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My Warlock is in an abusive relationship with Tommy's Matchbook and yours can be too! With the following build we explore the wonders of new seasonal mods, the charged with light system, self-damage synergy, and masochism.

Hey Guardians!

I’ve been a long-time lurker on here, but I’ve been having so much fun with this build I created that I just couldn’t help but share it. This build uses one of my favorite exotics, Tommy’s Matchbook. I fell in love with this gun the moment it came out and have used it enough for my warlock to be considered a masochist. But as much as I love Tommy even, I must admit the gun has some serious flaws. The most obvious of these being self-damage (duh), and an abysmal reload speed. So, my goal was to solve these flaws while also creating a synergistic build of my favorite class (warlock) that could take on high level content. This is the result.

Ok so what will you be able to accomplish with this build?
· You and your allies will be able to have a consistent character speed boost
· You and allies will have a 100 reload and boosted handling consistently
· You will have a consistent 50% damage reduction
· You will be able to heal yourself in large chunks on demand
· You will have boosted grenade damage and cooldown
· Your allies will receive boosted grenade cooldowns
· You will be able to stun overload champs
· Break barrier champs’ shields
· You will have a 30% modifier boost to your super damage (in our case chaos reach)
· And you will have the option to add and additional 25% damage modifier added to all your ability damage to frozen or slowed targets (pretty sure this includes your super haven’t tested yet)

I know that seems like a lot but if you stick with me, I promise to break this build up into small bites to make this as simple and painless as possible. Still here? Dope let’s get started.


Starting things off with our subclass we are going middle tree Stormcaller. Most warlocks go the bottom tree void walker route and for good reason. Devour synergizes incredibly well with Tommy as it solves the self-damage problem pretty well. But we won’t be going this for a few reasons A. we have other more effective tools to solve the self-damage problem, B. it doesn’t address Tommy’s reload, and C. bungie unfortunately hates Nova Bomb and it simply can’t hang with some of the other super options warlocks have at their disposal with some of these new seasonal mods and exotic support we got. These and the reasons below are why we are going middle tree Stormcaller.


This is the big one. In bungie terms Pulsewave does this “being critically wounded triggers an energy wave that boosts yours and allies’ speed”. What that actually means is you and your allies get a plus 100 to your weapons reload stat, a pretty generous boost to weapon handling, and a speed boost that is comparable to killing wind, oh and all of these boosts last ten seconds. All for the low low price of being critically wounded (shields depleted) which we were going to do anyway thanks to Tommy.

Chaos Reach:

While Tommy is an add clearing machine it’s not great at burning through bosses or generating quick bursts of damage. Luckily, we have this monster of a super. One of the best damaging supers we Warlocks have at our disposable, the Kamehameha absolutely shreds bosses and majors. Plus, we got a few fun new tools to make it even better, more on that in the mods section.

Ionic Trace:

This is just gravy at this point. Ability regen on kills, easy, straightforward, always helpful. Not much more to say here, it’s great.

Grenade and Rift:

My recommendation here is the pulse nade, the consistent ticks of damage means overloads stay stunned for longer. However, if you want to just drop a ton of damage storm is also great (just be careful not to kill yourself with them). As for rift you gotta go healing. We take lots of damage with this build so it’s never a bad thing to have another source of healing on demand.
Now that we know what abilities we are working with let’s talk exotics and other weapons.

Tommy’s Matchbook:

This is the center piece, a beautiful 720 that when you hold down the trigger for 20 rounds ramps up to 99% more damage, you filthy animal! While ignition trigger is doing its thing, we take burn damage which we can reduce by hip firing. Thanks to the catalyst while we are being burned our health recovers much faster too. Something that Bungie doesn’t tell you is this thing’s in air and hipfire accuracy is nutty, but that’s old news for most of you.

Verity’s Brow:

While we are burning through targets with Tommy we are also charging up this exotic. The exotic perk death throws goes up every time you get an energy weapon kill and stacks up to five times speeding up the recharge rate of your grenade and boosting its damage. This plus ionic trace should keep your grenade topped off very often. Plus, every time you throw a grenade you also get to boost your fireteam members grenade recharge. For those of you keeping score, that’s a max reload buff, grenade recharge rate, and speed boost your giving your teammates. Who says warlocks can only play support with middle tree dawn?

Geomags (Alternative Option):

I feel like I’d have to turn in my warlock card if I didn’t mention this as an alternative to Verity’s. This thing is nutty and with the mods we are going to use to boost chaos reach later on it only gets more powerful. Wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to go this route but I personal prefer the team aspect and utility of Verity’s.

Kinetic and Heavy weapons:

For your Kinetic slot you should be using a sniper, any sniper works but if you want my personal favorite for this build, I would use a Succession with recombination and reconstruction. This acts as a baby Izzy and is great for quickly swapping to and deleting majors and barrier champs. If you aren’t lucky enough to have one of those don’t worry any other kinetic sniper with perks focusing on single shot damage and auto reloading (pulse monitor is really good with this build too) will do just fine. As for your heavy slot this is really a personal preference thing. LMGs synergize with sustained charge, but swords and rockets are also super solid. I am mainly using my heavy as another way to take down big non boss targets, so I personally use my old Falling Guillotine (yes, I know this isn’t season of the arrivals. No, I don’t care).


OK this is where things start to get a little complicated, so for simplicity sake I will be doing the mod break down armor piece by armor piece showing affinities and energy consumption and then writing a description for the mods used. This is the point where all the parts really start to come together and turn it from a concept to a full-fledged build. I’m going to go into this assuming you have at least some general knowledge about the charged with light system but if not do yourself a favor and find a guide on the basics. My personal recommendations are Fallout Plays’ and Ehroar’s guides, which you can find on their respective YouTube channels. With that disclaimer out of the way let’s dive in.


Affinity Solar
Ashes to Assets 3 cost (2x)
“Gain bonus super energy on grenade kills”
As we are a grenade-based build having a stack of A2A is super helpful for regening our super.
Taking charge 3 cost
“Become charged with light by picking up orbs of power”
Since Tommy can generate orbs of power off of multi Kills this is one of two ways we will get charged with light.
Minor Discipline 1 cost
Not necessary but a small boost to discipline can only help.


Affinity Solar
Anti-Barrier sniper 6 cost
“Sniper rifles you are wielding fire shield-piercing rounds and stun barrier champions. Sniper rifles deal bonus damage against barrier champions”
Pretty straight forward. A tool to eliminate barrier champs (or that one phalanx that really deserved to get its head taken off)
Sustained Charge 4 cost
“Become charged with light by rapidly defeating combatants with auto rifles, trace rifles, or machine guns. Additional copies of this mod increase the time allowed between combatants that are defeated.”
Multikills, in this case three kills in rapid succession within roughly three seconds of each other, charge us with light. Since we are burning through adds with Tommy this is a reliable way to get charge with light from range. If you aren’t in a position to run in and grab an orb this will allow you to still charge up. You may wonder why run both sustained charge and taking charge? For me it’s more of a consistency thing. With this build you need to be charged with light pretty much the whole time and sustained charge provides a way for you to do that at range whereas taking charge allows you to leave orbs to pick up in a pinch when you can’t get kills or to guarantee that you end every fight charged with light and ready for the next engagement.


Affinity Void
Stacks on Stacks 4 cost
“gain an extra stack of charged with light for every stack you gain. –10 recovery”
This is another ease of use and consistency thing, with this you have some room for error with how you go about your engagements and if you play it right you will always be able to use both Heal thyself and protective light which we will talk about soon.
Sniper Reserves 3 cost (x2)
Don’t think I need to explain why this is helpful. We use a sniper, so we want more ammo. You could also use this for your heavy weapon of choice, it’s up to you.


Affinity Solar
Recuperation 1 cost (x2)
“replenishes health each time you pick up an orb of power”
This perk is hella underrated this doesn’t trigger regen which is great because Tommy would stop that almost immediately with its burn. Instead, this provides quick huge burst to your health (don’t have the exact numbers but trust me it substantial) further solidifying the playstyle of leaving orbs around as little healing and charge with light checkpoints.
Heal Thyself 4 cost
“while you are charged with light, grenade final blows heal you and consume one stack of charged with light”
Think of this as you oh shit button. Instant healing for when that orb is too far away, or a rift will take just too long to activate. This can be a crazy helpful tool for staying alive and while it isn’t the main star of the build its great for survivability and synergizes well with what we are trying to do. Note, your oh shit button does deal damage to you and can kill you if it hits you before it kills an enemy. Just to be safe make sure your targets are aren’t all up in your grill when you throw.
Recovery 4 cost
Needs no explanation, if recovery isn’t your jam pick a different stat, I just like it when all the numbers fit perfectly.


Affinity Void
Volatile Conduction 6 cost
“Grants bonus arc damage if cast while critically wounded. Lasts until the end of the super activation”
When bungie made this mod they were like Chaos reach is good, but it can be better. 30% better to be exact. While these are normally a pain in the ass to activate and often feel super clunky forcing you to let yourself get hit before activating your super, we have no such limitations as we are in an abusive relationship with our primary. This is some big boy damage especially when stacked with debuffs, geo mags, and Focusing Lens which I will mention at the end.
Surge Detonators 2 cost
“arc grenades disrupt combatants, stunning them, delaying ability regeneration and lowering combatant damage output”
Your oh shit button doesn’t only save your ass but stuns champs for long durations thanks to the continuous ticks of the pulse nade. Better yet this will be damage boosted too. Thanks to death throws often all it takes is one nade to just straight up kill a champ. Excellent utility for any content with the annoying teleporty boys.
Protective Light 2 cost
"While charged with light, you gain significant damage resistance against combatants when your shields are destroyed. This effect consumes all stacks of charged with light. The more stacks consumed, the longer the damage resistance lasts."
If Tommy is the star of this build than protective light is the glue that holds it all together. You gain a 50% damage reduction when in the red which allows us to just chill at low health no problem and gives us the time, we need to activate healing abilities. This last for 5 seconds on one charge and 10 with two but this will almost always be using two charges. This mod does so much for us, it lets us safely maximize the damage of Tommy, consistently apply pulse wave, and lets us be crazy tanky after we heal. You may think protective light clashes with heal thyself but since it can’t consume charges while the perk is up, we will still be able to utilize the nade healing as well as still having a backup five seconds after the fact if we take too long to get charged with light back.
Alternatively, you can swap Heal Thyself with sustained charge on your legs and replace sustained charge and your helmets solar affinity for protective light and a void affinity. This leaves room for Focusing Lens on your class item allowing you to sacrifice the ability to stun overloads and heal yourself on grenade kills with a 25% modifier buff to all your abilities on targets effected by stasis freeze or slow. This decision all comes down to team composition and activity. That being said you haven’t lived until you and your homie running stasis absolutely nuke a boss with the most powerful chaos reach super known to man.


