queen Sexual Education 120% Sexy in Pink She Becomes a Tree She falls in love with her She Gets Girls Every Day. She Said It's Love -Anotherstory- She, Her Camera and Her Seasons Shells and AlternaRock Shimeji Simulation Shinigami Alice Shinozaki-san Ki wo Ota Shika ni! Shiroi Heya no Futari Shitsuji Shoujo to Ojousama Shitsurakuen Short Stories Shoujo Holic Shoujo Kishidan × Knight Tale Shoujo Sect Shoujo Shikkaku Shoujo Squared Shouraiteki ni Shindekure SHWD - Special Hazardous Waste Disposal Silver Gymnasium Simoun ~Magical Biyuden~ Sisterism Skeeter Rabbit Skyscrapers of Desire Sleeping Beauty's Dream Slice of Love Slow Start Small Mokottouhou Smile Style Smiling Broadly Snake Woman and Little Miss Offering Snow & Sunflower So, Do You Want To Go Out, Or? Social Anxiety vs Yuri Softly Upon Her... Solar Eclipse Solfege ~Sweet Harmony~ Someone Hated, Someone Loved Song About a Piece of Junk Sorairo Girlfriend Sorry but I'm Not Into Yuri Spice Girls Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Starlight Parade Stay Tune Steps Steps (Collection) Still Sick Stolen Love Stories of Sakuya Story about OL-san Picking up a Cat Strange Babies Strawberry Fields Once Again Strawberry in Soda Water Strawberry Shake Strike Witches: Official Comic A La Carte StrikerS Nano Sugar wa Otoshigoro Suicide Parabellum Suito-to! Sunami Yuuko to Yuri na Hitobito Sunshine & Bright Stars Super Heroine taisen SEXY~Lezmoe! Soushuuhen~ Super Love Potion SUZUKUMA! Swap ⇔ Swap Sweet & Bitter Sweet Blue Flowers Sweet Box Sweet Gap Sweet Guilty Love Bites Sweet Little Devil Sweet Little Devil (Series) Sweet Lovin' Baby Sweet Peach Syrupy Love Table Turner Tachi Masshigura ~Neko Cafe Yuri Goudou~ Tachibanakan -ToLie- Triangle Tadokoro-san Tadokoro-san (web comic) Tae-chan and Jimiko-san Take that Hand Tama to Tama to Tami and the Yukionna Tandem Lover TANKOBU Teach Me Teacher Graduation Teiji ni Agaretara Tenbin wa Hana to Asobu The All-girl School Princes Are Dating The Beauty of a Mother The Beginning And After That The Bizarre Pair The Cherry Tree Correspondence The Conditions for Paradise The Conditions For Paradise The Cutest Girl in the World The Diligent Senpai and the Delinquent Kouhai The End Of The World And A Witch's Love The Feelings We All Must Endure The Flower And The Star The Girl Awakens With a Kiss From the Princess The Girls' Arcadia The Last Uniform The Lily Blooms Addled The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady The Manken Club Like Whirlwind and Surge Waves The Miko's Words and the Witch's Incantations The Mistress Story The Mute Girl and Her New Friend The Nice Neighborhood Lady The Nighthawk Drifts About The One I Love The Papaya Gang The Prince of the Night Sky and Princess of the Morning Glow The Princess of the Library The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness The Rain and the Other Side of You The Real Her The sea, you, and the sun The Secret Recipe The Secret Shokolad The Sheep Princess in Wolf's Clothing The Sisterly Situation of the Bakeneko Hazuki The Skirt Sings at the Landing The Structural Formula of First Love The Titan and the Goddess’s Cute Household The Two of Them Are Pretty Much Like This The Two of Us The Two Sides of Seiyuu Radio The Unattainable Flower and the Normal Girl The Unemployed and the High Schooler The Witches and Their Dear Apprentice Their Shared Everyday Lives Their Story There's No Way I Can Have A Lover! *Or Maybe There Is? There's Weird Voices Coming from the Room Next Door! This One Goes Out To All The 17-Year Olds This Plain Girl's Skirt Will Shrink By 0.1mm For Every Like Tie Breaker To Die In June To the Other Side of the Glare Today, We Continue Our Lives Together Under the Same Roof Todo no Tsumari no Uchouten Tomodachi Login Tonari no Robot Tonaride: Konata Kagami Anthology Tora Ni Tsubasa Torotoro Himeawase Tougou-san and Sayama-san Touko-san Can’t Take Care of the House Touko-san Can’t Take Care of the House (Serialization) Touma-kun Toumei na Usui Mizuiro ni Tousaku Shoujo Shoukougun Transient Dreams of Transient Things Transistor Teaset Transistor Venus Triangle Struggle Tropical Girls True True Trying Out Marriage With My Female Friend Tsukarekitta Onna ga Shinuhodo Iyasareru Tame ni Tsuki to Koi wa Michireba Kakeru Tsuki to Suppin Tsukushi Mates Tsurezure Biyori Twin Cake Twin Sisters Twinkle, twinkle, little star Twins in Agony Two and Two Two Scarlet Sacraments Under the Starry Sky Two Spirals Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! UFO Catcher Ui & Yaaya Ultra Happy End Ultra Sword Un bouquet de fleurs pour vous Unchanging Days Under One Roof Underground Colosseum Sen Unicorn and Sabishigariya Girl UNOs 2 Unrequited Yuri Love Unstable Castle of Tokarev Useless Princesses Uta-Kata Vacation Maou to Pet Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhunism Valkyrie Drive Siren - Breakout! VAMPEERZ Vampire Girl Black Lily Vampire-chan × Junior-chan Vanilla Nonhuman x Nonhuman Yuri Anthology Vector Spectacle Vespa Video Rental Shop Virgins' Empire Wake Ari na Kanojo-tachi Walk Wit Me Want to Sell Me Your Body? Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! Watashi wa Kimi wo Nakasetai Watashi wo Hitorijime ni Shite We Can't Draw Love We Can't Go Back To Just Being Friends We Went On Our Honeymoon We'll Make Love Tomorrow Weise Frau Welcome to the Prison Town What Does the Fox Say When You Say "No", I Say "Eek"! Whispering You a Love Song White Lilies in Love BRIDE's Newlywed Yuri Anthology Wife and Wife Will You Marry Me? Witch and Apprentice Sister Witch and Maid-chan Witch Meets Knight Witches' Marriage With Her Who Likes My Sister Wonder Square Yaezakura Sympathy Yamada to Kase-san Yamaneko Box Original Girls Love Books Collection 2012-2014 Yamanko! Yamato Nadesico Yamitsuki You Are My Angela You are totally in love with me, aren't you? Your Cuteness Your True Color Yu-Ribbon Yukari vs Ran Yukemuri Sanctuary Yuki and the Authoress Yukino Plan Yuliquer: Alcohol x Yuri Anthology Yume Mitaina Hoshi Mitaina Yumeguri Yurimeguri Yuri Couple Yuri Danshi Yuri Detectives YuriAnzu YURI DRILL Yuri Hime Wildrose Vol 1 Yuri Kuma Arashi Yuri Lover-kun and Yuri Lover Lover-kun Yuri Mekuru Hibi Yuri Mekuru Oshigoto Yuri Moyou Yuri Natsu -Kagaya Inn- Yuri Ninshin Vol 1 Yuri Ninshin Vol 2 Yuri Ninshin Vol. 4 Yuri Pop Yuri Seijin Naoko-san Yuri Tengoku Yuri Yuri (ELEGY SYNDROME) Yuri Yuri 2 Yuri-iro Rasen Yuridori Midori Yurigurashi Yurika's Campus Life Yurikon Yurimm Fairy Tales YurixYuri Observation Diary Yuri☆Kome Yuru Oyako Yuru Yuri Yuru Yuri - Oomuro-ke Yuru Yuri - Reset! YuruZero Yuunagi Marbled YuuParu Anthology 2: Style Yuzumori-san Zettai Shoujo Seiiki Amnesian Zettai x Roman μ's ATTACKS! 