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Selim siphoned off Tk 13.28cr to Thailand

Selim siphoned off Tk 13.28cr to Thailand
Online casino kingpin Selim Prodhan raked in crores through online gambling in Bangladesh and amassed business firms and a villa in Thailand.

Selim Prodhan
For his investments in Bangkok and Pattaya he was known among many as Thai Don.

He bought most of the properties through laundering the ill-gotten money out of the country after 2018, investigators have learnt.

After almost a year-long investigation in a case filed under the Money Laundering Act against Selim Prodhan and five others last year, the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of police has come to know about his wealth and properties abroad.

CID officers found evidence suggesting that Selim Prodhan and the five other accused have laundered Tk 13.28 crore they made from an online casino trade.

"Since it will take longer to find the evidence of Selim's money and properties abroad, we have submitted a charge sheet against Selim and the other accused only for laundering Tk 13.28 crore," Special Superintendent of CID's Financial Crime Unit Mostafa Kamal told The Daily Star yesterday.

Officers also pressed charges against Selim's South Korean associate Youngsik Lee, and Bangladeshi associates Akhteruzzaman, Roman, Arifur Rahman and Chowdhury Golam Moula, said CID officials.

Four of them have been arrested and two are on the run.

The investigator found nine businesses, a villa in Thailand and two bank cheques of Tk 6 crore. Besides, 83 bank accounts of the six accused were frozen.

Mostafa Kamal said the investigation officer of the case CID Inspector Shahidul Islam Khan have the permission to launch an independent inquiry to find evidence of Selim's wealth and properties overseas.

Selim also has bank accounts in the USA and has properties in Bangladesh, Kamal added.

Officers are not sure whether Selim has properties in London and Japan.

While he was remanded by the CID, Selim told investigators that after he went to Japan in 1988, he worked at a hotel.

He also claimed that he started a hotel business there, but could not show any document to support his claims, CID officials said.

Selim even stopped paying the rent for his office and home and used to scare the landlords, officials added.

On September 28 last year, Rab arrested Salim at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport while he was attempting to flee the country.

Based on information, the Rab conducted a 20-hour raid at his Gulshan office and Banani residence that day.

During the raid, the law enforcers seized around Tk 29 lakh in cash, currencies of 23 countries worth Tk 77.63 lakh, 32 cheque books of three banks, five credit cards, two pieces of spotted deer hide and 48 bottles of foreign liquor.

Rab investigators found that at least Tk 9 crore was deposited in a month to a single payment gateway used for online gambling, with the amount shared equally between Salim and his North Korean partner Doo. The duo had few more online payment gateways.
submitted by allbanglanewspaper to allbanglanewspaper [link] [comments]

What's the history of your Hobby ? How did your biggest Hobby become your Hobby ?