So, what does this build look like in action? Let me paint a picture for you. We lay into some ads with Tommy and get charged with light times two from a multikill, ignition trigger tics us down to the red and we get ten seconds of 50% damage reduction, a speed boost, and max reload. You use your newfound speed and damage reduction to run in and pick up the orb Tommy dropped from that same multikill and get sent back to like 80% health with 5 seconds left on your pulse wave and protective light timers and a fresh stack of charged with light x2 you burn through more adds with the rest of Tommy’s ammo and reload it in like a second. Repeat until you find the boss and nuke him with a chaos reach that is 30% more powerful. This damage increase is a modifier which means it can still stack with other modifiers, one buff, and a debuff for some absolutely crazy numbers.


Put these mods on your armor and use these weapons for a highly synergistic build that focuses on survivability with Tommy’s matchbook and middle tree Stormcaller.

Affinity Solar
Ashes to Assets 3 cost (2x)
Taking charge 3 cost
charged with light.
Minor Discipline 1 cost

Affinity Solar
Anti-Barrier sniper 6 cost
Sustained Charge 4 cost

Affinity Void
Stacks on Stacks 4 cost
Sniper Reserves 3 cost (x2)

Affinity Solar
Recuperation 1 cost (x2)
Heal Thyself 4 cost
Recovery 4 cost

Affinity Void
Volatile Conduction 6 cost
Surge Detonators 2 cost
Protective Light 2 cost

Tommy’s Matchbook
Verity’s Brow or Geomag


And there you have it. This was definitely longer than I was expecting but hopefully not too hard to get through. If you made it to the end thanks for bearing with me and hopefully you have fun trying out this build or some variation of it in game. This is my first time ever posting something like this so if you have any suggestions or feedback please feel free to share. Likewise, if you have any other cool synergies and want to talk build crafting hit me up, the charged with light system is one of my favorite additions to this game and I am always trying to brainstorm my next build.
Edited to fix information regarding chaos reach dps and fixing my inability to spell.
submitted by WinglessBrdz to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

Destiny 2 Update 3.1.0.



Dreaming City
Tangled Shore
Public Events
The Last Wish
Garden of Salvation
Deep Stone Crypt


  • Collection categories now allow players to mark all new items as seen to clear the new item indicator for that category.
  • Vault has a button with information about how to access the Destiny Companion App and others built by the Destiny community.
  • Menu header bars correctly stretch to widescreen monitors.
  • Logo updated for the BNOC team (formerly known as DOC).
  • Shout out to the folks who’ve kept our services running for years, and cheers to many more!
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Legacy Triumphs were displayed when first accessing the Triumphs screen.
  • Subclass toggle icon correctly displays inactive state when equipment is locked.
  • Updated Stasis Aspect Fragment display to correctly show zero slots.


  • Weapon and armor ornaments will no longer be gated on player entitlement state.
  • Weapon and armor ornaments tooltips in the store now clearly indicate when a parent item is not owned.


  • Fixed an issue where certain Arc and Solar grenades could apply their "hit" visual FX to animated doors and floors.
  • Fixed an issue where using Shiver Strike near Stasis crystals could send you into the stratosphere.
  • Fixed an issue where using certain abilities near Stasis crystals could push you through a closed door.
  • Fixed an issue where Sunbreakers would trigger Roaring Flames with Solar Sword kills.
  • Fixed an issue where Sentinel Shield single attacks via Heavy attack input did not consume Super energy.
  • Fixed an issue where players could be damaged by the shatter of their own Stasis crystals if the opponent had Whisper of Fissure equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where Wormhusk Crown and Vesper of Radius would trigger their perks upon breaking out of Stasis.
  • Fixed an issue where Duskfield Grenades can freeze Stasis crystals and barricades.
  • Improved reliably of Frostpulse Aspect when enemies were on different elevations.
  • While using Jumper or Cold Shoulders, Glacial Quake Super melee attack is now also mapped to LT/L2 for accessibility.
  • Decreased the height at which Glacier Grenades will launch the player who threw them.
  • Duskfield Grenades can now kill to prevent players from using it to continuously trap others in Stasis.
  • Iceflare Bolts no longer grants grenade energy when shattering a frozen target.
  • Ensured that Iceflare Bolts correctly tracks the number of seekers created before going on cooldown.
Stasis Freeze Breakout
  • When playing with a controller, the input for breaking out of Stasis Freeze is now double-press B/Circle for all classes.
  • The controls for the breakout action can be changed via controller remapping.
  • Stasis Freeze
    • Increased the damage frozen players can take before shattering from 100hp to 200hp.
    • When frozen by Stasis, players now take 50% less damage from Primary-ammo weapons.
    • When frozen by Stasis, players now take 50% more damage from Special-ammo weapons, Heavy-ammo weapons, and non-Stasis abilities.
    • Note: We're planning a more in-depth abilities tuning pass, but in the meantime, we've implemented this change to increase players' chances of surviving being frozen.
    • When frozen by Stasis, AI combatants now take 5% less damage from Primary-ammo weapons.
    • When frozen by Stasis, AI combatants now take 5% more damage from Special-ammo weapons, Heavy-ammo weapons, and non-Stasis abilities.
  • Withering Blade
    • No longer does critical headshot damage.
    • Increased base damage from 60 to 90.
    • Melee lunge range reduced by 1m when Withering Blade is charged. Allows players to more reliably use Withering Blade when up close.
  • Handheld Supernova
    • Reduced self-damage from 100% to 25%.
  • Reduced the cost of Deep Stone Crypt raid mods significantly.
  • With the Taking Charge mod equipped, you will no longer pick up Orbs of Power if you are already at your maximum Charged with Light stacks.
  • The Aeon Cult arms Exotic armor pieces for all three classes have been redesigned and now feature selectable, role-based perks oriented toward teamwork.
  • The Overshield buff timer granted from IceFall Mantle Exotic will no longer be refreshed when a Titan is shot by Allied players in PvE.
  • Damage from enemy combatants and opposing players in Gambit/Crucible will still refresh the buff's timer.
  • Fixed an issue where Dreambane armor wouldn't drop above 1050 Power until players complete the Shadowkeep campaign.
  • Catalysts for the following weapons have had their sources and objectives updated to not be associated with Vaulted content:
    • Bad Juju
    • Izanagi's Burden
    • Sleeper Simulant
    • The Huckleberry
    • Worldline Zero
    • Polaris Lance
    • Telesto
    • Legend of Acrius
    • Skyburner's Oath
  • Fixed an issue with Sturm's Exotic perk.
    • Sturm will once again reload any equipped Special slot weapon on kill provided the Special weapon's clip isn't full already and there's available reserve ammo.
  • Bow weapon kills or multi-kills no longer incorrectly progress the Fusion Rifle Calibration bounty from Banshee.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing Merciless from increasing its charge rate on non-lethal hits.
  • This also fixed an issue affecting the Exotic perks of Jade Rabbit, Eriana's Vow, Coldheart's perk not triggering when shot through a Citan's Rampart barrier, and Mulligan activating on hits when used with Anti-Barrier Rounds.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Line in the Sand to have broken gear and play the wrong reload animation.
  • Fixed an issue causing Thunderlord and possibly other weapons to not render their scope and/or reticle.
Weapon Archetype Changes
  • Rocket Launcher
    • Increased Rocket Launcher damage by ~30% against Miniboss tier enemies and above.
    • Exotic Rocket Launchers have been adjusted individually and are affected by this change to different degrees.
  • Fusion Rifle
    • Increased Fusion Rifle damage falloff start distance, by an increasing amount based on range (6% with 0 range, 16% with 100 range).
    • Reduced camera movement from firing a Fusion Rifle by 9.5%.
  • Breech Grenade Launcher
    • Breech Grenade Launcher projectiles will now detonate on impact with enemies, even if holding the trigger.
  • Submachine Gun
    • Reduced camera movement from firing an SMG by 24%.
  • Pulse Rifle
    • Reduced camera movement from firing a Pulse Rifle by 7%.
  • Machine Gun
    • Reduced camera movement from firing a Machine Gun by 9.5%.
  • Sniper Rifle
    • Scaled flinch from damage from other players while aiming a Sniper Rifle by 1.6x.
  • Sword
    • Damage against Miniboss tier enemies and above reduced by ~15%.
  • Demolitionist
    • Added a short cooldown on the reload effect.
Mouse and Keyboard Recoil Scalars
  • Reduced the recoil scalar on mouse and keyboard (previously mouse and keyboard had ~40% less recoil than controller, this change brings mouse and keyboard closer to controller).
  • Affects these weapon archetypes:
    • Auto Rifle
    • Scout Rifle
    • Pulse Rifle
    • Submachine Gun
    • Hand Cannon
    • Machine Gun
  • Fixed certain Exotic weapons losing their buff when pulling out a Ghost Shell (they will still lose the buff if you stow them).
    • Ace of Spades
    • Tarrabah
    • Hawkmoon (final round only)
  • Borealis and Hard Light now have a custom (short) animation for switching damage type.
  • Duality
    • Increased damage falloff distance by 1.25m (in both hip fire and aim down sights).
  • Reduced maximum buff stacks from 7 to 5, each stack now grants more of a damage bonus, extended buff duration slightly.