1 x 1/2 - My Half of You 100 Ways to Kill A Seal 12-fun no Étude A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow A love letter for the marching puppy (行進子犬に恋文を) Adachi to Shimamura Adachi to Shimamura (Moke YUZUHARA) Aiura Akanesasu Shoujo 4-koma Parallel Akarui Kioku Soushitsu Akuma no Riddle (Riddle story of the Devil) Alice Turn Back Clock Always Human Ama + Devi Anata no Juni Oshiete Kudasai Anata no Soba ni Iru to Watashi wa: Shakaijin Yuri Anthology Angelica ni Utau Angels of The Seashore Ano Ko ga Watashi wo Onna ni Suru Aoi Honoo Kaoru Tsuchi Aoi Shiro: Aoi Shiro no Enbukyoku Aoi Shiro: Kaeishou Ashita Mata Aimashou Asteroid in Love Ato de Shimai Masu. Berry Berry Berry A Betsu Kiss Black Yagi to Gekiyaku Madeleine Bloom Into You: Official Comic Anthology Blooming Sequence Bocchi Kaibutsu to Moumoku Shoujo Boku wa, Yurina Onee-chan wo Ouenshite Imasu Buchou ni Igen wa Arimasen Can I Pretend to Buy You with Money? Can I Really Buy You With Money? Cast a Spell Cherry Lip Chiyo-chan no Yomeiri Choco Mate Chocolate (Mai MATSUSHITA) Chou no You ni Hana no You ni! Cider to Nakimushi. Circuits and Veins Citrus Comic Anthology Citrus+ Cocoon Entwined Comic Lily Plus Daily Witch Dare nimo Ienai Futarigoto Demi Life! Destiny of the Shrine Maiden Devil To Healer Ebisu-san to Hotei-san Eiyuu Kyoushitsu: Girl's Mission Embrace Me More, Kiss Me More Failed Princesses Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei! First L² Foolish! Freshly Licked From the New World Fu-fu Futari no Arcadia Futaribeya Futatsu Yane no Shita Fuwafuwa, Futashika, Yume Mitai G.G Gal to Otaku wa Wakari Aenai. Girls x Sekuha-Life Gokujo. Gokurakuin Joshikou Ryou Monogatari Goodbye Dystopia Goodbye, My Rose Garden Goshujin-sama to Kemonomimi no Shoujo Meru Gouhou Yuri Fuufu Hon Green. Gurenki Hana & Hina After School Hana ni Arashi Hana to Hoshi Happy End For You Hare no Kuni no Appare-dan Hatsukoi Shimai Hayama Sensei To Terano Sensei Ha Tsukiatteiru Hentai Yoku Dekimashita Her Pet Hirari, Bessatsu: Bukatsu Joshi Anthology - Houkago! Hirusagari ni, Mata. Hitomi no Photograph Holmes-san wa Suiri ga Dekinai Honkai Impact 3rd Hoshi wo Futari de Hoshikawa Ginza Yonchoume Hoshikuzu Neverland Garden Houkago Nijigenme! I Want to Be a Prince! Ice Cream Castles Ichido dake demo, Koukaishitemasu. Ichigo no Haitta Soda-sui Idore! Green Rhapsody If I Could Reach You If My Favorite Pop Idol Made it to the Budokan, I Would Die Ikemen Girl to Hakoiri Musume Ikemen Sugi desu Shiki-senpai! Illicit Imadoki no Joshikousei ga Nani wo Kangaeteru ka Wakaranakute Tsurai Informal Romance Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san JC no Life! Joshi Chuugakusei x Hitodzuma Joshi Daisei ga Goukon de Onee-san ni Mochikaerareru Hanashi Joshikousei to Ouji-chan Juunigatsu no Heartbeat Kakinzumi Girlfriend Kamata Majo Kami-sama to Amefurashi Kamieshi JK to OL Fujoshi Kamige tte Sou Iu Koto Desu ka Kanaete! Yuri yousei Kanchigai kara Hajimeru Yankee to Jimiko no Yuri Manga Kanojo ga Onii-chan ni Nattara Shitai 10 no Koto Kanojo no Idea Kanojo no Kuchizuke Kansensuru Libido Kanojo no Sekai Kanojo to Shinigami Kase-san and ... Kase-san and Chocolate. Kase-san and Yamada Kimi ga Shinu made Koi wo Shitai Kimi ni Suki tte Iwasetai Kimiiro Shoujo Kindred Spirits on the Roof Kisses, Sighs, and Cherry Blossom Pink Koi, Irodorumade Korede Wakatte yo! Koushin Koinu ni Koibumi wo Kouya no Hanayome Kuchibiru Tameiki Sakurairo Kusanagi-sensei wa Tamesarete Iru Kuttsukiboshi Kyou, Koshiba Aoi ni Aetara Kyoumei suru Echo Kyuuketsuki-chan to Kouhai-chan Last 10 Millimeters Lesbian Fuuzoku Anthology Lesbian Goukon to Mayoikonda Nonke no Musume Lily (Chima SAZANAMI) Lily Fairy Tale: Little Mermaid met Hansel and Gretel Lily Lily Rose Love Cubic Love Flag Girls Love to Lie Angle Lucky Star Mabushisa no Mukougawa Machigatta Light Novel no Tsukurikata Mada Mahou Nanka ni Tayotterassharu no Deshou ka? Mage & Demon Queen Mage & Demon Queen - Part 2 Mahou Ineko to Ibarahime Majime Girl to Seishun Lingerie Majo to Houki to Kurobuchi Megane Marble Chocolate Material Candy Michiwarikusa Monogatari - Vampire After the Doomsday Mikan no Koi Mikansei Girl Mirai no Fu Fu Desu Kedo? Momoiro Trance More Than Friends? Motto Takusan Kimi e no Omoi Mushroom Girls in Love My Dragon Girlfriend NTR: Netsuzou Trap Na*Na*Ki!! Nakasete? Sensei Nameless Asterism Nekomusume Shoukougun Nekoroma Nettai Shoujo Nicochuu Nirin no Hana Nobara no Mori no Otometachi Noise Cut Phones OL-san to Neko no Hanashi Ojou-sama wa Love Com no Shujinkou ni Naritai! Omoide Bako One Night Friend Onedari Shite Mite Onee-sama no Kimochi Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga Arimasu. Onegai Kami-sama! Only☆You: Anata to Watashi no Futari Bocchi Keikaku Onnanoko Awase Oogami-san to Cerberus! Oomuroke Ore ga... Yuri!? Otome Kakumei Ayameno! Gaiden Otome no Teikoku Our Wonderful Days Philia to Eros no Aida Prison Town e Youkoso! Pukuyuri Queen's Blade: Hide & Seek Riko to Haru to Onsen to Iruka Risetto! Robot Izonkei Joshi no Meiwaku na Nichijou Rodriguez+Tacowasa Roku+Ichigurashi Rules of the Top Ryuuzaki-san to Torao-san SHIBUYA Gyaru Yuri Anthology Sakura Trick: Anthology Comic Sakura Trick: Happy Days Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau Sayuri-san no Imouto wa Tenshi Sazi-chan no Yami Nikki Season Theatre Theatrical Secret Closet Seesaw x Game Seijun Shoujo Paradigm Seitokai Fukukaichou Yagami Sayuri wa Ganbatte Iru! Senpai + Kouhai Shade (Kiyoko IWAMI) Shaonu Xiaoshi Zhiqian Shiori wo Sagasu Page-tachi Shoujo Bigaku Shoujo Junrei Shoujo² Shourai-teki ni Shindekure Solfege: Sweet Harmony Soukaku Kankei. Strawberry Fields wo Mou Ichido Strawberry Panic Sukoyaka Paradigm Shift Sumedo Jigoku no Inferno Suzuran Techou Swap Swap Tachibana-kan Celeb Life Tadokoro-san (Doujinshi) Tagai no Guardian Takane no Hana wa Usotsuki desu. Tamen De Gushi The Challenge of Onee-Loli The Ocean Meets the Sky The Professor's Kitten and the Rainy Morning The Sound of a Butterfly The Stalker and the Prince Tira to Kera Tokimeku, Hajimete no. Tomiko no Kimochi Tomodachi ni Nante Modorenai. Toshi no Sa: My Steady Touko-san wa Kaji ga Dekinai (Doujinshi) Treasure House Of God Tsuki ga Kirei Desu ne Tsuki to Doro Underwear x Swimwear Unicorn to Sabishigariya Shoujo Us Right Now Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid Valkyrie Drive: Siren - Breakout Vampeerz, My Peer Vampires Vampire-chan ga Neratteru. Vanilla: Jingai x Jingai Yuri Anthology Voiceful WATATEN! an Angel Flew Down to Me Wabi-Sabi: Hirao Auri Sakuhinshuu Wake mo Naku Kanashiku Naru no Warui Onnanoko Warunai Watashi Igai Jinrui Zenin Yuri Watashi no Kawaii Koneko-chan Watashi no Ojousama, Watashi Taisetsu na Hito (Light Novel) Watashi to Kanojo no Otomari Eiga Watashitachi wa Koi wo Egakenai Whispered Words Whispering you a love song White Lilies in Love BRIDE's Shinkon Yuri Anthology Why Did I, the MC of Gal Game Jump Into a World of Yuri Comic? Yappari Idol Yellow Drops Yoiko-san to Furyou-sensei Yume no Naka de Kimi wo Sagashite Yume yori Suteki na Yuri Anthology Dolce Yuri Bear Storm Yuri Gradol Yui: Kindan Girls Love (Light Novel) Yuri Kome Yuri Life Yuri Love Slave: Watashi dake no Iinchou (Light Novel) Yuri Moyou: Sakimiya 4-shimai no Koi Yuri Shoujo Yuri is my Job Yuri no Kishi to Bara no Hime (Light Novel) Yuru Yuri Comic Anthology Yuugai Shitei Doukyuusei Yuuhi to, Aroma to, Koi Moyou xxx shitai kurai Kawaii Kimi ga Éclair: A Girls' Love Anthology That Resonates in Your Heart ささやくように恋を唄う (Whispering you a Love song) そういう年頃になっちゃった年の差姉妹 ぼくは、百合なお姉ちゃんを応援しています ゆめぐりゆりめぐり ゆるゆりアンソロジー 10周年記念ver. (Yuru Yuri Anthology 10th anniversary ver.) シスコンお姉ちゃんと気にしない妹 ユリキュール アルコール百合アンソロジー 不揃いの連理 剣士を目指して入学したのに魔法適性9999なんですけど!? 

