Directions | Beddington Farmlands

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Calgary First Responders Deserve Our Thanks

\Edit* Another Redditor suggested including the Veteran's Food Bank. Great Idea. Link is end of post.*
\Edit* Someone else suggested mentioning Calgary Fire Department Burn Treatment Society. Link added as well.*
This afternoon, while driving back from Airdrie to Calgary, I was worrying about the next few weeks and how I'm not going to be able to pay the overdue bills from last month, my commitments from this month, and on top of this / because of this not be able to give my kids a Christmas. I'm self-employed, and 2 MUCH NEEDED contracts I'd been working on for months, which I had massively been depending on that were promised for December had just been delayed until January. Now, it's a shit sandwich. I'm a single father of young kids, Bills have stacked up, I'm behind on all of them, I have little ones who are depending on Santa (which won't happen now), and, quite frankly I was feeling a bit sorry for myself.
So, I was now on the way back from racking more miles after another hopeful, (but fruitless meeting), and on Deerfoot S., just passing Beddington around 200PM. Huge accident. I was in the L. lane, going around 120. Middle lane was this mini pickup truck. He was coming up on my 2:00, and just behind it (at a safe distance, from what I recall) was an Audi SUV. I was just passing them when the mini pickup truck for no reason at all LOCKED up his brakes, his speed went from around 115 to about 40 KPH in about 2 seconds - so much that the mini pickup started fishtailing in the middle of the right lane. There were no animals or debris on the road that I could see, but the SUV behind him couldn't help to avoid this sudden, seemingly crazy de-acceleration. The SUV plowed into the back of the truck, then a following car, a VW Sedan, SLAMMED into the back of the SUV. This whole incident took about maybe 4 seconds. The suddenness and violence out of nowhere was shocking.
When all this happened, I was JUST passing the mini pickup on my right, and in the time it took to pass them at 120KPH, I saw the carnage in my rear view mirror. After an "Oh SHIT!" or two comments, I pulled over on left shoulder, but it still took me about 200M down the highway to safely stop my car on the shoulder and dial 911.
Out of the car, on the phone with EMS, and jogging back to the scene, a few cars and a semi had stopped, then shockingly, most of these people decided it wasn't worth their while to remain. (On a side note, I'm also surprised how many people just detour around a very fresh accident, not even rolling down their window to ask to if anyone needs help or something - but of course to take photos). The Semi driver did, though, for a while, get out with a flag vest and start to flag motorists over the the L shoulder, because the ruined VW was sitting perpendicular in the middle / L lane, but then he split. The SUV seemed okay with a bit of back end damage, but Granddad in the SUV back seat was bleeding a lot from a gash on his nose, his son & wife in the front were a little shaken, but were okay. The 3rd vehicle (the VW Sedan who had plowed the Audi SUV) however, was totaled. Both the driver and passenger front and side airbags had deployed, the front end of the vehicle was literally gone, the passenger had a suspected broken wrist and the driver maybe a broken rib or two, and both of them were in shock. The people in the mini truck who had started this whole debacle weirdly had no damage to their vehicle, and were standing alone on the R hand shoulder of Deerfoot.
While on the phone with 911, the nice lady talked me through the situation; Are any people injured? If so, how many? Are they conscious / bleeding / complaining of injuries? Can they breath? Is there gas spilled? Is there a danger of fire? Can they remain in their vehicles or do they need to be moved from imminent danger? Am I personally safe? Are there bystanders in danger of traffic standing around? Don't let anyone in the accident exit their vehicles unless they are in danger / can't breath etc, don't let them drink any fluids until EMS gets there. Etc. The lady on the phone was SUPER professional. Good humour. Calm & collected, but this was a bit surreal, as moments ago I'd been contemplating my own issues, and now I was standing alone in the center lane of Deerfoot Trail of all places, amidst our wreckage (from different sources) while in the middle of a 3 car pile-up, on the phone, where normally, life would be zipping by at 120KPH.
I kept checking on all the people, and a special attention to the wrecked VW. They were conscious and alert, but banged up and shocky. I kept on speaking with them, ensuring they were all right, and keeping them focused. Within about 12 mins, first Policeman showed up. Less than 10 min later, there were multiple police vehicles, an ambulance, and then a firetruck. (This is beginning of Friday afternoon rush hour). The traffic ramification it turns out all southbound from Beddington had backed up to north of the ring road. I felt for those people sitting in their cars 10KMs away from the scene. Maybe they had to go to the bathroom, or had an important meeting, or had kids in the car or, or a loved one was in the hospital or something. My point is, in that stretch, there was no where to go. No alternatives. Much like me.
The police were efficient, kind, and got everything under control. EMS got the injured to the ambulance and taken away. Fire Dept was already sweeping up the large amount of debris and dealing with the spilled fluids, tow trucks were already dealing with the vehicles, and as one of the two main witnesses who cared to stop and get involved, my statement was taken, small chat ensued, thanks were issued,and they completely stopped traffic on Deerfoot so myself and the other witness could jaywalk / frogger across the empty 3 lane highway to where our vehicles were parked, and about 40 mins later - we were on our way to get back to our respective days and challenges.
What I said above about the suddenness and violence of this being shocking? This whole incident took less than 5 seconds at 120KPH early on a sunny Friday afternoon with great weather, perfect visibility, dry roads, and no issues at all.
So, please careful out there folks. It only takes a mistake, or a knucklehead to make a life-altering decision. Luckily, all involved I think should be okay. Life's hard enough as it is without additional monkey-wrenches being thrown in your general direction. My heart goes out to these people; the injured who were ambulanced away to in shock with some broken bones - only to have to deal with with all the nonsense of dealing with insurance / replacing a vehicle in the holiday season, or the Grandfather who didn't speak any English with a very large gash in his nose requiring stitches, and the knuckleheads who started this all, who are going to have a lot of explaining to do to the authorities / insurance companies
No-one needs more stress any time - but certainly now, leading up to the holidays.
Last thing I'd like to mention is:
Our EMS teams are PRO's. What they must face daily boggles the mind. They were absolutely deserve our support and respect. Next time you see these cats at Tim Hortons? Think about buying them a coffee and a danish at the very least. Those Magnificent Bastards deserve nothing less, and much more.
Please consider donating to:
Calgary Police Serivce Donations
Calgary EMS Donations
Or, for that matter - The Calgary Food Bank.
Also, Calgary Fire Dept Burn Treatment Society
Anyway, be good to each other, keep an eye out for one another, and stay safe out there.
submitted by BahHumbug_YYC to Calgary [link] [comments]