Power and Progression

Updated Power bands
  • Power Floor: 1100
  • Soft Cap: 1250
  • Powerful Cap: 1300
  • Pinnacle Cap: 1310
  • When below the Soft Cap, increased the upper limit of Power upgrades dropped from weekly powerful sources.
  • Increased XP rewards for the Last Wish raid to match Garden of Salvation and Deep Stone Crypt.
  • Fixed an issue where the Power preview for some vendor items did not match the Power of the gear received.
Player Identity
  • Several title Seals now support Gilded Titles. After completing the base Triumphs and claiming the Seal, several gilding Triumphs become available.
  • Completing all the gilding Triumphs changes the Title to its gilded state, represented by new color and icon in menus and player waypoints.
  • The Title only remains gilded through the remainder of the Season, as gilding Triumphs will be reset at the end of each Season.
  • This functionality exists for these Titles:
    • Gambit - Dredgen
    • Crucible - Unbroken
    • Nightfall - Conqueror
    • Trials - Flawless
  • New titles were made for Conqueror and Flawless that support gilding. The base Triumphs within these title Seals can be completed in any Season.
  • Players who have completed Triumphs associated with previous version of the Flawless or Conqueror Titles will have those completions applied to the new versions of the titles' Triumphs where applicable.
  • Triumphs to complete flawless carries in Trials no longer require the person being carried to never have gone flawless, and now require that they have not gone flawless during the current Season.
  • Fixed an issue where players could acquire more currency for acquiring fragments than there were fragments in the game.
  • Bounties and Pursuits
    • The Exo Stranger has a new Stasis Aspect quest available.
    • Requires Beyond Light ownership, campaign completion, and acquisition of all prior Stasis Aspects from the Stranger.
    • Reduced the completion values for many Stasis Fragment pursuit objectives to be less frustrating.

Platforms and Systems

  • PC
    • Switching teams during a Private Match has been moved to Shift key.
    • Remove the notifications and sound options that didn't do anything.
  • Consoles
    • Removed voice chat volume slider setting that didn't do anything.


  • Season of the Worthy Eververse items have been added as potential drops in the Bright Engram.
  • Spider now sells Glacial Starwort and Spinfoil. Spider and the Gunsmith no longer accept Phaseglass Needle, Alkane Dust, Simulation Seed, or Seraphite.
  • Remaining Phaseglass Needle, Alkane Dust, Simulation Seed, or Seraphite can be turned into Spider for a small quantity of Glimmer.
  • Starter gear has been removed from Suraya.
  • Collections version of the Generalist Ghost Shell now has full Ghost mod and Masterwork functionality.
  • Riskrunner has been removed from Xur's vendor pool as it’s tied to a New Light quest.
  • Legendary Engrams can no longer be claimed from the Season Pass rewards when inventory and Postmaster are both full.
  • Wrathborn Hunt trail improved to better support colorblindness.
  • Fixed an issue where players could sometimes receive no reward from Dreaming City weekly bounties and Shattered Throne encounters.
  • Fixing this required the removal of very rare fixed-roll drops of the Dreaming City Scout Rifles and Sniper Rifles.


For Season of the Chosen, some of the localized voice actors were recast permanently or temporary due to ongoing challenges imposed by the pandemic.
  • Permanent Recast
    • Spanish Mexican voice actor for Ghost permanently replaced.
  • Temporary Recast
    • Polish Zavala voice actor temporary replaced for Season of the Chosen by sound-alike actor.
    • Russian Ghost voice actor temporary replaced for Season of the Chosen by sound-alike actor.
    • Brazilian Osiris voice actor temporary replaced for Season of the Chosen by sound-alike actor. We intend to return to the original cast as soon as possible.
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

This Week At Bungie 1/28/2021

This week at Bungie, we introduce Seasonal Challenges.
Welcome to the second-to-last TWAB of Season of the Hunt. Many of you have been navigating the secrets of the Harbinger mission, uncovering randomly rolled Hawkmoons and earning the Radiant Accipiter Exotic ship. Content-wise, we’re coming to a close for the Season, and we’re incredibly excited for what’s to come in just a few short weeks. We’ve been covering some upcoming quality of life changes to Destiny 2, like the return of Umbral Engrams, but it’s almost time to take a peek at fresh content.
Season of the [REDACTED] trailer goes live on February 2, 2021.
Before we get there, we have a new feature to cover, Seasonal Challenges, and a round of weapon-focused sandbox changes to walk through. As a warning, this is a pretty large amount of information in a small space. We've joked about "meaty" TWAB's before, but this one may feel a bit overwhelming if you rush through it. Let's take it slow, step by step, and get through it together in one piece.

Introducing: Seasonal Challenges

Over the last year, we’ve been looking at ways in which we can reduce the amount of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in Destiny 2. We’ve recently made some changes to Seasons and how Seasonal content is available throughout a given year of Destiny 2. This week, we’re looking to bounties and Bright Dust, introducing a new system not only to remove FOMO, but give fresh ways to earn XP and alternate rewards. To walk us through the ins and outs of Seasonal Challenges, we pass the mic to the Development team.
Dev team: During production of Beyond Light, we started looking at the problems of bounty fatigue and FOMO, as well as Seasonal legibility (i.e., “What is in a Season?” and “How to I engage with it when I log in?”). We created a few goals which we believe will improve the experience:
  • Provide a guide to new, returning, and veteran players for what to do today/this week.
  • Guide the player through the Seasonal content, week-over-week.
  • Encourage players to engage with complexities and nuances of the Seasonal activity and rituals.
  • Reduce the penalties on XP and Bright Dust for missing a given week.
To solve these goals, we are introducing a new pursuit type for players – Seasonal Challenges. The Seasonal Challenges live on their own page, are accessed through the Quest Log or Season Pass, and are separated by week.
Image Linkimgur
Here’s a quick breakdown of how this feature works:
  • Every week, for the first 10 weeks of a Season, between 3 and 10 new Challenges appear automatically for players.
    • Some of the Challenges deal with the Seasonal content.
    • Others push players to complete strikes, Gambit, and the Crucible, or to focus on non-activity focused Destiny rituals, like gaining Power, unlocking Seasonal Artifact mods, or improving guns and armor.
  • These Challenges can only be completed once per account, but once they become available, these Challenges can be completed at any time before the end of the Season, and do not need to be started or picked up from a vendor.
    • As an example, if a player doesn’t play for weeks 2 through 4, they can return on week 5 and have all of those Challenges waiting for them!
  • Completing each Challenge awards XP, contributing to your Season Pass ranks.
    • Other rewards could be Bright Dust, Seasonal currency, or other interesting items!
In moving away from weekly bounties, which were restricted to broad objectives tied to ritual activities, we have taken more leeway with creating some interesting or more difficult Challenges. These may be things you are already doing, or things that test your ability. Some examples include:
  • Defeating Primeval Envoys in Gambit
  • Defeating enemies in Nightfall: The Ordeal with Seasonal weapons
  • Gaining Infamy or Valor ranks
  • Acquiring the ritual weapon and its cosmetic ornaments
  • Winning rounds in Trials of Osiris
  • Completing a Grandmaster Nightfall
Not all the Challenges will require that level of accomplishment, but the harder or longer the Challenge is, the more experience it rewards. Challenges that focus on the Seasonal activity and ritual mostly need the Season Pass to complete, but most of the ritual focused Challenges can be completed without the Season Pass. Overall, roughly 60% of the Seasonal Challenges do not require the Season Pass.
With the changes above, we are removing weekly bounties from the three ritual vendors (Zavala, Shaxx, and Drifter), Banshee-44, and the Seasonal vendor. These vendors will still have daily bounties which reward XP, and the three ritual vendors will still have repeatable bounties for those of you who want to pursue additional XP and Bright Dust.
Lastly – most of the Challenges disappear after the Season they were introduced, and anything that isn’t claimed will be lost. We don’t add any new Challenges after Week 10 – which should give everyone a few weeks to clean up any Challenges they didn’t finish. Any Challenge that rewards unique or Seasonal items (currencies, lore books, Seasonal weapons, etc.) – can be completed as long as the Seasonal activity is in the game, but XP awarded for completing the challenge will only be available during the season it was introduced.
Let’s Talk Bright Dust
Back before Beyond Light launched, we discussed some of the goals around the changes to Bright Dust. As a refresher, we wanted to change the way you earn Bright Dust and move more towards account-specific paths to give players with only one character significantly more Bright Dust than they've been earning over the last year. In Season 13, we’ll be continuing to move toward these goals by adding Bright Dust onto Seasonal Challenges.
Since you no longer have to purchase weekly ritual bounties, each of the strike, Crucible, and Gambit Seasonal Challenges will award between 75 and 300 Bright Dust. We are also introducing an end-of-Season Bright Dust bonus – if you complete (nearly) all of the Seasonal Challenges, we are awarding a single 4,000 Bright Dust pile.
Additionally, each ritual vendor challenge (“Complete 8 bounties”) awards 120 Bright Dust for each character who completes it each week. And because this is prompted by the removal of weekly bounties, the only Seasonal Challenges that will be awarding Bright Dust are the ones that both Season Pass owners and free players can complete. Here’s a quick breakdown of how much Bright Dust you should expect to earn over the course of Season 13.

Seasonal Challenges Bright Dust (All Players)
  • Free Seasonal Activities – 6,000
  • Seasonal Extra – 4,000
  • Total – 10,000 Bright Dust
Season Pass Bright Dust
  • Free Path – 7,500 (All Players)
  • Paid Path – 3,000 (Players who own Season Pass)
  • Total – 10,500 Bright Dust
Weekly Ritual Vendor Challenge Bright Dust (All Players)
  • 120 Bright Dust per ritual vendor, per character, per week
    • 14,040 total if completing all required weekly Challenges over the course of Season 13
Additionally, we still plan to offer weekly and repeatable Bright Dust bounties for Seasonal events, giving you a bit more Bright Dust towards desired rewards.
As a final note, please be sure to claim all Seasonal Challenges that award Bright Dust prior to the end of a Season. Once a Season ends, associated Challenges and their Bright Dust rewards will expire and can no longer be claimed.
It’s always exciting when we bring a new feature online for Destiny 2. We hope that the changes detailed above make it easier to create goals to complete each week. As always, we’re eager to hear your feedback once you start finishing your first Seasonal Challenges, so please sound off with your thoughts!