Magazine List

If you're unfamiliar with this, it's basically like a monthly magazine you would get in the mail. Usually, anthologies are printed and published in magazines like the Yuri Hime. You can view the list here.

Eroge/Visual Novel List

I had to upload this, along with the others, to google sheets. Feel free to check it out here.
If you'd like to download "その花びらにくちづけを 白雪の騎士" (eng. A kiss for the petals: Snow White's Knight), I've uploaded My copy to mega for anyone to download it.
Link1 (Game)
Link2 (Manuals)
Make sure you run the game with some sort of locale emulator.

There you have it! That sums it up for now!
If you spot a mistake or a potential error, please let me know!
One list I'd like to add is webtoons. If you have any yuri webtoons that you enjoy, please let me know so I can add them! You can let me know in the comments here or you can shoot me a dm on discord. My discord is ef1500#5899.
submitted by ef1500_v2 to yuri_manga [link] [comments]

Never. Ruin. Your. Sister's. Prom. Dress.

Disclaimer: Its not my story, its a friend's. I dont condone it either, so please don't shoot the messenger. I make no claims of nobility in her actions, nor do I defend them.
So this takes place when I was 16, wide-eyed, full of wonder and (much to a lot of judges displeasures) unable to be tried as an adult. I had myself a big brother we'll call Elio. And like many big brothers at the time, he was coming to terms with his flowering sexuality (among other things that went shooting up from otherwise flat surfaces whenever Robin appeared onscreen in Batman Forever). He did his best to keep it a secret, plastering playboy centerfolds over his Ariana Grande posters, and stoically sitting through the game with my dad during superbowl parties (albeit through gritted teeth probably wishing he could watch a Britney Spears music video instead). But much like a Nintendo switch under the tree on Christmas Eve you can't keep something this major under wraps for long where nosy kids are involved. The nosy kid in this case being me.
Like many twinks who came before him upon discovering an alternative lifestyle from the rigid confines of toxic heterosexual masculinity, Elio took it upon himself to explore his feminine side with all the zeal and passion of a prophet with a message. (Mount Hira in this scenario being a nightclub bathroom while the Angel Jibril was a 6'6 YMCA trainer who spelled his name Johnni with an i). Ironically this eagerness to play up the girly shtick was how he came to succumb to the worst sin you can commit as a brother- stealing your sister's clothes. (A message to all the gay men reading this. Her wardrobe is not your experimental laboratory, and you ain't Dr. Frankenstein).
Now in my defense if Elio had the decency to just ask me to borrow my stuff, under the guise of shopping for some made up girlfriend with the same shoe size/colors/height as myself, I'd have happily obliged. Heck, if he had just offered himself up as a sacrificial lamb modeling for my startup "clothing line" (sixteen year old me considered herself a fashionista with a penchant for designing outfits and recycling her wardrobe to bring them to life) id have been all to eager to be his guide into the world of women's fashion. But the two-faced bastard opted to sneak into my closet and try on my stuff without permission. He thought he was being slick putting them back when he was done, but I was a petite womens zero and he was a mens medium. Now had he simply owned up to being incompatible with my measurements and admitted his crime to me the first time, I might have restrained from the retribution I'd go onto unleash. But instead he continued to indulge in his deluded fantasy that we were the same size and for weeks, I'd try on my clothes only to find them grotesquely stretched out of shape, with no explanation. I tried hiding my clothes in parts of the closet i didn't think the thief would check, only for him to find them. I began sleeping with my favorite clothes like a stuffed animal, but even my embrace couldn't protect them from being warped beyond wearability. I started hiding my junior prom dress under the bed. At one point I was lowkey starting to consider the possibility that I was beginning to shrink. And had I not come home early from a cancelled SAT prep session one afternoon (my tutor got wind of a family emergency halfway through), this story might have otherwise ended with me in a straight jacked begging some burned out shrink to save me before I went microscopic. But fate had other plans. I made a beeline for my room to find sounds coming from behind the door. Upon realizing that I was bearing witness to the dastardly clothing deformer, I hid in the bathroom in the corridor and peeked through a crack in the door for the culprit to leave my room. Imagine my shock when I discovered it was Elio. To my horror, I watched him go under my bed to place something there and upon his departure my worst fears were confirmed- he had tried on my beloved prom dress! (Earlier in the week I had bragged to him about the lengths I had gone to hide it from the "closet ghost" thinking it would go through one ear and out the other with him, and just wanting an excuse to flex on how smart I was to take extra precautions). I storm in, demanding to know why he was wearing my clothes. He condescendingly tells me that he looks better in them than I do.
I was heartbroken to find that the zipper had broken and the fit was horribly mangled! I went down in tears begging for my mom to tell me it could be salvaged, only for her to tell me what I prayed she wouldnt). She wasn't particularly sympathetic, thinking i had done the damage myself, and refused to buy me another one. I demanded that Elio pay me back for the dress so I could buy another but he gave me less than half of what it cost. He refused to believe that it cost more than what I said it did, and unfortunately, my mom didn't have the receipt to prove it on account of being a bit scatterbrained when It comes to keeping track of payments. When I threatened to tell her that he was the one who ruined the dress, he laughed and said they'd never believe me. In spite of my rage and fury sending me into a frenzy of hysterics, I still knew he was right (the two faced bastard deserved an Oscar for his straight facade and even if he was prancing around in a rainbow unitard singing born this way by Lady Gaga, my folks were the type who would deny his gayness right up until the moment they came home to find him getting jackhammered on the kitchen table by a Puerto Rican bodybuilder). I realized that if I wanted to get even, I needed my own plan or action. And that was to hit him where it hurt. But where exactly is the weak spot on your brother when his standard boy ones have long since gone numb from an overuse of fleshlights, and his rectal cavity as a storage unit? The answers lay in his phone.
After several weeks of casually walking behind the couch every time Elio whipped out his phone on it, I finally figured out his phone pin. He always locked his room, but thanks to some youtube tutorials on how to pick a basic door lock with a Bobby pin, that problem quickly resolved itself. Every time Elio went to shower, I'd sneak in and hack his phone, giving myself a fifteen minute crash course on all things valued by ur typical bottom. It turns out he fancied himself the next biggest thing in the drag scene. He was using my outfits to cement his status as "the rising star of the social media drag scene". I thought about deleting his account but I didn't want him suspecting me of it and tattling to my folks. Besides, he could always just create a new one and start over again.