Green Line LRT will go SE not N - North Hills playing with fire.

Which direction would the Green Line LRT go if the BS candidate picks only one direction?
-SE Operating Maintenance Facility is at Shepard because it was ~$400 million cheaper than other locations
-primarily because city already owns the large piece of property required
-OMF will have to go north of Keystone (doesn't fit at Aurora)
-SE is ready to build, pre-construction currently underway, N is 3 years behind the SE primarily due to property acquisition
-SE pretty much has community plans/station land use plans done (note new communities planned for LRT)
-N hasn't had community plans/station land use plans done for McKnight, or Beddington and planning is 1 year plus behind on at 16, 28, 64 Ave and Highland Park
-N has greater projected ridership short term (~50,000 IIRC), current ridership ~35,000/day -SE has projected ridership ~35,000/day opening, more than N by 2041, and ~10,000 current -these are actually a wash after 10-15 years
-SE alleviates crowding on S LRT and takes pressure off 8 Ave subway need
5 to 1 for SE
-SE could be stopped at 4 St SE/Stampede grounds like he says, but much less functional/ridership. They'll go to 7 Ave to shift only $1 billion for far SE. This really makes going further N hard.
-N really can't not tunnel downtown; much, much less functional than stopping at 4 St SE, so probably finish tunnel + 1.3billion plus N of 16 Ave. Going S easier.
-is N at grade cheaper than SE at grade/elevated? (Going as far north as Keystone for OMF space and as in 10 years projected ridership there is...)
-SE politically has it 6 wards to 5 if one counts edges (SE = Wards 14, 12, 9, 11, 7, 8 while N is wards 3, 4, 7, 8, 9)
-N provincially has 6 vs 4 SE ridings (SE = Buffalo, Fort, Hays-UCP, Southeast-UCP while N = Mackay-Nose Hill-IND, Northern Hills, Klein, Mountain View-LIB, Buffalo, Fort)
-SE Jason Kenney's federal riding and presumably provincial riding is in the SE (UCP will run on personality like BS is versus policy, already see NDP villification)
-N federally has 4 vs 2 SE (SE has Centre and Shepard while N has Nose Hill, Skyview, Confederation, Centre)
-SE also reaches new Flames arena which BS candidate wants to fund, N should reach it too but for OMF north of Keystone not as sure
-this so-called real estate developer slate is at both far end new communities (wash?), but not in Green Line LRT mid-section.
-(interesting these developers were dead set against having LRT funded via the off site levy, yes there is still a sprawl subsidy...)
~wash maybe slight favor SE as municipal politics is more local and Kenney factor
This thing is going SE. Risk is much higher for N than for SE, not just due to probability, because of consequences.
Regardless which way:
-delay the project by min 1 year (it won't be anything less than 1 month to decide to review, 6 months redo alignment/phasing, 1-2 months federal/provincial OK's, restart new contract document work done since June is 4-5 months minus duplication)
-now instead of contract signed sometime in 2019/2020 for 2020 start this project is at much more risk of falling victim to a new provincial government's austerity.
 -It gets not just into another political election cycle, but well past the cycle after the new provincial government's first budget. 
-much more political risk of provincial cancellation; if Alberta gets new austerity government they will quickly realize they can't politically really cut back on education and healthcare as much as they want to
 -health care and education make up over 55% of spending: -Albertan's don't seem to be willing to pay for the services they use, the services will be cut, but before that the capital budget will 
-look at history, Alberta ran deficits under Aberhart and Getty, big cuts and much lower spending for about a decade until the good times returned (~1954 and ~2001)
-capital budget is much, much easier to cut and will get cut with an austerity government
 -Ralph Klein demolished half the hospital in Calgary for example -no LRT expansion from 1990 to 2001 
-doing only one direction means billions in Deerfoot Trail upgrades that could be avoided with current staging
-LRT is equivalent to 8000 pass/hdirection; i.e. an 8 - lane freeway. 
Let's say they decide SE to 7 Ave
-N to 16 Ave could be 35 years plus if not built under Bow River, min 10 years to 2027 construction + 10 years austerity +10 years next mega-project +5 years construction.
 -so 10 years in future whatever gets built assuming actually maintains current momentum -if not N of Bow River need $1.3 billion todays' $ plus to do just 7 Ave to 16 Ave. ($800 million + 2 stations at $250 million each) At grade stations are $20-40 million. Cannot go at grade downtown. -These mega projects happen only about once every 10 years. It's hard to get big projects done. Stars aligned for $1 billion W LRT, and Green Line LRT ten years later. About the same experience as in Vancouver and Toronto, one big $1-2 billion project every 10 years or so. 
-N of 16 Ave (North Hills) could not even see it in many voter's life times, total 50 years as let's say $1.3 billion takes another 10-15 years. i.e 10+10+10+5+10+5 = ~50 years
submitted by whitecaps21 to Calgary [link] [comments]