Back to the Sandbox

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Every Season, we have a collection of changes to the Destiny 2 sandbox to spice things up a bit. This Season, we’re making some targeted changes to weapon archetypes that need some love as well as beginning some preparations for crossplay.
Dev team: In preparation for crossplay, coming later this year, we’re making some changes to the Recoil stat.
Currently, several weapon archetypes have their Recoil reduced by around 40% (dependent on archetype) when using mouse and keyboard. This results in an issue where players on mouse and keyboard are able to largely ignore the stability weapon stat, creating unintended discrepancies in weapon performance between controllers and mouse and keyboard.
The following weapon archetypes will have their mouse and keyboard Recoil adjusted closer to controller (reduced the difference from ~40% to ~20%).
  • Auto Rifle
  • Scout Rifle
  • Pulse Rifle
  • Submachine Gun
  • Hand Cannon
  • Machine Gun
In the case of Pulse Rifle, Submachine Gun, and Machine Gun, we will also be introducing some buffs. In some cases, these weapons will have less Recoil across both Controller and mouse and keyboard input methods compared to what’s in the game today.
  • Submachine Guns are largely outclassed by Auto Rifles at medium range, and by Sidearms at short range, with player feedback often mentioning how hard they are to control. To address this feedback, we’re introducing the following change:
    • Reduced camera movement from firing a Submachine Gun by 24%.
  • Pulse Rifles with the mouse and keyboard changes were kicking a little too much.
    • Reduced camera movement from firing a Pulse Rifle by 7%.
  • Machine Guns with the mouse and keyboard changes were kicking a little too much.
    • Reduced camera movement from firing a Machine Gun by 9.5%.
We will pay close attention to how these changes play out when they go live, and plan to revisit individual archetypes in a future update as needed.
Outside of Recoil adjustments, we will also be tuning a few weapon archetypes in Season 13. Looking through backend data and community feedback, we landed on the following:
  • Rocket Launchers have fallen behind other Heavy weapons in most measures of effectiveness, we’re pushing them more into a burst damage role.
    • Increased Rocket Launcher damage by 30%.
    • Exotic Rocket Launchers have been adjusted individually and are affected by this change to different degrees.
    • Paired with the buffs to reserves from last Season, we’re hoping you’ll explode many more things in Season 13!
  • Fusion Rifle usage is very low, and they feel like an unreliable choice in Crucible compared to Shotguns.
    • Increased Fusion Rifle damage falloff start distance based on Range stat. (6% with 0 Range, 16% with 100 Range)
    • Reduced camera movement from firing a Fusion Rifle by 9.5%.
  • Breech Grenade Launcher usage is very low (outside of Mountaintop). We believe part of the reason is that the loop of "hold the trigger to arm, then release to detonate” is challenging to execute, particularly since projectiles can bounce off targets if the trigger is held
    • Breech Grenade Launcher projectiles will now detonate on impact with a character, even if holding the trigger.
  • While Sniper Rifle usage has dropped in Crucible, we’ve observed that it’s hard to challenge someone with a Sniper Rifle – even if you get the first shot on an enemy, they can often respond and win the fight.
    • Increased ADS flinch to Snipers when taking damage from other players
  • Swords are extremely dominant in PvE. At this time, 65% of players are using Swords for the majority of gameplay encounters in Destiny 2. While we are introducing a buff to Rocket Launchers to make them a bit more enticing, we feel that Swords do too much damage compared to other options.
    • Reduced Sword damage by 15%.
Exotic Changes and Bug Fixes
  • Some Exotic weapons lose their buffs when you switch weapons, which is intended. They would also lose their buffs when pulling out your Ghost Shell, which is not intended. Fixed that issue on these weapons:
    • Ace of Spades
    • Tarrabah
    • Hawkmoon
  • Borealis and Hard Light now have a custom (quite short) animation for switching damage type.
  • Duality
    • Increased damage falloff distance by 1.25m (while both firing from the hip and aiming down sights).
    • Reduced maximum buff stacks from 7 to 5, each stack now grants more of a damage bonus, extended buff duration slightly.
  • Sturm will once again reload any equipped Special slot weapon on kill provided the Special weapon's clip isn't full already and there's available reserve ammo.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing Merciless from increasing its charge rate on non-lethal hits.
Ah, and before we go – we are planning to take a quick tuning pass on Arbalest. This won’t be ready in time for February 9, but we are expecting to have this touched later in Season 13!
Now, we know it can be difficult to understand the scale of buffs and nerfs without having these changes in your hands. Not to mention, there will be some new perks for you to hunt as you start navigating content in Season of the [REDACTED]. As always, we’re excited to see these changes out in the wild on February 9, and will be eager to hear your feedback.

Crimson Days

Each year, we look to February as a time to celebrate bonds of friendship throughout the community. Guardians have come to know this celebration as Crimson Days. It was one of our first “Seasonal” events in Destiny 1, a tradition that we carried to Destiny 2. While there was great enjoyment of Crimson Days, we feel that it’s been missing the mark in terms of quality over the last few years.
As such, we have made the decision to discontinue Crimson Days moving forward. While we’ll miss the event, this move will allow us to maintain focus for alternate Seasonal offerings, ranging from quests to activities and more. We have quite a bit planned for Season of the [REDACTED] and our hope is that we’ve maintained, or even improved, the quality you’ve come to expect from this upcoming release.
Some of you may be asking about the fate of Crimson Doubles, our once-a-year Crimson Days playlist. This mode is currently being shifted to the Destiny Content Vault but may return in the future.
Many thanks to every Guardian who has joined us over the years for this event. Crimson decorations may not be hung in the Tower, but we have no doubts that you’ll continue to form Crimson Bonds over the years to come.


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For those who may be new to the TWAB, welcome to the Player Support Report. This section is dedicated to known issues, active investigations, and pending updates for Destiny 2. Our Player Support team navigates the Help forum daily, collecting info on new issues and dishing out help articles.
This is their report on the most frequently reported issues of the last week.
Due to the updates to the vendor progression system, Crucible Tokens and Crucible Token Gifts are no longer needed and will be deprecated into Junk that will delete as a full stack starting in Season 13. Additionally, current Stasis Fragment Quests will be deprecated at the end of Season of the Hunt. Players are advised to turn in all Crucible Tokens and Crucible Token Gifts and finish all available Stasis Fragment Quests before Season 13 starts.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help forum:
  • Stasis abilities can be difficult to distinguish between enemy and friendly for colorblind players.
  • The Double Trouble Triumph is unobtainable.
  • In the Deep Stone Crypt raid, the augment lockout timer occasionally resets during the final encounter against Taniks.
  • During the final fight against the Sanctified Mind in the Garden of Salvation raid, sometimes a shielded tether box can become tethered instead of the correct glowing tether box.
  • Hunter legs clip through the Ten-Grasp Sword Sparrow.
  • In the Last Wish raid, the Shuro Chi puzzle room plates don't work if a Titan bubble or Warlock well are placed on them.
  • The Titan Phenotype Plasticity Helm eye clusters no longer glow red.
  • Weekly and daily elemental kill bounties have stopped rotating off of Void.
  • When overcharging grenades while using the Voidwalker top tree subclass as a Warlock, Super energy stops charging.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.

[Bird Noises Intensify]

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It’s been fun watching Hawkmoon clips and montages throughout the Season. With recently introduced random rolls, players have been pushing the limits of this Exotic, taking on 1v1 encounters in the Crucible that they may have otherwise avoided. This week, our top pick not only got a sweet roll on perks, but a killer roll on audio, too!
Movie of the Week: Ting Ting Ting Ting
Video Link
Movie of the Week: Deep Stone Lullaby Violin/Piano Cover
Video Link
Movie of the Week: …That’s a lot of Hawkmoon
Video Link
As always, if you'd like to submit your creation to be featured in a future TWAB, make sure to create a post on the Community Creations portal of

Credit Where It’s Due

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Every day, we take a moment to scroll through various social media apps to take a look at community artwork. We’re always awestruck by the talents that many of you possess, and eager to share your works with a wider audience.
Here’s a quick roundup of some sweet art, and direct links to their authors. Give them a follow if you want to see more of their stuff!
Art of the Week: Art Sharing
destiny art share!!! spread the positivity, doesn't matter how frequently you do art or how many pieces you've made - post your favorites!! #Destiny2Art #DestinyArtShare
— 🥀alex🥀🏳️‍🌈 (@miyagiie) January 25, 2021
Art of the Week: Eris
나는야 내일부터 월급쟁이 #냙서
— 🧅김냘본™🍺 (@NyarNyarbon) January 17, 2021
Cheers, and make sure to tag your content with some form of #Destiny2Art so we can find you easily!
That’s it for this week, folks. Season of the [REDACTED] is almost here. We’ll have some patch previews to cover in the TWAB next week, so stop by if you’re interested!
If this gets 7 likes we'll add a new LZ on Europa next Season.
— Destiny 2 (@DestinyTheGame) January 27, 2021
We’ll see you again next week, bright and early on Tuesday morning.
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

