Bally's Las Vegas - Hotel & Casino: 2021 Pictures, Reviews

bally's casino las vegas

bally's casino las vegas - win

To the cute young blond working in the cashier's cage at Ballys Casino Las Vegas.

I was gambling at Ballys new years eve and you cashed my chips right before new years countdown with the with the most friendliest greeting and the multiple eye contacts. Too bad I was an idiot for not noticing at that time - you were gorgeous and mesmerizing and I was lost for words.
Just had to get that out.
submitted by owwmyeyes to self [link] [comments]

Your best game of 2016?

3rd year doing this thread...
I'll post mine, but first a story that should probably have fallen into why i love chess from a week ago.
Long story warning and heavy game annotation warning.
I played the North American Open for the first time ever this year. It involved an early morning flight to vegas (leaving my house at 6 am east coast time or 3 am vegas time). I drop two games right off the bat on arrival. Combined with my half point bye i reconsider why I play chess if I am going to spend all the money and travel to be so stupid. That night i stay up until 4 am vegas time, making it 25 straight hours of being awake, reloooking at my simple blunders with an engine (a no-no I'm aware, but I'm masochistic sometimes), then dropping 150 points on lichess bullet because why not.
I sleep two hours, wake up, eat something absurdly unhealthy, and enter with the goal of making a kid and their parents cry while grinding them slowly in a winning position as revenge for blowing my +6 position against a kid who looked at his dad after every single one of my fucking moves.
Joke was on me of course, I didn't get any more kids for the tournament. Still, for reasons unknown and maybe better unknowable, I play better when I'm playing with malice.
I win both my games the next day, but I'm already out of the money, just trying to salvage some pride and not embarrass myself really. The wins were unsatisfying (though the doctor who told me "fuck you" as he resigned was satisfying in a sort of sadistic way).
The last day comes, and I win after my opponent loses a piece to a tactic, and in spite of having recovered to 3.5/6, I continue to question my commitment to chess, having gone down in rating over the past two years in spite of all peripherals being higher.
I wonder if it's really worth it to pour in energy after yet another cheating scandal that was conveniently overlooked in the open section. (not naming names but it was the talk of all the players that after this kid who was an FM had their monroi break they magically lost in five moves flat then got blown off the board in the next round after being mandated to notate with pen and paper... but only after going 5.5 out of 7 in the first round and having stockfish help them grab a norm).
I wonder how good I'm ever going to get and if I even enjoy the process of improving anymore as it's no longer learning much new but more just beating tactics into my head over and over as I've pretty much gone as high as you can go while still blundering shit regularly and until I stop that shit I am not hitting 1800 or whatever.
So on to round 7 for the 2nd straight round i get a top seed in my section, someone just under the section cutoff. Just playing for pride really.
My opponent surely felt the same, having probably been more disappointed than me about being out of the money.
And this is where the game of maybe my life begins. [pgn] [Event "North American Open 2016"] [Site "Bally's Casino, Las Vegas Nevada"] [Date "2016.12.29"] [Round "7"] [White "jughandle10"] [Black "a worthy enemy"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A84"] [WhiteElo "1593"] [BlackElo "1698"] [Annotator "jughandle10"] [PlyCount "139"]
  1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 e6 3. c4 c6 4. cxd5 exd5 5. Nc3 f5 {This is apparently a playable move. I had never seen it in a slow game before, and was already out of book. I spent a while here trying to figure out the merits and if I could punish it directly in short order. After a 5 minute think I just decided to play normal chess moves.} 6. Bf4 Nf6 7. Qc2 Be7 8. e3 {My opponent was already using quite a bit of time, starting on move 2 even. Time control was 2 hours for the first 40 moves but there was also a 30 second delay so you basically had almost 3:30 per move. Here I am trying to make Nbd7 hard to play.} Ne4 9. Be2 {Bd3 was a consideration. With f5 on the cards I am not keen to take on e4 and just give him a pawn chain leading all the way to the open f-File for what is sure to be a rook. I already felt the aggression and in my opponent, the one native I played, a somewhat older, grizzled guy, who could have passed off as a slightly younger Mike Ehrmentraut. He wanted to take out his anger on me and now we'd have a proper game.} O-O 10. O-O Bf6 {I was quite happy to see this move. In spite of playing these structures often I don't get many chances to really execute a proper minority attack at my level, and here was a sign that b4 and b5 were going to come in short order.} 11. b4 Be6 12. Be5 {Probably at least a minor inaccuracy by me. The problem was after b5 black could play c5 and my long black diagonal would be an absolute disaster. I also had potential weaknesses on the c file from my b4 push, so I wanted to at least solve one problem before getting in b5. Unfortunately, I think black has a number of pleasant choices here.} Nd7 13. Bxf6 {My opponent continued to use alot of time. He can retake the bishop in five(!) different ways. I offered a draw 5 minutes into his thought process. This was mostly for psychological reasons. Again, we were both out of the money. In some sense, I would be happy to play but also wouldn't mind resting for the blitz tournament and the draw would secure a score over 50%. But my opponent declined the draw. Viktor Korchnoi talked about the decliner of the draw offer often feeling obligations to push harder for a win than before, and my opponent's next move was one I had seen but was still a surprise.} gxf6 $5 {Well now we know he really wants to attack. If not on the f file then the g file it would seem. the pawn on f6 is doubled but covers squares my knight may want to visit, and with the white squares blocked up I don't see a way to the king, where it's possible Kh8 followed by approximately 7 heavy pieces on the g file might be coming at me. I had seen Re1, Bf1 and g3 type stuff thinking I'd have time if need be but this was now going to be potentially a violent war.} 14. b5 {I continue with my original plan, seeing nothing on the king side, and a center kind of locked up, and figuring i had time to defend my own king. I was scard of pawn sac ideas my opponent might try with f4 down the road, but that appeared needless for now.} Rc8 {A strong move. I cannot take now because c3 would hang, after a rook recapture, and I can't take on e4 super easily because it just gives him a potentially big attack with initiative. So I decided to temporarily sac a pawn.} 15. Qb3 Nxc3 16. Qxc3 cxb5 17. Qb4 Qb6 $1 { I think this was the best move on the board. I had no interest in an immediate recapture, as I was looking at Qd6 if a6 was played and trying to start getting my own kingside play against the damaged structure. I had originally thought I would play Qe7 if Qb6 was played, but once Qb6 was played I realized Qe7 was utterly useless. Lucky that this hallucination was minor and I had a perfectly reasonable alternative.} 18. Qxb5 Qxb5 19. Bxb5 Rc7 {Trying to double on the c file. After my doubts, I now feel I have dynamic equality at worst and am probably a good bit better. My king is not getting checkmated and his structure is now awful with a bad bishop to boot.} 20. Rfc1 Rfc8 21. Rxc7 Rxc7 22. Bd3 {Better was Bf1 right away I think. I can't fight for the c file just yet.} Rc3 23. Bf1 Nb8 24. g3 {My plan is now very simple, go after the f4 pawn!} Nc6 25. Bh3 Kf7 26. Nh4 Ne7 {That plan is foiled, but the advantage is that his pieces are really tied down. I can't walk my king in as Ng6 would spoil everything and then some. So now I have a new plan. A second minority attack of sorts. I want to push my pawn to h5, then swing my rook to the b file and pressure b7.} 27. a4 Bd7 28. a5 Ke8 29. Rb1 Rc7 {And his rook has everything covered. The next move he covers it even more stopping a6 even further. I am at this point just kind of lost, but not willing to accept a draw, and start to improve my pieces in miniscule ways as he can't really move much either.} 30. Kg2 Bc8 31. Rb2 Rc4 32. Ra2 {Rb5 to maybe eventually c5 was a consideration but I rejected it as it felt risky somehow.} Kd8 33. Kf3 Rc1
  2. Bg2 Kc7 35. Ke2 Bd7 {I thought this was not a great move by my opponent. I now have stumbled upon a suspect plan but still better than no plan at all. I simply want to get rid of his one good piece by swapping rooks. This carries some risk, including the threat of him being able to get enough pawns off to possibly force me into an infamous knight + bishop ending which I cannot do.}
  3. Kd2 Rc4 37. Rc2 Bb5 38. Rxc4+ {And here I think i blundered, or at least was not careful. My opponent was down to 7 minutes where I still had 45. I assumed he would take with the bishop hence the previous move, but I was afraid of dxc4 which in some lines would be scary for me if he could connect a couple of pawns.} Bxc4 39. Bh3 Kc6 40. Bxf5 {Maybe taking with the knight is better, but i had calculated this line, and I figured if the knight didnt take on f5 my h pawn would be way too fast , and if the knight takes, I had calculated the following line which was played in the game.} Nxf5 41. Nxf5 Kb5
  4. Nd6+ Kxa5 43. Nxb7+ Kb4 44. Kc2 {The a pawn is dangerous, but sort of like a wrong bishop and rooks pawn ending, My king alone can cover it. Normally I'd want my king in the action but I'm hoping my knight can do some work here. I think this was not a great plan. It's also at this point that I fully realize this feels like a 12 round boxing match and I'm in round 8 having hit a wall.} a5 45. Kb2 a4 46. Nd6 a3+ 47. Ka1 Kc3 48. Ne8 f5 49. Nd6 Bd3 {This move should have been obvious to me but it wasn't. I burned a good amount of time here to figure out what exactly I was going to do. I realized I must take the a pawn to force his king into an irrevocable decision.} 50. Ka2 Kd2 51. Kxa3 Ke2 52. Kb4 Kxf2 53. Kc5 Be4 {And I had seen this position in my calculations which is good, but what is not good is that I had thought Nxe4 just wins. It only draws. On my bad days i woulda played Nxe4 thinking it was still winning. It wasn't. It's a small sign of maturity that I am maybe checking this more closely, but bad that I can't calculate further ahead. I now had to find a win. I desperately tried to make Nxf5 work 3 separate times and all failed. I triple-checked nxe4 and wondered if I could win the queen endgame but could'nt find a way. I then was just sort of stumbling on moves when I found g4, which is a huge resource in the position and I am pretty sure white's only winning try.} 54. g4 fxg4 55. Nxe4+ dxe4 56. d5 Kg2 57. d6 Kxh2 58. d7 g3 59. d8=Q g2 60. Qh4+ {I felt really good, this should be winning!} Kg1 61. Kd4 $4 {What a huge blunder. Amazingly this didn't cost half a point. The normal technique for winning the g pawn now doesn't apply. I had thought about taking the e pawn, but thought that was silly and a waste of time and might give counterplay. It turns out it's necessary if I want to stop the g pawn.} Kf1 62. Qf4+ Ke2 63. Qg4+ Kf1 {And now I was just cursing myself out under my breath. Qf3 in normal situations forces the king to g1, where I can move my own king, but here is obviously impossible.} 64. Kxe4 {I found this 2nd plan. I had no idea if it would win at the time I was just sure it wouldn't lose and that was going to have to be good enough.} g1=Q
  5. Qxg1+ Kxg1 66. Kf3 Kh2 67. Kg4 h5+ {One last move to find, I had already seen that I had to keep opposition so that the king would be forever behind my pawn.} 68. Kh4 Kg2 69. e4 Kf3 70. e5 {And utterly exhausted, I survived with a win. I couldn't tell you what happened on the board left to me or two to the right of me or nearly any in my row even though they were all finished. I told my opponent how much respect I had for his game, and how it was the hardest I had to work in my life. He acknowledged how brutal it was on him as well. I thought about being a sick addict and entering the blitz tourney, but having basically become a blunder machine nearly by the end, I thought better of it and staggered back to my hotel happy, in love with chess and exhausted. And while it's probably untrue, I'd like to think I'd feel the same if it was a draw.} 1-0 [/pgn]
submitted by jughandle10 to chess [link] [comments]

Caesars sells its Bally’s brand; is Bally’s casino next? | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Caesars sells its Bally’s brand; is Bally’s casino next? | Las Vegas Review-Journal submitted by obsd92107 to vegas [link] [comments]

[Travel] - Welcome back: Las Vegas' Bally's hotel-casino to reopen July 23 during COVID-19 pandemic

[Travel] - Welcome back: Las Vegas' Bally's hotel-casino to reopen July 23 during COVID-19 pandemic submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to USATODAYauto [link] [comments]

From Bally's Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas NV!