Gods of Earth and Sky.

I wish to remain anonymous, not for the sake of personal safety, or some thinly veiled attempt at faux-vanity, but because my personal experiences don’t matter, and I have no story I wish others to hear.
I will state that I am something of a historian, although I would certainly class myself amongst the amateurs and hobbyists, and not the true scholars. I have grown up in a world that was vastly different than that of my parents, and perhaps living full tilt on the post-fall Earth sets me apart from the survivors. It was not long ago that the idea of writing something as trifling as a book of stories would have seemed ridiculous, impossible even. It was not so long ago that we were sure writing anything again would be a pointless exercise, a childish, rebellious yell into the void that nearly consumed us.
This terror and uncertainty collaborated to create a lack of reliable documentation, a lack of facts, but far more importantly, a lack of stories. I've tried my best to compile data in a clear way, but most information from that time period is lost, corrupted, or purposefully destroyed. I've attempted to put evidence into roughly coherent order, but some data is undated and unsourced, and I relied only on context clues to guide me. These lapses in record keeping are understandable; humanity was almost obliterated due to factors beyond our control, certainly still even beyond our understanding. The first hand accounts of the people that lived through the events that led to, encompassed, and followed our darkest hour as a species will be lost completely in only a few short years. The stories told in this compendium are the personal experiences of just a few of the men and women who were involved, as well as diaries, video footage, letters, memoirs, and audio recordings.
Testimony #1, Part 1: Robert Johnson.
“I was a boy when it happened.” An old man with thin wire glasses and even thinner salt-and-pepper hair sat across from me in a municipal park. The streets were sparse; the great oaks flanking the courtyard were the only signs of life to be seen. The cold concrete underfoot was as gray as the winter sky, a grim mirror, turning the world into a dreary maze. A brisk wind stung my exposed cheeks, yet I was still grateful to be outside. The cityscape around us was a textbook example of brutalist architecture; I felt engulfed in a grid of identical, geometric edifices that bordered on the cyclopean. Windows were as scarce as grass in this environment.
“I remember though, I remember just fine, thank you very much.” He glanced fleetingly at my notepad and pencil before resuming eye contact. “Where is it you want me to start anyway?”
“Just with your earliest memories of first contact.” I flipped to a blank page and readied myself to take notes. The man across from me shifted uncomfortably, fiddling with something in his pocket.
“Or you can start with your name and where you're from... if you'd prefer.”
“Yeah, I think I would.” He cleared his throat with a gloved hand, a puff of breath visible on the breeze for a split second before fogging up his glasses. “My name is Robert Johnson. I was born on April 2nd, 2012 in a small town called Quogue, in New York.”
He glanced over at my notepad.
No, it's spelled with a 'Q.’ Of course it's gone now, along with the rest of Long Island... did I mention it was on the island? Sorry, I always assume people know, it’s the vain New Yorker in me I suppose. Either way, I was born there, lived there uneventfully until my 13th birthday. And I suppose you know what happened on that day.”
I nodded, finishing the line on my pad.
“Yes, First Contact. I'd like to know where you were on that day if you remember.”