Call of Duty: Mobile - February 12th Community Update

Call of Duty: Mobile - February 12th Community Update
Greetings Call of Duty: Mobile Community! We are back today with news about how the public test build has been going, new modes launching this week, a variety of Holiday themed events and content drops, and your usual flurry of feedback and bug reports. For you folks that love Hardcore, you have some brand-new modes to try today!
First things first! Today, we’d like to give a moment of a silence to mourn for the players who picked Cordis Die faction in Fight For Humanity. You may be losing the fight, but hopefully you are grabbing a variety of rewards along the way! Keep up the fight and show those on Atlas that there is still time to even up the score.
There are seven more days to go in this event and today’s task involves the newest modes, Hardcore Hardpoint and Headquarters. The Hardcore variants of these well-known and well-liked modes make it so that precision is more important than ever, thanks to a serious increase in damage to all weapons. Just a few well-placed shots is all you need. Try the Hardcore Hold Playlist and see if you are up for the challenge of Hardcore.
We know many of you have had questions or inquiries about this over the last week, so we’ll start this community post with some updates about the public test build. Let’s jump into the usual event calendar first though!
Here is a quick look at all of the new events starting today and others launch soon:
  • 02/05 – 02/19 ~ Fight For Humanity event
  • 02/08 – 02/14 ~ Grind Baby, Grind! (MP)
  • 02/10 ~ Two New Seasonal Challenges
  • 02/10 – 02/16 ~ Russian Nuketown 24/7 (MP)
  • 02/11 – 02/18 ~ Year of the Ox Event
  • 02/12 – 02/18 ~ BR Warfare
  • 02/12 – 02/18 ~ Hardcore Hold (MP)
  • 02/12 – 02/25 ~ Valentine Redux Draw
  • 02/15 – 02/21 ~ Gun Game Moshpit (MP)
*All Dates UTC
Just your weekly reminder that we have different Battle Royale modes dropping throughout many weeks of this season and this week we have Battle Royale Warfare coming up! That chaotic and action-packed mode has just launched, and the newest mode - BR Blitz will be back next week.
February Public Test Build #1 Thank you all of the passionate interest in this first public test build of February! Yes, we said first 😉. There may be more later in the month after this one ends, but we still do not have a specific end date on this first version and whether or not we launch a second one depends on how this first one goes. As of yesterday the public test build is officially full! You have filled up all 40,000 registration slots on both platforms and at the moment we do not plan to open up more for this first test.
There have also been a variety of questions and concerns about this build so far, which we will answer below, but just a general reminder that everything in the public test build is subject to change. This content, whether it is something significant like a map or something less obvious like text on an item, may end up releasing in any future update. We are looking at you, Overkill Perk (hopefully this still releases someday).
As it is a test, it may also be buggy, have half finished features, or placeholders. Some of this may be intentional, but first let’s speak about what is not intentional – movement changes. The following changes are bugs that will be addressed, and are not intentional changes:
  • Sliding being interrupted while aiming and the speed of sliding reduced while aiming
  • Sliding aim animation bug
  • Speed is reduced once ADS instead of being reduced after ADS completes
However, for intentional changes we are testing some changes related to the ability to drop shot. That’s the ability to immediately go prone and fire at an enemy. If you aren’t familiar, this a long-standing tactic in many FPS titles that allows players to quickly change their hitbox by dropping to the ground and giving them the advantage on an approaching enemy.
Lastly, not everything in this test was available right at the start and more pieces of content will be rolling throughout the testing period. You may see more modes, items, perks, or general pieces of content drop in later. Keep an eye out and please report issues in-game there or through the survey.
Gunzo – Clown Coded We’d just like to say thank you for all of the positive feedback around Gunzo – Clown Coded and the ICR-1 – Forced Laughter. Both of these designs were unique, not only because they were perfectly creepy, but also because they were full of intricate and delightful details. Details like the unnerving way the hair on ICR-1 variant moves or the way Gunzo’s voice actor, Jason Spisak, perfectly captured this newest version of the insane clown.
We’ve seen the comments and the love, and we appreciate that you all enjoy these little details. The love for Gunzo has led us to make a video just to highlight him a bit more. Unfortunately, the draw he was featured in, the Social Disruptor Draw, is no longer active on the store, but we are sure he’ll be back sometime in the future and we’d like to share all the same.
Seasonal Challenges One more week, one more community update, and one more release of two new seasonal challenges! This time around we have one challenge for MP and one for BP, and with them comes your chance to grab the epic blueprint the GKS – Kistune. Also, for everyone asking about the SKS that is still coming and will be releasing next week on 2.19 (UTC) in the BR Buff event.
Run & Gun This six-part seasonal challenge is all about using different SMGs in Battle Royale and Multiplayer. Some require just a basic use of a specific setup in a match, while others may require you to get kills or win matches with certain perks equipped. It is all focused on fast and quick setups, and if you manage it you’ll be able to snag the following rewards:
  • (Uncommon) Medic – Warp
  • (Uncommon) .50 GS– Warp
  • (Uncommon) KN-44 - Warp
  • (Rare) Backpack – Cosmic Wave
  • (Epic) GKS – Kitsune
Master Operator This four-part seasonal challenge is relatively simple with one clear goal - use Operator Skills and specific ones. This is the easiest to tackle challenge of the two new ones this week and while it doesn’t have an epic weapon blueprint to give out, it does reward you with plenty of Battle Pass XP (17K in total) and the following items:
  • (Rare) Spray - Ouroborous
  • (Rare) Avatar – Robot Buddy
  • (Rare) M16 – Trance
Valentine’s Day This year for Valentine’s Day we’ve decided to celebrate this joyful and generosity-focused holiday by releasing two new content drops while also using it an excuse to give out gifts to our community. One the content side, we have the Sweet Valentine Crate and the Valentine Redux Draw.
With the Sweet Valentine Crate we’ve decided that anime is perfectly appropriate for the holiday and for Battle Royale. You can now roll into BR in style with a bright pink tank that will make your enemies stare in awe as you load a shell, aim your sights, and send them crawling back to the lobby screen! This same style is available for a variety of other BR vehicles. Check it out in-game now.
Next up, we have the Valentine Redux Draw! If you were around last year, like many of you dedicated folks in the community, you’ll recognize the two main items in this one: the legendary S36 – Phobos and Battery – Valentine. This draw comes with a variety of other items as well, most of which are based around the Valentine series of camos, and it will be available until February 25th (UTC). Find it in-game now through the store or lucky draw icon on the top left of the lobby.
Lastly, for those of you looking for something free dropping this holiday you’ll have to head to our global social media channels or participating content creators. On the day after Valentine’s Day, February 15th, we’ll be starting this event and offering gifts from the previous two content drops to whoever wins! Check back then and best of luck to everyone who participates.
Lunar New Year Just like Valentine’s Day, this is the second time we’ve tackled this holiday for COD: Mobile and this time around we have both a content drop & a featured event available. The content drop, the Lunar New Year crate, primarily offers the epic blueprint AK47 - Year of Ox. There are a variety of other items, like the Quartz series of camos available in this crate, and it is all live now in the store.
From the event side, we have the Year Of The Ox event. This event tasks you with getting kills through MP matches and in particular by playing Hardpoint, TDM, Frontline, Domination, and S&D. It has plenty of variety for tasks and the only rewards you can earn on this one are those Lunar New Year Crates. This event is only available for six more days, so make sure to grab those crates now.
Carnival Last but not least, we have a small celebratory bundle available for Brazil’s Carnival. This vivacious and exciting festival runs from February 12th to February 17th in Brazil, and while we know it may be hard to celebrate in person this year, you can get in the mood with Outrider, the ASM10, Avatar – Masquerade, and Calling Card – Samba School. Check out that bundle in-game now!
We also have a special treat for our players in Brazil for Carnival, a unique Call of Duty: Mobile music video with none other than the fantastic singer and songwriter Jojo Maronttinni! Take a look at the Que Tiro Foi Esse Remix and happy Carnival:
Feedback Thanks to the over 800 comments last week in the community update and the large number of feedback & bug reports posted there. We’ll have some direct responses to those today. Just a reminder, but please check previous community updates for other frequency asked questions because they often come up right after we address them in an update (like when is Ghost’s voice is coming to CODM). However, there are still a few topics we’d like to discuss this week!
  • Do Not Disturb or Hidden Feature – One low-key but commonly requested feature is something that will allow players to either be displayed as hidden or block invites for a certain amount of time. We have conveyed this request to the team before and unfortunately it isn’t something that is currently slated for the next update, but it is still being considered and will hopefully be something we can add relatively soon. Thanks for all of the concise requests for this one.
  • China Version Content – As many of you have seen, some content that is currently released in the China version is being tested in the public test build for our Global and Garena versions. We can’t often directly comment on when X feature from that build is coming (or even if it is coming) since that is all up to our dev teams to discuss, test, and decide first. There may be content in Global or in the China version that is essentially being tested to see if it performs well there first, like all new features or pieces of content, and then if it does perform well it may be considered for release in other versions.
  • Cheater Reports – Last week, we talked a bit about how cheater reports tend to increase around season releases and then usually die off again a week or two into the season. However, our CODM Security & Enforcement team has shared that they’ve also been battling new cheats and ways people are trying to exploit the game. As a result, they’ve been updating our anti-cheat tools more than normal recently and we are monitoring to make sure there are no misfires here. All that means on your end though, is please keep reporting players and sharing information about cheats & exploits that you see others abusing. It is always appreciated!
  • Prestige or Additional Levels – We’ve seen this request popping up more often now that many players have hit that lvl 150 cap. Our teams are considering various options for adding additional progression to the game, in the past we considered Gunsmith’s addition as a way to add progression even though it wasn’t tied to the main profile level system, but we don’t have any information on additional systems or options being added in the near future. We’ll be sure to bring that up as soon as there is news.
  • Next Ranked Series – Lastly, a simple one! The next ranked series will be releasing alongside Season 2 in March. More on that later as we get closer to the release.
Bug Reports In the last week we’ve primarily been going through and reporting up a variety of smaller bugs, which are important but not experienced by the majority of the playerbase. For bigger issues, like Black Screen and BR related bugs, please check the previous community update for our comments on that. We still have plenty coming on both of those fronts in relation to fixes and improvements.
  • Peacekeeper MK2 - Artifact Death Effect Issue – We have been aware of an issue with the death effect of this mythic weapon causing sound related issues and unfortunately we have not been able to deploy a fix for it yet. This may be a surprisingly complicated issue that cannot be patched through a normal hotfix, but we are still checking on the status of that one to see exactly when it will be fixed.
  • Cluster Smoke Grenade in BR Intermittently Working – This issue is unfortunately one that has been troublesome to reproduce with it rarely happening during tests. However, we have seen it continually brought up in community channels and are looking through recent posts for new information that may help us identify what is causing this to occasionally malfunction. If you always experience this issue please reach out so we can share that info with our teams.
  • ADS Issues with certain weapons in BR – We’ve been investigating various weapons experiencing problems when trying to use ADS (Aim Down Sights). Some of these we have replicated and our teams are planning to fix them, but since these seem to only be happening on very specific weapon setups or blueprints we still worry they may be some we have not seen. If you are seeing this one, please also report it up so we can make sure we’ve captured all of these. Thanks to the folks who originally reported this with clear videos and examples.
  • Eject Bug in BR – This issue has been a long-term one that we’ve been trying to identify and fix for quite some time, but we’ve never been able to reproduce it consistently even after a hundred attempts. Like the previous two bugs addressed here, if you’ve experienced this bug and have any information about how it occurs please reach out to us or our Player Support teams to share that.
  • Desync – Lastly, we’ve seen some improvements on this front thanks to server optimizations and for some regions entirely new servers. However, this is a long-term battle where we are constantly monitoring servers, ping, and connection to see what regions are lacking, where we can make improvements, and who may be running into this issue the most as a result of server related issues. We’ll keep doing what we can to improve this for all of our players around the world, but please make sure that you are playing on a stable and strong network (not Wifi) to minimize the possibility of this type of issue occurring.
Support Options Lastly, thank you to everyone who have been reporting various issues since Season 1 released and please do keep using our support channels on top of community areas to repot issues. In the off-chance you haven’t seen this information in every single one of our community updates 😉, here are our main support channels:
Final Notes As this week comes to a close our teams look towards the future of Call of Duty: Mobile throughout 2021. As you may know, the ambitious approach of one season nearly every single month has been a monumental challenge and while we may not always hit that goal our teams are still working nearly non-stop to make CODM one of the best FPS games out there!
There is so much on the way and so much to be planned for, whether that is brand-new seasons, exciting new opportunities, competitive gaming and tournaments, region based events, in-game events and so many other different ways we’d like to keep showing the world why this title is still a truly AAA gaming experience on mobile. The future is promising!
This game is truly global now as we are available in the majority of the world through various versions, and the commitment to growing & supporting the game is just as strong as it was last year. We aren’t going to let up and we can’t wait to share our plans, new content, and excitement with you all!
We leave you on that hopeful note and to all of those celebrating various holidays around the world this week – be safe and enjoy! We’ll see you next time. -The Call of Duty: Mobile Team
submitted by COD_Mobile_Official to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