From Bally's Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas NV! submitted by PixEFit to playingcards [link] [comments]

Las Vegas- Casinos - in 3D - MGM, New York, Venetian, Caesars Palace, Bally's, Paris,

Las Vegas- Casinos - in 3D - MGM, New York, Venetian, Caesars Palace, Bally's, Paris, submitted by 3Dn360-Videos to u/3Dn360-Videos [link] [comments]

A casino patron was killed and two security guards were wounded Monday morning after a gunman opened fire inside Bally’s Las Vegas

submitted by FreddieFreelance to news [link] [comments]

A Look On Casino Houses : Bally's Las Vegas

submitted by gilsturdivant to [link] [comments]

Becky ETF (BCKY)

While my car is getting worked on, I started to make a BCKY ETF and wanted to share it with you all. I welcome any additions or feedback!


AAPL - Apple Inc. - Becky never leaves her iPhone behind
BMBL - Bumble - shhh don’t tell Becky’s husband 🤫
FB - Facebook - they own Instagram, Becky’s most-used app
MTCH - Match - Tinder for the casual fling ☺️
NFLX - Netflix - for those nights in 💜
PINS - Pinterest - inspiration central
PYPL - PayPal - makes online shopping soooo easy once you figure it out! 🙌🏻
ROKU - Roku - Bridgerton is on Netflix, but The Bachelor is on Hulu! Having a Roku built into the TV makes it easy to navigate
SHOP - Shopify - online shopping 🛍
SNAP - Snap - Becky prefers IG but loves Snap for the selfies and group messaging (and the secret disappearing messages 🤫)
SPOT - Spotify - music fuels the soul 🎶
SQ - Square - CashApp makes splitting the bill sooooooo easy
Z and ZG - Zillow - for daydreaming and snooping on the neighbors
ZM - Zoom - in these trying times Becky has used Zoom to stay connected with her parents 💕


ABNB - AirBNB - For the little getaways, staycations and girls weekends
AMC - AMC Entertainment - Becky went to second base for the first time in the back of an AMC theater (didn’t even watch any of Along Came Paulie)
BALY - Bally’s - Becky likes a night out at the casino
DIS - Disney - for the kids 💕
LVS - Las Vegas Sands - bachelorette party, anyone?
MGM - MGM Resorts - can’t wait to get back to the clubs to do some DANCING 💃
MSGE - Madison Square Garden Entertainment - nightlife, dining, girls night???
MSGS - Madison Square Garden - Becky dated a basketball player after college (don’t tell dad! 🤫)
MTN - Vail Resorts - Becky’s favorite winter destinations
WYNN- Wynn Resorts - classy casino and hotel - Becky wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere else


ABT - Abbott - Baby formula was so helpful when Kai wouldn’t breastfeed. Pedialyte for when you have one too many proseccos 😜
APRN - Blue Apron - Soooo helpful to make Becky’s once-a-week meal or when Carla the “help” is sick.
BUD - Anheuser Busch InBev - those Bud Light seltzers are NECESSARY
CAKE - Cheesecake Factory - who doesn’t love Cheesecake? 😍
DASH - DoorDash - for those quarantine takeout meals with Greg 😍
GRUB - GrubHub - tapas delivered for girls night 😻
SBUX - Starbucks - there’s 4 seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and PSL
SFM - Sprouts Farmers Markets - organic only 🍃
SHAK - Shake Shack - for the cheat meals 🤫
STZ - Constellation Brands - wine 🍷 anyone?


AXP - American Express - Becky’s black card never stops 🤪
BMWYY - BMW - for the Beckies with an X5
BURBY - Burberry - 💁‍♀️👜
CHWY - Chewy - Becky’s frenchie needs food, duh
COTY - COTY - Becky secretly (or not so secretly 🤪) loves Kylie, Dolce & Gabana and Chloé
DFS - Discover Financial - Becky likes getting cash back 😍
DMLRY - Daimler - For the Benz loving Becky
DOGZ - Dogness - luxury goods for the Frenchie
EL - Estée Lauder - cosmetics company founded by a fellow woman 🙋‍♀️
ELF - e.l.f. Beauty - makeup 💄 what else needs to be said?
ETSY - Etsy - omg so many cute things to buy
FLWS - 1-800-Flowers - I mean who doesn’t love flowers 🌸
FTCH - Farfetch - designer clothing ONLY
GOOS - Canada Goose - Much needed during winter when walking around Manhattan and taking selfie’s at Rockefeller Center. A little trendy but still loving it.
HOME - At Home - cute stuff for the house and cheap enough to throw away after getting that perfect pic for IG
HTHIY - Hitachi - the magic wand is Becky’s little secret
JWM - Nordstrom - designer brands ONLY
KNL - Knoll - luxury designer furniture that is so cute and so comfy. IYKYK
KSS - Kohl’s - Kohl’s Rewards are practically a currency right? 💵
LULU - Lululemon - quintessential Becky. The leggings don’t just make her butt look good, but they’re comfy and perfect for the IG flex
LVMUY - LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton - this just speaks for itself
M - Macy’s - ugh kinda for the poor people but they have good deals so Becky will shop online
MA - MasterCard - when the farmer’s market won’t accept American Express
MLHR - Herman Miller - super expensive furniture for the home and sooo comfy
PFE - Pfizer - why is this in the lifestyle category? Because Becky would have a breakdown without her Xanax
TEVA - Teva Pharmaceutical - Becky runs on adderall that is prescribed to her son
PTON - Peloton Interactive - the ultimate Becky item - if you didn’t post your workout on your IG story did you even spin?!
REAL - The RealReal - Cartier, Chanel, Christian Louboutin, LV, Gucci, Hermès, Prada, Tiffany’s and more!
REV - Revlon - some of Becky’s fav actresses promote their products
RH - Restoration Hardware - only the best for Becky’s home
SFIX - Stitch Fix - Becky took the styling quiz and gets emails from them all the time, but still hasn’t placed an order (but she really wants to to support a company headed by a woman CEO 👩🏼‍💼)
(S)TIC - Northern Star - Becky’s frenchie gets soooo excited for her monthly Bark Box
TCS - The Container Store - Becky just CAN NOT walk by without going in
TGT - Target - 🎯 this one is self explanatory- Becky doesn’t leave until it’s dark out
TSLA - Tesla - for the more environmentally conscious Becky that still needs to flex
TUP - Tupperware- perfect for packed lunch boxes and leftover tapas 🥰
ULTA - Ulta Beauty - looks are everything and Ulta sells everything Becky needs
V - Visa - Becky recognizes that name from the front of some of her credit cards
WSM - Williams-Sonoma - Becky buys a lot of her home goods at Pottery Barn and West Elm
submitted by shepherd_eyes to wallstreetbetsOGs [link] [comments]

Las Vegas Craps stories (forgot to post from my Dec trip)

Story one - This story happens at South Point Casino, just a few miles south of Mandalay Bay. Locals place. $5 tables (almost always). They had 4 tables open, 3 were 5 and 1 was 10. I was on the 5 dollar tables, left of stick. The dice were straight out on the other side of the table. Old guy, 70s or later was in the middle of a decent roll. An older Asian guy walks up beside him, drops 5 $100 bills before they could send the dice to the shooter. Guy says "All of it on the field". The table kinda glares at the guy. The dealer across from me says "Just look straight forward, don't look around. Everything will be fine". They put 5 black chips in the field. Shooter rolls a 3. Nobody gets hurt since a point is established (I feel likt the point was 9, but I don't remember). Field guy picks up $500 and leaves $500. Says to the shooter "Do it again". Shooter rolls a 4. Asian guy throws a black in, asks for change. Dealer gives the guy 4 green chips. The field guy tosses the shooter a green chip and leaves with $1475 and doesn't tip the dealers. Dealers grumble, we all look around and continue with the point. That's a lot of action for a $5 table. I just shrugged.
Story two - Bally's. $10 table. Their tables has the repeater bets. There are 3 of us on the table, mostly playing 3 numbers or a few come bets. Guy buys in for 2K, just wants green. Puts $50 on the line, $25 on the 6 repeater and $5 on the 6 repeater for the dealers. He also put $25 on the 3 and 11 repeater. I get the dice. I'm having a pretty decent roll. I hit 5 6's, so I need one more 6 to hit that repeater bet. All of the sudden everyone is betting the hard six, pressing their six etc. Money is all over the place. I had my 6 at $60 if I remember correctly. I hit the 6 on the next roll. The dude jumped up and down, came down to me and I thought he was going to hug me during the pandemic. Instead I get an elbow dab. He makes (if I did the math right 25*90) $2250 and the dealers got $450 (to which they thanks the shooter and myself). I think I hit a few more numbers and 7ed out. I was down pretty low on my $200 buyin before the roll and left with $350 or so. That was fun, crazy and scary all at the same time.
Story three - Jerry's Nugget (N. Las Vegas, just a few miles north of El Cortez). $3 table. It's full. At the far end is a dude (with face tattoos) and his friend. Things were going smoothly. Table was luke warm. Shooter would hit 1 point and 7 out. No really good rolls. Guy beside me is shooting and hits a point. The face tattoo guy quickly makes a passline bet with odds (which he didn't have) as the dealer is paying people. The dealer notices and starts yelling at the guy "We don't pull that shit here. You do that again and you will be on your ass outside. Don't cheat at our casino". Box guy comes over, warns the guy. EVERYONE decides it's time to color up. The face guy's friend tells him to knock it off. Don't be an asshole. I got to Jerry's a few times each trip and haven't seen this before.
Story four (and final story). - Binions, downtown. $5 table. Nothing too special to talk about. The girls aren't in their cowboy outfits, instead have referee jerseys on. Still they look pretty good. Guy walks in and starts chatting with the stick girl. Decides to buy in beside her for 4K. $4000 on a $5 table. Playing all greens, being a big tough guy and flirting with the stick girl. I'm always nervous seeing that much money out on a $5 table, glad I wasn't rolling. A few bad rolls wipes him out and he leaves. He was power pressing and trying to make a big score. No dice!
submitted by necrochaos to Craps [link] [comments]

40th anniversary of deadly MGM Grand fire.