As in : What was your moment when you noticed "Hey, this could really be awesome as a full-fledged hobby, this is something that I can have a lasting interest in ?
My main Hobbys are primary Movies, Film & Cinema, as well as Manga & Anime.
Fair Disclaimer : This is going to be way to long, I don't really expect anyone to read through all of it. More than anything I wrote that for myself, I just felt an itch that I needed to type that all out for once.
For me it was when I first watched Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) and Die Hard (1988). I had watched them both within the same week for the first time.
But before I can talk about that, I have to go back a little further.
Up to this point I had only watched Disney Cartoons (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy), Disney Movies (pretty much ALL the animated Disney classics + some Pixar, I guess). Parallel to watching a lot of Disney stuff, I also read many many Disney Comics starring Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto and Many More (Here in Germany Disney Comics are pretty famous and well known).
And I watched A LOT of Anime (Shonen). And I mean a lot. My biggest Anime fandoms where no doubt Pokemon, Digimon, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh, Detective Conan and Inu Yasha. Of all these Animes, I had also read the Mangas. Later on, when I started to read more manga (including reading rough scanlations online) and watching anime subbed online, I got into Naruto, Shaman King, Hunter X Hunter, Bleach and Death Note. AND - what's important - even before I watched real movies I was pretty damn big on CLAMP X/1999, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Gantz, Trigun and a couple more I don't recall (Speed Grapher, Trinity Blood ?) ... So more mature stuff was not unheard of to teenage me.
I also was a huge Nintendo Fan : Super Mario, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, Pokemon, Kirby, F-Zero, Super Smash Bros. - you name it, but this is a whole different story altogether. I only ever owned Nintendo videogame hardware though and I exclusively played major Nintendo IP's. Never had a PlayStation, never wanted one. Yeah, I guess you can say I had picked my side.
Anyway, back to films :
The only live action films I had watched up to that point were superhero comicbook adaptations (DC Comics & Marvel Comics). I still watch those to this day, and I like them well enough, but I always knew and always felt that thes were just adaptations of a much bigger comic-universe and that there was verd little intrinsicly cinematic about then. Of course, with the advent of the Jaggernaut that is the MCU that has changed to a certain degree.
It's kinda hard to say why I was so wild for the Donner / Reeves Superman films, the Burton / Keaton Batman films, and yes, also the Schoemaker films (I know, I know ...) or the Raimi / Maguire Spider-Man films ... I don't exactly know why. Funnily enough I never really got into the DC Comics and Marvel Comics, which are the source material to these films. And neither did I ever really get into their cartoon adaptations. I am not sure why, wrong place, wrong time I guess. Plus I was effectively preoccupied with Anime.
Anyway, I suppose I was daunted by the sheer amount of material. I was always a kid who liked order and oversight in and over his collection and hobby. I didn't understand the publication history, multiple concurrently running series featuring the same hero, story arcs being spread out over up to 4 or 5 series, crossover events with other heroes, never knowing which crossovers are actually important. Add to that the fact that each issue in germany combined like 2 or 3 us-american issues, sometimes combining issues of different series into one german issue running under the brand of the main hero it featured, which made it all even more confusing. I tried to get into american superhero comics multiple times, bought quite a few issues and even read a couple of stories I really liked. But it just never clicked.
Then there are of course collected editions if story arcs or certains character runs by singular authors and artists (called graphic novels), but then there are also One-Off Standalone / Spin-Off / Elseworld stories and graphic novels. And last but not least, there are these company wide major mega crossover events that tend to reset large chunks of the universes and characters continuity. Supposedly in order to create new entry points for new readers, but I don't know ... To me, that made it even more confusing. Besides, I like to get a full story of a character I like. I don't want to be told basically "yeah, you know kid, basically 80% of what we have published until now doesen't count anymore lol".
With manga you have a clear beginning, one series, weekly or monthly chapters, collected volumes (tankobons) and once it's finished a clear ending. Sure it can be long as hell (in the case of One Piece over 90 volumes already), but at least when you read or watch it all you have a complete story. I guess I just always preferred that. Maybe that's why I liked the early Comicbook film adaptations of DC Comics and Marvel Comics : As a way of simplification.
Now, there was a time when I only watched DC and Marvel adaptions out of principle, even though even back then I already knew that some of them where pretty fucking bad. I had a weird obsession with Batman Returns though, which I still have to this day. Probably has something to do with the fact that I was like 10 when I first watched it and really, really liked Michelle Pfeiffers Catwoman, if you know what I mean.
But then my interest in - for lack of a better term - "real" Films started to rear it's head. Films that where originally cinematic.
I had a phase where I was pretty obsessed with the Die Hard and Indiana Jones movies. They proved to be pretty damn good gateway blockbusters. Indiana Jones functioned as a gateway to Star Wars and that whole universe George Lucas had created. By the way : Yes, I watched Indiana Jones before Star Wars. The Indiana Jones films also served as a gateway to ALL the other Steven Spielberg films (the serious ones as well). I was shocked how many movies I had heard of but never cared for were actually Spielberg movies. The unbelievable range from "Jaws" to "Schindlers List" or from "E.T. theExtra-Terrestrial" to "Amistad" or "Minority Report" first made me realize how important the DIRECTOR is.
After that I had a phase where I wanted to be cool and prove to myself I am hardcore enough to watch A LOT of Horror. My idea of Horror though, back then at least, was limited to 90% slasher. So I obsessed over Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyes and pretty much all of Romeros Living Dead (Zombie) films. It was arround that time that first torture porn wave swept over the Horror landscape and I was pretty proud of myself watching Saw and Hostel and talking about them at school, even though I remember HATING them.
During the same time there was the Fantasy craze of the 00's and I got pretty involved with the Harry Potter and the The Lord of the Rings movies as well, but that always remained a secondary interest. I never read any of the books of either series, I have admit to ny great shame. It just wasen't the right time for me to read young fantasy or high fantasy novels. Even though I did like to read as a child and youngster. But when Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings were all the rage I just was preoccupied with different interests, so it kinda fell through the cracks. I do however remember that I liked those films of Harry Potter that I had seen and most certainly all of the The Lord of the Rings films a great deal.
Anyway, after the Spielberg well ran dry I took advice from my friend who was a couple of years older than me. He was like you like Die Hard, well good for you since there's a whole world of 80s balls to the walls action flicks out there. Thusly, the door to Schwarznegger and James Cameron opened.
I probably don't have to tell you that The Terminator movies where my highlight (as well as Predator, which I was pleasantly surprised to learn had the same director as the first Die Hard). After I had seen Aliens, which I loved, I was shocked to find out it was a sequel. So I went back to the first. And so I discovered Ridley Scott. Funnily enough by means of arguably his worst film Alien 3 I learned about David Fincher, who remains one of my favourite director to this day. David Finchers two best works, by the way, are Zodiac and The Social Network, and not - albeit great - Seven and Fight Club, as many would have you believe. That is a fact and nobody will ever convince me otherwise.
Ridley Scott led to me discovering Blade Runner (the Final Cut on my first watch, thankfully) which, for some time, I was convinced was the final word in cinematic quality. I also developed an almost unhealthy obsession with the hard-boiled Michael Douglas starrer Black Rain. I guess it spoke to me because it was set in Japan and I was such a big anime fan.