He liked drag race, Kpop and iced coffee, but i couldn't exactly ruin his chances of getting on the show, and in the digital age, he had no cds to smash or switch out. Of course there was always the option of spiking his coffee with something nasty but I wanted him to feel the pain I did. And that pain simply wasn't comparable to a wasted $5.99 plus tax. I was about to concede defeat after about 2 weeks of trying to find something, when I discovered he downloaded grindr.
After my initial revulsion to the app (no not because of I was a homophobe. But because his profile and was full of his nudes) Regardless of what he was into, I didn't find my brothers ding dong appealing. I doubt any sister does). Elio wasn't really into hookups, but apparently he did like sending nudes to whoever asked for them. Its important to note that he always blurred or blacked out his face for privacy, and he appeared to color in the background of all his pictures with the image editing on his phone post production, and he always kept his location on "Never". I suddenly understood why he had taken to hogging the bathroom for up to 20 minutes over the weekend. I just assumed that he was just paying the price for going to Chipotle every Friday with friends but now I knew. He was basically trying to find the best angles for his customers. And just like that I finally had a plan.
What I did next was not something Im proud of but I was bitter, hurting, and desperate for payback. Not making excuses just telling it like it is. I downloaded grindr onto my own phone, and created a fake account. I used some stock photo of a six pack for my profile and punched in a bunch of fake info including a spoof GPS location (shoutout to the internet for walking me through the process!). I knew it would really make a difference to my brother. He didn't really seem to care who was getting his naughty pics so much as how "cute" he looked in them. The boy fancied himself a bit of a male model and I guess he decided grindr was the best place to get a feel for the industry.
Anyways, over the course of several weeks I became one of his regulars, routinely asking him for pics (all of which I promptly deleted upon receiving). I messaged him so frequently and stroked his ego the way I knew he liked it to be stroked (I had gone through enough of the chats backed up on his phone to know what kind of compliments made him more likely to keep sending stuff instead of just getting bored and blocking someone after the second or third time he sent them pics, before moving on to someone else). I boiled what made him tick down to a science and it wasnt long before I had him eating out of the palm of my hand). Eventually I had earned a spot in his heart as one of his "exclusives". At my suggestion, we'd start having "sessions" where we'd schedule times for him to "flood my basement", sending me caches of pics he'd taken over the course of the week while I would live chat my reaction as to the effect they had on me. It was gross and I always felt nauseous afterwards, but I wasn't going to let squeamish scruples stand between my revenge. Not after how far I'd come.
The next phase of my plan involved my search on pornhub for a pornstar who sounded similar to my dad, with a nice loud "battle cry" (do you guys see where this is going? If you want to back out now, no one will blame you) who was typically paired up with pillow princesses with considerably softer Eventually after several fruitless searches ending with me crying in a fetal position asking myself how much longer I could keep this up, and if it was worth it followed by the world's most twisted pep talk about how "I was a fighter who could do it" (basically think that scene from Joker where Arthur puts on his clown makeup crying and you've got something of an allegory for my struggle), I finally found a guy who sounded similar enough to my dad. I downloaded several videos featuring him roughhousing with some anorexic twenty somethings onto my laptop, strung them together with some crude online video editing app, converted it to audio, and separated my leading man's climactic hollers from the soft whimpers. I saved the file on my computer under the codename "Brand new Take on Oedipus".
Last but not least, I approach my dad under the guise of needing his help for a school project, while my brother is off with his friends. I tell him I'm acting out a one woman play for my drama midterm and I need him to be the voice of my protagonist's off screen father. I ask him to recite a series of lines for me to record on my phone, all the while encouraging him to "say them naturally". These lines include but aren't limited to "I told you not to disturb me. What is it?" "Is everything alright?", "now isn't a good time to talk", and most importantly "I finished my work so I think I'll head out to join the rest of the family at the movie theatre. See you later". I move the audio files onto my laptop and eagerly anticipate approaching the turning point of my master plan.
One Saturday morning, I had arranged for a "session" in which my folks would be out of the house and I'd be with them. Or so Elio thought. You see, my mom, dad, and younger brother were all going to the park near my house on a typical family outing. We'd go to the park, then take a walk around the local lake, and maybe catch a movie if we felt like it. We usually go around 4-5 ish and come back at night. I know that today will be a movie day because my baby brother has been nagging my folks to go see some kids movie for a while (which he learned was out this weekend courtesy of yours truly ;) Before I left the house, I made sure my bedroom door was wide open (important for later). While at the park, I asked to play on my dads phone, citing a low battery on mine to explain why I couldn't use it. Then I sent Elio a text telling him that "dad" had just recieved a call from his boss telling him he had some extra work he needed to finish. "I" was going to be in my office across the hall from his room, and could not under any circumstance be disturbed as I had a lot of stuff to do and very little time to finish it before the deadline. I waited to make sure he had read the text and sent me a thumbs up emoji in response before I told my folks that I wanted to head back home on account of me getting an early visit from the "lady in red". Not one to stand between a lass and her time of the month, my dad let me go home.
Feeling like a ninja, I returned to the house, all the while sending Elio my reactions to what we'll call his "cute little peach" (we had technically already started the "session" fifteen minutes ago). I crept into the house, snuck into my room on tiptoes. Thanks to my open door, I didn't have to worry about Elio hearing the creak of it from inside his room (they were next to each other), praying he didn't come out for any reason in time to find me, I retrieved my laptop and the Bluetooth speaker I used to listen to music in the shower, and tiptoed into my dads office, now making sure to close the door and lock it with enough force for him to hear from inside his room where I knew he was sending me the pics. I then send Elio a text apologizing for "being stuck doing something stupid. But now you've got my undivided attention baby". Now its time for the grand finale (in more ways than one). First I connect my currently muted laptop to my Bluetooth speaker (which I've put at maximum volume in advance). Then, I open the Oedipus file and start to run it, while I text more and more raunchy and unhinged reactions to the incoming pictures. Just as we're approaching the end of the video containing the loudest yell (I saved the best for last), I text Elio that he's "making me cum so hard like the little slut he is" just in time to turn up the volume to the loudest setting on my laptop, riiiight before the tarzan like whoop of passion I know is around the corner.