On November 21, 1980 - the original MGM Grand (now Bally's) hotel casino was the scene of a terrible fire calamity that killed 85 people. The early morning fire was caused by an electrical ground fault inside a wall-mounted electrical receptacle for a cake display case in a ground floor deli.
The fire could have been brought under control by sprinklers if the hotel had installed them as had been recommended during construction. But they did not due to the additional $192,000 cost and the rationale that the casino floor would be occupied around the clock and any fire would be quickly observed and dealt with by security using fire extinguishers and hoses. Other short sighted design decisions, such as having locking doors on emergency stairwells, faulty smoke dampers in the air conditioning system and gaps in the elevator shafts allowed deadly smoke to rise through the hotel tower and kill scores of guests in their rooms, hallways and stairwells.
It was a grim tragedy for Las Vegas. Other casinos and citizens acted generously to offer whatever help and aid to hotel guests who survived the calamity. The lessons learned from this disaster prompted Nevada legislators to enact what are considered the most stringent fire code regulations for hotels in the country.
Wikipedia article:
Feature article in Review-Journal today:
National Fire Protection Association investigative report on MGM Grand Fire:
submitted by nexuscard to vegas [link] [comments]

Your Pre Market Brief for 07/24/2020

Pre Market Brief for Friday July 24th 2020

You can subscribe to the daily 4:00 AM Pre Market Brief on The Twitter Link Here . Alerts in the tweets will direct you to the daily 4:00 AM Pre Market Brief in this sub.
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Updated as of 3:30 AM EST
Stock Futures:
Thursday 07/23/2020 News and Markets Recap:
Friday July 24th 2020 Economic Calendar (All times are Eastern)
(Home Sales and Oil Rig Count Today)
News Heading into Friday July 24th 2020
COVID-19 Stats and News:
Macro Considerations:
Most Recent SEC Filings
Morning Research and Trading Prep Tool Kit
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It is up to you to judge the accuracy and veracity of these headlines before trading.
submitted by Cicero1982 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

Here’s your morning coffee!

Good luck everyone, have a great day, it’s Friday!
Of note for Energy names (XLE, XOM, CVX), the IEA, in fitting with EIA, raised its 2020 oil demand outlook, but cut its 2021 view due to the improved outlook this year. However, it noted that risks were skewed to the downside.
Of note for Casino names (CZR, WYNN, LVS) announced it will reopen its Bally’s on Las Vegas Strip on July 23rd. However, Nevada has ordered bars in Clark County, where Las Vegas is, to close on Friday.
Of note for PC names (DELL, HPQ), Worldwide PC shipments rose +2.8% Y/Y in Q2 2020, totalling 64.8 million units, according to preliminary results by Gartner. IDC data reported Q2 20 shipments rose 11.2% Y/Y to 72.3mln units. “Early indicators suggest strong PC shipments for education, enterprise, and consumer, muted somewhat by frozen SMBs,” said Linn Huang, research vice president, Devices and Displays at IDC. “With inventory still back ordered, this goodwill will continue into July. However, as we head deeper into a global recession, the goodwill sentiment will increasingly sour”. Market share: HP (HPQ) 25%, Lenovo 24.1% (LNV GY), Dell Technologies (DELL) 16.6%, Apple (AAPL) 7.7%, Acer Group 6.7%.


Merck & Co. (MRK) Animal Health Unit received FDA approval for its Bravecto Chews for dogs of 8 weeks and older; it is a once a month treatment for fleas and prevention of fleas.
Pfizer Inc. (PFE) - BioNTech (BNTX), who is partnering with Pfizer to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, says they are confident it will be ready to get regulatory approval by year-end; expects to begin Phase 3 trials (N=30,000) by July-end. CEO said several hundred million doses could be produced even before approval, and over 1bln by the end of 2021.

NASDAQ 100 Inc. (AMZN) plans to create at least USD 100mln in stock awards to retain the 900-plus employees of Zoox, the self-driving car startup it offered to buy last month, and can walk away from the deal if large numbers of them turn down job offers from the technology giant; AMZN is aggressively expanding into self-driving technology, announced in June it had agreed to acquire the Silicon Valley company, for USD 1.3bln in cash, which it hopes to close by September.
Facebook, Inc. (FB) – A bug in the Facebook Software Developer Kit (SDK) is causing major third-party iOS apps, like TikTok and Spotify to crash on launch. The SDK enables account logins through Facebook and enable apps to integrate Facebook within the app for analytics and advertisements.
Gilead (GILD) released additional data on remdesivir for COVID-19: was associated with an improvement in clinical recovery and a 62% reduction in risk of mortality; 74.4% of treated patients recovered by day 14 (vs 59% of patients receiving standard of care).

S & P 500

AbbVie Inc. (ABBV) - Allergan announced it received FDA approval for its supplemental Biologics License Application (sBLA) that supports the expanded use of BOTOX for the treatment of spasticity in patients aged two years or older.
Energy Transfer’s (ET) fight to stave off a shutdown of the Dakota Access oil pipeline now heads to a federal appeals court after a district judge rejected a request to freeze an order that operations of the pipeline be halted by August 5th.
Ford Motor (F) announced the 50% staffing restrictions imposed on plants producing car parts in Chihuahua, Mexico is not sustainable, as US plants are running at 100%. The US ambassador to Mexico stated Ford “may have to shut some US car plants as early as next week if they fail to receive Mexico-produced engines”.
Simon Property Group Inc (SPG) and Authentic Brands are considering a bid for retailer Brooks Brothers Group, as is WHP Global, reports WSJ citing sources. The move would be the latest in which property owners are looking to purchase large renters who use their property to keep its business strong. Previously SPG has considered buying bankrupt JC Penney.
Tyson Foods (TSN) is looking towards automated butchers amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to WSJ.


Barrick Gold (GOLD) sent a dispute notice to Papua New Guinea over the government’s refusal to extend a mining lease in the Porgera valley.
Cannae Holdings (CNNE) and the Senator Investment group, who are trying to acquire CoreLogic (CLGX), have reportedly hired a proxy solicitor, DF King after CLGX rejected the unsolicited USD 7bln offer.
Express (EXPR) announced 95% of its stores are open and its strategic transformation remains on track, while traffic and sales have steadily improved with e-commerce being positive in June. “Comparable sales for open stores sequentially improved from down over 50% in early May to approximately negative 15% by the third week in June. Traffic also improved, from approximately negative 65% in early May to approximately negative 30% by the third week in June. As COVID-19 cases began to spike in several states in late June, the Company saw declines in both sales and traffic in Arizona, California, Florida, and Texas, which were significant enough to impact total results.”
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSM) reported double-digit sales growth in June; sales were approximately USD 4bln, +28.8% M/M and +40.8% Y/Y. Revenues for the H1 period were around USD 21bln, +35.2% Y/Y.
Tencent (TCEHY) is in exclusive talks to purchase Hong Kong game developer Leyou Technologies, according to CNBC.
WD-40 (WDFC) Q3 20 (USD): EPS 1.06 (exp. 1.07), revenue 98.2mln (prev. 114mln).

Additional US Equity Stories

Intel Corp. (INTC) has reportedly delayed another major near-term server project, according to SemiAccurate, who reportedly has multiple sources confirming this new delay and none are optimistic about the new schedule.
Gilead (GILD) Former FDA Commissioner Gottlieb says the Gilead (GILD) remdesivir data is very encouraging but needs to be confirmed in a prospective trial.
United Airlines (UAL) reached a deal with a pilot union representing 13,000 employees regarding voluntary furloughs and early retirements.
Nvidia Corporation (NVDA) had a PT upgrade at Rosenblatt Securities to USD 500 from USD 400, noting a secular shift into data-processing units and the co.’s entrance into new markets will drive revenue growth for the co.
Carnival Corp. (CCL) preliminary EPS USD -6.07, Adj. EPS -3.30, revenue 740mln (prev. 4.84bln); expects future capacity to be moderated by phased re-entry of its ships, sold one ship in June, has agreements for the disposal of five ships. In total 13 ships expected to leave fleet represent a 9% reduction in current capacity. Reduced operating costs by over USD 7 billion on an annualized basis and reduced capital expenditures also by more than USD 5 billion over the next 18 months. H2 monthly average cash burn expected at USD ~650mln. The company currently expects only five of the nine ships originally scheduled for delivery in fiscal 2020 and fiscal 2021 will be delivered prior to the end of fiscal year 2021.
Apple Inc. (AAPL) ‌Apple Silicon‌ 13.3-inch ‌MacBook Pro‌ to go into mass production in the fourth quarter of this year, but also now predicts we will see an Arm-based
American Airlines (AAL) has threatened to cancel some Boeing (BA) 737Max orders, a sign of deepening financial stress in the aviation industry.
submitted by WSBConsensus to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Theft at Bally’s casino hotel room

Recently my family of 8 ( 4 adults. 3young adults and 1 teenager)stayed at Bally’s in Las Vegas. The theft happened in both rooms our party stayed in, while we were in bed sleeping. The hotel did nothing and we did all the leg work of reporting to metro. Metro and casino said they couldn’t do anything. Other than corporate and bbb anyone has suggestions on what we can do. Please help.
A wallet was stolen with ID and now cancelled cc’s 200 cash from on top of dresser and a whole suitcase.
submitted by jessicag254 to LasVegas [link] [comments]