Parallel to all this, roughly arround the time I started watching Cameron flicks, I also got balls deep into Quentin Tarantino. I remember I felt so smart and accomplished for having "discovered" Tarantino, I felt like a connoisseur of fine wine haha. What did I know he was mainstream. Well he wasn't for ME at the time. Needless to say, I loved all his films, even the slower paced Jackie Brown. Didn't like Death Proof so much, which was his newest release at the time. Naturally Tarantino led me to Robert Rodriguez, whose films I NEVER liked. Not even the ones generally considered good (From Dusk till Dawn, Sin City). For me he always felt like a pretentious poor mans Tarantino. Anyway, Quentin Tarantinos films taught me, for the very first time just how important a screenwriter and a good screenplay are.
After discovering hard SciFi with Ridley Scott and Christopher Nolan's The Prestige (who of course was on my radar because of Batman Begins and nothing else lol), I finally felt smart enough to tackle Stanley Kubrick who, as I had heard and read on multiple occasions, was supposed to be the best director of all time, or at least one of the very best. So I bought a BluRay set containing all of his films from Lolita all the way to Eyes Wide Shut. And while I am sure HE IS one of the best directors of all time ... for me ... NOPE. His aesthetics, his way of telling a story , everything ... simply not for me. Stanley Kubrick's kino and I would not become friends. Not gonna lie, that made me a little sad back in 2008 / 2009 I think, because I really wanted to like his work. I felt like I was supposed to.
But then I caught - totally by chance - Martin Scorseses Casino (1995) by aimlessly flipping through TV channels at night. It was the last 20 minutes of all things. I think I didn't skip to the next channel because I thought the verbal house fight between DeNiro and Sharon Stone was hilarious (Note : The only thing I knew Robert DeNiro from at this time was Jackie Brown).
Anyway, then came the montage of the whacking with House of the Rising Sun which culminated in the now infamous cornfield murder. It was so raw and brutal. There was no music. There was no style or choreography to the beating. It wasn't "cool". There was no heroic escape nor was there a daring hero swooping in to save the day (note that at this point I didn't know that the Joe Persci character was a despicable gangster in his own right). All of it ... it just felt like I was watching a real mafia killing. And I ... WAS ... HOOKED. I rented Casino the next day and watched the whole thing. Talked about it with the guy from the video store. So he gave my GoodFellas. Mean Streets. The Departed. Raging Bull. The Aviator. Taxi Driver. The King of Comedy. After Hours. Scorsese Scorsese Scorsese.
Now I gotta say I was never big on the crime genre, neither in movies nor television. So I probably would have never actively looked out for this movie. But I found it. And that's that.
While Spielberg made me love movies as a medium, Scorsese and DeNiro made me love the craft of actually directing a movie and the art of acting.
DeNiros filmography led me to the films of Francis Ford Coppola and Sergio Leone. And with these movies I realised why I didn't like Kubrick. While Kubrick was cold and sterile, albeit highly intelligent, Coppolas and Leones movies where more character driven, driven by plot, story and acting performances ... and in general simply "warmer", if that makes any sense. They just felt like their was more blood and life and passion to them, compared to all of Kubricks work.
I first got into The Godfather movies and The Dollars trilogy of course, but over time I came to appreciate, in some cases even love, the smaller, quirkier, more unknown movies of these directiors like The Conversation (a film that taught me the value and importance of sound-mixing), Rumble Fish (my first glance into surrealism / expressionism) or Duck, You Sucker ! which was the first movie that I watched that got a message through to me about genuine class struggle and the futility of revolutions though history. Apocalypse Now made me realize and think about for the first time in my life what philosophy is all about. Once Upon a Time in the West made me understand why people like the opera. Something I never understood prior to watching this movie. When I was watching Once Upon a Time in the West for the third or fourth time it finally struck me, that, by all means, I was watching (and enjoying !) what was essentially an opera on film. And finally, Once Upon a Time in America, which I first saw at the age of 24 or 25, for the first time in my life made me think about topics such as true lasting friendships, the passing of time, missed opportunities, my own inevitable mortality, one-sided love and bitter regrets.
And so films, my primary hobby as of today, HAVE definitely had a big influence on how I look at the world, who I am and how I think about certain things. And for that, I will be forever grateful.
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  309. Nester's Microbiology: A Human Perspective, 8th Edition: Denise G. Anderson & Sarah Salm & Deborah Allen
  310. Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Nursing Practice, 4th Edition: Karen Lee Fontaine
  311. FOCUS on Community College Success, 5th Edition: Constance Staley
  312. Ecology: The Economy of Nature, 8th Edition: Rick Relyea & Robert Ricklefs
  313. Gateways to Art, 3rd Edition: Debra J. DeWitte & Ralph M. Larmann & M. Kathryn Shields
  314. Construction Business Management, 1st Edition: John E. Schaufelberger
  315. International Economics, 4th Edition: Robert C. Feenstra & Alan M. Taylor
  316. Modern Dental Assisting, 12th Edition: Doni L. Bird & Debbie S. Robinson
  317. Buzzed: The Straight Facts About the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy, 5th Edition: Cynthia Kuhn & Scott Swartzwelder
  318. Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language, 2nd Edition: Clémence de Jouët-Pastré & Anna Klobucka & Patrícia Isabel Sobral
  319. Lost and Found: Helping Behaviorally Challenging Students, 1st Edition: Ross W. Greene
  320. Essential Foundations of Economics, 8th Edition: Robin Bade & Michael Parkin
  321. Drugs: Mind, Body, and Society, 1st Edition: Martha Rosenthal
  322. Discovering the Global Past, Volume I, 4th Edition: Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks & William Bruce Wheeler & Franklin Doeringer & Kenneth R. Curtis
  323. Discovering the Global Past, Volume II, 4th Edition: Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks & William Bruce Wheeler & Franklin Doeringer & Kenneth R. Curtis
  324. Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 10th Edition: Mosby
  325. Organizational Behavior and Theory in Healthcare: Leadership Perspectives and Management Applications: Stephen Walston
  326. Evaluating Research in Academic Journals, 7th Edition: Fred Pyrczak & Maria Tcherni-Buzzeo
  327. Criminological Theory, 7th Edition: , Frank P. Williams III & Marilyn D. McShane
  328. Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, 5th Edition: Susan M. Turley
  329. Starting Out With Visual Basic, 8th Edition: Tony Gaddis & Kip R. Irvine
  330. Criminal Justice in America, 9th Edition: George F. Cole & Christopher E. Smith & Christina DeJong
  331. City Politics: The Political Economy of Urban America, 10th Edition: Dennis R. Judd & Annika M. Hinze
  332. Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection, 11th Edition: Stewart C. Bushong
  333. The Undercover Economist, Revised and Updated Edition: Exposing Why the Rich Are Rich, the Poor Are Poor - and Why You Can Never Buy a Decent Used Car!, 2nd Edition: Tim Harford
  334. Primary Care Art and Science of Advanced Practice Nursing, 4th Edition: Lynne M Dunphy & Jill E Winland-Brown & Brian Porter & Debera Thomas
  335. Guide to Clinical Documentation, 3rd Edition: Debra D Sullivan
  336. Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas, 8th Edition: Klaus Wolff & Richard Allen Johnson & Arturo P. Saavedra & Ellen K. Roh
  337. Beginning Ethics: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, 1st Edition: Lewis Vaughn
  338. Mosby's 2020 Nursing Drug Reference, 33rd Edition: Linda Skidmore-Roth
  339. Community Health Nursing, 3rd Edition: Karen Saucier Lundy & Sharyn Janes
  340. Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model, 7th Edition: Edward Teyber & Faith Teyber
  341. Clinical Social Work Practice: An Integrated Approach, 5th Edition: Marlene Cooper & Joan Granucci Lesser
  342. Bacterial Pathogenesis: a Molecular Approach, 3rd Edition: Brenda A. Wilson & Abigail A. Salyers & Dixie D. Whitt & Malcolm E. Winkler
  343. The Little, Brown Compact Handbook, 10th Edition: Jane E. Aaron & Michael Greer
  344. America: The Essential Learning Edition (Vol. 2), 1st Edition: David E. Shi & George Brown Tindall & Erik Anderson & Jonathan Lee
  345. Essentials of Corporate Finance, 10th Edition: Stephen Ross & Randolph Westerfield & Bradford Jordan
  346. Business Math, 11th Edition: Cheryl Cleaves & Margie Hobbs & Jeffrey Noble
  347. Skills for Success with Excel 2016 Comprehensive, 1st Edition: Margo Chaney Adkins & Lisa Hawkins
  348. Writing Arguments:A Rhetoric with Readings, 8th Edition: John D. Ramage & John C Bean & June Johnson
  349. Introduction to Econometrics, Global Edition, 4th Edition: James H. Stock & Mark W. Watson
  350. Medical Physiology: Principles for Clinical Medicine, 5th Edition: Rodney A. Rhoades & David R. Bell
  351. The Norton Sampler: Short Essays for Composition, 9th Edition: Thomas Cooley