“Oh of course I remember. Everyone remembers don't they? I was in school. You can imagine the clamor that it stirred up. We all thought it was a hoax at first, we figured we were reading some bizarre practical joke. The Internet was full of nonsense like that, but it beat schoolwork anyway, and we enjoyed reading something so inane. Particularly, I remember that day because it was the day that Samantha Beddington kissed me for the first time. Heh, funny what's important to the teenage mind. All in all, I thought it was a pretty good birthday.” He smirked as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a slim hand rolled cigarette.
“Smoke?” He asked as he fumbled for his butane. I hadn't smoked in years, but I supposed it was good etiquette to join in this age-old social ritual.
“Sure.” He pulled out an extra cigarette and I dragged as he lit it for me. I coughed violently; I could feel my face flushing.
“Woah there, first time?” He chuckled as he took a deep breath and seemingly burned through half the stick at once, a thin layer of grey ash drifting onto the bench like snow. Puffing cheerfully, he continued speaking.
“Like I said, I read the story online first. Eventually even our teachers had to tell us it was the real deal. 'First Contact,’ that’s what all the news agencies were calling it. It was serious news for us, the first direct encounter with extraterrestrial life, and it was intelligent! We knew that something immense had happened. After the war, we were tense, nervous for the future. There was a sincere sense of dread hanging over us all. That moment broke it like a sheet of glass; it pulled us out of our malaise and into a bright world of possibilities. I thought to myself ‘maybe this can change us, unite the world...’ for the first time in a while I was optimistic for the future.” He tapped some more burning ashes onto the ground.
“Until of course we found out what they were.” 
-more to come.
submitted by InStrangeEons to nosleep [link] [comments]

beddington park directions video

Craig David - Rise & Fall (Studio Version) - YouTube Evolution of Baby Bowser Battles (1995-2019) - YouTube Mike Shinoda and Crowd Pay Emotional Tribute to Chester ... 10 Unforgettable Chester Bennington Moments - YouTube Air India takeoff Boeing 747-400 at Mumbai International ... Chris Tucker Can Do Spot On Donald Trump Impression ... Evanescence - My Immortal-Reaction - YouTube UK Driving Test Route Hinckley 1 of 12 (Book and Pass Your Driving Test) Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield - Lyrics - YouTube The Less I Know The Better - Tame Impala - YouTube

Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. See 61 photos from 341 visitors about café, barbecue, and toast. "Lovely park & on Fri £1 entry for under 4s to cafe for a play, squash & toast!" View detailed information and reviews for 1420 Beddington Park in Nashville, Tennessee and get driving directions with road conditions and live traffic updates along the way. Moovit helps you find alternative routes or times. Get directions from and directions to Beddington Park easily from the Moovit App or Website. We make riding to Beddington Park easy, which is why over 865 million users, including users in Carshalton, trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. Directions. A permitted footpath runs south from Mitcham Common along the western edge Beddington Farmlands to Beddington Park to the South, and allows restricted viewing over the North Lake. The footpath can be accessed in the north from the A237 just south of the Mitcham Junction Tramlink stop, Beddington Park The discovery of a Roman Stone Coffin in 1930 lends weight to suspicions that a grand Roman villa and bath-house once stood to the north side of the park. A 58 Hectare Park across Beddington, Hackbridge and Wallington, Beddington Park originated as a deer park in the 14th century for the noble Carew family, whose manor house still stands in the park today (now Carew Academy). Directions to Beddington Park (Carshalton) with public transport The following transport lines have routes that pass near Beddington Park Bus: 151 , 410 , 463 , X26

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Craig David - Rise & Fall (Studio Version) - YouTube

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