Report your table minimums here (COVID Edition) part 3

Part 3 in the COVID series.
To try and make this list more helpful, I have added Weekend Day and Weekend Night, as those can be vastly different than during the week.
I'm trying to monitor Twitter and the Vegas Message Board to get some additional information.
Keep sharing all that wonderful goodness.
I'd like to update the wiki to talk about what sidebets casinos have, so if you know that info, I can add it to the table comments.
Vegas Strip Casino Day Min Night Min Weekend Day Weekend Night Dividers Comments
Aria 10 10 Unknown Unknown No Updated 7/26
Ballys 10 15 10 Unknown 3 tables Updated 8/8
Bellagio 10 25 Unknown Unknown Yes, all tables
Caesars 15 25 Unknown Unknown No
Cosmo 15-25 50-100 Unknown Unknown
Encore 10 10 10 10 Yes, on some tables Updated 8/12
Excalibur 10-15 15 10 15 Updated 8/12
Flamingo 15 15-25 Unknown 25 Updated 8/8
Harrah's 15 25 25 25 No
Linq 15 15 Unknown 25 No Updated 8/8
Luxor 10 10 15 15n Updated 8/12
Mandalay Bay 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown
MGM Grand 10 25 Unknown Unknown Yes
NY/NY 10 15-25 15 Unknown Yes Updated 8/8
Osheas Unknown 15 Unknown Unknown
Paris 15 15 Unknown Unknown No Updated 8/8
Sahara 5 10 10 10 Updated 8/15
Strat Day 10 Unknown 10 25 No
Treasure Island 5 15 Unknown Unknown
Venetian 10-15 25 Unknown Unknown No
Wynn 10 10 10 10 Yes, on some tables Updated 8/12
Downtown Casino Day Min Night Min Weekend Day Weekend Night Dividers Comments
Binions 5 10 Unknown Unknown Binions had $5 table several times (opens at noon) Updated 8/17
California 10 10 Unknown Unknown Tables open at 11AM Updated 8/10
The D 10 15 Unknown Unknown No glass
Downtown Grand 10 10 Unknown Unknown Table opens at noon. Updated 8/10.
El Cortez 10 10 10 10 Yes, some tables 2 tables Updated 8/15
Four Queens 10 10 10 10 No Updated 8/15
Fremont 10 10 10 Unknown Updated 8/10.
Golden Gate 10 15 Unknown Unknown Updated 8/18
Golden Nugget 10-15 10 Unknown Unknown $15 with one table open on 8/18
Plaza 10 10 Unknown Unknown Updated 7/30
Sams Town 15 15 Unknown Unknown 1 table
Offstrip Casino Day Min Night Min Weekend Day Weekend Night Dividers Comments
Aliente 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Boulder Station 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Cannery 5 5 Unknown Unknown up to 2 tables - now allowing 4 per side
Ellis Island 5 5 5 5 1 table - Updated 8/17 - I just called the pit at Ellis. Craps table opens up at 10am and its 5 dollars 90% of the time
Gold Coast 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Green Valley Ranch 10 10 Unknown Unknown 2 tables open
The Orleans 10 25 Unknown Unknown up to 4 tables, I was asked to wear a mask
Palace Station 10 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Palms N/A N/A Unknown Unknown No open date announced
Red Rock 10 15 15 Unknown Updated 8/14
South Point 5 5 5 10 No Updated 8/15
Strat 5 10 Unknown Unknown
Sunset Station 5 5 Unknown Unknown
Other NV Casinos Day Min Night Min Weekend Day Weekend Night Dividers Comments
Edgewater (Laughlin) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Harrahs (Laughlin) 10 15 Unknown Unknown no
Atlantis (Reno) 5/10 5/10 Unknown Unknown 3 tables on weekends
Cal Neva (Reno) 5 5 Unknown Unknown
Circus Circus (Reno) Closed Closed Unknown Unknown Closed table game pit
Eldorado (Reno) 5 10 Unknown Unknown
Grand Sierra (Reno) 15 15-25 Unknown Unknown
Peppermill (Reno) 5 5 10 10 3 craps tables
Silver Legacy (Reno) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Hard Rock (Tahoe) 5 5 Unknown Unknown
Harrahs (Tahoe) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Montbleu (Tahoe) 10 15 Unknown Unknown
Nugget (Wendover) 5 5 5 5 Updated 7/31
Peppermill (Wendover) 5 5 10 10 Updated 7/31
Rainbow (Wendover) 5 5 10 10 Updated 7/31
Non/NV Casino Day Min Night Min Weekend Day Weekend Night Dividers Comments
Wind Creek (Wetumpka, AL) 15 25 Unknown Unknown 4 to a table Updated 7/31
Sycuan (San Diego, CA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown Masks required
Barona (So Cal) 10 15 10 10-15 2 tables 2 per side, dealers managing bets for players. Updated 8/21 ($10 at times)
Harrahs (So Cal) 15-25 15-25 15-50 15-50 No Updated 7/31
Viejas (So Cal) N/A N/A Unknown Unknown No live tables
Foxwoods (CT) 15 25 Unknown Unknown
Mohegan (CT) 15-25 25 Unknown Unknown 2 were 10, 2
Harrington (DE) 15 15-25 Unknown Unknown Must wear mask and face shield
Rivers (Chicago, IL) 15 15
Blue Chip (Michigan City, IN) 5 10 Unknown Unknown 5 minimum prop bets, 5 min ATS bet.
Caesars Southern IN 10 15 15 25 Updated 8/5
French Lick Resort (French Lick, IN) 15 15 25 25 Tables open at 11am and close at 3AM. Updated 8/5
Harrah's Hooiser Park (Anderson, IN) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Indiana Grand (IN) 10 15 Unknown Unknown No
Belle (Baton Rogue, LA) 5 10 Unknown Unknown one half sized table sometimes they open the big one. $5 small table and $10 big late at night
Hollywood (Baton Rogue, LA) 5 10 Unknown 15 Updated 7/24
L’auberge (Baton Rogue,LA) 15 15 Unknown Unknown No
L’auberge (Lake Charles,LA) 15 15 Unknown Unknown No 1 bubble craps $5 min
El Dorado (Shreveport, LA) 10 10 10 10 Updated 8/17
Horseshoe (Shreveport, LA) 15 15 15 15 Updated 8/17
Margaritaville (Shreveport, LA) 15 15 15 15 Updated 8/17
Ocean Downs (MD) 10 15 Unknown Unknown
Maryland Live (MD) 25 50 50 Unknown Yes 5 tables, 4 per side. Electronic craps 15 min
MGM @ National Harbor 50-100 Unknown Unknown Yes 4 craps tables 2 were $50 and 2 were $100 mins. Not bubble craps or low roller options.
Firekeepers (Battle Creek, MI) 10 15+ Unknown Unknown No dividers, only distancing 1-2 tables depending on demand, did see it at $15 during the day $25 on Fri/Sat night. Masks required, no smoking. $3 Bubble Craps.
Four Winds Casino 15 15 Unknown Unknown Digital craps table 5$ min Tuesday and Sunday night. Did not check bubble craps
Gun Lake (Wayland, MI) 10 15 Unknown Unknown No Temp check, masks, usually the crapless table is open
Turtle Creek (Traverse City, MI) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknowned 2 tables, temp check, masks
Soaring Eagle (Mt Pleasant, MI) 10 15 Unknown Unknown Yes 5 players per side with glass. Tough to hear dealer.
Hollywood Casino, Maryland Heights (St Louis) MO 15 15 Unknown Unknown 1 regular table & 1 no craps. 4 per side. No outside drinks.
River City (St. Louis, MS) 20 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown 4 players per side. $20 min. You have to have at least a $20 bet for every throw to "hold your spot"
Beau Rivage (Biloxi, MS) 25 25 Unknown Unknown unknown 3 tables
Boomtown (Biloxi, MS) 10 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 table
IP (Biloxi, MS) 25 25 Unknown Unknown
Scarlett Pearl (Biloxi, MS) 15 25 Unknown Unknown No Masks required, temp check
The Palace Biloxi, MS) 10 15 Unknown Unknown
Treasure Bay (Biloxi, MS) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Harrah’s Cherokee & Murphy 15 15 Unknown Unknown No
Harrahs River Valley (Murphy, NC) 25 25 Unknown Unknown
Ballys (AC, NJ) 15 15 Unknown 10 Updated 7/29
Caesars (AC, NJ) 15 15 Unknown 15-25 Updated 7/29
Harrahs (AC, NJ) 15 15 Unknown Unknown
Hard Rock (AC, NJ 15 25 Unknown Unknown 2 tables - Updated 7-29
Resorts (AC, NJ) 15 25 Unknown 15 Yes 1 table - Updated 7-29
Ocean (AC, NJ) 10 15 15 25 Yes 4-6 tables
Buffalo Creek (NY) 15 25 Unknown Unknown
Seneca Niagra (NY) 10 15 Unknown Unknown 1 table, can go up to $25
Jack/Harrah's (Cincinnati, OH) 25 25 25 25 3 tables, $25 open to close
Hollywood (Columbus, OH) 10-15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2 tables, masks required
Hollywood (Grantville, PA) 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown 2 tables, masks required
Harrah's Philly (PA) Unknown Unknown 15 25 Updated 8/10
Meadows (PA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown 2-3 tables.
Mohegan Sun (PA) Unknown Unknown 25-50 Unknown
Windcreek (PA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Mount airy (PA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Valley Forge (PA) 10
Parx (Bensalem, PA) 15 25 Unknown Unknown 15 but maintaining 25
Southland Casino Racing (West Memphis, TN) N/A N/A Unknown Unknown Yes 4 tables all closed. Other pit games open with plexiglas dividers. Bubble craps $5 minimum.
Mardi Gras (Nitro, WV) 15 Usually open on weekends - Updated 7/28
*Last update 8/21
Part 1. It's getting buried so I figured we would make a new one. Part 2
Pulled additional info from here.
submitted by necrochaos to Craps [link] [comments]