I built a decent Gaming PC for $206 using used parts from my local area...

***WOW this post really blew up. I'm really grateful for all the great comments and awards. Thank you everyone. This was my second PC but I have been really getting more into the budget build route and so I'm glad other people are into that! Happy deal hunting :)
DISCLAIMER: I sourced these used components over the last few weeks in my local area (SF Bay CA). Where I live, there's a pretty good selection of used PC parts so your mileage will vary depending on where you live. But I just wanted to put it out there that many of you can definitely build a decent gaming PC for $200-400 if you are willing to spend the time to hunt for deals in your local area, especially if you live in/near a metropolitan area.
Parts List
CPU: Intel Xeon e5 2620 v3 6 core/12 thread - $16 eBay
Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth X99 - $85 Craigslist
CPU Cooler: CoolerMaster Hyper 212 - $20 OfferUp
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR4 2400 MHz (CPU reads a max of 1866) - $40 OfferUp
Storage: WD 640GB HDD 7200 rpm - $10 Craigslist
GPU: EVGA GTX 960 SC 4GB (I actually bought 2 at once for $75 on Facebook Marketplace, sold one on eBay for $100 essentially GIVING me $15 (after eBay/PayPal fees) and a free GPU)
Case: Phanteks prebuild case w/ 3 RGB Apevia fans - $30 Craigslist
PSU: Corsair CX600 - $20 Facebook Marketplace
Total (including the $15 I gained from selling the extra GPU): $206
I can happily play CS:GO, Apex Legends, Fortnite, GTA V and many other games at 1080p at medium settings or better and get 60+ fps. With a better GPU and a little more money, you wouldn't have any issues getting much higher FPS.
So let's break down these components a little bit more and talk about which deals will be harder to replicate if you plan on doing something like this.
Firstly, the CPU is actually the easiest part to attain on this list. These can regularly be had for $20 off eBay. This particular X99 motherboard is VERY NICE for $85 (I actually got it for $70 but paid $15 for the OEM IO shield off eBay because it didn't come with one). It's a quality mobo with 8 slots for RAM so upgrading RAM on this will be as easy as buying another kit of the same capacity and as time goes by and RAM gets cheaper, you could just keep doing that if you wanted without having to get rid of your previous RAM. But finding this exact motherboard for the price may be difficult.
Luckily there are X99 motherboards being made out of China right now using recycled chipsets for about $60-120 depending on the particular models (available from AliExpress). Some of these motherboards are actually pretty good quality, but definitely do your research first. I recommend checking out Miyconst on YouTube. This Xeon/X99 setup is pretty popular in Russia and Brazil because of hardware prices and availability so this is a Russian Ukrainian guy who reviews all of these Chinese motherboards in great detail.
The CPU cooler will be easy to find for about that price. Even new, the Hyper 212 is only $35 but if you buy used just make sure you get the LGA2011-3 hardware necessary for securing it to the motherboard. $40 for 16GB of DDR4 is a good deal but I've seen this same deal pop up a few times but more often at $50. Finding used but working 500-1000GB HDD's for $10-20 is quite easy but I recommend only using this as a storage for games and re-downloadable files. I planned on having a m.2 SSD in this rig but accidentally bought a SATA m.2 drive instead of NVMe (SATA m.2 not supported by this motherboard) so I will still need to upgrade that. But any SSD for your OS and important files will do and you can find these for around $30-40 for a 256 GB SSD new, maybe $10-20 more for an NVMe.
The GPU of course is where the real bargain hunt will be. In 2021, GPU's are super overpriced but I had seen another 960 4GB for $40 in my area after purchasing 2 of them for $75 total, so getting one around $40-60 is definitely possible. This is where I'd upgrade first (after an SSD). Other higher performing options would be the R9 390 8GB (recently purchased one for $80 and another for $100), the RX 580 8GB (recently purchased one for $125 but seen them locally for $150) or even a 1080 (purchased one for $200 but have seen them go for $260 locally). Really, any decent GPU you can find for around $50-200 would be great with this build. I recommend referring to this Tom's Hardware List to see where GPU's rank overall when you're shopping for a used GPU. This part will be where you'll spend most of your time hunting, but those elusive GPU deals are out there!
This case was a good find but I had also received a FREE CoolerMaster ATX case not too long ago, with 3 140mm fans included, in great condition. People often give away or sell their cases for cheap because they take up a lot of space. Look for one with fans included and even better if it comes with screws/standoffs.
Finding a 500-700W PSU for $20-40 is not difficult but this is a component that many people would just prefer to buy new and I don't blame them. At least by 80+ Bronze if you go used. But honestly, I think I'd rather buy a used PSU from a reputable brand than a cheap, new PSU from some brand I never heard of.
Overall, this was a fun build to make and I love reducing e-waste so buying used is good for me. I highly recommend though that you have all the appropriate screws/hardware when buying used parts so ask about that stuff when you purchase something and if it's not included, buy that replacement hardware online before you start your build because it's frustrating to start putting your PC together and then realize you don't have enough screws, etc. It's a little more of a hassle but you can save a lot of money!
Feel free to ask any questions, this is only my second PC build (just started last month but have been diving DEEP into PC building rabbit holes online). But I hate when people on this sub instantly shoot people down asking about $200-400 PC's saying it's not possible. IT IS POSSIBLE, but you have to get creative and it also helps to live in certain areas I won't deny that.
submitted by Mattdehaven to buildapc [link] [comments]

[Video Games] "Too many swordsmen, are there?" The drama over Byleth joining the roster of Super Smash Bros Ultimate