The scream played loudly enough to break the sound barrier. Calling it merely loud was the understatement of the century. It was enough so for me to have to cover my own ears despite putting on earplugs in advance. I wouldn't have been surprised if the neighbors heard. I wouldn't be surprised if people in Siberia heard. But one thing was certain. There was no way my brother didn't. I shut off the Oedipus file, lower the volume, and keep my finger on the recordings of my dads voice.
At first nothing happens. All is silent not unlike the universe before the big bang. The mounting tension would have been enough to send me into a heart attack had I implemented this scheme in my 50s. It takes every ounce of my will not to scream from the suspense. The agony is pure torture. I feel paralyzed in anticipation but I force myself to turn my attention to the grindr chat... I will myself to repeatedly punch in questions asking why Elio stopped sending pics all of a sudden, while keeping my ears alert for any hint of a noise from beyond the door. Time crawls to a standstill. Then.... just when I begin to wonder if the lack of results stems from me losing my grip on reality from the stress of waiting.... I hear the creak of a door turning on its hinges. The sound is faint enough to make me question its existence. By now I'm almost painfully adjusted to the waiting period. Enough to the point where part of me almost wants to deny hearing it out of fear of whether or not I'll react subtley enough not to blow my cover if its real.... but it can't possibly have been real... and then I hear something else. Footsteos across the room.. Its soft, timid and hesitant, but very much present.... knock knock knock. I take a deep breath and prepare to play one of the tapes. The following conversation ensues: Elio- Elio on the other side of the door Dad- Dad's prerecorded voice
Elio: Dad... are you in there? Dad: I told you not to disturb me. What is it? Elio: ... How long have you been in there? Dad: I've been in here for a while. Elio: I um... I heard a scream. Is everything ok? Dad: Oh yeah... I screamed because I dropped something on my foot. (I specifically encouraged my dad to say this line like he was hiding something). I'm ok now though. Don't worry about me. Elio:.... Ok... if you say so... Dad: I love you Elio: Yeah me too I guess?
I hear Elio go back into his room and within seconds I hear a notification for the grindr chat. He apologizes for the delay and like the putty in my hands I know he is, says exactly what I was banking on him to. Elio: You're not gonna believe this but my dad is in the next room and I heard him screaming at the same time you told me you were cumming lol.
And now commences what I believe the French refer to as the pies de resistance. I leave him on read and tiptoe downstairs with my apparatus while he waits for a response. Quiet. As. A. Mouse. Then I set up my laptop and speaker for one last audio blast. I put on my shoes and chill out for a few minutes watching his texts get more and more hysterical, begging me to respond with "lol thats so wierd" and to assure him it was all a coincidence. A merciful sister would have realized that avenging her dress shouldn't come at the cost of her brothers peace of mind, and come clean about the prank. I sent the following text to him. "Elio we are never going to speak of this. Not to your mom, not to your siblings, not to me. If you attempt to bring it up, you will no longer be allowed to stay in this house. We are going to put this incident behind us and go about as if nothing happened. I want you to delete your account on this website and every single picture that you posted on it. If you know what's good for you, never go back on the app again while living under my roof"
Then I blocked him before the final phase of my plan. From downstairs, I blast up both volume settings and fire up the last line I asked my dad to record; "I finished my work so I think I'll head out to join the rest of the family at the movie theatre. See you later". This time I hear Elio respond "Wait, what?" From upstairs, I can hear him coming down. Now its time to kick it into high gear. I shove my laptop and speaker under into a cabinet under the sink, jam my feet into my shoes, and sneak out through the back door and hide behind the shed.
After a few hours, my folks appear in the driveway and I rush out to welcome them back and come inside, as though I was with them the whole time. His relationship with my dad was never quite the same afterwards and many a night for years to come i overheard father bemoan his nonexistent relationship with his little slugger. Elio ended up moving out less than a year after the prom dress incident. He finally came out via a Facebook post a week after settling in to his new apartment. He blocked my parents on every social media platform and went completely NC. Any attempts on my dads part to reignite their father son bond was met with cold apathy and indifference when Elio wasn't flat out refusing to talk to him. For years the only time they ever met in person was at extended family get togethers. I felt a bit bad for my dad but it worked out in the end. Elios determination to distance himself from my dad resulted in him growing closer to me as a result. I think he didn't want to risk losing his other kids the way he did his oldest.
In all honesty, I'd have been happy to let Elio fester in guilt and shame for the rest of his life (we were never really close growing up and the prom dress incident was nothing more than the tiniest of tips on the largest of icebergs). But over the years our relationship slowly mended and perhaps it could have evolved into something that roughly resembled a healthy sibling relationship had he not tried to take over my wedding planning and revealed his own plans to get a free engagement ceremony/coming out party by hijacking my reception with a proposal to his then boyfriend. I tried to reason with him but his unyielding stubbornness forced me to pull the uno reverse card I hoped I'd never have to use. I sent him a text revealing that all this time dad had no idea he was gay, and that I was the one talking to him on grindr. I concluded my message with a warning if he showed up, I'd have security escort him out and afterwards I'd tell the whole family that he sexted his sister in high school and I had the nudes to prove it (I never kept any but he didn't know that) . He might have been able to reveal i was a liar had he not deleted his old grindr from back then. I then blocked him on all platforms before he had a chance to reply. He didn't come to the wedding, I never saw him again, and my quality of life greatly improved as a result of his absence in it.
TLDR: my closeted brother secretly starts wearing my clothes in order to boost his presence as a social media drag personality. He ruins my prom dress as a result and refuses to pay me back for it when confronted. I catfish him on grindr and trick him into believing he was sending nudes to my dad. His relationship with my family falls apart after I threaten him to never speak of what happened. I let him boil alive for years with what he thinks is his scandalous little secret, until i get engaged, and he tries to take over my wedding and use it to propose to his boyfriend. I reveal to him that I was the one pretending to be our dad all those years ago then threaten to show his boyfriend and the rest of my family all the nudes he sent me and accuse him of being an incestuous perv if he comes to the ceremony, before I block him
submitted by AutumnGemstone to ProRevenge [link] [comments]