A Vegas Miracle - how I won $129,000 in my 3rd tournament ever

This is how I won $129,000 in my 3rd ever poker tournament. Note: don't try this, it probably won't turn out well for you.
I spent about 6 months grinding up a $5,000 bankroll playing home/casino games ranging from .5/1 to 1/3. The week that I hit that $5,000 mark, Matt, one of my best friends from college informed me that his job had placed him in Las Vegas for the next month and that I could crash with him for a few nights if I wanted to come on out west. I had frequent flyer miles for the flight and some Mlife/Fremont hotel comps for the rest of the trip. My grand total for flight and lodging for 10 days came to $200.
Now, I’m not going to bore you guys with low-level cash hand histories. The next 10 days were filled with me playing lowstakes poker for 10-12 hours a day. It’s as fun as it sounds – it’s not. I was having a good time in Vegas otherwise – but towards the end of the trip I had a realization: 1/2’s the same everywhere. I didn’t have to fly out to the desert to raise to $7 preflop.
After 10 days, my grand total from poker (and a fair amount of dumb degenerate shit on Fremont) was -$186. That wasn’t what I came out to do — I knew that I was a better player than my recent results had indicated. The morning of my return flight, I decided I was going to play tournaments until I either busted my $5,000 bankroll or hit something worthwhile.
I impulsively decided to not get on my plane at 11:30am. Checkout time from Luxor was at 11:00 – and I didn’t know where I was going yet. I had 30 minutes to pack up my stuff and figure out where I was going before they’d charge me a fee. I sorted TripAdvisor by cheapest first – I’ve stayed in crappy hostels/motels before and overall am a very low maintenance person. I figured that by staying somewhere for $20 a night, I’d be able to maximize the amount of shots I could take before flying back home. I accepted that there was a real chance I’d go back broke – but I didn’t really care. If I didn’t take my shot now, then when?
I booked the cheapest bed in Vegas - a 6-person shared hostel just past the Stratosphere. Let's just say you get what you pay for — it was not a happy place. A fair amount of the people in there were bordering on homelessness and there was barbed wire surrounding their outdoor gym. In addition to this, I had the constant stress of knowing that all that separated my bankroll from the rest of my roommates was a tiny lock. I took the Deuce to the strip, lived off food comps, and turned down invites from my friends to hang out. I was in town to play poker, nothing else.
Disclaimer: I had never played tournaments prior to heading out to Vegas. My only knowledge of hand ranges was from watching televised events. I downloaded a free Nash chart app on my phone while on the Deuce to the strip and studied it for 5 minutes – whatever, I get the jist of it. Let’s play some cards.
The first day of doing this I played the $140 daily at the Aria. Top 13 spots paid -- I finished in 15th. It was depressing to say the least — I felt as if I was at rock bottom. Before the first night of sleeping at the hostel I called the airline to see if I could get on the flight that I had deliberately missed the day prior. I couldn't.
I made it my goal to at least cash something so that I could get a decent hotel room.
I couldn’t have slept more than 2-3 hours the first night there. One of my roommates was loudly vomiting all night, the sheets itched, and I was going through an existential crisis... like dude, you’ve got a finance degree and you’re really doing this shit?
While on the bus to the strip, I opened Poker Atlas and saw that there was a $200 satellite to win a seat into the $1,600 Venetian main event. I decided that I was going to go take a shot at that.
I was at risk twice in the satellite but after studying the GTO method on how to win coinflips, I persevered and won a seat to the main.
The first day was surreal – once again, I was running on minimal sleep due to my housing arrangements, but I remember the following hands from day 1:
  1. Button opens to 2.2x, I’m in the BB with Q9cc. SB folds, we go HU to a flop of 832c. He c-bets, I call. Turn 4x, x/x. River Ax. I check, he bets, I x/r to like 3x his bet, he insta folds. I take it down and show air.
  2. UTG+1 opens, MP calls, I flat on the button with K10ss. 3 ways to a flop of Qs43xx. UTG+1 bets 40% pot, MP calls, I call. Turn is the Js. UTG+1 bets 60% pot, MP calls, I flat. River comes the 8s. UTG+1 snap bets 80%. MP flats, I flat. I announce king high flush, they both muck.
  3. Folds to the SB, he limps, I look down at Q10o, and check. Flop comes KQ6r. He leads 35%, I call. Turn 10. He bets, I call. River comes a J. He bets, I tank for about 45 seconds then flick in a call, he shows 76o… ship it.
The average stack after day 1 was around 40k, I bagged like 65k. I walked back to the Deuce stop outside of the Venetian and headed on my 30 minute ride back home. I kept thinking to myself, someone’s gotta win this thing, why not me?
I had to get in the money for this tournament to be able to get the fuck out of there. A min cash here was over $3k – that was more than enough for me to get a suite on Fremont for a few nights and party for a bit, then get home with my head held high.
Day 2: I get up at 7am after already being completely awake for the past 4 hours. There’s no way I slept more than 3 hours last night. I hit the Denny’s by the Stratosphere then get on the Deuce.
I get to the Venetian and feel like I’m about to fall asleep. I go to the self-serve coffee/tea dispenser in the middle of the room and make myself an iced coffee. I get to my table, and the cocktail waitress comes around. I ask for another iced coffee and toss her a fiver.
Here are some highlights from the 1st half of day 2:
  1. I open 97ss on the button, BB flats. Flop comes AK3s. BB checks, I bet 35%. He throws out a 5k chip – which I interpret as a x/r to my bet. I groan, make a joke about it being the first hand of the day, and start to muck. The dealer stops my cards midway before hitting the muck, and informs me that he didn’t raise, that he called my flop bet. Everyone laughs, I go silent and wait for him to make change. Turn is the 2s. He thinks for a second and bets 30%. I tank for like 30 seconds, then flat. River is a blank. He thinks for a second, then checks. I bet like 30% pot. He tells me that I’m an angle shooter and mucks. I tell him I’m not an angle shooter and show my 9 high. Everyone laughs, we get on with playing.
  2. CO opens, I 3b 87dd in the SB to 4x, he flats. Flop comes 1032d. I check, he checks. Turn is the 6d. I bet 55% pot, he flats. River comes the Kd. I bet 60%, he tanks, tells me he thinks I backdoored diamonds, then folds. Damn, these players are pretty good.
  3. I open KK UTG to 2.5x, UTG +1 flats. Heads up to a flop of K43r. x/x. Turn 8, I bet 40% pot, he calls. River 3, I bet 80% pot, he tanks, then calls with AK.
I bring my 3 racks of chips to the new table and immediately get some comments – whatever, I’m just on a heater, it happens. At this point, my body was giving out. I was trying my hardest not to fall asleep in between every hand.
Cutoff opens, I’m in the SB, I look down at KK. I put in the 3b, folds back to him. He puts in a healthy 4. We’re the two big stacks at the table – I’d guess he was 50bb effective while I was around 65bb. God damn, am I good enough to fold kings here? No, I’m not. I shove, he snaps, I know that I’ve just fucked up my tournament. He shows the aces. The dealer puts a king in the window, and I hold. I’m for sure the chip leader now.
I lose a few 40/60 and 60/40 flips and chip down a bit. I still have a very healthy stack, probably around 80bb.
The next 3 hands are from the second half of day 2:
  1. Aggro Asian guy on the button. Folds to him, he opens to 2.2x, SB folds, I look down at 43ss and raise to 7.5x, he flats.
Flop comes 894cc. I check, he bets, I call. Turn’s another 9. I check, he bets 75% pot, I call. River’s the 10c. I check, he bets 1.2x pot. I ask the dealer for a count of the bet – meanwhile, villain looks like he’s going to shit himself. I flick in a chip, he throws down KcQx. I laugh a little, show my 43ss, and obnoxiously say ship it.
  1. I open KQo UTG+1, MP 3bets me. I figure that a 4b from UTG+1 could take it down a fair amount of the time, so I decide to go for it. He thinks for a second and flats.
Flop comes AK4r. I check, he checks back. Turn is a 6, goes x/x again. River’s another brick. I put in a 30% value bet. He does a little grimace and tanks for like 20 seconds. It looks like he’s going to fold so I start verbally telling him that his queens are good. The dealer informs me that you’re not allowed to talk about your hand to another player. I inform him that I’m not talking about my hand, I’m talking about villains’ hand. Dealer laughs and lets me continue to antagonize villain. MP starts talking back, asking if I’m really bluffing. I inform him that once he folds, I’ll show the bluff. He ends up calling, I snap show, he pays me then gets up from the table to go for a walk.
  1. We’re playing 6 handed. UTG opens, MP flats, I flat TT on the button. 3 ways to a flop of AT9ccc. UTG bets 50% pot, MP folds, I put in a medium sized raise. He thinks about it and flats.
The turn is the Kd. He pauses for a second then checks. I figured AxKc was his most likely combo. I didn’t think he could fold AxKc to any sizing – I decide to overbet jam 2x pot. He tanks for like 5 min and eventually lets it go. He tells me later he folded AxKc. Nice fold sir.
I finished day two 2nd in chips out of the 64 players remaining. More importantly, I was in the money. My friend Matt offered to give me a ride to the hostel to grab my stuff.
On the way to the hostel I’m telling Matt how trash the place is and he’s kind of like yeah man, whatever, it can’t be that bad. We gather my belongings and head on out. Matt remarked to me that the hostel reminded him of jail mixed with a summer camp.
I open a same night hotel app and see a room at the Four Queens available for $110. The lady at check in was nice enough – however, she informed me that the only room they had available at my price point was a smoking room overlooking the Fremont St. experience. I paid the $20 to upgrade to a non-smoking in the quiet part of the hotel. Vegas man, I swear.
It’s like 2am at this point -- I get to my room, sit on the bed and close my eyes. I open them and it’s 11:00am. Ah fuck man, I gotta get to the Venetian. I hop in the shower, brush my teeth, and freshen up. Even if I don’t have clean clothes, whatever, I’m second in the main, who cares.
Some interesting hands from the first part of Day 3:
  1. I had two inexcusable punts in this tournament. This is the first one: I open 5h5c from LP, BB calls. Flop comes J62hhh. x/x. Turn is a 4x. x, I bet 50% pot, BB jams 15bb. I called – and immediately realized I fucked up, big time. He had 2 big chips in his stack that I didn’t see, making his shove effectively like 25bb. In addition, I didn’t have the 5h, I had the 5d. I really didn’t ask for a count or double check my hole cards. Villain turns over 64o and holds. In my defense, I literally didn’t know what ICM meant at the time. Whoops.
  2. Someone who I recognize from poker TV jams 22bb UTG. I’m in the CO with JJ, I ask him how much it is, he’s talkative and seems genuinely comfortable/down for me to call. I fold – I run into him a few days later at the Aria, he tells me he had AA there. I believe him.
  3. CO opens, button instantly jams 30bb effective. I’m in the SB with TT and 25bb – live reads, we’re flipping. I call for all in my effective stack, CO folds, button has AQ. I hold. He’s not happy I called with tens. Oh well, sorry bro, gg.
  4. MP opens, CO 3 bets to 7bb, button jams 20bb. I look down at 2 black aces in the big blind. I reshove, MP folds, CO calls off his 20bb stack. I’m up against AQ and QQ. I hold.
Even with my atrocious punt earlier in the day, I’m the chip leader again.
We’re down to about 15 left in the field. UTG opens, I 3b AKo on the button, he jams 20bb, I call. He has 99, a king comes on the flop and he’s gone.
It’s day 3 of the main and we’re playing 5 handed with 12 people left. Let’s fucking go.
  1. Button opens to 2.5x, I’m in the BB with A8dd, I flat. Flop comes A104r, I check, he bets, I call. Turn is a 7, x/x. River A, I bet 1.2x pot. He tanks, calls, I show, I’m good.
  2. CO opens to 2.5x, I’m in the BB with 108dd, I flat. Flop comes Kd4x2d, it goes x/x. Turn is a Kx, I check, he bets 60% pot, I flat. River is the 4d. I check, he bets pot. I tank and let it go. He tells me later he checked back a weak king on the flop.
  3. SB completes, I’m in the BB with J9o and I check my option. Flop comes Q108r. The SB donks out into me for 60% pot. I flat. Turn comes a brick and he leads into me for 60% again. I raise to 3.5x his turn bet, he thinks for a while then flats. River is another brick. He bets 80% pot into me. I tank for a while, then shove. He starts laughing and folds QQ face up.
Less than a week ago I was grinding buffet comps at Planet Hollywood. Now I have guys correctly folding top set to me.
I’ve made it to the final table. I pick up a few small pots and the two shortstacks at the table get eliminated in quick succession.
This is without a doubt the most pointless and just plain out stupid punt of my entire life: I open J2dd on the button into a ~18bb SB and a GTO robot with mid 7 figures in career earnings in the BB. Don’t do this, this is quite literally lighting money on fire. SB folds, BB flats. Flop comes Kh8h3d. I cbet, BB calls. Turn is the Kd, goes x/x.
River comes a 7h, he leads into me for half pot. Whatever, I’m going for it – I put in a raise. He thinks for all of 5 seconds then calls me with KQh. Wow, I just punted away $50,000 in ICM. Jesus Christ dude, what the fuck.
For the next orbit or two, I’m clearly pissed at myself. I get up after my button and do a lap around the poker room – I’m good. The monkey tilt is gone, and I’m ready to get back to playing normal ranges.
Anyway, nothing else really happens for a while – I look down at AKo UTG and raise it up. Folds around to the BB, he thinks for a while, then jams for about 20bb. I snap, he has AQo. I hold. I’m now second in chips. We go on a 10-minute break.
When I get back to the table, the prospect of a 5-way chop comes up. We’re all tired – and the pay jumps are very significant. If you couldn’t tell from this story, I’m a degenerate, but in this spot, I’m willing to reduce variance a bit. We run the numbers and come to an agreement – we all agree to take a very slight ICM bump to give 1st place a bit more money than his stack is worth.
I just won $129,000 -- huh? This was my second tournament cash – not too bad considering that it was my third tournament ever. Maybe I should start learning how to play MTT’s now.
I take $124,000 in a check and $5,000 in cash. I’m leaving Vegas in 4 days and don’t plan on coming home with any of the cash.
The winner of the tournament’s a pretty cool guy and he asks if I want to crash in his guest room tonight… like yeah, if that’s a real offer, I’m down. I pick up my toiletry bag from the Venetian concierge and we hit the Uber.
The next morning Matt picks me up at his house – I hit the Chase bank and deposit the $124,000. I take Matt and my other friend, Spencer out to the Sterling Brunch over at Bally’s – the entire time, Spencer just kept repeating “Davis, what the fuck”. I don’t know dude, seriously, what the fuck.
I get a suite at the D downtown that night and (very) long story short I end up hitting $100 on a number at roulette at 5am. It’s time for bed.
Here’s a link to my Hendon Mob, verifying my tournament result. Hopefully I see some of you guys at the WSOP in 2021.
submitted by davish34 to poker [link] [comments]