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Mega eTextbooks release thread (part-22)! Find your textbooks here between $5-$25 :)

Please find the list below:
  1. Psychology, 5th Australian and New Zealand Edition with CyberPsych: Lorelle J. Burton & Drew Westen & Robin M. Kowalski
  2. Personal Finance, 2nd Edition: Robert B. Walker & Kristy Walker
  3. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 8th Edition: J.M. Smith
  4. University Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 4th Edition: Joel R. Hass & Christopher E. Heil & Przemyslaw Bogacki & Maurice D. Weir
  5. Experience Communication, 2nd Edition: Jeffrey T. Child & Judy C. Pearson & Paul E Nelson
  6. VLSI Design Methodology Development, 1st Edition: Thomas Dillinger
  7. Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 6th Edition: Jeffrey M. Conte & Frank J. Landy
  8. Blueprints Neurology (Blueprints Series), Fifth Edition: Frank Drislane
  9. Lippincott Review: Pediatric Nursing, Fifth Edition: Mary Muscari
  10. The St. Martin's Guide to Writing, Twelfth Edition: Rise B. Axelrod & Charles R. Cooper
  11. GMAT Prep Plus 2020: 6 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Mobile: Kaplan Test Prep
  12. Personal Finance, Fourth Canadian Edition (4th Edition): Jeff Madura & Hardeep Singh Gill
  13. Parent-Child Relations: Context, Research, and Application, 4th Edition: Phyllis Heath
  14. Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus, 3rd Edition: Jeffrey M. Perloff
  15. The Culture of AI: Everyday Life and the Digital Revolution, 1st Edition: Anthony Elliott
  16. C++ Programming: An Object-Oriented Approach, 1st Edition: Behrouz A. Forouzan
  17. Applied Machine Learning, 1st Edition: M Gopal
  18. Reichman's Emergency Medicine Procedures, 3rd Edition: Eric F. Reichman
  19. Teaching Language in Context, 2nd Edition: Beverly Derewianka & Pauline Jones
  20. The Pragmatic Programmer: your journey to mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition, 2nd Edition: David Thomas & Andrew Hunt
  21. Texas Politics: Governing the Lone Star State, 7th Edition: Cal Jillson
  22. Tell It Slant, 3rd Edition: Brenda Miller & Suzanne Paola
  23. Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment, Sixth Edition: Elizabeth D. Hutchison
  24. International Law: Cases and Materials with Australian Perspectives, 3rd Edition: Donald R Rothwell & Stuart Kaye & Afshin Akhtar-Khavari
  25. The Humanistic Tradition, Book 5: Romanticism, Realism, and the Nineteenth-Century World, 7th Edition: Gloria Fiero
  26. Neurosurgical Intensive Care, 2nd Edition: Javed Siddiqi
  27. Database System Concepts, 7th Edition: Abraham Silberschatz & Henry F. Korth & S. Sudarshan
  28. Machining Fundamentals, Tenth Edition: John R. Walker & Bob Dixon
  29. MATLAB for Engineering Applications, 4th Edition: William J Palm III
  30. Writing in the Technical Fields: A Practical Guide, 2nd Edition: Thorsten Ewald
  31. Solitary: The Inside Story of Supermax Isolation and How We Can Abolish It, First Edition: Terry Allen Kupers
  32. Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory, Sixth Edition: Kathleen M. Galotti
  33. Economics of Macro Issues (Pearson Series in Economics), 8th Edition: Roger LeRoy Miller & Daniel K. Benjamin
  34. Longitudinal Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences Using R, 1st Edition: Jeffrey D. Long
  35. Our Most Troubling Madness: Case Studies in Schizophrenia across Cultures, 1st Edition: T. M. Luhrmann
  36. The Essential Theatre, Enhanced, 10th Edition: Oscar G. Brockett & Robert J. Ball
  37. Introduction to Probability (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science), 2nd Edition: Joseph K. Blitzstein & Jessica Hwang
  38. Mechanical Vibrations in SI Units, 6th Edition, Global Edition: Singiresu S. Rao
  39. Project Management Metrics, KPIs, and Dashboards: A Guide to Measuring and Monitoring Project Performance, 3rd Edition: Harold Kerzner
  40. CEN Review Book and Study Guide 2019-2020: Comprehensive Certified Emergency Nursing Exam Prep and Practice Test Questions: Ascencia Nursing Exam Prep Team
  41. Modern Advanced Accounting in Canada: 9th Canadian Edition: Darrell Herauf & Murray Hilton
  42. Clinical Companion to Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition: Sharon L. Lewis & Debra Hagler & Linda Bucher
  43. Games and Decisions: Introduction and Critical Survey, Revised Edition: R. Duncan Luce & Howard Raiffa
  44. Crisis Communications: A Casebook Approach (Routledge Communication Series) 5th Edition: Kathleen Fearn-Banks
  45. The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 7th Edition: Ronet D. Bachman & Russell K. Schutt
  46. Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics, 5th Edition: Robert O'Brien & Marc Williams
  47. Fast Facts for the ER Nurse: Emergency Department Orientation in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition: Jennifer R.Buettner
  48. Research Methods, Statistics, and Applications, 2nd Edition: Kathrynn A. Adams & Eva K. Lawrence
  49. Cracking the AP Chemistry Exam 2019, Premium Edition: 5 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review (College Test Preparation): The Princeton Review
  50. Ethics and Technology: Controversies, Questions, and Strategies for Ethical Computing, 5th Edition: Herman T. Tavani
  51. Marketing Strategy: Text and Cases, 7th Edition: O. C. Ferrell & Michael D. Hartline
  52. Cracking the SAT Subject Test in Biology E/M, 16th Edition: Everything You Need to Help Score a Perfect 800 (College Test Preparation), 16th Edition: The Princeton Review
  53. Fast Facts for the ER Nurse: Emergency Department Orientation in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition: Jennifer R. Buettner
  54. Rapid Access Guide for Triage and Emergency Nurses: Chief Complaints with High Risk Presentations: Lynn Sayre Visser & Anna Sivo Montejano
  55. Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5, 5th Edition: Robin Nixon
  56. Applying Linguistics in the Classroom: A Sociocultural Approach, 1st Edition: Aria Razfar & Joseph C. Rumenapp
  57. Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach, 3rd Edition: Alan Charlesworth
  58. Security Awareness: Applying Practical Security in Your World, 5th Edition: Mark Ciampa
  59. International Business, 7th Edition: Simon Collinson & Rajneesh Narula & Alan M. Rugman
  60. Contemporary Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, 5th Edition: Adrian Wilkinson & Tom Redman & Tony Dundon
  61. Illustrated Microsoft Office 365 & Office 2016: Fundamentals, 1st Edition: Marjorie S. Hunt & Barbara Clemens
  62. The Hastings Center Guidelines for Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment and Care Near the End of Life: Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition: Nancy Berlinger & Bruce Jennings & Susan M. Wolf
  63. An Ethics Casebook for Hospitals: Practical Approaches to Everyday Ethics Consultations, 2nd Edition: Mark G. Kuczewski & Rosa Lynn B. Pinkus & Katherine Wasson
  64. PRINCE2 Study Guide: 2017 Update, 2nd Edition: David Hinde
  65. Nephrology Secrets, 3rd Edition: Edgar Lerma & Allen R. Nissenson
  66. Nephrology Secrets, 4th Edition: Edgar V. Lerma & Matthew A Sparks & Joel Topf
  67. Canadian Tax Principles, 2018-2019 Edition, Volume 1: Clarence Byrd
  68. Handbook of Local Anesthesia, 7th Edition: Stanley F. Malamed
  69. Essentials of Comparative Politics with Cases, Sixth AP® Edition: Patrick H. O'Neil
  70. American Government: Roots and Reform, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition, 13th Edition: Karen O'Connor & Larry J. Sabato
  71. Canadian Tax Principles 2018-2019 Edition, Volume 2: Clarence Byrd & Ida Chen
  72. Single Variable Calculus, 8th Edition: James Stewart
  73. Auditing & Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach, 11th Edition: William F. Messier
  74. Management, Twelfth Canadian Edition: Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter & Ed Leach & Mary Kilfoil
  75. Financial Markets and Institutions, 7th Edition: Anthony Saunders & Marcia Millon Cornett
  76. Applying IFRS Standards, 4th Edition: Ruth Picker & Kerry Clark & John Dunn
  77. Fundamentals of Game Design, 3rd Edition: Ernest Adams
  78. Macroeconomics as a Second Language, 1st Edition: Martha L. Olney
  79. Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science, 9th Edition: Tom S. Garrison