What's Smash?
One of the premier fighting game franchises of all time, Super Smash Bros is a party series published by gaming giant Nintendo which sees characters from their various franchises (alongside several third-party characters) coming together for some family-friendly violence. Beginning with the original title in 1999 for the Nintendo 64, Smash has seen several outings in the years since, such as the iconic Melee for the Gamecube, Brawl for the Wii, the unoriginally named Smash 4 for the WiiU and 3DS, and the most recent title, Ultimate, which released on the Switch in 2018. Ultimate was seen as a huge celebration for the franchise, boasting that EVERYONE IS HERE- all seventy + fighters, ranging from staples of the original game to guest fighters and DLC, were in the launch roster. Helmed by Masahiro Sakurai, Smash is a household name and staple for parties worldwide, with Ultimate being one of the highest-selling fighting games in the world at over 12 million units sold.
What's Fire Emblem?
Fire Emblem is Nintendo's forray into strategy- a turn based fantasy seires that's one of the longer-running staples of the company with its roots in 1990 for the Famicom. Despite a lot of pushing from Nintendo, Fire Emblem failed to take off in the West for many years, with the future of the franchise being uncertain after several successive commercial flops in the 2000s. With the franchise risking cancellation if it failed to find a market, the team made a Hail-Mary pass of epic proportions thanks to Fire Emblem Awakening in 2013- a launch title for the 3DS that finally marked the series getting a foothold in the West. Since then, the series has released three big games: Fates, which wasn't very good due to pulling a Pokemon and cutting the game into three separate releases and having an awful story, Heroes, a free to play mobile game, and Three Houses, which saw the series move to the Nintendo Switch. In Three Houses, you play as Byleth, a mercenary hired to teach one of three classes in a military academy that are all led by House Lords- Edlegard, Dimitri and Claude. Three Houses combined Persona-style time management for social interactions with the tactical gameplay of the series, and was a critical success for the company, selling over 3 million units.
Smash and Fire Emblem's shared history
Fire Emblem and Smash have a tied history, due to Smash being part of the reason the series even began releasing in the West (Fire Emblem had such a small presense before this that a lot of people unironically thought Marth and Ike were original characters made just for the game). Two characters, Roy(Who's also our boi) and Marth, were playable in Melee, with their popularity leading to Nintendo beginning localisation efforts of the other games. Since then, Fire Emblem has gotten consistent additional represetation in each mainline title:
Perhaps one of the largest showings of how tied together the two series are, especially regarding FE getting off the ground in the West, can be seen in the announcement trailer for a re-release of Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, the first game in the series as part of 30th anniversary celebrations. The trailer shows two young boys playing Melee and wondering where Roy and Marth are from, leading to them discovering Fire Emblem at large.
It's at the launch of Ultimate, before the DLC released, that I'd like to dovetail and cover some of the tensions between Smash and Fire Emblem, alongside the post-launch support Ultimate got.
Smash fans vs Fire Emblem Fans: A Short History
Smash fans and Fire Emblem fans don't get along a lot of the time, it must be said (though Smash fans don't get along with anyone very well). Many Smash fans blame FE as the reason for Smash's roster being stereotyped as "Anime swordboys," due to Nintendo almost entirely drawing from the sword-fighting leads of the series instead of an axe or lance fighter. (Hector from Blazing Blade is often called an example of what a more atypical Smash rep would be due to wielding a large axe). While most of the fighters try and do different things mechanically (Robin is almost entirely a spellcaster for instance, while Corrin can turn into a dragon), that Chrom and Lucina were both moveset clones didn't help this perception.
Many other Nintendo franchise fans aren't happy additionally at how Fire Emblem gets blatant preferential treatment by Nintendo. While it is justified as them wanting to show off the new FE games in each Smash title, that Fire Emblem is all but guaranteed to get new Smash rep every time a new game releases has embittered fans of older franchises that Nintendo hasn't given as much love lately (especially F-Zero, Metroid, Golden Sun and more). Sakurai being an open Fire Emblem fan hasn't helped the perception of an inherent bias for FE, though this is usually countered by the low representation for the Kirby and Kid Icarus franchises despite Sakurai's own roles in them.
By Ultimate, a growing sentiment is that Fire Emblem is getting over-represented, as with the addition of Chrom it was now the third-most represented series in Smash after only Mario and Pokemon. Given FE's niche status in the West for most of this time, fans weren't very happy at this, partly for the aforementioned reason of wanting their own favorite franchises to get a new fighter (Metroid fans at least got a bone when Ridley joined the Ultimate roster and when Dark Samus became an Echo Fighter for Samus).
Ultimate's Fighter Pass 1: HOES MAD
Following Ultimate's launch, Nintendo released a season pass for five characters who would be added post-launch. Smash getting new fighters is notable not just because it means a new fighter and that franchise getting the prestige of saying it got into Smash, but because it means new music that can be used (unless you're Cloud) during matches. For the most part, the DLC fighters got really positive reactions due to the majority being unexpected third-party choices. Case in point, most players never saw it coming when during the Game Awards 2018, the first fighter would be revealed to be Joker from Persona 5. He'd be followed in 2019 by three more reveals: Dragon Quest's Hero, representing the more iconic protagonists in the legendary JRPG franchise, Banjo and Kazooie from the cult Microsoft series, and Terry Bogard from the SNK franchise (shout out to Sakurai's history lesson that's pretending to be a showcase for Terry, which also involves Sakurai's story of how they got 50 tracks from the SNK games into Smash)
Also Sans from Undertale got in. This unironically led to an increase in Mii Gunner mains.
Terry and Hero would generate some salt in the West due to perceived antiquity and lack of pedegree/mainstream appeal (Hero being "another anime sword boy" didn't help), leading to a mocking response of HOES MAD from Hero's fans especially, though Terry's got in on the fun thanks to the pun involving Terry's home series, Fatal Fury.
Thanks to the four characters seen thus far, the expectation was that Fighters Pass 1 would be made entirely of third party characters, and as January 2020 rolled around the expectations were high as to who would get in. Sora from Kingdom Hearts was a popular choice, alongside Geno from the Mario RPG series. Some dumbasses even wanted Tracer from Overwatch, partly thanks to Blizzard all but openly begging Nintendo for a Smash invite. The one with the most consistent support was Dante from the Devil May Cry series. And a few accidental coincidences boosted the idea of Dante getting in:
With expectations set high, everyone tuned in on January 16th 2020 to see the final Season 1 character... and it was Byleth, the player character of Three Houses.
Another fucking Fire Emblem rep. The internet took it well, as you'd expect. Dante's fans just resorted to sad memes and jokes about one of Byleth's alt skins being "close enough" to let them pretend Byleth was Dante.
Smash likes to date around, and Fire Emblem is that girl that he always goes back to.
Byleth Joins The Roster: The Salt Mines Floweth
Byleth's announcement generates some of the most negative reactions to a Smash fighter yet seen, boasting the largest like-dislike ratios of Ultimate's DLC, and only matched for disliked announcements across the entire franchise by Corrin.
A lot of people weren't happy at Byleth's inclusion, suffice to say, though like Terry and Hero the HOES MAD crowd came back for another go around. It didn't help how utterly predictable it was given it was a historical recreation of Corrin's inclusion in WiiU/3DS. While Byleth had been predicted, many expected the mechanical variance would be that Byleth would function similar to the Pokemon Trainer (who swaps between the Gen 1 Pokemon) in that Byleth would command Claude, Dimitri and Edlegard from the sidelines. Instead, Byleth had four weapons- three representing each of the House Leaders alongside their own custom whip-sword, the Sword of the Creator. That being said, at least Nintendo were somewhat self aware about it this time, given the reveal had supporting character Sothis mock Byleth for losing a fight by going "Too many swordsmen, were there?" as a way to reveal that Byleth's female variant would join the roster.
While Byleth did offer some mechanical variety from the other FE reps, some were disappointed that Byleth specifically was representing Three Houses, due to Byleth's personality not being one of their selling points. Perhaps it would have been more preferable to have one of the House Leaders instead represent the game, but given how any one being selected would have been seen as favoritism of the Leaders (and the arguments about said Leaders being quite vicious), Byleth was the safest choice, if perhaps the most predictable. Fans of Xenoblade 2 were also unhappy at clear bias on Sakurai's part, given he'd previously said Rex, the MC, was from too new a game to qualify for a roster slot in Ultimate. In comparrison, Sakurai admitted in his presentation of Byleth that he pestered the developers to get early access copies of Three Houses to get to plan out Byleth's moveset, which only helped the idea of Fire Emblem operating on different rules from other series.
Overall, Byleth was seen as a disappointing inclusion to wrap up the Fighters Pass, with the announcement honestly being more notable for the memes about the salt over the character themself. (My favorites were the ones about Joker adding yet another teacher to his harem) After the shock reveals from relatively niche series such as Persona and SNK, Byleth was generally felt to be an overwhelmingly safe option to close on. While Sakurai did announce Fighters Pass 2 in the same event, promising six more DLC characters for Ultimate, a lot of fans from different franchises were still let down given how unpredictable the first wave had been.
Fighters Pass 2 and the Byleth aftermath
Byleth would launch a few weeks later and the reception was largely "Yeah they're fine," after an initial launch of "Yeah you're fuckin' overtuned and overpowered." They got some people who main them, others swore off them, much like any other DLC character in a fighting game, and the salt gradually diminished.
In February of 2020, Sakurai would tacitly admit during a Famitsu article about Byleth's development that he was aware of the criticism about the addition, saying that he doesn't have as much power over roster choices as people like to believe (Byleth apparently snubbed a fighter he was much more enthusiastic about) but that he agreed that there were a few too many sword fighters and Fire Emblem representatives specifically in the game. Given Sakurai has said Smash will never have a roster as large as Ultimate again, it's likely some of Fire Emblem's representation will be cut down in future games as part of this culling.
That being said, I understand. First and foremost: there are too many Fire Emblem characters; and what’s more there are too many sword-users.
So far, three of the six planned characters for Fighter's Pass 2 have been released, with Min-Min from the Arms series coming first, Steve from Minecraft literally breaking Twitter (Steve's addition could be a post of its own with how much salt he generated) and the OG Anime Sword Boy, the One Winged Angel himself in Sephiroth being announced at the Game Awards 2020. We're still waiting for updates on when the fourth fighter will be revealed and who they may be, but regardless of who it is, there will always be a few mad hoes in the background.
Also Geno finally got into Smash!... As a Mii skin which led to the character's fanbase collectively reaching for a noose. These hoes weren't even that mad, it was mostly just sad.
Still. At least it's better than whatever the Walluigi mains are up to.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by GoneRampant1 to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Lessons I learnt the long/hard way, so you don't have to.