Report your table minimums here (COVID Edition) part 2

The previous post is here. It's getting buried so I figured we would make a new one.
Keep reporting those minimums:
Vegas Strip Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Aria 10 10 Yes
Bellagio 10 25 Yes, all tables )May be lower on weekday nights, $15 has been seen) Poker tables open
Caesars 15 25 No Poker tables open
Casino Royale N/A N/A N/A Table Games not open
Cosmo 15/25 50-100
Encore 50 100 Yes, on some tables Reports of $10 tables during the day
Excalibur 10-15 15 10 crapless, 15 regular
Flamingo 10-15 15-25
Harrah's 15 25 No
Linq 10-15 10-15 No
Luxor 10 10
Mandalay Bay N/A N/A
MGM Grand 10 25 Yes, all tables
NY/NY 10 15-25 Yes, all tables
Osheas Unknown 15
Paris 10-15 15 No Opened 6/18 - Masks required at tables.
Planet Hollywood N/A N/A No open date announced
Rio N/A N/A No open date announced
Sahara 5 10
Strat Day 10 Unknown
Treasure Island 5 15
Venetian 10-15 25 No
Wynn 25-50 50-100 Yes, on some tables Updated 6/16
Downtown Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Binions 5 10 Binions had $5 table several times with little to no social distancing
California 10 10 From 7/15 on Vegas Message Board
The D 10 15 No glass
Downtown Grand 10 10 Checks your temperature before letting you into casino, also NO valet, self-park only.
El Cortez 10 10 Yes, some tables 2 tables
Four Queens 10 10 No From 7/16 on Vegas Message Board, Four queens had a $5 table in the morning on saturday
Fremont 10 10 From 7/15 on Vegas Message Board
Golden Gate 10 15 From 7/14 on Vegas Message Board
Golden Nugget 10 10 From 7/15 on Vegas Message Board
Plaza 10 10
Sams Town 15 15 1 table
Offstrip Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Aliente 10 10
Boulder Station 10 10
Cannery 5 5 up to 2 tables - now allowing 4 per side
Ellis Island 5 5 1 table
Gold Coast 10 10
Green Valley Ranch 10 10 2 tables open
The Orleans 10 25 up to 4 tables, I was asked to wear a mask
Palace Station 10 10 Unknown
Palms N/A N/A No open date announced
Red Rock 10 15
South Point 5 5 2-3x tables w/ only one $5 buy in
Strat 5 10
Sunset Station 5 5
Other NV Casinos Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Edgewater (Laughlin) 10 10
Harrahs (Laughlin) 10 15 no
Atlantis (Reno) 5/10 5/10 3 tables on weekends
Cal Neva (Reno) 5 5
Circus Circus (Reno) Closed Closed Closed table game pit
Eldorado (Reno) 5 10
Grand Sierra (Reno) 15 15-25
Peppermill (Reno) 10 10 3 craps tables
Silver Legacy (Reno) 10 10
Hard Rock (Tahoe) 5 5
Harrahs (Tahoe) 10 10
Montbleu (Tahoe) 10 15
Non/NV Casino Day Min Night Min Dividers Comments
Foxwoods (CT) 15 25
Mohegan (CT) 10-50 10-50 2 were 10, 2 $15, 1 $25, 1 $50. Plus a high rollers table
Harrington (DE) 15 15-25 Must wear mask and face shield
Blue Chip (Michigan City, IN) 5 10 5 minimum prop bets, 5 min ATS bet.
Harrah's Hooiser Park (Anderson, IN) 10 10
Indiana Grand (IN) 10 15 No
Belle (Baton Rogue, LA) 5 10 one half sized table sometimes they open the big one. $5 small table and $10 big late at night
Hollywood (Baton Rogue, LA) 5 10 one half sized table sometimes they open the big one. $5 small table and $10 big late at night
L’auberge (Baton Rogue,LA) 15 15 No
L’auberge (Lake Charles,LA) 15 15 No 1 bubble craps $5 min
Harrahs (Shreveport, LA) 15 25
Margaritaville (Shreveport, LA) 25 25
Ocean Downs (MD) 10 15
Maryland Live (MD) 25 50 Yes 5 tables, 4 per side. Electronic craps 15 min
MGM @ National Harbor 50-100 Yes 4 craps tables 2 were $50 and 2 were $100 mins. Not bubble craps or low roller options.
Firekeepers (Battle Creek, MI) 10 15+ No dividers, only distancing 1-2 tables depending on demand, did see it at $15 during the day $25 on Fri/Sat night. Masks required, no smoking. $3 Bubble Craps.
Four Winds Casino 15 15 Digital craps table 5$ min Tuesday and Sunday night. Did not check bubble craps
Gun Lake (Wayland, MI) 10 15 No Temp check, masks, usually the crapless table is open
Turtle Creek (Traverse City, MI) 5
Soaring Eagle (Mt Pleasant, MI) 10 15 Yes 5 players per side with glass. Tough to hear dealer.
Hollywood Casino, Maryland Heights (St Louis) MO 15 15 1 regular table & 1 no craps. 4 per side. No outside drinks.
River City (St. Louis, MS) 20 20 Unknown 4 players per side. $20 min. You have to have at least a $20 bet for every throw to "hold your spot"
Beau Rivage (Biloxi, MS) 25 25 unknown 3 tables
Boomtown (Biloxi, MS) 10 10 Unknown 1 table
IP (Biloxi, MS) 25 25
Scarlett Pearl (Biloxi, MS) 15 25 No Masks required, temp check
The Palace Biloxi, MS) 10 15
Treasure Bay (Biloxi, MS) 10 10
Harrah’s Cherokee & Murphy 15 15 No
Harrahs River Valley (Murphy, NC) 25 25
Harrahs (AC, NJ) 15 15
Hard Rock (AC, NJ 25 25 Yes 2 tables
Resorts (AC, NJ) 15 25 Yes 1 table
Ocean (AC, NJ) 15 25 Yes 4-6 tables
Buffalo Creek (NY) 15 25
Seneca Niagra (NY) 10 15 1 table, can go up to $25
Hollywood (Columbus, OH) 10-15 Unknown Unknown 2 tables, masks required
Hollywood (Grantville, PA) 15 25 Unknown 2 tables, masks required
Meadows (PA) 10 10 2-3 tables.
Windcreek (PA) 10 10
Mount airy (PA) 10 10
Parx (Bensalem, PA) 15 25 15 but maintaining 25
Sycuan (San Diego, CA) 10 10 Masks required
Barona (So Cal) 5 5 3 tables, dealers managing bets for players.
Harrahs (So Cal) 15-25 15-25 Bubble craps $5 min, Interblock bubble $3 min, 1 electronic table $5 min
Viejas (So Cal) N/A 15 1 table
Southland Casino Racing (West Memphis, TN) N/A N/A Yes 4 tables all closed. Other pit games open with plexiglas dividers. Bubble craps $5 minimum.
Last update 7/21
Pulled additional info from here.
submitted by necrochaos to Craps [link] [comments]

15 Most Famous Slot Machines and Most Popular Slot Games

1. Liberty Bell

Invented and designed by a San Francisco mechanic named Charles Fey in 1895, the Liberty Bell is the first slot machine. The main symbols here include horseshoes, stars, spades, diamonds, hearts, and Liberty Bells. Once three bells are aligned, the machine pays 50 cents.
Having a coin slot at the top, it features small reels in the middle and a paytable at the bottom. It works like this - players insert a Nickel and pull a lever on the right-hand side to spin the reels. Although the Operator Bell and Liberty Bell have been removed from casinos, the original Liberty Bell on display can be seen in the Liberty Belle saloon in Reno, Nevada.

2. Lion's Share

One of the most famous slot machines, Microgaming’s classic slot Lion's Share, gained a lot of success back in 2014, due to news channels that discussed the topic on how Lion's Share's progressive jackpot hasn’t been hit for two decades. Thousands of people have tried but no one was lucky enough to pull it off.
Although the machine only featured 3 reels and only 1 payline, Lion’s Share has managed to become one of the most popular releases in Vegas, so popular that people waited in line just to put a coin into it and try spinning those reels.
Eventually, a New Hampshire couple hit the $2.4 million progressive jackpot in MGM’s Grand’s Lion’s Share. Soon after, MGM Grand made a decision to retire the Lion's Share machine since it required a lot of maintenance. Still, the game became part of slot history with a jackpot that took 20 years to win.

3. Megabucks

Created by IGT, Megabucks has managed to become one of the world's best progressive slot machines. The game is also responsible for numerous big wins throughout the entire jackpots’ history. Also known as the biggest money jackpots of all time, Megabucks slot machines are described as simple games with a massive progressive jackpot. One of the biggest wins was when an anonymous engineer won a staggering $39.7 million at Las Vegas' Excalibur, back in 2003.
As for the other big wins hit on this machine, there was a cocktail waitress Cynthia Jay Brennan who snagged an incredible $34.9 million at Vegas' Desert Inn, as well as a retired flight attendant hitting $27.5 million at Vegas' Palace Statio­n. J­ohanna Huendl won $22.6 million whereas an Illinois businessman hit $21.3 million on the very first spin.
However, after winning the prize, one of the winner's family members had a tragic accident, which (as some believe) only supported the theory of a Megabucks curse. Other unfortunate stories are just believed to be urban legends, including anecdotes about underage players, as well as casino employees, being big winners but not being able to claim their jackpots because of specific state laws and regulation.

4. Wheel of Fortune

IGT’s Wheel of Fortune has proven to be the second most famous slot machine of all time. Featuring a bonus feature just like the real show, the slot machine is usually played by many slot fans and can be found in numerous casinos all over the globe. Although the game comes in more variations, probably the most popular one is still its 3-reel version, with a colourful wheel at the top.
The Wheel of Fortune multiplayer game features a bank of machines where every player gets their own screen. What makes the game even more exciting is the multiplayer edition where people can play the bonus round together, which really intensifies the game show aspect.
In a 5-reel Wheel of Fortune slot, however, Wild symbols will help players land winning combos and, if you’re lucky enough, you may get a Super Wild that will boost your win up to 5x! Last but not least, the Triple Action Bonus is activated by getting at least 3 Triple Action Bonus symbols anywhere on the reels. But still, none of the newer Wheel of Fortune slots measure up to the original one because of the large progressive jackpot involved.

5. Mega Fortune

Featuring 5 reels and 25 paylines, NetEnt’s Mega Fortune slot became very popular among players as it usually grows into a multimillion-euro amount before being hit. The main symbols here include luxury cars, yachts, and expensive jewellery, Mega Fortune is an online slot machine game which justifies its theme that comes with the largest ever online slot jackpots.
The game offers a few different features that make the entire gameplay more fascinating, however, by far the most interesting ones are the 3 different progressive jackpots: Mega Jackpot, Major Jackpot and Rapid Jackpot. There are counters for all 3 of these that are displayed above the reels. Champagne is the Scatter and if you land at least 3 of them simultaneously, you will trigger Free Spins bonus round. Likewise, Wheel of Luck is the Bonus symbol, and if you land 3 or more symbols in succession from left to right on an active payline, you will activate the Bonus game.
What’s interesting about this slot is the fact that a Finnish man won a huge jackpot worth €17.8 million while spinning the reels of Mega Fortune. This record from 2013, has been passed by Mega Moolah, but the game is still proof how rich players can get after playing Mega Fortune.

6. Mega Moolah

Powered by Microgaming and being among most popular slot games, Mega Moolah is a 25-payline progressive slot which has served as a competitor to Mega Fortune's big jackpots. Followed by African safari music, the game features antelopes, elephants, giraffes, lions, monkeys and zebras as the main symbols.
Landing at least 3 Scatters at the same time will trigger 15 Free Spins. What’s more, all wins hit during Free Spins are tripled, whereas Free Spins can also be retriggered. Players can win one of the 4 Progressive Jackpots within the randomly triggered Bonus round.
The game paid some of the largest slot machine jackpots that have ever been triggered. In 2015,for example, Mega Moolah gained international recognition when a British soldier Jon Heywood won a massive €17,879,645.

7. Cleopatra

Inspired by the famous Egyptian theme and Developed by IGT, Cleopatra is a 20-payline classic game that managed to stand out above similar releases. Featuring ancient Egyptian music, the main symbols here include Cleopatra, the Eye of Horus, scarabs, and pyramids. Landing at least 3 Sphinx symbols will trigger the Cleopatra Bonus, which awards 15 Free Spins. All prizes, except for the 5 Cleopatra symbols, are tripled in the Free Spins round.
The game has been so successful that it inspired its creators to make a sequel, Cleopatra II, with richer graphics and engaging sound effects. But even if you choose the original game, you'll be playing a classic that's still enjoyed by various players today. And, in case you land 5 Cleopatra symbols you’ll get a jackpot of 10,000 coins.