Nintendo Switch Compilation / Bundle Charts

Nintendo Switch Compilation / Bundle Charts

There are a lot of game compilation bundles on Nintendo Switch, and many of those bundles contain games that can be purchased elsewhere on the Nintendo Switch, are available on Nintendo Switch Online's NES and SNES apps, or are even in other bundles. On this page, I'm trying to make it easier to see which games are in which bundles, so you can hopefully make the right buying decisions. This list is sorted by the name of the publisher (or in a few special cases, the developer).

Bandai Namco Bundles

These are bundles of games developed by Bandai Namco, as well as their releases on the Nintendo Switch Online SNES App.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Nintendo Switch Online SNES App 1
Namco Museum 2
Namco Museum Arcade Pac 3
Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 4
Namco Museum Archives Vol. 2 5
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition 6
Taiko No Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure Pack 7
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy 8
Game Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Smash Tennis X
Galaga '88 X X
Pac-Man Vs. X X
Rolling Thunder 2 X X
Tank Force X X
Galaga X X X
Rolling Thunder X X X
Dig Dug X X X
Pac-Man X X X
Sky Kid X X X
Splatterhouse X X X
Tower of Druaga X X X
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Plus X
Dragon Buster X
Dragon Spirit: The New Legend X
Galaxian X
Mappy X
Pac-Man Championship Edition 8-Bit Demastered Edition X
Xevious X
Battle City X
Dig Dug II X
Dragon Buster II X
Gaplus (8-Bit Version) X
Legacy of the Wizard X
Mappy-Land X
Mendel Palace X
Pac-Land X
Super Xevious X
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth X
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory X
Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure 1 X
Taiko no Tatsujin: Rhythmic Adventure 2 X
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm X
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 X
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst X

Capcom's Bundles

These are bundles published by Capcom, as well as listings for their games released on the NES and SNES apps on Nintendo Switch Online.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Nintendo Switch Online Nintendo Entertainment System App 1
Nintendo Switch Online Super Nintendo Entertainment System App 2
Capcom Arcade Stadium (Upcoming) (Free) 3
Capcom Arcade Stadium (Upcoming) (Individual DLC) 4
Capcom Arcade Stadium (Upcoming) (DLC Pack 1: Dawn of the Arcade (’84 – ’88)) 5
Capcom Arcade Stadium (Upcoming) (DLC Pack 1: Arcade Revolution (’89 – ’92)) 6
Capcom Arcade Stadium (Upcoming) (DLC Pack 1: Arcade Evolution (’92 – ’01)) 7
Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle 8
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection 9
Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 + 2 10
Mega Man Legacy Collection 11
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 12
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2 13
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 14
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 15
Mega Man Zero/ZX Collection 2 16
Resident Evil Origins Collection 17
Resident Evil Triple Pack 18
Resident Evil Revelations Collection 19
Game Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ghosts 'N Goblins X X
Breath of Fire X
Breath of Fire II X
Demon's Crest X
Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts X
1943 – The Battle of Midway X
1942 X
Bionic Commando X
Commando X
Forgotten Worlds X
Ghouls 'N Ghosts X
Legendary Wings X
Pirate Ship Higemaru X
Section Z X
Tatakai no Banka X
Vulgus X
1941 – Counter Attack - X
Carrier Air Wing X
Mega Twins X
Senjo no OkamiII X
Strider X
Varth – Operation Thunderstorm - X
Captain Commando X X
Final Fight X X
Street Fighter X
Street Fighter II – The World Warrior - X X
Street Fighter II: Champion Edition X
Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting X X
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers X
Super Street Fighter II Turbo X X
Street Fighter Alpha: Warrior's Dreams X
Street Fighter Alpha 2 X
Street Fighter Alpha 3 X
Street Fighter III: New Generation X
Street Fighter III: Second Impact – Giant Attack X
Street Fighter III: Third Strike – Fight for the Future X
1944 - The Loop Master - X
19XX – The War Against Destiny - X
Cyberbots – Fullmetal Madness - X
Giga Wing X
Powered Gear – Strategic Variant Armor Equipment - X
Progear X
Battle Circuit X X
Warriors of Fate X X
Armored Warriors X
Knights of the Round X
The King of Dragons X
Game Title 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Mega Man X X
Mega Man 2 X X
Mega Man 3 X X
Mega Man 4 X X
Mega Man 5 X X
Mega Man 6 X X
Mega Man 7 X X
Mega Man 8 X X
Mega Man 9 X X
Mega Man 10 X X
Mega Man X X X
Mega Man X2 X X
Mega Man X3 X X
Mega Man X4 X X
Mega Man X5 X X
Mega Man X6 X X
Mega Man X7 X X
Mega Man X8 X X
Mega Man Zero X
Mega Man Zero 2 X
Mega Man Zero 3 X
Mega Man Zero 4 X
Mega Man ZX X
Mega Man ZX Advent X
Resident Evil X
Resident Evil 0 X
Resident Evil 4 X
Resident Evil 5 X
Resident Evil 6 X
Resident Evil Revelations X
Resident Evil Revelations 2 X