  80. Examples & Explanations for Contracts, 7th Edition: Brian A. Blum
  81. In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups and Teams, 10th Edition: J. Dan Rothwell
  82. The Global Casino: An Introduction to Environmental Issues, 6th Edition: Nick Middleton
  83. Fixed Income Analysis Workbook (CFA Institute Investment Series 7), 2nd Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
  84. The Business Student's Guide to Sustainable Management, 2nd Edition: Petra Molthan-Hill
  85. University Physics for the Physical and Life Sciences, Volume 1, 1st Edition: Philip R. Kesten & David L. Tauck
  86. AP Biology Prep Plus 2018-2019: 2 Practice Tests + Study Plans + Targeted Review & Practice + Online: Kaplan Test Prep
  87. Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization, Fifth Edition: David Coghlan
  88. 5 Steps to a 5: AP Biology 2019, 1st Edition: Mark Anestis & Kellie Ploeger Cox
  89. Cases & Materials on International Law, 6th Edition: Martin Dixon & Robert McCorquodale & Sarah Williams
  90. Essential Microbiology for Dentistry, 4th Edition: Lakshman Samaranayake
  91. Facilities Planning, 4th Edition: James A. Tompkins & John A. White & Yavuz A. Bozer & J. M. A. Tanchoco
  92. Mammalogy, 6th Edition: Terry A. Vaughan & James M. Ryan & Nicholas J. Czaplewski
  93. Property (Examples & Explanations), 6th Edition: Barlow Burke & Joseph Snoe
  94. Examples & Explanations: Civil Procedure, 8th Edition: Joseph W. Glannon
  95. Classroom Management for Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: A Step-by-Step Guide for Educators, 1st Edition: Roger Pierangelo & George A. Giuliani
  96. In the Beginning: An Introduction to Archaeology, 13th Edition: Brian M. Fagan & Nadia Durrani
  97. Fundamentals of Crime Mapping, 2nd Edition: Bryan Hill & Rebecca Paynich
  98. Mathematics of Finance, 7th Edition: Robert Brown & Steve Kopp & Petr Zima
  99. Environmental Science for AP®, 3rd Edition: Andrew Friedland & Rick Relyea
  100. The Bedford Reader, 13th Edition: X. J. Kennedy & Dorothy M. Kennedy & Jane E. Aaron & Ellen Kuhl Repetto
  101. Introducing Human Geographies, 3rd Edition: Paul Cloke & Philip Crang & Mark Goodwin
  102. Emerging: Contemporary Readings for Writers, 4th Edition: Barclay Barrios
  103. Janeway's Immunobiology (Immunobiology: The Immune System (Janeway)), 8th Edition: Kenneth Murphy
  104. Physical Chemistry: Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences, 5th Edition: Tinoco & Sauer & James & Joseph & Harbison & Rovnyak
  105. A Pocket Style Manual, 8th Edition: Diana Hacker & Nancy Sommers
  106. Toward a New Psychology of Women, 2nd Edition: Jean Baker Miller
  107. Campbell Essential Biology, 7th Edition: Eric J. Simon & Jean L. Dickey & Jane B. Reece
  108. Mass Media Law, 20th Edition: Don Pember
  109. Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 6th Edition: Jeffrey M. Conte & Frank J. Landy
  110. Building a Practical Information Security Program, 1st Edition: Jason Andress & Mark Leary
  111. CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Study Guide (Exam CV0-002), 2nd Edition: Scott Wilson & Eric A. Vanderburg
  112. Children′s Thinking: Cognitive Development and Individual Differences, 6th Edition: David F. Bjorklund & Kayla B. Causey
  113. Intimate Relationships, 3rd Edition: Thomas N. Bradbury & Benjamin R. Karney
  114. Animal Behavior: Concepts, Methods, and Applications, 2nd Edition: Shawn Nordell & Thomas Valone
  115. Psychology: An Introduction, 4th Edition: Leslie Swartz & Cheryl De la Rey & Norman Duncan & Loraine Townsend & Vivien O'Neill
  116. European Politics, 2nd Edition: Paul Kubicek
  117. Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators, 8th Edition: Linda A. Roussel & Tricia Thomas & James L. Harris
  118. The Moral of the Story: An Introduction to Ethics, 8th Edition: Nina Rosenstand
  119. History of American Economy, 13th Edition: Gary M. Walton & Hugh Rockoff
  120. The PowerScore Digital LSAT Reading Comprehension Bible: 2020 Edition (The PowerScore LSAT Bible Series): David M. Killoran & Jon M. Denning
  121. Essential Statistics, Global Edition, 2nd Edition: Robert N. Gould & Colleen N. Ryan & Rebecca Wong
  122. Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation, 15th Edition: David M. Kroenke & David J. Auer & Robert C. Yoder & Scott L. Vandenberg
  123. Genetics: Analysis and Principles, 6th Edition: Robert Brooker
  124. The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach, 7th Edition: William Lawhead
  125. Fenway Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Health, 1st Edition: Harvey J. Makadon & Kenneth H. Mayer & Jennifer Potter & Hilary Goldhammer
  126. America: A Concise History, Volume 1, 6th Edition: James A. Henretta & Rebecca Edwards & Robert O. Self & Eric Hinderaker
  127. The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines, 11th Edition: Gilbert Muller
  128. Thinking Through Sources for Ways of the World, Volume 1: A Brief Global History, 4th Edition: Robert W. Strayer & Eric W. Nelson
  129. Sport Marketing, 4th Edition: Bernard J. Mullin & Stephen Hardy & William A. Sutton
  130. Algebra in Action: A Course in Groups, Rings, and Fields (Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts), 1st Edition: Shahriar Shahriari
  131. Understanding Analysis (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics), 2nd Edition: Stephen Abbott
  132. Management, Eleventh Canadian Edition: Stephen P. Robbins
  133. Cognition, 7th Edition: Gabriel A. Radvansky & Mark H. Ashcraft
  134. Women's Human Rights: The International and Comparative Law Casebook: Susan Deller Ross
  135. Security Strategies in Linux Platforms and Applications, 2nd Edition: Michael Jang & Ric Messier
  136. Latino Politics in America: Community, Culture, and Interests, 3rd Edition: John Garcia
  137. Understanding Research Methods, 10th Edition: Mildred L. Patten & Michelle Newhart
  138. The Complete Canadian Small Business Guide, 4th Edition: Douglas Gray
  139. Thinking Mathematically, 6th Edition: Robert F. Blitzer
  140. Interpersonal Communication, 7th Edition: Sarah Trenholm & Arthur Jensen
  141. Federal Tax Research, 11th Edition: Roby Sawyers & Steven Gill
  142. The Foundations of Dual Language Instruction, 6th Edition: Judith Lessow-Hurley
  143. Archaeology Essentials: Theories, Methods, and Practice, 4th Edition: Colin Renfrew & Paul Bahn
  144. Introduction to Forensic Anthropology, 5th Edition: Steven N. Byers
  145. The Common Place of Law: Stories from Everyday Life, 1st Edition: Patricia Ewick & Susan S. Silbey
  146. The Case Approach to Financial Planning: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition: John E. Grable & Derek D. Klock & Ruth H. Lytton
  147. Investments, 10th Edition: Zvi Bodie & Alex Kane & Alan J. Marcus
  148. Integrated Business Processes with ERP Systems, 1st Edition: Simha R. Magal & Jeffrey Word
  149. Applied Predictive Analytics, 1st Edition: Dean Abbott
  150. Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications, 12th Edition: Mark L. Berenson & David M. Levine & Timothy C. Krehbiel
  151. Mathematics with Applications In the Management, Natural and Social Sciences, 11th Edition: Margaret L. Lial & Thomas W. Hungerford & John P. Holcomb & Bernadette Mullins
  152. Sustainable Marketing, 1st Edition: Diane Martin & John Schouten
  153. Knowledge Development in Nursing: Theory and Process, 10th Edition: Peggy L. Chinn & Maeona K. Kramer
  154. Supply Chain Logistics Management, 5th Edition: Donald Bowersox & David Closs & M. Bixby Cooper
  155. Psychology: Themes and Variations, 5th Canadian Edition: Wayne Weiten & Doug McCann
  156. Statistics and Data Analysis for Social Science, 2nd Edition: Eric Jon Krieg
  157. The Powerscore LSAT Logic Games Bible Workbook Revised, Workbook Edition: David M. Killoran
  158. Auditing & Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach, 11th Edition: William F. Messier
  159. Management, 12th Canadian Edition: Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter & Ed Leach & Mary Kilfoil
  160. The PowerScore Digital LSAT Logic Games Bible (Powerscore Test Preparation), 2020th Edition: David M. Killoran
  161. The PowerScore Digital LSAT Logical Reasoning Bible: 2020 Edition (The PowerScore LSAT Bible Series Book 2): David M. Killoran & David Killoran
  162. Marketing Management: The Big Picture, 1st Edition: Christie L. Nordhielm & Marta Dapena-Baron