8. Book of Ra

Having a popular Ancient-Egypt theme, Book of Ra has always been one of the best choices to play in land based and online casinos. Powered by Novomatic, Book of Ra is a 9 payline video slot that offers plenty of bonus features and big payouts. With entertaining narrative and energising gameplay, there are numerous ways to win here.
In case you land 5 archaeologists simultaneously, you’ll get an impressive 5,000x your line bet. Earning big bucks, however, comes from the Free Spins feature. What players need to do is land at least 3 Scatter books to trigger the Free Spins feature. Pages of the book will flip and randomly determine which symbol will expand during the 10 Free Spins.
Although hitting the jackpot may not be easy, with only a few one in between, when big wins come, they can be big.

9. Starburst

There’s no denying NetEnt’s Starburst slot became kinda legendary in the iGaming universe. With its dark background and shiny space looking gemstones, Starburst slot features 5 reels and 10 paylines. The well-known futuristic music in this release is also easily noticeable, as is the game’s expanding Wild.
More precisely, the Wilds may only occur on the reels 2, 3 and 4, and, once 1 or more wilds appear on those reels, the Starburst Wild feature will be activated. During this feature, Starburst wilds expand to cover the entire reel and remain while the other reels re-spin. Should a new wild land during a re-spin, it expands and stays along with any previously expanded Starbursts for another re-spin.
Another cool feature is that Starburst pays both ways, instead of only paying you for landing at least 3 identical symbols on adjacent reels starting with the reel furthest to the left. The maximum single spin payout for a person (betting the $200 maximum) is $100,000. But, in order for that to happen, you must land five bars on consecutive reels on an active payline. Players love this slot, probably because it’s suitable for both newbies and experienced players.

10. Immortal Romance

Powered by Microgaming, Immortal Romance is based on sci-fi and the cult of Vampires which has become one of the popular casino slot machines in the last couple of years. Apart from superb graphics and great audio and visual effects, the slot features 5 reels and 243 paylines, and the theoretical RTP rate of 96.86%. The four main characters are Amber, Troy, Michael and Sarah.
When it comes to features and bonus games, Immortal Romance offers different variants. Wild Desire feature can occur randomly, and as soon as it does, it can turn 1 to 5 reels completely Wild. Likewise, landing 3 or more Scatters anywhere on the reels in this game, activates the Chamber of Spins feature which cannot be triggered during Wild Desire.
The game is still among the most popular slots, as many players still try their luck in this slot in the hope to get the highest multiplier possible.

11. Gonzo’s Quest

Beautifully designed video slot powered by NetEnt, Gonzo Quest features 5 reels and 20 paylines. The story is based on the famous conquistador Gonzalo Pizzaro who is on his way to the Peruvian ruins and just about to experience the unique quest.
Now, Gonzo’s Quest has become one of the most popular slot games of all time, probably because it comes with a few interesting features, Avalanche Multipliers feature being the most interesting one of all. In Essence, the reels in the slot move in a cascading manner which resemble an Avalanche. As you activate each new Avalanche, you will win a multiplier. Multipliers are displayed above the reels, and go up to 5x, that is if you land 4 or more avalanches simultaneously.

12. Age of the Gods

Being among famous slot machines and inspired by Ancient Greek mythology, Age of the Gods is a 5-reel, 20-payline progressive slot powered by Playtech. The main characters are Athena, Zeus, Hercules, and Poseidon power up 4 free game modes that offer extra wilds and win multipliers! Once you start spinning, you’ll come across a series of bonus features, such as Athena Free Games, Zeus Free Games, Poseidon Free Games and Hercules Free Games.
Wild logo is the game’s wild card and it substitutes for all symbols, with the exception of the Scatter. Landing at least 3 Scatters anywhere on the reels simultaneously triggers the Bonus game. Moreover, landing 5 God symbols in any order on an active payline will get you 200x your line bet!
During the main game, any spin can activate the Age of the Gods Mystery Jackpot. This mini game guarantees a win of up to 4 progressive jackpots. All you gotta do is click on the coins to reveal jackpot symbols, and if you match 3 identical ones, you will win that jackpot.

13. Money Honey

Having a cute theme, Money Honey is a 5-reel and a 243 payline slot themed around honey. With Wilds, Free Spins, Scatters and multipliers, it is a fast-paced exciting creation featuring vibrant colours. Likewise, it is a mobile-optimized slot which may be an excellent choice if you’re new to online gambling or if you’ve been playing for years.
Just like in other games, Wilds will help you win payouts as they are able to replicate most other symbols on the reels once a winning combination has been made. Another symbol you may want to keep your eyes on is a Money Wheel card. Once you manage to land at least 3 of them on your reels after a spin, the bonus game begins, and you spin a big wheel to choose a prize.

14. Quick Hit

And our selection wouldn’t be complete without Bally's Quick Hit slot. Featuring traditional Las Vegas symbols with sharp graphics and relaxed music, the video slot has 5 reels, 3 rows, and 30 paylines. Once you decide how many paylines you want to bet on, your gaming adventure can begin. There are Scatters symbols and three bonus games to benefit from.
The biggest payout here comes from landing the triple seven symbol. Should you land 5 of these lucky numbers on the reels at the same time, you will win 5,000 coins, whereas if you land five wild symbols, you’ll get 12,500 coins.
Those looking for hitting a jackpot should pay attention to Quick Hit Platinum symbols as 5 of these contribute to 5,000x players’ original bet amount – and even more, with the max bet activated. The second-highest jackpot can be hit by landing 9 Quick Hit Slot symbols. Both the Quick Hit Platinum and regular Quick Hit symbols must occur on or within one position of the first payline to be eligible for a jackpot win.

15. SlotZilla Zip Line

And now something completely different. We’re finishing our selection of famous slots in style, with the world’s largest slot machine - StotZilla Zip Line - 128 feet tall which has two take-off levels. This $12 million SlotZilla zip line took more than a year to build and opened its doors in 2014 and has already had more than 2 million riders so far.
The 11-story slot machine is decorated with over-sized dice, a glass of martini, a pink flamingo, video reels, coins, and two showgirls - Jennifer and Porsha. SlotZilla offers two different rider experiences - the upper Zoomline and a lower Zipline. This unique machine has a huge video screen with reels and a gigantic arm, replicating a true slot machine experience.
submitted by askgamblers-official to onlinegambling [link] [comments]

Panda's Weekend Rundown 1.24-1.26

Be honest now.
Back into it after 36 hours of streaming because who needs sleep, honestly? This past weekend was the culmination of two major 40K seasons: the ITC, and Aussie ITC. I have the pleasure of giving you the results of both here:
Cancon 2020
  1. Christopher Wright – Iron Hands
  2. Leigh Abbey – Iron Hands
  3. Jeremy Merigold – DW/BA
  4. Erik Lathouras – GSC
Las Vegas Open 2020
  1. Richard Siegler – Iron Hands
  2. Brad Chester – Raven Guard
  3. Sean Nayden – Harlies/CWE
  4. John Lennon – Iron Hands
Congrats to Chris Wright for the win in Australia! Also, a huge shoutout to Erik Lathouras, and before you even ask, no I have no idea how he makes that list sing. The truth of it is he can do it, and you cannot.
I was honored this weekend to be invited to cover the LVO as part of the best goddamn stream team to ever be put together. It was my first LVO as well as my first trip to Las Vegas. Vegas itself is meh but the LVO blew my socks off. Held at the Bally’s Casino and Hotel it is the largest tabletop gaming convention I am aware of. 800 nerds from all over the world gathered here just to play in the 40K Champs alone, not to mention the thousands of others playing a variety of different game systems. If you ever get the chance to go, I highly recommend it.
For those not able the LVO was covered in two streams: Warhammer TV who covered the top table over the course of the event, and 40K Stats Centre where we covered the rest. If you can’t watch streams check out the blog posts over on Frontline Gaming to get the round by round recaps as well as analysis of the final game.
I want to thank everyone I got to meet and talk to over the weekend. Old friends and new it was such an amazing experience to be able to share with all of you. Congrats to Brohammer winning best team, John Lennon for his performance and coaching, and Richard Siegler for winning LVO and the ITC! HUGE congratulations for Jeff Poole for breaking Pablo’s curse and piloting Orks into the top 8!
I also want to thank you, dear readers, for coming back week after week to read my coverage and put up with my rants. It’s been a wonderful year of 40K for me and this past weekend has re-lit the spark in me. So, uh…anyone selling Sanguinary Guard? I need more sword bois!
submitted by Ser_Panda_Pants to WarhammerCompetitive [link] [comments]