Data East / Golem Entertainment's Bundles

These are bundles published by Golem Entertainment and/or Data East (the original publisher), as well as listings for individual releases in the Arcade Archives series, ACA NEOGEO series, and Johnny Turbo series.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Arcade Archives 1
Johnny Turbo 3
Retro Classix 2-in-1 Pack: Express Raiser & Shootout 4
Retro Classix 2-in-1 Pack: Gate of Doom & Wizard Fire 5
Retro Classix 2-in-1 Pack: Heavy Barrel & Super Burger Time 6
Retro Classix 2-in-1 Pack: Bad Dudes & Two Crude Dudes 7
Retro Classix 4-in-1 Pack: Sly Spy, Shootout, Wizard Fire & Super Real Darwin 8
Retro Classix Collection #1: Data East 9
Game Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Burger Time X
Burnin' Rubber X
Darwin 4078 (Upcoming) X
Karate Champ X
Trio the Punch – Never Forget Me (Upcoming) X
Karnov's Revenge X
Magical Drop II X
Magical Drop III X
Spinmaster X
Street Hoop X
Express Raider X X X
Shoot Out X X X X
Gate of Doom X X X
Wizard Fire X X X
Heavy Barrel X X X
Super Burger Time X X X
Bad Dudes X X X
Two Crude Dudes X X
Sly Spy X X
Super Real Darwin X X X
Joe and Mac Caveman Ninja X X
Break Thru X
Fighter's History X
Heavy Burger X
Joe and Mac Returns X
Night Slashers X
Nitro Ball X

Digerati Bundles

These are bundles published by Digerati, many of which have a lot of cross-over with other bundles.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Horror Bundle Vol. 1 1
Indie Darling Bundle Vol. 1 (not available in the US) 2
Pixel Art Bundle Vol. 1 3
Valfaris & Slain Double Pack 4
Digerati Best Sellers (Upcoming) 5
Blood and Guts Bundle 6
Indie Darling Bundle Vol. 2 7
Indie Puzzle Bundle Vol. 1 8
Glass Masquerade Double Pack 9
Couch Co-Op Bundle Vol. 2 10
Digerati Presents: Make It Quick Bundle Vol. 1 11
Bleed Complete Bundle 12
The Pew Pew Bundle Vol. 1 13
Digerati Indie Darling Bundle Vol. 3 14
Nerdook Bundle Vol. 1 15
Anti Hero Bundle (not available in the US) 16
Digerati Presents: The Dungeon Crawl Vol. 1 17
Skelly Skelest & Straimium Immortaly Double Pack 18
Card Game Bundle Vol. 1 19
Digerati Indie Bundle: Ink & Hacky Zack 20
Oniken: Unstoppable Edition & Odallus: The Dark Call 21
Game Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Paranautical Activity X
Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition X
Uncanny Valley X X X
Slain: Back From Hell X X X X X X
Valfaris X
Snakeybus X
Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition X
Super Blood Hockey X
Slayaway Camp: Butcher's Cut X X X
Letter Quest Remastered X
Pipe Push Paradise X
Glass Masquerade X X
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions X
Bleed X X X X
Bleed 2 X X X
The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human X
Black Paradox X X
Shikhondo – Soul Eater X X
Vertical Drop Heroes HD X X
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded X
Don't Die, Mr Robot! X
XenoRaptor X
1979 Revolution: Black Friday X
Omega Strike X
Nefarious X X
Reverse Crawl X X X
Monster Slayers X X
Frost X
Underhero X
Fall of Light: Darkest Edition X
Unexplored: Unlocked Edition X
Skelly Skelest X X
Straimium Immortaly X
Game Title 20 21
Hacky Zack X
Ink X
Odallus: The Dark Call X
Oniken: Unstoppable Edition X

EnjoyUpGames' Bundles

These are bundles published by EnjoyUpGames, which includes primarily racing games.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Rock 'N Racing Bundle Grand Prix & Rally 1
Rock 'N Racing Bundle Off Road & Grand Prix 2
Game Title 1 2
Rally Rock 'N Racing X
Grand Prix Rock 'N Racing X X
Rock 'N Racing Off Road DX X

Frozenyte's Bundles

These are bundles of games developed by Frozenbyte (the Trine games).
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Trine Ultimate Collection 1
Trine Series 1-3 2
Game Title 1 2
Trine Enchanted Edition X X
Trine 2: Complete Story X X
Trine 3: Artifacts of Power X X
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince X

Konami's Bundles

These are bundles published by Konami, as well as listings for their games released on the NES and SNES apps on Nintendo Switch Online, and individual releases in the Arcade Archives series.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Nintendo Switch Online Nintendo Entertainment System App 1
Nintendo Switch Online Super Nintendo Entertainment System App 2
Arcade Archives 3
Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection 4
Contra Anniversary Collection 5
Castlevania Anniversary Collection 6
Game Title 1 2 3 4 5 6
Gradius X
Star Soldier X
TwinBee X X X
Yie Ar Kung-Fu X X
Pop'n TwinBee X
Bells & Whistles X
Block Hole X
Circus Charlie X
Flak Attack X
Frogger X
Hyper Sports X
Lightning Fighters X
Mr. Goemon X
Pooyan X
Road Fighter X
Rush 'n Attack X
Sunset Riders X
Super Cobra X
Time Pilot X
Track & Field X
VS. Castlevania X
VS. Gradius X
Scramble X X
Thunder Cross X X
Gradius (Nemesis) X X
Gradius II X
Gradius III X
Salamander (Life Force) X X
Haunted Castle X
Typhoon X
Vulcan Venture X
Contra (Arcade) X X
Super Contra (Arcade) X
Contra (NES) (North America) X
Contra (NES) (Japan) X
Super C X
Contra III: The Alien Wars X
Super Probotector: Alien Rebels X
Operation C X
Contra: Hard Corps X
Probotector X
Castlevania X
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest X
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse X
Super Castlevania IV X
Castlevania: The Adventure X
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge X
Castlevania Bloodlines X
Kid Dracula X

Plug In Digital Bundles

These are bundles published by Plug In Digital, many of which have similar names to Digerati's bundles.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Lost Phone Stories 1
Accidental Queens Collection 2
Indie Gems Bundle: Explosions Edition 3
Indie Gems Bundle – JRPG Edition 4
Indie Gems Bundle – Nonograms Edition 5
Knights of Pen and Paper Bundle 6
Pen and Paper Games Bundle 7
Old School RPG Bundle 8
Game Title 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A Normal Lost Phone X X
Alt-Frequencies X
Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story X X
NeuroVoider X
Steredenn: Binary Stars X
Transcripted X
Dungeon Rushers X
Robothorium X
PictoQuest X
Piczle Cross Adventure X
Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Deluxier Edition X X X
Knights of Pen & Paper 2 Deluxiest Edition X X X
Galaxy of Pen and Paper X
Chroma Squad X