Update Thank you for all the comments below. I've tried to include as many tips and fail safes you have mentioned, in this post. I do recommend people read the comments as I may have missed some.
Firstly, thank you to this excellent community my PC is now built and working (pics to come in another post). I thought here are some lessons I learnt in building the PC, researching and other bits I thought would be worth sharing, as a lot of this I never had even heard about. Some will be obvious and others less so. I should note, that I'm not a pro or someone who does this regularly, just someone who spent a while reading around, so feel free to correct/highlight any mistakes, and I'll try to update the post. The descriptions, aren't really meant to be a full lesson about each part and will be lacking a lot of detail, but are more a jumping board for further reading if anyone is interested. For full information on building a PC I highly recommend looking around on YouTube and other sources.
If I get anything wrong, please correct me and I'll update.
On Monitors:
  1. If you are after 144Hz 1440p gaming, use a Display Port (DP) cable, not a HDMI, if you can. As you could be hampering your refresh rate, ( Update Although you could be fine if you are using HDMI 2.1, see link for more details
  2. Freesync vs Gsync. For simplicity, both these technologies aim to match performance on screen with your GPU. Freesync works with Radeon, GSync with NVidia (although some Freesync monitors will be GSync compatible, likewise for the otherway around). It's complicated and due to changes in the standards over the years it can vary from monitor to monitor. Make sure to do research on the specific monitor you're wanting to get/have. If you are buying a new monitor keep this in mind. UpdateAccording to comments freesync monitors will almost always work with Nvidia. As always, do read around about it.
  3. Windows by default is set to have a refresh rate of 60Hz, if you have a higher spec monitor you can change this to match your monitor in "Advanced Display settings".
RAM (All except point 1 was completely new to me)
  1. 2 Sticks of 8GB Ram will perform better than 1 stick of 16GB Ram ( Also when installing them, put them in the correct channels, check your Motherboard for details.
  2. Your motherboard will prefer your dual channel RAM to be in specific slots. I had an issue where I couldn't get the maximum performance of my RAM which I had placed in slots 1 and 3, but the moment I put them in 2 and 4 it worked perfectly. Check your motherboard manual.
  3. Enable XMP in Bios (This might also be called DOCP or A-XMP). This will vary between motherboards, but if you don't your 3200MHz ram is likely running a lot slower. In my build, XMP wouldn't work till I put the RAM in the correct channels, hope this saves someone the hours I spent finding this out ;) Update You can use Task manager to verify you have done this correctly. 3b. Someone pointed this out XMP may void your CPU's processor ( ( If anyone knows any more, please message me directly so I can add the details. This was mentioned by someone in the comments and I would rather pass the information and ask you to do your own checking as well.
  4. When picking RAM, frequency matters, but so does CAS Latency. You want high frequency but low CAS (CL) latency. I'd recommend doing more reading about it, if you want to know more I'd recommend doing some more reading, but the "true latency" can be calculated as TL = CL * 2000/Freq. E.g. CL 18 3600Mhz Ram has a TL of 10ns. Update Someone who actually knows what they are talking about found point (4) confusing if not perhaps misguided and I recommend you read their post here (
  5. Ensure the speed of the RAM is compatible with the board you are looking to purchase (or visa versa).
  6. Motherboards will have Qualified Vendor Lists, listing RAM they have tested and certified to work. This may be worth looking at. Just because your RAM isn't on the list doesn't mean it won't work, or won't overclock, it just means it hasn't been certified to, so do take this into consideration. (I found this in my build, while it was from Crucial and some Crucial RAM was on the QVL, mine wasn't. Thankfully it was fine.)
  1. Newer processors (e.g. at time of writing many AMD motherboards require a bios update for the 5000 series AMD CPU) may require you to install a new BIOS before they can be detected. Not all motherboards can have their bios updated without a CPU installed. When shopping for your motherboard looking to see if it does USB Bios flashback should be considered. This was completely new to me and glad I learnt it in time.*Addition* Newer motherboards don't require bios updates and so won't need this feature, though you will have to check.
  2. Different mother boards are compatible with different CPUs, pick your CPU first
  3. CPU coolers may need different mountings depending on the CPU. When picking your cooler keep this in mind, you may need to ensure there is an adaptor. Additions from the comments
  4. Not all mother boards have connectors for front IO USB-C. If this is important to you and part of your case, it's worth looking into.
  5. Using an M.2 usually disables some of your SATA ports. If you are planning on using all your SATA ports, make sure to check to see if this happens and how it happens on your chosen mother board.
  6. Some motherboards are built with Debug LEDs now that will help you diagnose problems.
  7. If you are after RGB effects, ensure your motherboard is compatible with the effects you want to add. There are 5V and 12V headers, so make sure they match. I'd recommend looking into this more yourself, as I've likely vastly oversimplified. (,as%20shown%20on%20these%20photos)
  1. Some CPU's have integrated graphics. If you don't want to buy a dedicated graphics card, you need to purchase one of these CPU's. You then plug your monitor into the motherboard.
  2. CPU's have a Thermal Design Power, if you are not using the stock cooler read up on it (,5764.html)
Component compatibility
  1. Make sure all your components are compatible. PC Part Picker ( is generally pretty good at this. If uncertain, this is a wonderful community to ask.
Power supply
  1. PC Part Picker gives you a good idea as to how much power your system will need, if not check the graphics card you intend to buy. Not all machines need a 1000W behemoth. Picking the right one will save you money
  2. Power supplies come with a rating standard e.g. Bronze+ etc..., this is basically their efficiency. (,36721.html). I think it's safe to suggest people should at least go for Bronze.
  3. Make sure your PSU fits in your case. I bought an ATX PSU, then decided on the 011 Dynamic Mini case, only realise it needed a SFX (smaller) PSU. I ended up going for a different case. Likewise an SFX PSU may not have the cable length you need or fit as snuggly in an ATX case (source: comments section)
  4. Look into the build quality of the PSU. A faulty PSU can cause serious issues down the line, so it is worth taking time look at PSU Tier lists and review. (Link provided by several commenters
Tools (OP Note: I've only tried Ninite)
  1. Ninite ( Is an easy way to download all the basic programs one tends to install onto a fresh Windows install, without having to go to 10-15 websites. E.g. you can select to install Chrome, Zoom, Steam, OpenOffice all from one installer. If you keep the install, it can also be re-run to update all the software in one swoop.
  2. Patch My PC ( Patches software on your PC (Thank you to the sys admin in the comments for this.)
  3. Chocolatey ( A powerful command line way to install and upgrade software.
  1. M2 drives can be SATA or NVMe, NVMe is faster. (M2 drives are generally plugged directly into the mother board, for anyone who until recently was using a hard disk drive and considered SSDs "fancy")
  2. I highly recommend reading this comment ( as it contains stuff I was unaware of.
  1. If your case has bottom intake or exhaust vents, don't put it directly on carpet, as it can block the air flow. (Yup....I did need to be told this ^_^, my previous computer just didn't have any bottom intake, hell it hardly had any intake).
  2. Make sure your mother board, PSU, GPU and all your components fit in the case. This is particularly worth noting if you are going for a micro ATX or a ITX case. Worth noting is to remember to include fans + GPU length, any additional length caused by radiators (if you water cool), the size of your CPU cooler (if you air cool) Additions from the comments
  3. When considering your case, if you are water cooling, "Room for 2x 140mm fans does not always mean room for a radiator as well". Make sure to double check the clearance. Measure twice buy once.
Advice on building (Notes and horror stories from the comments) 1. Many new coolers come with pre-applied thermal paste. If yours doesn't don't forget to apply it, to the CPU (See videos by people with more experience/knowledge than me on what to do). 2. Remember your mother board I/O shield (advice from the comments about making sure to put it in before you install the motherboard, mine came with it attached). 3. Make sure the CPU is correctly installed before you clasp it down. 4. If your motherboard has two slots to install a GPU. One of them (normally the top) will provide better performance. Make sure to use the correct one. 5. Make sure your CPU cooler doesn't block a RAM slot. In making my PC the AMD wraith has a notch on one side with the AMD logo, thankfully I put the RAM in first, so I swiftly learnt that I had to rotate the cooler 180 degrees to get it to fit. 6. If you can avoid it, do not build your computer on carpet (and do not stand on carpet when building) and be aware of static when building. If this is your first build, do some reading around this. Wear a static bracelet and attach it to something grounded. 7. Remember if you have a dedicated graphics card. Plug your monitor into the graphics card, not the motherboard. 8. If you are installing fans, make sure they are in the correct direction. 9. When playing the radiator of your AIO (if you are using one) make sure part of it is higher than the pump ( 10. It's often worth the time to read the motherboard manual. 11. This may sound silly, but cables and the sockets on the PSU are often labelled. Be aware of this, it will help you in the build.
More subjective advice
  1. I've been recommend by numerous people to go for Gold+ PSUs, with often being stated that while its more efficient, it will also be better made. Your budget may dictate otherwise. If you look through the comments you will frequently find the advice "don't cheap out on the PSU and go for at least Gold"
  2. For most users if your CPU comes with a stock cooler. It will be good enough. You can always change it later. If your planning to overclock, you likely know more than me, so feel free to ignore. Update According to the comments, AMD stock coolers tend to be considered good enough, Intel, not so much.
  3. A LOT of people below have said "Do not mix cables from different PSU manufacturers." as they are not universal. I don't know anything about this, so do some additional reading if you are considering doing so. Update From further comments this is something to take serious. Update from further comments, the word of advice is "Do your research before using cables not supplied with the PSU you are using."
Further notes from the comments: Below are points I've read in the comments that might be worth drawing to people attention. Please read around the topic if it applies to you. 1. One person has said XMP causes their Oculus Rift to do weird things.
Hope this helps some people. Addition I recommend reading the comments, as many people have put in their own tips/horror stories ;)
Take care all and Merry Christmas.
submitted by TabularConferta to buildapc [link] [comments]

[1.1 Update] Complete List of Verified Perks (Working / Not Working / Partially Working) [WIP]

Update: All items and perks testing completed. Still updating based on feedback as it comes in. I'll update the text below soon.
Update: Added a tab for bonuses per skill level and attribute level
Update: Tested the non functioning (Partially or Not Working) perks/items for the 1.11 hotfix. Several changes noted in the change log. I think I'll reserve testing the whole list for more significant updates, but definitely looking out for people posting/messaging about things they found that are not working/working. Already got 1 perk not working that was before.

Up to date Perks and Items and Skill Levels Testing can be found here: Link to Spreadsheet

Hope you guys find this helpful!
Reddit list last updated: 1/26/2021

Body - Athletics

Body - Annihilation

Body - Street Brawler

Reflexes - Assault

Reflexes - Handguns

Reflexes - Blades

Intelligence - Breach Protocol

Intelligence - Quickhacking

Technical Abilities - Crafting

Technical Abilities - Engineering

Cool - Stealth

Cool - Cold Blood

submitted by iCheekz to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

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