แพลุกลี้ลุกลนเน็ต ฮอลลีวู้ด อพาร์เม้นท์ แอนด์ คาสิโน เปิดในตอนนี้

แพลุกลี้ลุกลนเน็ต ฮอลลีวู้ด อพาร์เม้นท์ แอนด์ คาสิโน เปิดในตอนนี้
ตามคําสั่งจากเนวาดาข้าหลวงประจำจังหวัดสตีฟ Sisolak และก็คณะกรรมการควบคุมการเล่นเกมเนวาด้า, Caesars รื่นเริง, Inc . (NASDAQ : CZR) ได้กลับมาดําเนินการเล่นเกมทุกๆวันรวมทั้งการดําเนินหน้าที่ต้อนรับสําหรับการเข้าพักวันสุดสัปดาห์ที่ Planet Hollywood โรงแรม & คาสิโนวันนี้, เดือนตุลาคม 8. นี้ต่อแต่นี้ไปเปิดที่เจอความสําเร็จของซีซาร์สวังลาสเวกั, นกฟลามิงโกลาสเวกัส, Harrah ของลาสเวกัส, กรุงปารีสลาสเวกัส, Bally's ลาสเวกัสรวมทั้งรีสอร์ท LINQ + ประสบการณ์. ดังที่ได้ประกาศไว้ที่ผ่านมา บริษัท ได้เปิดยังเดินเที่ยว LINQ, ล้อดูลูกกลิ้งสูง FLY LINQ รวมทั้งหอพักไอเฟลดูดาดฟ้า
"พวกเราดีใจมากที่จะต้อนรับแขกที่ซื่อสัตย์ภักดีของพวกเราแล้วก็สมาชิกกลุ่มทุ่มเทกลับไปที่แพลุกลนเน็ตฮอลลีวู้ดโรงแรม & คาสิโน, ศูนย์กลางของที่โด่งดังลาสเวกัสสตริป," "แขกของพวกเราสามารถเพลิดเพลินเจริญใจไปกับประสบการณ์ที่ไม่มีใครเหมือนของ Planet Hollywood ที่พวกเรายังคงย้ำสุขภาพที่สมบูรณ์แข็งแรงขึ้นและก็โปรโตคอลความปลอดภัยของพวกเรา"
เปิด momentous ของ Planet Hollywood ได้สังสรรค์ในแฟชั่นฮอลลีวู้ดจริงกับเต้นแสดงจํานวนบริบูรณ์ด้วยปาปารัสซี่, นํากลับเสน่ห์ของเซอร์วิสอพาร์ทเม้นท์เพื่อสตริเปรียญ ประธานภูมิภาคของซีซาร์สำราญใจ Gary Selesner แล้วก็รองประธานอาวุโสแล้วก็ผู้จัดการทั่วไปของดาวนพเคราะห์ Hollywood Hollywood Gregorec ต้อนรับแขกกลับมารวมทั้งขอบพระคุณสมาชิกในกลุ่มสําหรับการทํางานอย่างมากของพวกเขาแล้วก็ความทุ่มเทที่พวกเขาจัดแจงที่จะเปิดประตู
โดย Robert Earl, แบรนด์ Planet Hollywood มีชื่อเสียงสําหรับความรื่นเริงใจซุปเปอร์สตาร์, ภาพยนตร์รอบรอบแรกที่สําคัญ, รายการแขกคนมีชื่อเสียงรวมทั้งอื่นๆ. ให้นี้แอนโธนีแอนเดอร์สันผู้แสดงที่เป็นที่รู้จักและก็ผู้สร้างของรายการทีวีได้รับความนิยม "Black - ish"ทําให้ลักษณะฉงนใจและก็ร่วม Selesner และก็ Gregorec สำหรับในการนับถอยหลังอย่างเป็นทางการเปิดประตูที่เริ่มด้วยการเกิดของปืนใหญ่ลูกแล้วก็เชียร์ แอนเดอร์สันซึ่งเป็นเพื่อนของเอิร์ลกล่าวว่าเขาสามารถตอบ "ใช่" เมื่อถามให้ร่วมสำหรับเพื่อการเปิดใหม่เวลาที่เขาร่วมการเปิดใหญ่ของสถานที่ให้บริการในปี 2007 ยิ่งไปกว่านี้แขกคาสิโนสองคนแรกที่จะเล่นที่ Planet Hollywood รวม Bill Wagner, ที่พิธีการรีดลูกเต๋าแรกที่ตาราง craps, รวมทั้งลาร์ปรี่ Garber, ที่เล่นสล็อตแมชชีนแรก.
มิราเคิล ไมล์ ช็อป
มิราเคิล Mile ร้านรวงที่แพลุกลนเน็ตฮอลลีวู้ดบังกะโลแล้วก็คาสิโนเปิดใหม่เมื่อ 9 เดือนมิถุนายน 2020, เสนอผู้เข้าชมมากยิ่งกว่าไมล์ของร้านรวมทั้งห้องอาหารที่เย้ายวนใจหัวใจของที่มีชื่อลาสเวกัสสตริป ศูนย์เป็นบ้านของร้านขายปลีกที่เป็นที่รู้จักรวมทั้งร้านค้าแล้วก็ M · A , A , 100 เครื่องสําอาง C, Sephora, ภาพไรเดอร์, H & M, เที่ยวบินที่ 23 ที่ Footaction, Morph, Quay ประเทศออสเตรเลีย Nacho บิดา, ติดอยู่โบ Wabo Cantina, สักคลับแล้วก็อื่นๆเพื่อเชื่อมั่นถึงความปลอดภัยของลูกค้าร้านรวงแล้วก็บุคลากรศูนย์จะต้องใช้หน้ากากในพื้นที่ศูนย์กลางทั้งปวงและก็ยังคงดําเนินกรรมวิธีการทําความสะอาดที่มีคุณภาพซึ่งออกโดยข้าราชการของ CDC รวมทั้งสาธารณสุข ร้านค้ามิราเคิล ไมล์ ช็อปเปิดบริการชั่วครั้งชั่วคราวตั้งแต่เวลา 11.00 น. ถึง 19.00 น. แต่ละวัน ร้านรวงและก็ห้องอาหารบางที่บางทีอาจแตกต่างกันออกไป
ตั้งอยู่บนแกนกลางของ Strip,แทงบอลไม่มีขั้นต่ำ แพลุกลี้ลุกลนเน็ตฮอลลีวู้ดบังกะโลแล้วก็คาสิโนมี 2,500 หอพักวางแบบอย่างงดงามแล้วก็ห้องสวีทจัดโชว์เล็กน้อยของมุมมองที่เยี่ยมที่สุดในเมืองพร้อมด้วยตัวเลือกไม่จบไม่สิ้นของเกมที่น่าตื่นตาตื่นใจ, ทานอาหารที่สะดุดตาแล้วก็แหล่งช้อปปิ้งที่หาตัวจับยาก
ด้วยวิธีขายซีซาร์' Semi-Annual Sale ที่จําหน่ายผ่าน 2 เดือนพฤศจิกายน ลูกค้าสามารถอดออมได้ถึง 20 เปอร์เซ็นต์สำหรับในการเข้าพักคราวถัดไปที่ Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino สําหรับวันที่เลือกเดินทางจนกระทั่งส.ค. 2021 ข้อแนะนำนี้ขึ้นกับความพร้อมเพรียงให้บริการและไม่สามารถใช้ร่วมกับคำแนะนำอื่นๆได้ รหัสข้อแนะนำ: SEMI20
การเริ่มต้นใหม่ของธุรกิจที่แพลุกลนเน็ตฮอลลีวู้ดเซอร์วิสอพาร์ทเม้นท์รวมทั้งคาสิโนต่อแต่นี้ไปเปิดคาสิโนซีซาร์ในภูมิภาครวมทั้งอพาร์เม้นท์ทั้งประเทศนอกจากลาสเวกัสคุณลักษณะดังที่กล่าวมาข้างต้น ซีซาร์จะเปิดคุณลักษณะที่เหลือ Las Vegas สอดคล้องกับความปรารถนาของลูกค้า, ข้อกําครั้งดกฎระเบียบปฏิบัติแล้วก็ข้อควรระวังสุขภาพและก็ความปลอดภัยเพิ่ม.
แพลุกลนเน็ตฮอลลีวู้ดโรงแรมรวมทั้งคาสิโนได้ดําเนินการใหม่สุขภาพซีซาร์ส'โปรโตคอลความปลอดภัยและก็ซึ่งจะช่วยเพิ่มแผนที่มีอยู่รวมทั้งการกระทำในพื้นที่กลุ่มนี้ ทุกคุณลักษณะ Caesars จะเน้นย้ำชีวิตความเป็นอยู่ที่ดีของสมาชิกในกลุ่ม, แขกรวมทั้งชุมชน, แล้วก็ยังคงทํางานเพื่อสร้างสิ่งแวดล้อมที่มีมาตรฐานสูงของสุขลักษณะแล้วก็การกระทำที่ไม่สบอารมณ์ทางด้านกายภาพ. ในบรรดาโปรโตคอลสุขภาพแล้วก็ความปลอดภัยที่มากขึ้นรวมทั้งการทําความสะอาดและก็สุขลักษณะบ่อยครั้งขึ้น ซีซาร์ยังได้ดําเนินแผนการตรวจร่างกายสําหรับบุคลากรทุกคน สมาชิกในกลุ่มแล้วก็แขกจะต้องใส่หน้ากากซึ่งบริษัทให้บริการที่คุณลักษณะทั้งสิ้นของซีซาร์
submitted by dannycrown8866 to u/dannycrown8866 [link] [comments]

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LVO 2020 Twitch Streams and coverage!!

From Bally's Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas
Welcome ladies and germs to your LVO 2020 40K coverage! I am live on the scene with 40K Stats Centre here to bring you the streams, happenings, and what do's.
First and foremost, the streams:
Warhammer TV
40K Stats Centre - Now live as of 8:15PM EST Friday!!!
40K Stats Centre stream is having technical difficulties so in the mean time check out our FB page!
Frontline Gaming TV - for AoS streaming.
Also be sure to check out the Frontline Gaming website for blog updates on the comings and goings or check back here!
Day 1 - 10AM
Day 2 - 9:30AM
Day 3 - 9AM
submitted by Ser_Panda_Pants to WarhammerCompetitive [link] [comments]

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Bally's Hotel Las Vegas, Casino floor tour. - YouTube Popular Bally's Las Vegas & Casino videos - YouTube Bally's Las Vegas Hotel and Casino 2018 - Hotel Tour - YouTube Popular Videos - Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino & Tower ... Jubilee Celebrity Suite at Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino Exploring Ballys Hotel & Casino 2019! - YouTube Bally's Las Vegas - Resort King Room *Newly Remodeled ...

Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino details section: This casino is found in Las Vegas, Nevada. Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino has a total of 1250 slot machines and 65 table games for your pleasure. WCD also lists and books casino hotels in Las Vegas. You can browse our photos of Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino or read recent headlines about Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino on this page. Bally's is a fun casino located on the center of the Las Vegas Strip. They have both older and the latest slot machines. Very nice Race & Sports Book run by William Hill. The casino pit has all the popular games. Many bars and lounges. Many dining options in the hotel and around it at all price points. I added many photos and will return again. … Bally's Las Vegas - Hotel & Casino offers 2814 accommodations with safes and designer toiletries. Beds feature pillowtop mattresses. Televisions come with satellite channels and pay movies. Bathrooms include showers, complimentary toiletries, and hair dryers. This Las Vegas resort provides wireless Internet access for a surcharge. 2316 reviews of Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino "Just another no-frills hotel. I'm sure you're not planning to stay in your hotel room during the rest of your stay in Vegas, so stay here for lower rates in the best area of the Strip, across from the Bellagio (you might be lucky and get a room with the view of the fountain) and next to Paris. Bally's Las Vegas - Hotel & Casino offers 2814 accommodations with safes and designer toiletries. Beds feature pillowtop mattresses. Televisions come with satellite channels and pay movies. Bathrooms include showers, complimentary toiletries, and hair dryers. This Las Vegas resort provides wireless Internet access for a surcharge. Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival. See availability The fine print Rates that include breakfast offer a credit up to 9 USD for two (2) guests per day. Breakfast credits are redeemable at LavAzza. Please contact property for details. Bally's Las Vegas Hotel and Casino keeps Classic Vegas alive. Book Bally's today and get ready for an all aces vacation at the heart of the Las Vegas Strip. Now £26 on Tripadvisor: Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas. See 26,958 traveller reviews, 6,312 candid photos, and great deals for Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, ranked #74 of 282 hotels in Las Vegas and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Prices are calculated as of 01/02/2021 based on a check-in date of 14/02/2021. Now $33 (Was $̶1̶0̶5̶) on Tripadvisor: Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas. See 26,960 traveler reviews, 6,312 candid photos, and great deals for Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, ranked #74 of 282 hotels in Las Vegas and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Bally’s Las Vegas also offers the latest in slot reels, progressives, video poker. Enjoy some interactive competition and go head-to-head on a timed slot tournament. For a relaxed gaming experience, Bally’s offers a comfortable race and sports book, as well as a 24-hour keno lounge.

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Bally's Hotel Las Vegas, Casino floor tour. - YouTube

A tour of the Resort King Room at Bally’s Las Vegas from November 2018. This newly remodeled 440 sq ft room comes with a King bed, mini refrigerator, Flat Sc... We did a walkthrough of Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casino. Its located on the Vegas Strip that opened in 1973. Before the MGM was built; the Bonanza Casino,... Bally's Hotel & Casino Las Vegas (Jubilee Tower King Room 5430) Room Tour 17th August 2017 - Duration: 2:25. Matt Bridger 22,966 views. 2:25 . Bally's Las Vegas Jubilee Premium Suite Room 6809 Day ... Walkthrough Casino Floor, Ballys Hotel Casino Las Vegas.Hep Cats by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecomm... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Walk with us and explore Ballys Hotel & Casino located in Las Vegas. We also took a stroll in the Grand Bazaar Shops and ate at Wahlburgers.Camera link - h... Hotel details:Bally's Las Vegas (formerly MGM Grand Hotel and Casino) is a hotel and casino on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. It is owned and opera... Up to 70% OFF Las Vegas Hotels & Shows @ http://www.MyCheapVegas.comThis is the newly remodeled Jubilee Celebrity Suite at the Bally's Las Vegas Hotel & Casi... view of the strip from ballys las vegas hotel and casino by newshalltell. 1:40. Bally’s Las Vegas - Renovated Resort Tower by Dawn Mason. 4:15. Otis Elevator South Tower Bally's Las Vegas

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