Psikyo Bundles

These are bundles of games originally developed by Psikyo, as well as games listed in the ACA NEOGEO series.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Psikyo Shooting Stars Alpha 2
Psikyo Shooting Stars Bravo 3
Game Title 1 2 3
Strikers 1945 Plus X
Strikers 1945 X
Strikers 1945 II X
Strikers 1945 III X
Dragon Blaze X
Sol Divide X
Zero Gunner 2 X
Gunbarich X
Gunbird X
Gunbird 2 X
Samurai Aces Episode I X
Samurai Aces Episode II: Tengai X
Samurai Aces Episode III: Sengoku Cannon X

Sega Bundles

These are bundles of games published by Sega, as well as their releases in the Sega Ages series (Columns II: A Voyage Through Time is listed separately because it contains the arcade version of the original Columns as well).
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Sega Ages 1
Sega Ages Columns II: A Voyage Through Time (Compilation) 2
Sega Genesis Classics 3
Game Title 1 2 3
Alex Kidd in Miracle World X
Fantasy Zone X
G-LOC Air Battle X
Ichidant-R X
Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar X
Out Run X
Phantasy Star X
Puyo Puyo X
Puyo Puyo 2 X
Shinobi X
Space Harrier X
Thunder Force AC X
Virtua Racing X
Wonder Boy: Monster Land X
Gain Ground X X
Sonic the Hedgehog X X
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 X X
Columns II: A Voyage Through Time X
Columns X X
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle X
Alien Soldier X
Alien Storm X
Altered Beast X
Beyond Oasis X
Bio-Hazard Battle X
Bonanza Bros. X
Columns III X
Comix Zone X
Crack Down X
Decap Attack X
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine X
Dynamite Headdy X
Eswat: City Under Siege X
Fatal Labyrinth X
Flicky X
Galaxy Force II X
Golden Axe X
Golden Axe II X
Golden Axe III X
Gunstar Heroes X
Kid Chameleon X
Landstalker X
Light Crusader X
Phantasy Star II X
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom X
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium X
Ristar X
Shadow Dancer X
Shining in the Darkness X
Shining Force X
Shining Force II X
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master X
Sonic 3D Blast X
Sonic Spinball X
Space Harrier II X
Streets of Rage X
Streets of Rage II X
Streets of Rage 3 X
Super Thunder Blade X
Sword of Vermillion X
The Revenge of Shinobi X
ToeJam & Earl X
ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkatron X
Vectorman X
Vectorman 2 X
Virtua Fighter 2 X

SNK Bundles

These are bundles of games originally published by SNK (save for games developed by Data East and Psikyo, which are on those respective lists), as well as listings for individual releases on the Nintendo Switch Online NES App, as well as in the Arcade Archives and ACA NEOGEO series.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Nintendo Switch Online NES App 1
Arcade Archives 2
SNK 40th Anniversary Collection 4
SNK 40th Anniversary Collection (Free Download) 5
Samurai Shodown NEOGEO Collection 6
Game Title 1 2 3 4 5 6
Crystalis X X
Alpha Mission X X
Athena X X
Guerilla War (upcoming on Arcade Archives) X X
Ikari Warriors X X
Ikari III: The Rescue X X
P.O.W.: Prisoners of War X X
Psycho Soldier X X
Sasuke vs. Commander X X
Victory Road X X
Bermuda Triangle X
Chopper X
Fantasy X
Iron Tank: The Invasion of Normandy X
Munch Mobile X
Ozma Wars X
Paddle Mania X
Prehistoric Isle X
Street Smart X
Time Soldiers X
Vanguard X
World Wars X
Beast Busters X
SAR: Search and Rescue X
3 Count Bout X
Aero Fighters 2 X
Aero Fighters 3 X
Alpha Mission II X
Art of Fighting X
Art of Fighting 2 X
Art of Fighting 3: Path of the Warrior X
Baseball Stars Professional X
Baseball Stars 2 X
Big Tournament Golf X
Blazing Star X
Burning Fight X
Cyber-Lip X
Fatal Fury: King of Fighters X
Fatal Fury 2 X
Fatal Fury Special X
Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory X
Football Frenzy X
Garou: Mark of the Wolves X
Ghost Pilots X
Gururin X
The King of Fighters '95 X
The King of Fighters '96 X
The King of Fighters '97 X
The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest X
The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle X
The King of Fighters 2000 X
The King of Fighters 2001 X
The King of Fighters 2002: Challenge to Ultimate Battle X
The King of Fighters 2003 X
King of the Monsters X
King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing X
Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle X
The Last Blade X
The Last Blade 2 X
Last Resort X
League Bowling X
Magician Lord X
Metal Slug X
Metal Slug 2 X
Metal Slug X X
Metal Slug 3 X
Metal Slug 4 X
Metal Slug 5 X
Mutation Nation X
NAM-1975 X
Neo Geo Cup '98: The Road to the Victory X
Ninja Combat X
Ninja Master's: Hao Ninpo Cho X
Over Top X
Pleasure Goal: 5 on 5 Mini Soccer X
Prehistoric Isle 2 X
Pulstar X
Puzzled X
Ragnagard X
Real Bout Fatal Fury X
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special X
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers X
Riding Hero X
Robo Army X
Samurai Shodown X X
Samurai Shodown II X X
Samurai Shodown III X X
Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge X X
Samurai Shodown V X X
Samurai Shodown V Special X X
Savage Reign X
Sengoku X
Sengoku 2 X
Sengoku 3 X
Shock Troopers X
Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad X
Soccer Brawl X
Stakes Winner X
Stakes Winner 2 X
Super Baseball 2000 X
Super Sidekicks X
Super Sidekicks 2: The World Championship X
Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory X
The Super Spy X
Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy X
Top Player's Golf X
Twinkle Star Sprites X
The Ultimate 11: SNK Football Champioship X
Waku Waku 7 X
Zed Blade X
ZuPaPa! X

Storybird Bundles

These are bundles of games published by Storybird.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Shmup Collection 1
Armed 7 DX (Bundle) 2
Satazius Next (Bundle) 3
Game Title 1 2 3
Armed Seven X X
Armed 7 DX X X
Satazius X X
Satazius Next X X
Wolflame X

SuperPowerUpGames' Bundles

These are bundles published by SuperPowerUpGames, which includes a lot of racing games and pinball games.
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Adventure Pinball Bundle 1
Horror Pinball Bundle 2
Power Racing Bundle 3
Speedway Bundle Stock and Truck 4
Game Title 1 2 3 4
Dragon Pinball X
Pirates Pinball X
Titans Pinball X
Halloween Pinball X
Mummy Pinball X
Werewolf Pinball X
WildTrax Racing X
Speedway Racing X X
Speed Truck Racing X

Take-Two Interactive's Bundles

These are bundles published by Take-Two Interactive, which includes primarily FPS games (the Bioshock and Borderlands series).
Here are the bundles in question:
Bundle Number
Bioshock: The Collection 1
Borderlands Legendary Collection 2
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection 3
Game Title 1 2 3
Bioshock Remastered X
Bioshock 2 Remastered X
Bioshock Infinite: The Complete Edition X
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition X
Borderlands 2 X X
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel X X
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