  163. Chicago: An economic history, 1st Edition: John F. McDonald
  164. The Hold Life Has: Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean Community, 2nd Edition: Catherine J. Allen
  165. Social Injustice and Public Health, 3rd Edition: Barry S. Levy
  166. Promotional Marketing, 2nd Edition: Roddy Mullin
  167. Understanding Pathophysiology, 1st Canadian Edition: Sue E. Huether & Kathryn L. McCance & Mohamed Toufic El-Hussein
  168. Microeconomics, Sixteenth Canadian Edition: Christopher T.S. Ragan
  169. Corporate Finance, Fourth Canadian Edition: Jonathan Berk & Peter DeMarzo & David Stangeland
  170. Learning & Behavior, 8th Edition: James E. Mazur
  171. Essentials of Psychological Testing (Essentials of Behavioral Science), 2nd Edition: Susana Urbina
  172. Interrupting Racism: Equity and Social Justice in School Counseling, 1st Edition: Rebecca Atkins & Alicia Oglesby
  173. Business Communication: Process and Product, 6th Brief Canadian Edition: Mary Guffey & Dana Loewy & Esther Griffin
  174. Engineering Economic Analysis, 14th Edition: Don Newnan & Ted Eschenbach & Jerome Lavelle & Neal Lewis
  175. Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior, 10th Edition: Frank E. Hagan & Leah E. Daigle
  176. Eating NAFTA: Trade, Food Policies, and the Destruction of Mexico, 1st Edition: Alyshia Gálvez
  177. Kielhofner's Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Application, 5th Edition: Renee Taylor
  178. The American Irish: A History, 1st Edition: Kevin Kenny
  179. Nursing Theorists and Their Work, 9th Edition: Martha Raile Alligood
  180. Trial Techniques and Trials (Aspen Coursebook Series), 10th Edition: Thomas A. Mauet
  181. Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law, 8th Edition: Alexander Orakhelashvili
  182. Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems, 3rd Edition: Jamie A. Gruman & Frank W. Schneider & Larry M. Coutts
  183. Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers, Sixth Canadian Edition: Lynn Quitman Troyka
  184. Software Requirements (Developer Best Practices), 3rd Edition: Karl Wiegers & Joy Beatty
  185. Beginning ASP.NET 4.5.1: in C# and VB (Wrox Programmer to Programmer), 1st Edition: Imar Spaanjaars
  186. Modern Dental Assisting, 12th Edition: Doni L. Bird & Debbie S. Robinson
  187. The First Interview, 4th Edition: James Morrison
  188. Hope and Healing in Urban Education: How Urban Activists and Teachers are Reclaiming Matters of the Heart, 1st Edition: Shawn Ginwright
  189. Nutrition for Sport and Exercise, 4th Edition: Marie Dunford & J. Andrew Doyle
  190. A Practical Guide to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, 2004th Edition: Steven C. Hayes & Kirk D. Strosahl
  191. Biological Science, 5th Edition: Scott Freeman & Kim Quillin & Lizabeth Allison
  192. Seven Myths of the Spanish Conquest, 1st Edition: Matthew Restall
  193. American Homicide, First Edition: Richard M. Hough
  194. Becoming America, Volume II: From Reconstruction, 1st Edition: David Henkin & Rebecca McLennan
  195. Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering: An Integrated Approach, 5th Edition, International Student Version: William D. Callister & David G. Rethwisch
  196. Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning, 2020 Edition, 23rd Edition: Sally Jones
  197. McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Business Entities, 2020 Edition, 11th Edition: Brian Spilker
  198. McGraw-Hill's Essentials of Federal Taxation, 2020 Edition, 11th Edition: Brian Spilker
  199. McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities, 2020 Edition, 11th Edition: Brian Spilker
  200. Linux+ and LPIC-1 Guide to Linux Certification, 5th Edition: Jason Eckert
  201. American Government: Brief Version, 11th Edition: James Q. Wilson & John J. DiIulio & Meena Bose
  202. The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, 10th Edition: James M. Rubenstein
  203. The Fantasy Sport Industry: Games within Games, 1st Edition: Andrew C. Billings & Brody J. Ruihley
  204. The World is a Text: Writing About Visual and Popular Culture: Updated Compact Edition Compact: Jonathan Silverman & Dean Rader
  205. Doing Good: Passion and Commitment for Helping Others, 1st Edition: Jeffrey Kottler
  206. Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, 5th Edition: Linda Null
  207. Rodak's Hematology: Clinical Principles and Applications, 6th Edition: Elaine M. Keohane & Catherine N. Otto & Jeanine M. Walenga
  208. Project Management: Process, Technology and Practice, 1st Edition: Ganesh Vaidyanathan
  209. Financial Accounting, 8th Edition: Robert Libby & Patricia Libby & Daniel Short
  210. Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis: Text and Cases, 12th edition: Richard G. Schroeder
  211. International Accounting, 5th Edition: Timothy Doupnik & Mark Finn & Giorgio Gotti & Hector Perera
  212. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 8th Edition: Richard A Brealey & Stewart C Myers & Alan J. Marcus
  213. Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities, 18th Edition: Jacqueline Reck
  214. Financial Markets and Institutions, 7th Edition: Anthony Saunders & Marcia Cornett
  215. Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, 5th Edition: Nivaldo J. Tro
  216. Introduction to Cinematography: Learning Through Practice, 1st Edition: Tania Hoser
  217. Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences, 5th Edition: Alan Agresti
  218. Management Accounting in a Dynamic Environment, 1st Edition: Cheryl S. McWatters & Jerold L. Zimmerman
  219. Intercultural Communication: A Peacebuilding Perspective, 1st Edition: Martin S. Remland & Tricia S. Jones
  220. Human Anatomy & Physiology, 11th Edition: Elaine N. Marieb & Katja Hoehn
  221. Exploring Physical Geography, 2nd Edition: Stephen Reynolds & Robert V. Rohli & Julia Johnson
  222. Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education, 7th Edition: Sonia Nieto & Patty Bode
  223. Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 9th Edition: Geri LoBiondo-Wood & Judith Haber
  224. Emergency Public Health: Preparedness and Response, 1st Edition: Girish Bobby Kapur & Jeffrey P. Smith
  225. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Selected Works, 1st Edition: Juana Inés de la Cruz & Edith Grossman & Julia Alvarez
  226. Health Promotion for Nurses: A Practical Guide, 1st Edition: Carolyn Chambers Clark & Karen K. Paraska
  227. Introduction to Statistics and SPSS in Psychology: Andrew Mayers
  228. Primary Care of Women, 2nd Edition: Barbara K. Hackley & Jan M. Kriebs
  229. Empowerment Series: Becoming An Effective Policy Advocate, 8th Edition: Bruce S. Jansson
  230. Clinical Hematology Atlas, 5th Edition: Bernadette F. Rodak & Jacqueline H. Carr
  231. Argumentation: Keeping Faith with Reason, 1st Edition: Edward Schiappa & John P. Nordin
  232. Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation, 4th Edition: Sharan B. Merriam
  233. Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination, 8th Edition: Silvestri & Linda Anne
  234. Environmental Economics & Policy: Pearson New International Edition, 6th Edition: Tom Tietenberg & Lynne Lewis
  235. The Youth Development Handbook: Coming of Age in American Communities, 1st Edition: Stephen F. Hamilton & Mary Agnes Hamilton
  236. The Elements of Moral Philosophy, 9th Edition: James Rachels & Stuart Rachels
  237. The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need, Ninth Edition, North American Edition: Malcolm S. Thaler
  238. Financial Accounting Theory, 7th Edition: William R. Scott
  239. Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877, 5th Edition: John M. Murrin & Paul E. Johnson & James M. McPherson & Alice Fahs & Gary Gerstle
  240. Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, 8th Edition: Linda D. Urden & Kathleen M. Stacy & Mary E. Lough
  241. Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge, 4th Edition: Dee McGonigle & Kathleen Mastrian
  242. Human Performance Improvement: Building Practitioner Performance, 3rd Edition: William J. Rothwell & Carolyn K. Hohne & Stephen B. King
  243. Zionism (Short Histories of Big Ideas), 1st Edition: David Engel
  244. Acing Business Associations (Acing Law School), 1st Edition: Michael Chasalow
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Offisium Decentralised Barter Exchange

Offisium Network
Decentralised barter exchange platform
May 24, 2018
Introduction to the Offisium Barter Exchange Project:
Offisium is building the first decentralized barter exchange, a supply system of liquidity, and asset backed blockchain hub. It’s a cryptocurrency developed to replace the traditional “trade dollars” in the barter trade system. An open distributed system of liquidators which upholds barter trade conduct of all members of the network. It uses a mechanism of a protocol token to make a delegated proof-of-stake blockchain dApp to regulate the barter activities amongst participants. The decentralised barter platform hub allows businesses and individuals to trade their goods and services, for other member’s goods and services. Participants can buy and sell their goods or services as part of a global network. The network will help businesses gain access to a huge potential customer base, which is not accessible to typical competitors who do not use the network or hold and Offisium private key. This also works for businesses in guaranteeing to bring new customers allowing them to grow or to use spare or underutilised cash/goods capacity.
It will provide one of the world’s most innovative blockchain business models by making the barter trade process simple to manage. Unlike all other traditional barter exchange platforms, Offisium also allows for decentralised barter of other blockchains and between multiple blockchains directly without a trusted gateway barter currency. This is achieved using EOS smart contracts, protocol tokens to uphold correct market behaviour of matching transactions and invoices, exchange data for use with EOS smart contracts.
Offisium is a London based Blockchain Startup. A decentralised exchange where goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money.
The modern trade and barter industry includes four major sectors; retail barter exchange platforms (mutual peer-to-peer credit clearing systems), corporate barter systems (who perform larger company barter transactions), counter-trade (usually between sovereign governments and targeted on import & export of commodities), and complementary currency systems (local/community currencies).


1.Traditional Barter Exchanges (Problem) vs Offisium (Solution)

Offisium is the result of a close study of the current economic affairs. Nowadays we have a fiat money that is used to buy a certain labour (service). If I'm a plumber, I must work a certain amount of time per day and get paid at a rate. For my time, not the value of my work or my labour.
Because people have put a price on the value of what they do. If a doctor is saving lives, the value of his work will surely be bigger than the value of a carpenter who makes tables. So eventually, when we talk about hourly rates, for doctors, plumbers or attorneys, we are not valuing their time, we are valuing their work. And we use the time to derive how valuable their time is.
Offisium tokens value comes from the value of labour. The value of what is produced, whether it is a service, or a product.
This means that fundamentally, the tokens are not only acquired through purchasing them on an exchange, or buying them through an ICO, but also through using them to exchange service value between individuals and businesses. They are acquired by using your time and the value of that time at your work. To pay for another service or good, using your own service or good.
If a doctor needs a tutor to teach his child, instead of paying him with dollars from his bank account (cash). He pays him with his service as a doctor. Provided they are both members of the Offisium Network and both hold Offisium Wallets. The network here serves as a middle man to facilitate the bartering of these goods and services.
The exchange rates between the doctor’s service and the tutor’s service, will vary. A doctor's one hour may be higher in value than a tutor's one hour of work. For this to work, Offisium debits the doctor’s wallet and credits the tutor’s wallet with tokens that they both agreed to, to sell their goods and services for. This is the core concept of a barter system for exchanging value between individuals and businesses.
Offisium is aiming to use interest-free token lines of credits which will allow direct swaps between private key holders. Members may then earn token credits by exchanging goods and services among themselves. Which they can then spend again on the same network. The transactions are recorded in the decentralised ledger which is open to all members. Token credits are issued by the Offisium network members, for their own benefit and therefore considered mutual credits. The only difference this time, the transactions are open and transparent, and decentralised.
The real question however is, how can a barter economy be a better economy?
We first must agree that; “Any economy is a barter economy” One thing is traded for another, each party to the trade valuing what he gets more than what he gives. Always a win-win transaction, regardless of the items involved. But simple barter without a monetary system is like comparing the performance of a roller skate to that of a Ferrari.
And an economy whose marketplace is not entirely free, but whose prices are distorted by forced transactions via government interference, regulation, "protection" etc., is like a Ferrari with a flat tire and misfiring cylinders. Money is simply the most widely acceptable trade commodity in a "division-of-labor" economy. For some 5000 years that has been silver and gold, especially in coin form, which were arrived at because of their physical properties giving them the functional attributes of sound money: uniformity​, ** divisibility*, **durability, and **scarcity (limited quantity) *.
Paper "money" (currency), fulfils well all of these functions except the last. When more "money" can easily be produced without significant cost--as printing press products, or even worse, digits in a computer--those who control its production (and make monopoly laws forcing its acceptance in trade to the exclusion of other media) inevitably fall victim to the all-too-human temptation to produce it to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of everyone further down the distribution line.
The only purpose of legal tender laws is to force people to use something they would otherwise not choose for money if left free to decide. No one must be forced at gunpoint to accept good sound money in trade, at least not until they're brainwashed to the point of believing that paper, not gold, is real money.
Money, like every commodity in the marketplace, has a price. For the money, its price is the inverse of the price of any commodity. This is particularly easy to understand in the international money market where currencies trade against each other. The supply-demand-price curve teaches us that with increasing quantity, the price will decrease at constant demand, or demand will decrease at a constant price.
Flooding the marketplace with intrinsically worthless scraps of paper is not the road to riches. Except for those who do the flooding, spending their zero-cost fun coupons at the price preceding the fall in purchasing power when the market adjusts to the new quantity.
This is why prices continuously increases in a fiat currency system. Only when the market distortions resulting from the easy money misallocation of scarce resources causes the economy to crash so we see actual deflation as cash-strapped borrowers default on loans, banks go belly up, and goods are sold by desperate merchants for whatever they will bring in something a bit closer to a free market.
To sum up, a money-less basic barter economy is incredibly inefficient and paper fiat currency used as a money substitute in the marketplace is either just plain dishonest or rife for abuse by the bankers who control it.
A free market economy based on honest commodity money has proved itself the best system imaginable to date to provide a steadily increasing quality of life for the most people. Therefore, we introduced Offisium as a solution to both problems.
A network of money-less exchange of value, using the most efficient, immutable, transparent and decentralised ledger. The blockchain.
It is possible to argue that a system is not considered barter if there is a unit-of-account. (OFFS Tokens). However, that is an archaic and incomplete definition of the word barter as defined in modern usage. A system of barter implies organised barter, rather than a one-off. Perhaps it is a misnomer for the word to be applied to modern barter networks, but it is generally accepted. Governments totally appreciate organised barter networks.
If the economy is slow and the GDP is down XX% from peak, tax revenues are down XX% from peak too. That is the minimum that can be made up through cashless trading. There is always excess capacity stagnating in the marketplace for a need of national casino chips.
Trade monetises spare capacity and creates taxable commerce. Governments embrace the corporate barter industry, and in some cases even use them. Some key dimensions that determine whether money or barter is better are:
· The separability of money transactions from the enjoyment of the good or service in question, so that financial transactions don't mess up the creation of value.
· The credibility/stability of the money being used.
· The complexity of the economy -- the degree to which workers are specialised and goods are differentiated, making it unlikely that the producer of what you want is a consumer of what you make.
Cash Trade vs Offisium (decentralised barter)Trade:
Sometimes, money transactions surrounding a good or service affect its consumption value.
An easy, yet interesting example of this, is sex: its value to those involved changes drastically if it's paid for. When something has this property, we say that its value to the consumer is not separable from money transactions. For goods like this, the classic arguments suggesting that trade with money yields more efficient outcomes fail, and barter is likely to be better.
Less racy examples include personal letters, a friendly conversation on the phone, birthday parties, etc. These goods and services are more efficiently provided through a mechanism of trading favours and informal mental accounting, and in fact, that's what we see in the world. The more one's “use value” of something is negatively affected by the knowledge that there is an explicit, monetary quid pro quo, the more we would expect it to be bartered rather than bought and sold.
Effective trade with money also requires a stable currency. Whether it is something natural (like gold) that's used as a currency or something printed by a government (like dollar bills), the people involved need to have beliefs that rationalise accepting it in exchange for things of real value, like effort, work, labour, danger etc.
They should believe that they'll be able to buy things of value with it in the future. That, in turn, means they should believe that many others will have similar beliefs.
When there is uncertainty about these things, the uncertainty reduces the value of money and introduces a friction into monetary transactions. The uncertainty can come from not trusting the people who print the money: if I think they'll print a ton of it later and devalue the bills I'm currently getting; a dollar is not very valuable to me.
In the case of gold, it can come from not believing that the people I'll trade with in the future (perhaps different people from the ones I'm trading with today) will regard it as valuable. And the same can be said about Bitcoin.
A functioning currency requires a social setting that is cohesive and stable in certain ways, and when that's absent, barter offers a clearer path to efficient transactions. Of course, money has one main, vast advantage over barter: it overcomes the problem of the double coincidence of wants.
Suppose Ann can do a favour for Bob every day; Bob can do a favour for Charlie every day, and Charlie can do a favour for Ann every day, and nobody can do anything for anyone else.
There is no scope for bilateral barter in this situation. But if a favour costs a dollar, then Ann can buy a favour from Charlie for a dollar; Charlie can use the dollar to buy a favour from Bob, and Bob can use the dollar to buy a favour from Ann. Nobody needs to worry about whether everyone in the cycle is doing their jobs -- they just trade a favour for money in their bilateral relationships. Favour flow around the cycle efficiently with a minimum of explicit coordination.
Note that in this example, nobody values money in itself -- it is just paper: people only value favour. But money is the instrument that enables us to coordinate the flow of favour around the cycle.
Thus, in a complex economy, it is very rare that the person you want to get stuff from wants whatever you produce. (For example, the people who make burritos at Chipotle have little immediate use for the algorithms or economic analyses that some of us produce.)
Indeed, the kinds of cycles that are present in the real economy are very long. This is intensified when people become more specialised in their work, and as goods become more differentiated. Thus, assuming that we don't have the non-separability and currency stability problems outlined above, money beats barter by a long shot for the trade of specialised goods and services among a large number of diverse agents.
This brings us to question the difference between cash payments and a barter exchange of value. The answer is in what we call "Value”.
Nobel Laureate Al Roth published an article titled "Repugnance as a Constraint on Markets"2 where he explored the notion of associating cash Payments with Repugnance.
“One often-noted regularity is that some transactions that are not repugnant as gifts and in-kind exchanges become repugnant when money is added. The historical repugnance to charging interest for loans seems to fall into this class too, as do prohibitions on paying birth mothers of children put up for adoption, and perhaps prostitution.
That is, loans themselves, and adoption, and love are widely regarded as good things when given freely, even when their commercial counterparts are regarded in a negative way.
Similarly, in Massachusetts and California, it is legal to sell human eggs for fertilization but illegal to sell them for research purposes, although it is legal to donate them for research. And widespread outrage in Britain greeted the decision to allow sailors recently released from captivity in Iran to sell their stories to news media: after two sailors had done so, the remaining sailors were no longer allowed to receive money for interviews offering money is often regarded as inappropriate even when not repugnant.
Concerns about the monetization of transactions fall into three principal classes. One concern is objectification: that is, the fear that putting a price on certain things and buying or selling them might move them into a class of impersonal objects to which they should not belong. The sociology literature has shown a longstanding interest in how the introduction of money changes many kinds of social relationships and their meanings.
A second concern is that offering substantial monetary payments might be coercive, in the sense that it might leave some people, particularly the poor, open to exploitation from which they deserve protection.
A third, the concern, sometimes less clearly articulated, is that monetising certain transactions that might not themselves be objectionable may cause society to slide down a slippery slope to genuinely repugnant transactions. Experience suggests that ideas about the inappropriateness of certain kinds of transaction, even when this inappropriateness falls short of outright repugnance, can constrain market design.
  1. Offisium’s Decentralised Barter Exchange:
The barter system itself doesn’t have more specific weaknesses than any other human-driven system. Wherever humans are involved, there is an opportunity for scammers and cheats who are looking to take advantage of the system.
This is true for business and every other interaction between people. You can create official smart contracts and smart transaction receipts for bartering in the same way you do for business deals on the blockchain decentralised ledgers.
It merely involves an alternate form of payment (transaction). One might say that a weakness is how much more creativity and effort is needed, compared to walking into a store and exchanging cash for what you want.
However, we see this as a bonus because it forces you to network more effectively, build stronger relationships, and opens more opportunities for a decentralised transparent and trustworthy future.
Being connected adds that much more value to the barter, over simply paying a cashier and walking away.
  1. How is an Offisium Transaction Invoiced?
The invoice is raised just like any other transaction on the blockchain and is reflected in the open ledger. The outstanding is squared off by making purchases from the same account and booking invoices for the purchases made.
If it is a direct (10M) transaction, it is advisable to make the transaction back to back, so the outstanding does not stand there for too long. In case of buying and selling through an exchange, there are multiple transactions and outstanding is taken care of time to time.
Business owners love bartering because it saves them cash; It moves excess stock or idle inventory and fills up their downtime or spare capacity. Chances are you have conducted a one-to-one barter deal in the past and the outcome was a win-win. However, while these direct barter deals can be effective, they lack flexibility, which limits how often they may occur. The challenge with a direct one-on-one barter is you might want something that one business has but they may not want what you have. By creating a Crypto Currency of traded Offisium tokens, you can barter-trade conveniently with up to millions of Offisium network wallet holders worldwide.
Offisium creates a flexible, secure and fully accountable way for businesses to barter their goods and services with businesses all around the world. This makes it one of the largest B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B and B2C networks with Millions of participants who hold an Offisium Wallet and who will be effectively using barter to Gain new customers, who generate increased sales income. Move excess stock. Free up cash and Increase profits from the introduction of new business. Trading Offisium Tokens for the goods and services you sell and this value is recorded electronically on the blockchain and in your wallet.(Just like you do with a bank account).
You then spend your credit balance (or draw on your interest-free line of token credit) on goods or services from any other Officium Network member. This offers completely flexible trading because the purchase can be from the same business that purchases from you. You spend with anyone locally, nationally and internationally. You can sell now and buy later or buy now and sell later. You can use the interest-free line of token credit as working capital, even before making a sale.
Officium Network brings a solution to the current issues of Cash/Liquidity problems within a certain business. Most businesses if not all of them like to keep cash flow. And most startups fail due to cash flow issues. Being an Offisium member and having a line of interest free token credit, not only will allow you to start your project. But also pay for it back using the value of what you do. You could pay the network back by selling us your products too. This is also an opportunity for blockchain developers who have spare work time who could pay back the network by choosing to work for the network and help it grow in their own spare time.
Offisium transactions are similar to a credit/debit card transaction. There are several Point of Sale tools available to process transactions, including the back-office of our website (which is a bit like online banking), A smartphone app (Offisium app) as well as traditional methods. Offisium’s website provides real-time statements so you can reconcile all transactions. Offisium is a 100% trading system exchange. Every client agrees to buy and sell at 100% full Offisium barter using our tokens. There are practical exceptions to this rule such as property purchases, or £100,000+ capital equipment purchases with a minimum 20% barter component through Offisium.
Offisium will be hosting local, national and eventually international networking functions every month and regional Trade Shows. Our users are encouraged to participate in these functions in order to meet other business owners and promote their own companies. It is a great way to build up your business contact base.
Offisium token is called “OFFS” and is the trading currency that Offisium clients use to transact with each other. Barter transactions on the network are accounted for the same way as your cash transaction, therefore you claim Tax back on purchases, just as you do now. The tokens will be used as utility tokens.
To be continued...Offisium is awaiting the full public disclosure of its Whitepaper and Roadmap.
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